So I Speedran the Minecraft Seed "MrBeast"...

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yo everyone what's going on curry way here and in this video i speed ran the minecraft seed mr beast about a month ago now mr beast actually commented on my christmas set seed speedrun and it completely blew my mind so i thought what better way to commemorate the event than to speedrun a seed with his name if you end up enjoying this video leave a like and a comment also only about 20 of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you want to switch over to that 20 and aren't subscribed already it would mean a lot to me but enough of all that let's jump into the mr beast set seed speed run okay you already know what time it is it's run time so let's talk about it this seed is really cool for a lot of different reasons one of the things that i really like is to try and find seeds that showcase things that i haven't really done in a seed before and here's a really cool one this is kind of similar to the dream smp seed in the star here where we're going to run to a lava formation but instead of a lava pool this time we're going to be using a ruined portal as our lava source and this room portal actually has a lot of different benefits so in a normal random seed run type like this nether portals ruined portals are actually really really good and significantly better in my opinion than a lava pool if you can enter through them and the main reason for that being you are getting gold from them so you'll see here there's already a gold block that you can see and there's also a gold block in the lava too and this chest is really really good it's gonna allow me to use gold tools which is something that i love using in these type of runs to get materials extremely fast and save time later in the run so i'm able to use this gold axe to get my wood super early and i'll also be using it later and this gold pick is really nice because then i'll have to craft a wood pick to make my stone tools and all that stuff i'm able to just mine 15 straight cobblestone here and what that allows me to do is 15 is the perfect number for a furnace which is eight and then pickaxe axe shovel which is another seven so that's what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna make the furnace and then put in some sticks to make my other two tools and then put a line of cobblestone across the top and then we're gonna use this cave to get our iron for those that aren't aware you need a stone pick to mine iron it would be great if i could use this gold pick to mine the iron but that is not actually doable so i need to take the time to make the iron pick here or excuse me the stone pick here so you may be wondering why i'm not just either one smelting all my iron down here or two taking up all my iron at once and instead smelting some down here that's just for a time save here so what that allows me to do is i have two iron from that two iron that i just smelted down here and i'm gonna be able to put my furnace down and smelt the rest and those two iron i'm gonna be able to make into shears and shear some sheep here and that is going to allow me to have to less rely on string trades later on when we go to a bastion right so in a bastion in a run like this where you're not starting with a village you have to look for three main things you need ender pearls for just completing the run you need obsidian which you normally are going to get in a chest and you need string which you're also only getting from trades so shearing some sheep now while i'm waiting for iron to smell is a really good way to eliminate some of the rng that would come later in the run so i'm really happy about making a decision like that i always recommend going for shears if you're doing a run kind of like this i think getting that nine iron instead of just a regular seven that you would normally mine for just bucket flint and steel iron pick i think getting a two extra for shears can be useful sometimes you'll actually notice that i only grabbed eight here but that's because i already had the flint and steel from the chest and now i'm gonna make a bucket grab some water and you also saw i crafted bowls this was a precautionary thing i would say mainly because sometimes i would get enough food from the chickens and sheep that i would kill but other times i wouldn't get enough so i'd have to rely on mushrooms later in the run so i'd always kind of make bowls kind of gauge where my food is at while i was sitting at the blaze corner which you'll see in a second here and yeah so i just craft bowls now because why not i was waiting for iron to smell and now we are going to be making our lava pool or not our lava bowl i should say we're going to be using the lava pool to create our portal now something about room portals that you probably notice is i have to make my portals a bit differently here than i might normally as that gold block just goes off to alaska from that water but using ruined portal lava pools i never really like to put my water in them and really make my portal in the lava pool if that makes sense i like to pull the lava out because sometimes you don't really get to see how much lava is really in the pool so i think it's kind of important to just kind of play it safe and make sure that you're not gonna accidentally burn or turn