Why you SHOULDN'T Speedrun Minecraft 1.17 (& Other Speedrun Tips)

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yo everyone what's going on curry way here and in this video i answered a bunch of your minecraft speedrunning questions because of what i do i get a lot of questions asked to me that are super similar to each other and it's hard to answer everyone individually without repeating myself so much in a stream or in the comments so i thought the best way to solve that issue was to make a dedicated video to help people learn this was done live on my twitch twitch.tv so follow me over there to see more speedrunning content daily i really hope this video helped you out if it did remember to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already i really want to try and push for 250 000 subscribers by the end of 2021 that would be insane but that'll do it for me thanks for watching everyone and enjoy the video so i have been wanting to do a video i'm wanting to do a video where i take all the questions that i get asked like 27 000 times and we answer them in a stream so i need your help with that why is 1.17 bad that is a good one that is a really good one so let's start with that one minecraft piglen trades before and after 1.16.1 so here are the bars there are three things that are important ender pearls string and obsidian i'm saying you have basically a 10 chance to get one every time which is really good um because you only usually need like three or four when you're doing um piglet trades from bastion because you're most likely gonna get all the obsidian you need in chess and stuff and then string and ender pros are the two big ones which you have about a five percent chance of getting four to eight ender pearls or eight to twenty four string enterprise are infinitely more valuable than string though because you can get like sheep you can get beds from villages and get all a bunch of stuff which string is still nice ender pearls four to eight is the big one so if we go to here in the new bartering table this is two to four which is not good and it's only a two percent chance and string is then only three to nine at like a four point three percent chance and obsidian is one at nine so everything is worse literally everything this right here is the main reason why no one runs any more recent version it's not the only reason because piglet roots don't exist in one point whatever okay this dude right here he's bad we don't like him he sucks you know why because you can't do a lot with them they just aggro you and they do a lot of damage and they're not a fun time they're just straight up not a fun time you can't trade with them you can't de-aggro them they suck and they were added in 1.16.2 so in 1.16.1 i get comments all the time that are like streamer youtuber guy why do you not have piglet brutes how do you get around them i don't get around them i get around the version they're in they just dip dude i'm out i don't want to deal with them that's why we play 1.16.1 okay that is why we play 1.16.1 those are the two mega mega reasons these people are in 1.17 so sometimes people don't understand that like 1.17 won't magically like revert piglet trades 1.17 won't magically revert piggling brutes it'll be the same category like there's no there's no anything that has been like teased or shown or anything at all that would make people think that 1.17 is going to be a different version for speed running than 1.6 it'll be the same category so everyone will still run 1.16.1 similar to how everyone in the other categories runs like a certain version that's best for speedrunning 1.17 strongholds are deeper and not exposed that too that too is another major issue so 1.17 also just adds things that are bad because you're gonna have to dig farther down you're gonna have to do a whole bunch of stuff that's gonna suck and it's just not fun it's just not it's just not fun so don't play 1.17 if you want to like actually speed run for like world record or a good time and you want to take it seriously why do you get dandelions and bowls okay we can do that we'll do that one next we'll do we'll do pie chart and era we'll we will get to pie chart and era but let's do let's do bullets dandelions first okay we're gonna load in this world here sick glad glad it's a really good world dude awesome all right let's see what's in the blacksmith there's two blacksmiths awesome yep awesome three iron boots obsidian really cool five iron that's actually not that great if there's no golem oh there is a gold of course there is okay i don't care why do i care about the seat go away anyway um so we want we want let's get some bowls because i see people ask all the time what do we have bowls uh we'll set a block here we'll go to another and i will show you why we grab these so a lot of times i'll enter the nether like this obviously not in creative but i'll have bowls and dandelions somewhere in my inventory right so the reason you do this is because food can be scattered when you're going for like hyper are you kidding me it's housing dude are you actually serious is there a mob spawner of course there is yeah this game is awesome this game is so cool anyway mushrooms so if i was in survival here i'd be like ooh mushrooms very cool no one sees this chat no one sees this we're in survival oh my god there's both mushroom types wow cool so what you can do is you can make normal mushroom stew right you can make normal mushroom stew right here or with dandelions do this which gives you suspicious stew and depending on the flour you can get multiple different types of suspicious stew now this one in particular is very good and the reason why people actually do this one is because it gives you saturation there's other ones you can get there's ones that are completely useless like blinding poison um a whole bunch of bad stuff but this is saturation and saturation is really good because what it does is this another bastion are you kidding me but why saturation is so good is because it it makes you not have to eat a