These are the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns...

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i found some of the funniest fake minecraft speedruns that have ever been submitted and in today's video we're going to take a look at them and i'm going to break them down these are pretty funny so make sure you stick around and see them all and make sure to subscribe this run comes from a little somebody who is polish so i don't think i'll even try to pronounce his name he starts by generating his world which looks super weird like i've never seen this happen before once he loads in he grabs some wood and locates a village wait no i don't think this is a village he goes into the mysterious building and what do you know he finds full diamond gear in pretty much everything he needs to enter the nether oh yeah man he's pretty hyped he goes ahead and grabs some blaze rods something that didn't take very long considering there's just a random cage full of blazes right next to the portal and now it's time for our speedrunner friend to summon herobrine i guess i honestly have no clue what's going on at this point but it seems like he doesn't either because before even getting the chance to carry out the hero brian summoning ritual he decides to take off and loot the nearby village which thankfully this time is real well sort of he finds a crapload of severely impossible items in the village so yeah he actually kind of gives up when he's going to the stronghold instead of digging down to it he just uses spectator mode and the dragon fight isn't creative but that's not much of a surprise at this point this next run actually comes from a repeat offender of this sort of thing this guy is named icy and i actually featured one of his runs in my last video that run was pretty funny to say the least but a viewer of mine pointed out to me that he actually recently posted another run to his channel so i guess let's check it out he starts by of course generating his world but something's not quite right here take a look at this clip by yourself and see if you notice anything keep in mind that all the music and editing is his not mine so yeah this is pretty clearly cut which explains the fact that our speedrunner friend conveniently spawns right into a village where he actually has a very unfortunate encounter with the creeper icy goes ahead and loots the village as any good speedrunner would and he actually gets most of the gear he needs right off the bat but it starts to get bad again when he goes to the ruined portal that's right next to the village when he opens the chest he finds blaze rods which as you probably already know can't be obtained from ruined portal chests and that's not even the worst part after he crafts his tools and everything he needs blocks i guess so he digs into the ground and directly into a lit end portal yeah i'm not sure how much more blatant you could possibly be before we move on to this next fake speed run which trust me is crazy a word from today's sponsor this is a little something i like to call frag let's be honest here there are literally so many terrible mobile games out there but i am happy to say that today's sponsor is not one of them i mean this is the game that has been endorsed by many world famous stars such as goggy himself yes you heard me right frag is an online multiplayer game made for mobile devices and unlike many other games out there it's super simple all you have to do is put together your own team of characters which shouldn't be too hard considering frag has a whopping 90 characters to choose from like zap girl who has some crazy abilities takashi who has his own robot and archon who can literally throw lightning and in their two years of existence prague has introduced multiple crazy game modes like their new payload game mode where you have to escort a cart in order to win or their classic 2v2 mode where you team up with a friend or you can just play solo if you have no friends so if you're interested in trying out frag you can actually download it today and get a bunch of free rewards only thanks to the link in the description by using that link you'll get a golden chest 500 coins and 50 diamonds worth a total of six dollars pretty good deal if you ask me so go try out frag today now i've got a bit of a shorter run to show you guys but i just really wanted to include it because of how funny it is what makes the run interesting is the fact that pretty much every single thing he does is incredibly confusing for example most people making a fake run would put specific items in naturally generated chests before speedrunning but this guy just loads up a chest with gear in the middle of the run for some reason he also recreates those fake speedrun's bee-like thumbnails by making a tree out of emeralds but it's not for a thumbnail or anything so i guess he just made it in the middle of the run for fun he also fails miserably at making another portal which just cracks me up this guy still technically does beat the game but he does it all with commands this next guy did his speed run on pocket edition so you know it's gonna be great especially when he's getting messages the whole time he starts by loading in and running over to a ruined portal but it's not normal like it might seem inside the portal's chest is an array of clearly spawned in items but what interests me more than that is the specific choice of items i mean we have two stacks of torches a stack of obsidian don't forget the one extra as well as a golden hoe he heads off to a nearby village where he of course finds full now the right gear when he decides to go to the nether he stumbles upon a mysterious room with an ender chest in it that achieves literally nothing he starts finding his way to the stronghold which he finally does by the time the speed run is only half over so i guess he must just suck for the rest of it spoiler alert he does in fact he beat the game slower than this next guy who was in survival and was trying really hard to keep his cheating a secret the final run for today comes from a brand new user on youtube named epic minecraft dream pro speedrunning who uploaded his run under the title minecraft 10 minute speedrun his run seems pretty normal at first aside from the fact that he has this horrendous metal music playing in the background for the first few minutes of this run he just does normal speedrunner things like grabbing wood tools and beds but stuff starts to get really weird when he shows up at a ruined portal nearby a village he was loading he starts preparing to put together the portal the second he arrives before even having a single block of obsidian when he realizes his fault he goes to the portal's chest and of course inside of it is an absurd amount of obsidian allowing him to complete the portal this leads me to believe that he messed around with this chest and most likely put the subsidiary in it in advance once in the nether he has a pretty intense fight with basically every nether mob in the game but somehow he manages to survive but before he leaves the nether he takes a strange stop and this part is very clearly cut in fact right after the obvious cut you can see in the game's chat that this guy changed his game mode to survival implying that he was in creative mode just before something that is obviously not allowed right after this he travels to a bastion remnant where he finds pearls in a chest something that is just not correct since pearls cannot spawn in bastion chests he then builds a portal with his extra obsidian and it leads him right into the stronghold which confirms yet another cut and here's another cut as you can see the lava animation skipping ahead when he's standing in the end portal you can actually see that just a few seconds before this cut he crafts every single one of his pearls into ender eyes and has zero obsidian but just a few seconds after the cut he has three pearls in three blocks of obsidian none of which were obtained legitimately the same cut is also confirmed by the fact that before going into the end and before the presumed cut hitboxes are disabled but the second he enters the end and opens his inventory you can clearly see that they are now enabled he kills the dragon and the run ends with just over 10 minutes on the clock but obviously this run is not legitimate so none of it actually counts by the way guys i have this minecraft server where you can basically do whatever you want and yeah i run it and me and all the other people i feature in my videos actually play on it quite often so if you'd like to join check it out and play with us all the information will be down in the description also make sure to subscribe if you are new thank you for watching
Channel: LinusStudios
Views: 4,506,003
Rating: 4.8753777 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft handbook, linus studios, fake speedrun, fake minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, fake minecraft speedruns in a nutshell, fake minecraft speedruns be like, dream speedrun fake, fake spedrun, fake mc speedrun, drem speedrun, drem fake minecraft speedrun, bigerfella, biger fella, dream fake manhunt, minecraft manhunt fake, linus studios minecraft, linus studios outro song, linus studios school minecraft server, linusstudios handbook, minecraft
Id: GxC01Ifk2Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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