too much lava into obsidian so you'll see when we spawn in the nether here we spawn right next to fortress which is really cool it's one of the reasons i like the seed it also puts me in a soul sand valley which is a very very aggressive i should say spawn location especially coming right out of the gate you can see why there's three wither skeletons for people who aren't aware mobs spawn more often in seoul sand valleys and you can see there it it kind of made the run interesting in a lot of ways because sometimes i get like a crazy amount of blazes you know it'd be actually insane and i'd get rod super fast but this time unfortunately i just spawned three weather skeletons that i had to run and avoid and the one blaze that it spawned in not at the spawner didn't drop me a rod so right off the bat here we're 0 for 2 which is not great but we're able to clear out a ton of space really fast here with the gold pick which is really nice and it gives me a lot of time here to organize my inventory kind of gauge what i need this is a good time where i would normally look at my food and be like okay am i going to need to grab these mushrooms later on or not i think in this run i end up deciding not to and it also gives mining out all that space super early in the beginning gives more space for the blaze rods or not the blaze rods but the blazes to spawn which is really nice i hit a bit of five minute lag here but that's okay and i go three for three on these blaze rods which i was really really happy about so nice there i see a blaze shooting me in the distance kind of just decided to ignore it i thought about going for it but it was a bit too far i was like ah i don't think that one's really worth it and i get hit unfortunately there from one of the blazes but i played a bit more aggressive than i normally would and that's because i had this golden apple and i think i just end up eating it now because i'm like why not i'm already down a bit i'm not really gonna need it at another point in the run right i might as well eat it at the blaze monitor that's gonna be the most aggressive part and i just eat it here as you see and i get hit by i don't even know where that fireball came from but i get my sixth rod i wasn't even keeping track there i think i got six in a row which is awesome after missing my first two and now we are out we are out i get hit again not great but that's okay we're able to grab some mushrooms along the way and i don't really need to worry about any of the blazes here i am pretty low on health and but i don't have to worry about it so i'm just kind of dodging i'm gonna go in this lava go over it i should say and i'm gonna scoot down here and use the rest of my gold pickaxe to get a ton of blocks and this is really nice but first four skeletons thank you thank you game i appreciate it four skeletons is not exactly what i wanted to see there but i'm able to head up here go past them and now i have a bunch of blocks which is really nice you'll see why in a second and we're at a treasure bastion which for those who are not aware is my favorite bastion type i think it's really nice and entering with two gold blocks worth of gold is really nice as well in treasure because it just guarantees that you're gonna have some pretty good times trading here so we're able to just build up here and i have a ton of blocks so we're just going to build our way across do some nice parkour land on this gold block and i actually decided to grab both gold blocks here this is something that i did in some of the attempts when i was able to sometimes there would be piglets on the bridge and i would just aggro them but i could see there that there were no pigment piglen that i was going to aggro so i thought why not you know might as well take an extra two gold blocks again so now we're entering with four gold blocks more than a normal treasure bastion has which is really awesome and this treasure bash in itself was actually really really good if you don't know how treasure bastions work basically in each top rampart here that i'm standing at there's a chance for a gold block to spawn 70 of the time in five different spots and i think in this one i get nine out of ten gold blocks which is really really nice and remember that's that's before the four gold blocks that i already have so really really good gold here i didn't have to worry a lot about worrying about trades you know thinking if i'm going to have enough gold am i going to get the trades or not because i'm i just have so much right it's it's really really nice when i'm in a situation like that and that's why charge is one of my favorite bastions it's very hit or miss but when it hits i love it it's so awesome i'm just gonna grab the other gold on the side here while the rest of the piglens are trading i left nine in my inventory while i grabbed these gold blocks in case there was a piglet up here that i didn't see and i had to give him some gold to distract him so he wouldn't kill me as you can see there was still one piglet so i'm going to come over here throw in some gold wait for the other piglet to come on over and then throw in some more gold to get him in the hole as well and boom there we go and i keep three gold just in case but i'm gonna grab these chests now get my obsidian get some string as well so again really not having to