lot and it's better than something like regeneration because regeneration while it heals your health is great you still have to if you're throwing a lot of ender pearls in the nether or you just don't have that much food on you it's better for saturation than than than anything else um you can also get saturation with a different type of flower as well i believe it's the oxide no it's not oxide um it's the blue orchid and swamp biomes but most people grab dandelions because they're just more accessible so normally a suspicious stew heals three hunger or a normal mushroom stoop kills three hunger but if i eat this now it heals four it actually heals six and a half i just didn't want to run around for the hunger the entire time and you can see look at how much it heals my health how insane is that so that's why dandelions are really good okay that's why dandelions are really good and then like if i ate this again here like my health went back up to full and then i have to eat again it would heal for like entirely it would keep me saturated for like a very long time give me the last little bit okay there we go so i'm at three and a half hunger bars if i eat the suspicious stew boom pretty pog that's why people like suspicious stew with dandelions of course moving on let's do uh let's do e-ray let's do here this is actually this is actually a really good nether to explain e-way because we have two perfect examples so oh i know one we're gonna do this first actually we're gonna do this first before we do ebay a lot of people always ask like what why does your menu look like this this isn't like the default minecraft menu like for video settings and stuff and the reason for that is i use something called sodium by um mr mango hands it's it's a different release of sodium that is more optimized for speed running things and i'll leave a link to it in the description for you to grab it's really good it's really really good um and i highly recommend it but that's why my menu looks like this so i have different settings and stuff think of it at it as like optifine but like a different optifine right um that's probably just the best way to describe it it's like an fps booster mod it allows you to do some things with the game um if you're ever curious in my settings i could turn off my face cam really fast and you can copy them um but i'm going to show you something here which is related to my menu and the next thing we're going to talk about is something called erain which a lot of people always ask why are you like zooming in it's when i do this basically when i'm in the nether and i load in and i do something like this so normally as you saw my normal render settings are i keep on 25 and that's because that's how far i can like see in the overworld without like really lagging and then my quality i have something called entity distance and entity distance is at 100 when i'm in the overworld but when i'm in the nether i crank it to 500 the reason i don't always keep it at 500 is lag related and i crank it to 500 in the nether and then i take my view distance and i turn it down to 16. then i click apply and okay so basically what this means is it's going to render entities 500 farther than they normally would there's another setting that i have off all the time just called use entity calling just keep this off if you're gonna use this strategy with sodium we're good to go here we have 16 chunks we have 500 eddie and i just loaded in the nether so what you can do is you can turn your fov down to 30 and this is kind of just making the view of what you're looking at like more specific i guess is the is the right term it's like more accurate so you can see what direction you need to go and the thing that we're going to be looking at is this e counter up here now we're going to look at this number the first number and the second number the second number is how many entities are rendered entirely in like all of the chunks that you loaded and the first number is how many are in your current view and entities are important bastions load with their entities inside them so that means they spawn with the piglens with the hoglands with whatever and you can basically x-ray for them and it's called e-rain because this is an e so if i go to look at a bastion which we've already seen two in this world you can see this number kind of spikes here to 40 where this housing bastion was and then we saw another bastion over here which was stables which peaks to around 70. um if this number is higher than like 30 30 to 35 you probably have a bastion um and like stables is always like a super super big number so you get like 70 or so um if this number is higher than like 1 10 115 you probably have a bastion too this obviously depends on your render if i turn this up to like 32 i'm obviously gonna load more things but assuming you're on 16 which is probably like the default if this is higher than like 1 10 115 you probably have a bastion now i'm going to hide my webcam one more time this is a more advanced type of thing but if you look here there's something called m and c now m is 70 and c is like 30. so this adds up to like 100 right um basically if this number whatever this number is adds up and it equals this number like say this number was a hundred you don't have a bastion i don't know the specific science stuff on why this happens but basically if this number is like 20 20 or 30 lower than this number you have a bastion so if this was like 100 and this said 130 there would be like one bastion but there's two bastions so that's why this number is even higher than normal so obviously we can just double check this too i can turn my render distance or my fov back to normal we already saw that there's a bastion right there and then the other e-ray was showing that there was a bastion right here um and it's really really useful on figuring out like where you need to go in the nether i want to do fortresses now so chad we saw something else k4 has a really good video on this that i'll leave in the description but i'll talk about