The BEST Minecraft Seed for Speedrunning Ever?

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yo everyone what's going on curry way here and in this video i speed ran the best minecraft seed i have ever seen anyone generate this seed was originally generated and found during random seed glitches attempts from a speedrunner named gavin g72 he got a 15 minute 13 second time on it which is incredibly impressive check him out and the original run in the description below one last thing we're getting super close to a hundred thousand subscribers if you aren't already it would mean a lot to me if you hit that button below to stay notified for videos in the future and while you're there go to the description and check out my twitch i stream minecraft pokemon and speedruns daily that's all from me enjoy this video everyone all right so i probably hyped that seat up a ton in the intro here but how good really is it am i blowing smoke is this really the craziest seed i've ever seen for a seed to be randomly generated and be this good is so astronomically rare and that's why i think it's so interesting to really take a look at the seed and reminder again i definitely said in the intro but definitely go check out gavin in the description down below i've already talked to him about this he said that it's totally fine that i do this video and he is going to be trying to make a video beating whatever time i get on the seat as well so i'm super excited to see that definitely go check him out so this is the spawn and you're probably like well curry there's there's nothing here there's absolutely nothing here why it's just a ruined portal why do i care about this room portal well as you can see i open the chest five obsidian a golden helmet and i'm breaking three gold pickaxe and a flint and steel absolutely insane and this five five obsidian right here it allows you as i broke that piece it allows you one two three four five don't ignore that and now we have this portal it's complete we don't have the obsidian anymore but we still have a gold helmet and i'm breaking three pickaxe obviously all you really have to do here is just get stone tools and you can hop right into the nether there's also dandelions here too which is really nice and that's going to allow you to get bit better mushroom stew later on so great start you can probably enter like sub two awesome so what's so great about the nether so we spawn here there's nothing too great nothing to talk about let's go this way oh yeah that's a bridge bastion right uh right there well yeah the seeds great you got to go over here you got to get the bridge bash and gold you got to go this way yeah this is all cool and all but where's the fortress curry where's the fortress oh it's right there oh oh it's right there and then what else is there oh do i see a uh not one blaze spawner but two blaze spawners that you can activate standing this is a double blaze spawner as you can see this is just absolutely completely ludicrous like this is this is better than you could ever expect these blind travel cords are pretty good they're not perfect but all you'd have to do really is go to like here this is probably where i would blind travel in a run like this negative 120 175 i usually like to be around like the 300 range in something like this maybe i'd be a bit farther this way like 130 150 this is probably probably a bit more accurate so let's go here build the portal up nothing too crazy you know just a normal blind travel in a run i don't know what's what's gonna make this seed so great oh i oh my god oh my god i didn't know that was gonna happen oh my god i'm i know i know this is a youtube video and i know that i can edit things out i am so serious when i tell you i did not expect that to happen i genuinely didn't the point that i was trying to make that you can probably tell is that the stronghold is open exposed i genuinely didn't know that was going to happen oh my god i i need a moment here okay so point being even if you didn't spawn there you'd spawn like i don't know maybe 250 blocks away from an open exposed portal room if you put all those splits together we are looking at most likely the the best seed that has ever had a chance at sub 10 this seed is absolutely incredible we're gonna take a look at the routing now and see really what we can do so this seed pretty clearly has sub 10 potential i think we can all see that now the question is how low can i push it i think my goal for this video is going to be sub 8. i think sub 8 is is gonna be challenging for sure don't get me wrong but i really really think the seed has a chance i think the the main thing is going to be food food is going to be an issue so we're definitely going to have to get these dandelions here and we're going to be getting stone tools just by mining in the ground here i'm not going to not going to be too worried about that the gold 3 on breaking pick is also something that i want to try and take advantage of as much as i can but the goal is going to be to try and enter the nether here under two minutes every time shouldn't be too challenging but that's that's gonna be what we're shooting for for for a time that we're gonna be going for so how are we gonna do this bastion now the thing is that if we spawn in we don't have iron we're not able to go grab that gold so we're gonna have to find iron in these chests no iron here no iron here but obviously i've seen the seed from gavin there is iron in the last chest here and there's also 10 i don't think there's actually ten hobby there might actually be ten i think there is actually ten hobby oh my god that's insane and the three iron that we need so we're gonna have to grab that basically the game plan is gonna be get to this chest as fast as possible uh dig a little hole here so we can go in with our golden helmet