rely on a lot of string trades here just unfortunate that my whole situation wasn't the best from cheering but again it wasn't too bad i already have two beds anyway so i'm gonna hop up here for my trades and i have all my pearls i'm checking for my string i actually still need a string trade and i got it and i am leaving i don't know what i'm waiting for right now i think i was checking to see if i got another i don't know whatever i don't know what i'm waiting for i think i was just lost and didn't see my string so very bad my my youtuber is bad at the video game unlucky but finally we're leaving which is really nice and i do some nice little shots here with my ender pro only four pearls to get to where i needed to go and i made an executive decision to not grab the red mushrooms that were right next to me there that was a poor executive decision i should have grabbed those mushrooms that was absolutely a misplay but you're not going to play it right every single step of the way which is unfortunate but that is something that you know i i like to say this in a lot of these runs people sometimes ask why do i even do set seed runs you learn a lot about what's the most optimal way to play right i want to try and be my own world record in random seed and a really good way to do that is plain seeds optimally to see how you can do that in an actual run and take the information that i'm learning here in a real run so my thought process was oh i'm fine i have two mutton that's going to be enough for this end fight but i wasn't taking into account you know mobs that might spawn in the stronghold more ender pearl damage that i wasn't going to take i just wasn't really thinking about that in the heat of the moment and this run taught me that hey you know that's something that i should think about more right and i encourage all of you to who are watching this video as a creeper blows up and does more damage that i was again not accounting for i encourage people who are serious about speedrunning to try and think about that you know what can you always improve on there's a reason that people like vod reviewing their things in in competitive atmospheres like a traditional sport or esports or anything like that there's a reason why people look back at what they do so they can improve so i like these runs too to kind of serve as a minecraft speedrunning type of way to watch yourself back and improve but anyway we are in the end now all we're gonna be doing is waiting on a perch unfortunately because of my food situation i have to play it a little bit slower than i normally hear sit at the bottom hang out a bit make some beds and i actually have just enough beds to six bed which is really nice that is very easy for me i know that i'm not gonna mess up a six bed and even if i do it's the dragon is not gonna have enough health that i wouldn't be able to finish it off with an axe and yeah that's gonna be basically the run unfortunately this dragon took a bit longer than i anticipated so i'll take this time to say i read a lot of the comments talking about other seeds that you want to see in the future and i'm really really excited to keep doing them so keep leaving your suggestions i really enjoy reading them like i just said and a lot of the ideas you leave are great i think the next set seed that i want to do is speed running seeds that subscribers have had i have a document of actually a ton of seeds that people have already given me but if you've had a seed and random seed where you're like oh my god this seed is insane i'd love to see how curry way would run it leave a comment with that seed right now so that's that's the next video that i definitely want to do i think that would be really cool and as you see i the dragon was not cooperating i had to play this very very safe hoping that the dragon would eventually perch but anyway that's gonna just about do it for me in this moment as the dragon fires off one last fireball i will let me in the moment do the rest here as the dragon gets ready to perch and then i'll come back at the end oh excuse me one more fireball excuse me yeah this was just insane look at how much look how much purple is on the left there dude oh my goodness and one more fireball wow thank you thank you dragon um very much appreciated but anyway like i said i'll come back after the one cycle thank you all so much for watching this living though again leave your comments down below for seeds that you want to see me run and yeah enjoy this one cycle yay i'll take it a little bit of a slow dragon but that was a good run one heart warrior with a 12 30. not too shabby if i say so myself and yeah 12 32 a super super nice time for a set seed like this i really enjoyed doing this again this is like i guess to commemorate the mr beast comment again like i said in the beginning i was absolutely blown away when that happened so yeah that's gonna do it for me thank you so much for watching and i'll see you again later peace out everyone
Channel: Couriway
Views: 608,225
Rating: 4.9479942 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Speedrun, Couriway, MrBeast, 1.16 Minecraft, minecraft java edition, any%, minecraft set seed, minecraft but, world record, challenge
Id: gxlIKD9MkgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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