How I got the All Advancements Speedrun Record ft. Dream

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A seriously impressive sub-15-hour speedrun. It's super satisfying to see everything come together in this video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/taulover 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
see if we can get an attempt going today hey dream what's good you have words of encouragement wait are you calling me hold hold on oh lumina hello wow i was live you're gonna do it right now you're going to beat the game and you're going to get all the achievements and you're going to win and you're going to do it in 10 minutes okay do you want to hear me do you hear me you're going to hear me ten minutes you're gonna do i'm gonna do it you are you're gonna do it you're gonna kick some ass and you're gonna you're gonna get all the achievements all the advancements all the advancements on 1.16 on a random seed and glitch list you're going to break the record and you're doing it this stream right now so if you guys ever leave you are dumb you are dumb if you leave you better stay to watch this man beat this and you better use your twitch prime it's free you can use it you can click it it's completely free thank you i really oh i'm good um you know i'm just doing this challenge hopefully i can achieve it you know just trying my best you know chill vibes good here all right that's all i really had to say i just wanted to all right thank you so much that's so kind good luck on your uh your stream if you ever need more if you're ever doubting yourself you need some words of encouragement i am one call away i'm just just letting you know okay i'm here okay thank you okay thanks oh my gosh bye where the hell was that oh my gosh potato apple i need to make sure i cross potato and apple off cook steak bam completed let's get all these out of the way raw pork chop is done okay that's done whatever i'll probably i'll i'll probably eat these at some point okay let's go find lava whoa desert dude this seeds really good we got an ocean next to spawn and we got a village next to spawn that's really good the only two other things we need for how do we get here next to spawn is well we need the ocean monument which i'm sure like this looks like a big ocean i'm sure there's one somewhere and i need a pillar drought post preferably as close to spawn as it can be we gotta get to the nether i like the biome i like for is that a bastion did i get gold boots i think i should because i might go to the bastion and gold boots are pretty staying useful for that uh this is such a bad bastion it's like this i think this is where did you come from yeah this is like the worst bastion oh my gosh where do i go then i'll go in the basalt i guess i don't know [Music] [Music] yeah dreams marrying fundy i think i ship them no i'm not i'm not writing i'm not writing anything down i'm deleting it i'm like checking it off i do need to kill a pigment eventually i guess i can take the netherwart i mean why not come on give me both wither skulls come on i know we can do it oh my god what the frick i was just kidding it's okay if i die here's a look bam [Music] i really hate this freaking bastion this is the worst bastion of of all are all of those guys mad at me what is yo i'll take it i guess i can go back up then let's get the freak out of here scoobs yeah i'm using f3 for this i'm not using it a lot i'm mostly using it for two advancements if i was more prepared for this i probably could do this without f3 but let's go please i know i'm above it i know i am how did i miss it i am sad how did i possibly miss this oh i pulled a dmx dmx would be proud my theory is that it's here that's my theory okay my theory was right oh i need to kill silverfish whatever i say i can just kill the dragon guys i have bows and arrows this time go go go go i don't plan on sleeping [Music] bam bam we got food i'll bring the gold why not let's just go let's see what we can do with the elytra stuff i know about coarse fruit um i guess i can do that now why not wait is that it oh my god it's right there let's go let's go it's the russell got the ship let's go let's go thank god yo what the freak efficient c5 what the frick yo this pearl i guess i can pro from here [Music] yo pretty good nice yo way prod four on dude all right i need to do one more advancement oh wait let me drink these so i can get the bottles i need to do one more advancement where's that other guy [Music] let's go i need to save a lot of these guys for how did we get here i think we did everything we need to do here though so let's get out of here okay this is gonna be my how did we get here chest um i guess wither skull counts as that i guess i don't know let's find a library thanks for the tip what house would you be in here we're gonna use my shovel to get 15 bookshelves i think this is faster ooh yes let's go silk dutch let's go okay there could be another library though usually when there's a stronghold this big it usually means there's two libraries imagine if i get looting three can you even get looting three i don't even think you can another so touch one what the frick i don't think i need that though unbreaking three i could use that for the elytra let's freaking go i need two for the thing and i need two for this sword guys i want to go home let's go let's go back home [Music] let's make enchantment table and sword for looting three let's use the grindstone on this or use this get us some xp we're