A Minecraft Speedrun, but the seed is my username

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yo everyone what's going on curry way here and in this video i wanted to see how fast i could speedrun my own username as a seed in minecraft if you like the idea of this video and have any suggestions on what else you'd like to see me speed run leave a comment down below and i'll be sure to check it out also chances are that if you're watching this video you may not be subscribed so if you'd like this video and are interested in more from me in the future make sure to hit that subscribe button support recently has been unreal and i really appreciate it and with that out of the way let's get into the video all right let's get started this video idea was actually an idea from a comment um by penguin and they said that they'd seen someone else do this so the link to the video original video by mark lucas is in the description basically what he did was he did a tool assisted speed run of his name on minecraft and i want to do something a bit different this is not a tool assisted speed run this is just a raw speed run um and the way that i chose the seat actually you might just think well it's your username right and yes it is my username the seed is curryway um but capitalization changes things in seeds so i went through a bunch of different iterations and wanted to choose the coolest seed for this run and i found a really cool one pretty early on and it is curry way with all lowercase and a capital y i'll put it on the screen now and you probably saw it in the thumbnail but the reason the seat is really cool is because there is a village and as it comes into view a mansion a dark oak mansion how insane is that it's an insanely rare thing and once i saw that i was like okay i need to make the seed work somehow i don't care how the nether is i really want this to work and the seed actually worked out really well um i did a lot of different routing for this this had a lot of different iterations um let me know by the way if you'd be interested in like me recording the routing possibly like doing the routing and then like uploading that like unlisted and like putting that in the description or something for people who would be interested it wouldn't be like an actual video but like you could you know kind of see my thought process on how i end up routing these um but you see a ship right here that's why i didn't grab too much wood already um i'm able to get all this iron here and then i'm able to just make an iron axe and i'm actually about to get an insane amount of wood at this village and pause the video right now leave a comment tell me why you think i'm grabbing i think i grabbed 20 logs of wood if you get it right i will be very impressed um but you'll see why in once we get into the nether why i grab that much wood i make my iron tools pick up my boat and i only need three hay bales because the rest of the food i can just grab in the chest which is really really nice and here you see me starting to chop down this wood also another thing that i'm trying out different in this video is you can see or you can hear excuse me the music that i'm listening to in the background when i actually recorded this um when i was doing these runs so if you like that instead of pokemon music let me know with a comment um if you guys aren't you know the biggest fan of this that's totally fine i'll just go back to the pokemon music i personally really like the pokemon music but i wanted to try something different see how you guys like it you know um right now i'm just grabbing all the beds uh i think this is a bit safer than going for the bastion i'm able to leave the bastion a lot quicker um i feel this way and normal rsg runs too i've talked about it before um as much as i love hyper modern and really think that it has a lot of potential i don't like high rolling on string i don't like getting an absolute godseed and then relying on string i think that's a really um it's very risky i don't think it's a bad play but it's extremely risky and when i'm at a village like that you know and i know i'm going to abash it i'd rather just take the beds it's a 10 seconds for an absolute guarantee um you may have seen a ruined portal here when i was boating over before i'm able to get to obsidian here which i actually don't use for the portal at all and gold boots which is really nice and the flint and steel so don't have to worry about gravel and then i'm using a bit of hyper modern here i'm using the underwater magma ravine which is really cool um i really really like this overworld because it adds a lot of elements that you see in usually two different runs together like this has a village and hay bales um but i'm also golem skipping i'm getting a um a magma ravine i'm getting a pirate ship so there's a whole bunch of things here that make this overworld super super unique um and there's a couple of things really cool in the nether too that we'll get into um but right here you can just see i'm making the magma portal i've actually gotten pretty good at these um this was like somewhat slow but it was clean so you know i'll take it i screw up the fire but that's fine and then i pick up a lava bucket so i'm good to go in case there's any hoglands and here we go this is why i needed the wood we are in a soul sand valley and wood is the easiest block for me to get to place on top of the soul sand so i don't go super slow and this was really really fun um i did this run probably like 10 or 15 times and the the reason that made this run so good is my blaze rod luck you'll see later is unreal which is usually what these come down to um i'd love to always just