Minecraft Speedrun World Record 1.14

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32 hour speedrun

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Just_Ero 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Title has formatted the time wrong. They meant to say 32:21.28.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Emosewamc 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Major congratulations to Dream on this run. The luck on the spawn was insane!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/occasional_commenter 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

gg dream, gg.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LightRSoul 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

good job dream


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PogPigPog 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dream is the best loll

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Purplecorgi10 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Was this a seeded speedrun?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Outmyshadow 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

90% gathering wood time

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/owolord139 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
ooh - desert temples to desert temples a hundred bucks apart because they're not gay I need me a village a lava pool and that's kind of it right now just I saw some gravel back there nice bikes Wow interesting [Music] there we go [Music] well this is just about as good a start as you could possibly hope for so whoa I almost fell oh I don't even know what that was but holy cow haha I almost fell I was just placing it to get out of my inventory no that dumb place just just drop it joking how much gravel the mine to get that was pretty efficient do the same thing to these guys though we saw that was natural selection natural selection example of natural selection in Minecraft one of the pigs around in the water one of the pigs dinner [Music] what if they added natural sex I feel like an is there a natural selection mod or something like that we're like mobs can evolve and if you live if the mob lives past like a day or something then the mob like reproduces every day but if the mob it's like the more of certain mobs that die the more the less they reproduce therefore natural selection you have like mobs that are super hot and like you have a random number of like health and stuff that spawn and they have to like mate with another one and so on and so forth this is great it's a great idea is that a local no it's not all right well ravine I didn't even pick those up Oh lava pool jackpot the scene could be good let's see it is good but we'll see could be extra good yes what that means is I have a guarantee I don't necessarily need a Keysha forest anymore because if you get a bunch of gold which I did I have nine I think that's enough to make gold axes and gold axes mine would very quickly [Music] all right let's see I didn't lag there I could have done that quicker but out of a lag spike Oh JA effect what am i doing oh no way no way Oh what the hell it's a double spawner - oh God oh this could be good please tell me there's a village don't even ask don't even ask that's called getting really cocky if you get overly confident that's when you fall off the edge when trying to do a really pointless jump just because you feel like you can come on don't let that is it ask me only one spawn happened anyway so probably not a big deal come on I only have to say good [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on spawn here we go come on like two three more more two more [Music] all right let's go one spawn don't spawn don't spawn don't spawn to a spot where is that amicable off the edge ha ha yes let's go oh my god okay okay okay what long has it been eight minutes eight minutes I have Oh oh my god George just left this could be it all your joking anyone more fun one more there we go there you go this could be good around ten minutes [Music] [Music] after that stunt I polled and the nether I don't really deserve it but this could happen I didn't make bread did I well alright I don't do this I don't need this I don't need this tell me this don't need this don't need this I need that I'm gonna use all my food up aren't I I've only bread left and that's gonna suck oh and cold apples I don't know I don't know this is really quick I got really lucky I've done pretty well capitalize on the luck of but I've also been stupid by that I mean I've been stupid I tried to jump that was really stupid I'm looking at alive that's called being the rookie because I feel like rookies make those mistakes you're an expert speedrunner you don't make those mistakes I was blessed with another really close to spawn and I mean on the other what's it called really close this one a temple two of them and then a lava fall right next to that and then a really good spawn another and then I just almost threw it away by jumping across a stupid gap it'd still be it could still be it though we've done everything pretty quickly but I need to do oh no this Kelly tongs over there don't come for me please I would just keep ignoring them but they're kind of annoying is there another skeleton oh no ok ha I broke blocks and there was arrows on the blocks I thought there was another skeleton right next day I was about to be pissed come on this is the most annoying part ever it is so much wood for this stupid villager trade it's so annoying find acacia village I would be like gone by now then again a final acacia village this seed would like be insane so um be these zombies I could kind of keep my distance with okay here we go daytime rise & grind horizon grind let's go um I don't know where to go gonna go right here I'm a little behind schedule but that's okay these mobs were just annoying okay a lot of trees here in a group that's good [Music] only about like another two minutes of this don't worry I can go much faster during the day I left that thing over there I'll grab it on the way back hopefully oh I hear a skeleton oh you joking you waited so long between shots I hear another skeleton one another minute another minute they kill this cow maybe I should [Music] [Music] alright it's time to go back come on I'll go across right now three bill one this tree and then I go this stream then I go I'm just not confident enough for everything I want okay whatever hound guy don't be slow there we go what do I need a make some bread bread need to make this and you make this all right here we go over here perfect perfect perfect put one there put one there there we go perfect you just trade quickly [Music] [Music] discount yeah he's giving me a discount yeah give me all your emeralds give me em all [Music] give me all your animals [Music] yes sticks arrows arrows I'll get 1x1 why not more arrows why not I'm gonna go well whatever crap I meant to save one pearl here we go okay straight this way straight this way typically if it goes away from spawn which it is right now because the spawn is that way that means I'm closer to it and then I would be if I was a spawn and generally and 1.14 there like a thousand five hundred blocks away or something like that so let's just say I'm 1,500 to 2,000 let's just say I'm 500 blocks closer I'm 500 blocks closer that leave like a thousand three hundred or something like that that I have to run from here which would take about five minutes which means based on math have a chance to beat the record and based on math I'm gonna wait to throw my pearl until I have surpassed around where I think that [Music] the stronghold will then let's go here we go I kind of want to stop and cook one of these I just want food that's easy to eat if I'm fighting the dragon it makes you heal more if you eat something like pork and I was about to run out of steak and I want to be able to eat it on my way that way I spend less time eating so I probably just took 15 seconds doing that and then I'll probably save myself an extra couple seconds five seconds or so that because I don't have to eat and also when I have food left over to eat in the end I'll be able to heal quicker so there's more chance of me surviving therefore that was a reasonable investment of time I think here we go kind of like this way so I will head this way oh what the hell was that I just lagged or something I didn't think damaged when I should have want to fall damage than it I took it later and just got boosted okay you should be like this way I'm gonna go through here there we go I'm gonna throw one in this second I'm gonna get off target though I should be like here if I get off of it and it goes a different direction or more towards a different direction that I can triangulate it okay it's like right here always really close oh I broke damn it so it said like here which may get off of here I'm gonna throw it again [Music] if it goes through here beyond that line oh okay mind up here oh god here we go this don't fall straight into a ravine our law personally I don't have my shovel out you're joking oh no way okay I need to sort my inventory I need this it was a zero oh my god riding have enough for the extra parole I would have been dead I have three beds much time do I have much time I have I can set my timer here we go just do not look at the internet Enderman are so deadly when you have no armor nice you'd be really careful about not looking at in there middle okay that was dumb don't look another Enderman please now look at another one no I didn't summon dragon what I don't how many arrows I have oh come on oh come on come on come on come on come on come on don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me oh please don't shoot me [Music] [Music] oh my god took so much time there any more blocks well these are so slow to collect [Music] [Applause] [Music] please oh please [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes oh my my heart I have been mindful all of them playing for literally two weeks I didn't upload for an entire week
Channel: Dream
Views: 21,310,456
Rating: 4.9338994 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream, dream minecraft
Id: CFkv6DtKf3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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