gonna make a sword and then i'm gonna anvil the swords together okay looting three i need looting three oh yeah piercing four i not gone in piercing four yet oh so they got a piercing for now let's do it okay this is what we're gonna do [Music] let me tame cows or breed cows whatever same thing are there more than one chicken [Music] okay we got that at least thank you so the electro is good i can at least try out guys i can at least travel so that's good even even if i don't have looting three can at least do that why are you going over here buddy come back you know what let's just get looting three come on give me give me looting three fifteen emeralds okay whatever bam i feel like so touch is best with efficiency five i guess it doesn't matter yeah just do this right man this is a pickaxe should i use should i do it let's do it all right let's get the thing now pog you oh god am i i'm yeah i might have to get more levels though to add it yeah animals i'm sorry hog i need root forest and root forest hills and you know i need to wait till it's nighttime so i can get xp and gunpowder we need to get root forest and root forest hills there's a pillar drought post let's go that's amazing we need an ocean monument as well it's gonna be huge for how do we get here oh is that a birch forest let's go i need bird forest and bird forest hills i think okay you're very stingy okay there's an ocean monument how far away that's not bad you know what that's not bad i could mark the cords maybe we got warm ocean is that all the ocean ones oh i need the cold ocean ones okay let's do our ballistic probably hit you i'm over here my list is very chaotic there's a lot of things i need to keep track of our ballistic is kill five different types of mobs with one crossbow shot get in there fit okay i'm gonna turn you into kfc if you don't come over here and i need the sheep i really hope i don't mess up the shot guys i'm really scared when i do this shot because it's like if i don't get the shot first try i have to do all of this all over again get in the hole [Music] [Music] let's go hog let's go in the tiger wait is that a mega tiger wait i think that's a mega tiger dude let's go i'm just going to kill as much creepers as i can i just want to get as much rockets as i can i really would like fortune eventually i really want channeling and i really want wait fortune channeling and what's the other thing oh i want like power for i want a powerful bow it's also what i want hopefully i get those eventually look at this dude oh slime i do need slimes actually i don't even think it well i need like i don't need that much our slime still around we're good that's all we need slime for leeds enchanted golden apple let's go rip let's put the slimes away that's for how do we get here i think i need to find a igloo with the basement which will complete the basic minecraft advancements curing the zombie villager oh igloo please have a basement i don't like all these mobs yo let's go i gotta stay around here though i can't leave i gotta wait till i'm like stuck here forever it's potion then yeah all right we gotta stay here what for a while how do you do beer oh i need do i need beaver seeds i thought i could just place a bee root i guess not i guess i needed the beavered seeds i didn't realize let's go zombie doctor let's go pumpkin pie wait is that a temple wait i don't think i've seen a temple maybe i just didn't find it when i was flying around i don't know i kind of needed i need sticky pistons definitely i'm going to need these come on come on come on let's go i got it wait deep frozen ocean wait deep cold ocean what do i need what do i need i need deep frozen ocean hog champ deep frozen ocean is done i made too much let's go yes trident plus rock hot equals okay uh we got the child into channeling now we wait for a thunderstorm uh thank god we got that shells are so hard to get i need the conduit so i need to get shells and it's so annoying to get that okay i gotta tame this guys so i can breed this guy with the horse and i can make a meal i think they're good there we go we just need mushrooms we need to breed mushrooms hoglands pandas ocelots rabbit striders that's all we need i need um paper guys hear me out bam um one two three four five six seven eight nine and 11 12 13 14. okay where's my bow i have one let's go shout outs to fruit for showing me that see if i can get warden mountains because i don't know if i've gone in there yet is this a warted mountain this might be a wooded mountain i don't know if this is what a wooded mountain is no it is okay now i can check that off i still need badlands bamboo jungle jungle edge mushroom biomes savannah savannah plateau although i might have gone on those already i don't know and wood wooded badlands plateau those are all the ones i need [Music] i'm gonna need like 20 blocks or so okay i need to kill a guardian come here die any tropical fish i'm sorry bees is there a nest oh jungle let's go melons i need bamboo jungle and bamboo jungle hills yes i need to breed some pandas let's see if i can find any there's a baby panda as well okay i think we're good i think i need to make the baby an adult your your mother can go in here guys i don't need i don't need um you guys don't know that they're uh that's that that was their son you don't know that [Music] we got an advancement pog let's go let's frickin go okay we just need mushrooms we just need to breed mushrooms hogland and strider so we have left i need to juggle it that's true