choose the one where i have the best mechanics um but it usually comes down to the biggest time save being blaze rods or god bastion um this bastion was actually really good too but the blaze rods i think i think i go like six for seven we'll count when we get there but it's insane um i also kind of screw up this route a little bit um i went too far to my right when i should have went up but that's okay it was like maybe like a five second time loss and we are going we've already used half a stack of wood if not more and we're probably about halfway to the bastion this is a bridge bastion you'll see coming up i really want to do different types of bastions because i know all of them and i like showing them in videos but unfortunately every seat just has a bridge bastion or a housing bastion i think one seat i was looking at for a different video how to treasure bastion so that's really cool i'll do that um in the future and actually another one had stables too so that works out um you can see here i'm grabbing a bit more blocks this is to build over to the uh bridge bastion um since i'm running out of wood i literally use all the wood specifically just to get over here faster with the soul stand um which is actually pretty insane i'm able to get 30 more netherrack which is i think more than enough actually no it's it's not more than enough it's actually like just enough um i found through through testing and here we go we're climbing the bastion this is honestly pretty clean i'm pretty happy with this um it's honestly really fun to do i love climbing up walls like this and you see me climb up here and then i'm going to just bridge over i saw this hogland or yeah i saw the hogland but i didn't realize it was a baby so i towered up in fear and then it was just a baby one so i didn't need to do that but it's okay and now i'm gonna grab the gold blocks and start trading um something you may have seen from people's videos on bridges or just live streams in general is a lot of speed orders right now are actually not grabbing all of the gold blocks from bridge and the reason for that is you don't really need it right like if you get really screwed on trade you can always just go back um something that i do is if i can tell that i'm not getting something like if i if i skipped on beds right and i saw like once i do um the gold block break up top if i come back down and realize oh shoot i only have like one string trade then i'll go back and grab the other gold just to make sure i get it right but you know i don't have to worry about that because i grab beds but that's a situation where you'd grab the rest of them um so here you could see me utilize the two obsidian we got as building blocks and then i break the gold block and trade with the piglet that come over here which is really nice i love this strap by eleventy billion um absolutely big brain content creator i'll leave his link in the description because i use his bastion route literally every time um i think every other route i've kind of varied to like make it somewhat my own um except for bridge 11d's bridge route is just so perfect um so definitely go check them out and yeah so i got my 12 obsidian in that chest the chest is insane i punch the hog one so it doesn't get mad at me but yeah that chest is absolutely insane which is probably why you were thinking curry why are you placing the obsidian you need it for a portal no that just is just absolutely ridiculous um so here i'm just waiting on i believe pearl trades i think i'm good on fire res and i have 15 pearls i need at least 19 to go um to get everything that i need or to use all the ender pearls that i need so i'm waiting for at least one more trade and hopefully i get it somewhat soon obviously i do i know the video but this was actually a pretty fast bastion um this was basically i think a two minute ten second bash and something like that which is super respectable i'm honestly like i know a lot of people do like sub two bastions and stuff but i don't think that's realistic in actual practice and i'm still waiting on this trade this hawkman also just runs in the lava i thought that was so funny um i get the pearl trade i think about waiting for one more and i'm like no i have to go so i start purling and this is really cool so you'll see um that i'm actually going extra regional and you may not know what extra regional is it's kind of an advanced term in speedrunning basically um with the quadrant stuff of like for anyone that doesn't know um there's a 430 block quadrant positive and negative that structures can spawn in um and it's basically 4 30 by 4 30 and most of the time i'd say like ninety percent of the time in speed runs on like an actual good world record pace run you're not going out of those first four you know pause pause posing negpas and negneg you're never going outside of those four but in this run i actually am because i'm so far out already i think my cords are like 300 out that it's actually faster to go to extra regional and this was the first thing i did um this is the excuse me this was the last thing that i changed in routing um originally i had me purl all the way back to my portal and then go the other way to a fortress and i was like no let's see what the blind travel would be like from an extra regional fortress and there was one nearby which was really nice and there were also three blazes right here that i decided to go for instead of going straight to the blade spawner because i can't pass up on three blazes just staring at me so i took those and now we can head to the blaze spawner and yeah um i also took some advice in the comments um a lot of people were like hey you should just