this one a little bit so there's something called the pie chart which is this thing down here i see people ask all the time what it what is this pie chart what does this do what does this do so if you press f3 and shift at the same time um you get this chart on the bottom but it's not going to look like that originally it's going to look like this when you load it up and what you have to do is you can see very small numbers down here and there's text next to them so you want to click on whatever number is corresponding to tick which is four for me then you want to click on whichever one is level which is one for me then entities and then block entities and this will get you to this chart right here and basically what this tells you what block entities are around so things like chests mob spawners furnaces this is how we can find blacksmiths in the overworld which i'll go show in like plains villages and stuff but for this it really is helpful in the nether for finding a mob spawner because if you have a mob spawner unless it's a treasure bastion it means a fortress based on the fact that we have two bastions here um there's obviously gonna be a lot of chests loaded which there are so this might be fake it might take us to a treasure bastion but this also is most likely to take us to a fortress like you know think about it this way it's like if there's a mob spawner it's basically like a 50 50 shot that it's a fortress um and if the number is like really high of this percentage it's at seven percent right now if this was higher than like 15 it's almost like a guaranteed fortress we know there's a bastion in this quadrant i've talked about quadrants before we know there's a bastion in poznegg we know there's a bastion in negneg so let's go neg paws and see what we can find because we know there's going to be boom that was easy look at that that was easy i'll turn my webcam back on too i forgot about it so we knew that because there were two bastions in these quadrants and we have a mob spawner the best way to go would be this way this seat is insane by the way yeah this seat is insane you cannot erade for a fortress so we talked about this earlier but basically bastions load in their entities when they spawn like it spawns with the piglens it spawns with the hoglands whatever fortresses don't do that fortresses do not do that for some reason they just they just don't i don't know the the why but you can't erade for a fortress because it doesn't spawn with the entities so you have to rely on the f3 shift that's the that's the best way to find fortresses at the moment before we do divine travel let's talk about let's talk about how villages and stuff work because this is something that i do a lot and people get confused by it so we talked about we talked about the uh f3 thing here right so in a plains village in desert village if you see minecraft colon furnace which is very obvious it's this white one here you don't even need to read it you just need to know that it's white um that means you have a blacksmith which is really good obviously um and it could mean you have multiple like this seat here so that's how i like if i spawned if i spawned like here on the seat right and i i usually spawn in i do like my f3 check i start my timer and i go and then i would do this like right away and i'll be like okay i know there's a blacksmith somewhere and i don't see it here i don't see it there it has to be this way and i would run this way and i would find boom blacksmith so that's something that can be really useful as well that i use a lot of times that people get confused about so let's do divine let's talk about divine travel hello there so you can press f3 g on your keyboard this is going to be talking about the vine travel now this is like super big brain stuff so don't feel bad if you don't understand it because honestly i don't even understand it so we're gonna look at our coordinates here and we're gonna try and get to the zero zero chunk which is gonna take me this way so what does what i mean by zero zero chunk is my x is gonna be super low my z is gonna be super low if i'm standing on this block i'm at zero zero this chunk box that i'm in is zero zero okay and i have a fossil now what divine travel is basically is taking a structure or a mob spawn like turtles or horses or something that spawn in zero zero basically take that structure and because a lot of structures can be related to in minecraft you can get a rough estimate on where the stronghold is so this one is eight this is eight so you're going to look at your x coordinate that's the only coordinate that matters your z doesn't matter obviously it has to be in this chunk so your z can't be like you know above 16. my x coordinate when i'm looking at this this uh this fossil is eight okay so there's a bunch of charts and stuff i'll leave a video talking about this in the description below by matthew bolan it's really really helpful um but there's a chart which i'm gonna pull up my own twitch chat that tells you basically where you need to go i need to go to negative 251 negative 50. there's three possible ones you can go to i'm just going to go to the closest one or the first one so we're gonna go to negative 251 we could get rid of this right right about here right negative 250 negative 250 negative 51 is obviously close enough so we're going to put another portal here and this is going to put us pretty close to the stronghold and usually the vine is within like 600 blocks or so so we do locate stronghold and boom 364. again it's super high tech i don't understand it fully i just do what the smart people do and smile and it works out for me the last thing i'm gonna do with like super high tech stuff here i think is going to be distance estimation so this is really useful for if you blind travel normally not on the divine to know if the stronghold is close or not because if you're doing a divine travel which is extremely rare um you know that it's going to be close right you know that's obviously going to be relatively close but if