i don't know if i've gone well that's like the frustrating part is i don't know if i've gotten one already i guess i'm just flying around until i see jungle hedge yes check that off we just need badlands and mushroom that's all we need is that a music desk what the heck i need phantom membrane i think wait yeah i need phantom membrane for potions so i should kill them [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo yes come on get the advancement now get the advancement now come on yes [Music] let's go dude let's go i was i was just about to say we need that we need the enchanted gap oh we got it let's go i really need xp oh let's go dude let's go oh my gosh all right guys this is looking good woodlands black way woodland this is woodlands right wooded badlands plateau we just have two more to go we need mushroom field shore and mushroom fields we'll get them at the same time oh i also need rails okay we can get rails too i need rails for how do we get here for the shulker yo let's go we got the cave spider [Music] okay easy clap bane of arthropods my favorite power four let's go i want that that's useful i'll just dodge this guy until i find another i guess i can dodge you all day buddy i can dodge you all day i can dodge you all day buddy what the heck [Music] what what two more shells two shots each please don't die on me okay okay looking good [Music] let's go dude let's go it's been 70 years or so it feels like it i have no reaction i don't i have no strong opinions one way or the other boom let's go dude bam bam [Music] bam oh my gosh finally i place this down as well frick am i dead yet i'm not dead okay good pizza's in the microwave hold on hold on make a powder powdered red why don't i keep saying powdered rail i think i need gold and redstone i need one of these i also need a redstone block and i need a dispenser how do i do that [Music] and i need an observer but we gotta wait to get that it's another thing i've gotta wait for that we need to find more bees you know the bees are gone i need five honey bottles four more i don't even need it three more for a balanced diet guys all three of them are gonna be done when i do how do we get here let's go dude that's pog [Music] whatever need diamond boots where are my books okay what am i feather falling for yes bam bam can i build up prods that's the question [Music] then i'll throw these away i think pro two probably cuts it anyway oh honey three more one more freaking honey lego thanks for the twitch prime one more for the honey block and then we got that advancement we got it we got the four this is ready [Music] and bam didn't it work bam why is this not working oh it's almost night i'm just going to kill spiders for straying that's so awkward ew why is this happening what happened what happened the game broke is 12 enough probably okay whatever i'm sleeping we're going to the frickin other let's go dude just get me out of this brussault this is the biggest bra moment ever i'm just trying to get out of this freaking biome that's what i'm trying to do that was intentional guys i meant to find this it breaks so fast oh i didn't even notice it just one no yo we have eight eight out of twenty four wait whoa [Music] guys i can marks off i can mark off zombified pig one let's go dude we're so close three more let's get three more screw it one more let's go let's go the fire protection is so clutch one more way i should probably you know what i think i'm gonna repair that because that's getting loud ish no my goo my diamonds are in the under chest you know what i can't even repair it whatever let's go let's go oh wait we can do the hoe now pause pause wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for a wait ah you guys ready for weather hunting you guys are you guys ready to hunt wither for another 30 minutes imagine if we get it right now one more let's go dude one more i also need blaze rods i need like i need a quite a bit of blaze rods i think oh yeah i need blaze powder to feel the i need blaze powder to feel yellow the fur what is it called brewing stand i need to feel the brewing stand oh let's kill a pig one need to do that let's check it off i'll make a staircase down i guess come down get down from there ah okay he's dead yeah we just need one more skull we just need one more freaking skull that's all we need yeah am i missing oh shiny what a simple achievement to get and i haven't gotten it guys don't you think piglet should be scared of me with all my nether right armor why are they why are they rushing me are they just papayas are they doing it guys don't look why is it not working oh yes i need soul sand oh god right at 11 hours i got the wither skulls all right next next on the list uneasy alliance [Music] i need to make the end crystal so i need to get gas tears i only need ten potions not even any nine potions because i'm already getting fire res i already have all the ingredients for my potions i'm pretty sure we got five it's all the gas tears i seem to find a good spot to make the thing i think lower is better that's a basic roll of thumb i think how about right here 20 on each side right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 right oh one more one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20. i guess i don't have to count anymore i don't think it needs to be even this is a big boy let's go through it just so we can get the chunks loaded let's go dude oh let's go dude oh my gosh [Music] how much do i even need i think i just need one yo