blind travel like basically directly into the stronghold um it's actually a lot harder than it sounds like it'd be great if i could just instantly blind travel into the stronghold but because of how strongholds generate sometimes it can be really challenging to like get a nether portal to like fit in there actually um so a lot of times it'll spawn you in like a nearby cave or on the surface even if you get the cords like perfectly right right um so i don't think that's ever gonna really unfortunately be able to happen i'm gonna keep trying for it because i think it'd be really cool um but on this one it sadly was not able to happen so i do i do the stronghold stuff similarly but um it's a really cool way to get there which i really like you'll see in a second here i'm five of six i believe on blaze rods or five of seven something insane um but yeah like i said my blaze rods were insane i'm clearing my inventory i had so much garbage and then there was only one spawn here but i actually get the drop and i am out i'm like oh my gosh this is really good this is really good pace and eat some bread and ender pearl this is a really cool ender pro i was testing this to make sure that i can actually make it and you can it's a sick pearl then i go up here in this like little nook and cranny i think this is so sick i think this run honestly was probably my favorite one to redo um the soul sand part was kind of annoying but this like end game is so cool to me um and then i have one more pearl to throw all the way over there and this blind travel i guess it's not really blind travel quote unquote because i know exactly where it's going to put me but this hypothetical blind travel is awesome and there's also like a nice little marking here with the two netherrack that wasn't like the crimson dirt or whatever the nether dirt is called i don't know what it's called um and then i'm able to just go through it which is nice and we are actually leaving the nether the same time as my world record obviously this run doesn't count because it's a set seed um and obviously i know what i'm doing i mean i could submit it for set seed but i don't think i'm going to be doing that um but i blind travel the exact same time as my nether uh in my world record which is really funny 1053 on the dot and now i'm doing my triangulation which is again like i have a lot of comments always be like how do you do triangulation i feel like this is like this is basically how you do it right you take the angle you take the first eye you get the angle then you go a different direction and then you throw a second eye and then you just go to where they meet up and this one was pretty self-explanatory because the stronghold is so close by and then i'm able to just dig down so triangulation basically you're just trying to make a triangle right throw two eyes where do they meet that's the tip of the triangle that's where you want to dig down um so here we are digging down and this stronghold is actually pretty nice uh it's actually super easy to get to the portal room it's right behind a hidden wall and we are gonna go fight the ender dragon but i really really like this video idea um again thank you to penguin for suggesting this and also to mark lucas the original person who did a speedrun of this and again i will link mark lucas and eleventy billion in the description down below definitely go check them out um if anyone's not seen tool assisted speedrunning it's really really cool um and i highly recommend checking it out if you like the kind of stuff that i do because it's basically similar things to this but uh way faster and done and like crazy crazy fast with uh like tools it's insane um but anyway we're in the end now and all i gotta do is do the one cycle um shout out to davony davey uh a good friend of mine on the channel um i was watching his live stream today i'll leave a link to his live stream and his youtube in the description down below um he actually got a pb on the day i'm recording this so congratulations davey it should be uh yesterday for people watching this video um but why i'm shouting him out is because i learned this really really cool bed thing now i always knew that you could like do a double bed when you're one cycling at the end but i didn't realize how much damage it actually does until i watched his um pb today and it adds for a really really cool way to do a one cycle which you'll see uh the dragon shoots me and thankfully this dragon is actually a lot faster than the dragon that i had in the slowest speedrun one that that dragon was so slow this dragon was actually pretty fast it does one more little turn here and then i'm ready to go i can tell it's going to perch here as soon as it turns i throw my ender pearl and here is the one cycle and yeah hope you guys enjoyed this was super fun again if you have any suggestions let me know with a comment down below thank you all so much for watching i'll see you all again soon with another video peace out everyone
Channel: Couriway
Views: 345,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, World Record, Speedrun, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft World Record, Minecraft Speedrun World Record, Minecraft Random Seed, Minecraft Random Seed Glitchless, Minecraft Random Seed Glitchless Speedrun, Minecraft WR, Minecraft speedrun WR, minecraft wr speedrun, Minecraft Speedrunner, Couriway, Couriway Minecraft, Minecraft 1.16 World Record, Minecraft 1.16 Speedrun, Minecraft 1.16, Couriway Speedrun, Couriway Speedrun Minecraft, Couriway Minecraft Username Speedrun
Id: 5zR7oa-lbr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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