you're just blind traveling you're going to have no idea so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna talk about how you can get angles and do some cool math stuff that's actually super easy to get to the straw or to figure out where the stronghold is a lot faster than normal we're gonna throw our first eye pretend we just blind traveled around like world record pace oh my god we throw our eye we get the angle it is 175.1 about so we're gonna pick up our eye so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to 90 degrees to the right which would be like 85.1 it doesn't have to be like super exact or anything right but just like a rough estimate you want it to be about 90 degrees and then you want to run four sprint jumps so that's two three four and you're gonna throw another eye i did this wrong no i didn't no 177.2 no i didn't do this wrong my jump was a little bit weird because of the changing terrain but this wasn't too off so this angle was 177.2 i believe so the math you then want to do when you have your two angles you have 177.2 and 177 or 175.1 you want to take the difference between them which is 2.1 2.1 difference angle change and then you want to take that number and do 1000 divided by that number so 1000 divided by 2.1 is about like 480. we already know this is like 352 but the point is you know the stronghold is within 500 blocks of you again this was a little bit off because of the the terrain here so if i did like i don't know we'll run like this way this is like way way cleaner terrain so if we do this you can probably get a more accurate number uh this is going to be 166.3 also two broke that's super cool and then we're gonna go uh was it 166 so like 73.3 right so like here and then one two three four throw the eye 168.7 so that was like 2.5 so that's like 350 now locate stronghold yeah so we're within like 50 blocks of what it actually is um which is really cool and it's really good that you can do that so that's that's a really good way to tell like if i'm on like good pace or not um like if i'm blind traveling at like 10 minutes in and the angle changes like nothing i'm just resetting right because i don't want to run like 2 000 blocks so hopefully that makes sense why do i reset that's a good one um why do i reset i have 23 000 plus resets and the reason i reset a lot i get asked all the time like why don't you just play out a seed not every seed is world recordable like not even close you need to reset extremely hard and frankly i should be resetting more often but i don't reset often enough because then it's just not an entertaining stream um so i reset i try to find the good balance between interesting runs and resetting so that the runs are actually good runs and that's a that's a hard balance to find as a streamer last thing we're going to do is talk about dragon perching and kind of we can just talk about one cycling in general i guess so i'm going to enter the end here if i'm spawning in you want to obviously just find where you're going a lot of times you're going to have an ender pearl um or if you don't you know you just take the ellen like bridge but assuming you have an ender pearl you're gonna throw it on over you're gonna go here you're like okay cool and you want to run to the mid middle you want to have a piece of obsidian or crying obsidian something like that and you want to place it right here or this side depending on what you prefer but point is it's on a corner like this and that way you're going to place your beds like so and they're going to explode and the obsidian doesn't break and you can place it easily so then once you like set up your middle you want to run all the way to either the right or the left side i went to the right here just because that's what i'm useful for one part and second part it's um more like common i think and plus i had a bunch of a bunch of real estate here i think most people just go to the right and i also turned on hitboxes which is really good that it just makes it easier to to one cycle the dragon i'll leave a link to a video that explains when cycling a bit more but just the point of this is that like why i'm doing the things that i'm doing um the dragon might perch here it does actually might miss this i know i'm not going to miss um and then you just kind of want to line yourself up and hit the one cycle yay i almost messed up the the first bed was too low so i had to bed really really early but that's how you do it and i feel like that's a that's a pretty good kind of summary of most things that i get asked like all the time in speedrunning but why does it perch it purchases because you stand far away you want to stand far away you want to stand far people ask all the time like why my minecraft is so bright um i play with gamma5 my brightness is on 500 basically all you want to do for that is if i switch to my desktop really fast so here's my dot minecraft folder um i have a bunch of stuff in here because it's my minecraft folder but fabric is my speedrunning one um you go to your options.txt which for some reason was over here and you get this giant lump of stuff that you don't really think about the thing you want to focus on is gamma turn this to 5.0 you don't want it any higher you want it to be 5.0 normally it's going to look like this you want it to look like this and once you did that you're good to go and then your minecraft will be bright and i think that's everything i think i think we have solved the issues
Channel: Couriway
Views: 180,732
Rating: 4.9548821 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Speedrun, Couriway, minecraft java edition, minecraft speedrun, couriway speedrun, speedrunning, minecraft challenge, minecraft world record, world record, world record speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft wr, speedrun wr, couriway minecraft, wr, pro speedrunner, pro, random seed, Minecraft 1.17, 1.17 Speedrun, Tips and Tricks, Tutorial
Id: BRWEIyw2fP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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