it's this bastion again [Music] there's ancient debris but i don't even need it frick wait is this the bastion that has the lodestone in it ah it is wait we can get the lodestone i think this has a lodestone yep guys we did it there's also gold here we should try and get the gold and then we go over world now guys it's been great knowing the nether i do not have to come back here anymore the nether is 100 complete okay let's get back to spawns where's my compass i have a compass saved somewhere oh paw gu we're back at spawn boys so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna go strip mining for the rest of the blocks for the beacon and then i'm going to do the wither after that i think i'll use the cat as a bait wait where's my lead i need that papaya i have two of them cat you're going to become a wither rose i'm sorry that this is your fate but it is so i'm so sorry you're the easiest mob near me i'm sorry [Music] then i work no i got it hug you 128 131 we're getting there we're so close like 30 more blocks [Music] what are we doing okay i'm just gonna go back how are we doing on gold now 128 150 we're so close i think i have enough in furnaces too yeah i'm counting the iron blocks let's get out of here i think we're done getting blocks i think we have enough now okay let's make the station let's make the how did we get here station i want to do it close to dolphins ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for how did we get here i have cords of a pillar dry outpost wait i should have probably i'll place it down once i have it fully assembled sometimes you gotta ask yourself how did we get here how did we get here guys we're 12 hours in the run how did we get here the plan is to get mining fatigued and fly here get a hero of the village get bad omen get mining fatigue bring a dolphin over and then everything will be set up here for the rest good enough three four five [Music] hog i have a block or redstone i can use that actually perfect velcro will be here i guess we'll do potions all right it's almost done we just need to make this plash and then that's gonna be it i need my rails so the plan get the shulker in here put the mine cart here the choker goes all the way up here and then down there and i gotta get a shulker on a boat from up there so that's why the shulker is gonna teleport around here so i can bring the shulker from a boat in the middle of there and then it can be on a minecart and then go in there so this is going to shoot me with glowing this is going to dispense the potions beacon's going to give me haste we're going to get bad omen hero of the village and mining fatigue by flying around i gotta go to get the shulker now let's go dude building a bridge for the shulker let's make sure that when i come back i'm on this platform all right endermites come on finally jesus i want to make a straight bridge all the way to the thing we're not gonna shift and shift we're gonna hold control okay let's go a long ways am i going to fall this is still faster than loading times in gta 5. that's a that's an old joke please don't mess up please don't mess up please don't mess up oh no i thought it was going to not do that it's going to take a while [Music] i don't know what i'm doing we're almost there anyway let's just get up one more so in my practice i can't go full speed in boats because if you do that then the shulker can hit you but i need to like not go full speed i need to get shulker in the middle of this [Music] pog we have all the potions we gotta get bad roman first then here with the village then get bad omen again and then we gotta get mining fatigue let's just get the raid over with guys let's just do it i'll just go over to my ocean monument course it's not even that far i think kiro the village lasts for like 30 minutes guys i got it oh let's get my power for bow first let's not forget that oh where's my bow this is gonna be huge all right let's start the raid guys easy clap next wave has a ravager there's a witch oh gosh that's spooky the next wave is the only wave that has the evokers okay i need to make sure i kill of x and get the totem pill of x [Music] vex is dead [Music] okay we gotta go we gotta be quick we gotta be quick let's go back to the thing let's get back omen again then i need to get mining fatigue please give me the effect okay and then i need to get out of here i need to make sure my hunger's low [Music] just taste [Music] let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh let's go do the last things we need to do we'll make three i need to make one later i need to get a yeah i still need to get a vitamin d let's go [Laughter] [Music] just gotta wait till it gives me the advancement then i can die let's go dude let's go let's go time oh we did it so 15. let's go they're all done guys it's all done we got some 15. oh my god we did it the end another adventure husbandry minecraft we did it guys we did it oh my gosh we got world record by over 20 hours that's crazy uh i thought this was gonna be at least a 24-hour stream i'm not gonna lie there's the seed and it's time to make the cat grave rest in peace the cat it was a noble sacrifice to getting the wither rose it had to be done i am so sorry [Music] and that's it guys i still can't believe it i just can't even believe it that i actually did it under 15 hours that's insane
Channel: IlluminaHD
Views: 10,202,264
Rating: 4.9463925 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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