and then open this so we can not aggravate the piglen then we're gonna have our obsidian which is great we're gonna make our way down i'm probably just gonna do something like this jump down hopefully i don't have this bad hogland rng get all the gold that we need and then come back up to the left side and do our dip route for the bridge bastion now something that we can try and do if we want to get a little bit crazy is do something called task overlapping now you actually saw me do this before without me explaining it this is what happened in when i ran a seed from a subscriber and basically what you do is while the piglens are trading you go to the fortress you're overlapping your tasks and this is something that gavin actually does in his run as well because his trades were taking too long so that's something that i can consider here i don't know if i'm actually gonna do it the main issue with doing that is going to be food because we don't have a lot of food the only red mushroom that gavin gets early in the run is actually right here from this red mushroom that's broken because of lava lighting so absolutely insane there we're probably only gonna be able to get one now obviously we can kill the hoglands but we are gonna have to get our own lava bucket from here so that's gonna be challenging we are gonna have a flint steel there's just a lot of variables with food that are gonna be super super hard obviously our brown mushrooms are covered and we're going to have dandelions but getting those red mushrooms is definitely going to be the challenge i believe yeah there's some over here and then there's some on this platform so that's going to be where we get our food and task overlapping with that little food can be extremely extremely challenging and takes a lot of skill and honestly it's something that i'm not sure that i can pull off but i'm gonna try my best the other issue with task overlapping here is it might not honestly be worth it because when you think about it the bastion is so far away from the fortress that it's gonna take so much time and we already know that the travel from the fortress is is good right we know the travel in the fortress is amazing we spawned in the stronghold so there's no real point in going back to the bastion if we don't have to so the more i think about it the more i probably won't task overlap but i want to explain that to you as something that you may see in the future and something that i actually may do in this run but probably not just keep it in your mind for future videos but really there's not too much to do after that like we saw a double blade spawner these mushrooms are right here we're gonna have our fire res and boy do we have a portal spot so at the end of the day it's how fast can i put all of this together can we get the string and the pearls from the bastion we already have the obsidian are we going to be able to get the blaze rods from the blazes and is the dragon is the dragon going to cooperate are we going to get a crazy perch how fast can we really push the limits of a minecraft seed that isn't designed for a set seed speed run obviously this is a great seed for random seed but it's not a 12i how fast can we really speed on a seed doing everything in rsg terms let's see enjoy the run oh my goodness i cannot put into words how challenging this was especially after everything we talked about about how the seed is so easy it's like the perfect rsg seed and don't get me wrong it is it's the best rsg seed i've ever seen but i learned something today and what i learned is that seeds have limits random seeds that aren't 12 eyes that you're doing this way with bastion to fortress to random travel to to dragon there is a limit and the limit is sub 7. you cannot there's no way no way whatsoever you could beat a seed like this that's so good that's so amazing in like every way possible without it being at least seven minutes i don't think because you would have to reset so so so hard and i learned that because i played this seed for over 12 hours over 250 reset attempts over only like i think five or six end entries and that was for sub eight on this seed oh my gosh this is crazy so let's talk about what i'm doing now as you can see i'm making a bridge i'm in the bastion we have the gold pick we're grabbing the stairs we're doing the dip route we know the thing we know what we're doing we're doing the stuff cool what else so we have to go over here we have to get the iron from this chest we do a whole bunch of stuff this was so scuffed because normally i i grab enough netherrack that i don't have to grab a second block but i had to get the second block it was super scuffed this is like implemented into my brain now from how many times i did this exact thing um it was so it was just so much it was so much thinking it was so it was just so much more challenging than i thought and and it just it shows that like i said seeds have limits we grabbed our iron pick we have our own pick now this one hogland was stuck which was not fun almost killed the run here but i i managed to salvage it almost died to the hogland saved myself here one of them wasn't moving i could see the other one wasn't coming so i was like okay we have one food how i would play this is i would hope for two hog ones that would be if i had two hog ones i always had enough food for the entire run if i got zero hoglands there's actually red mushrooms on the other side of this bridge you might be able to see it yep there they are um and that's what i would grab if there were no hog ones if there was one i would skip those mushrooms but i would grab the red mushrooms in the fortress so that's that's the thought process that's what you'll end up actually seeing here i think i play this like stupidly don't no i know i do get the mushrooms here for some reason i thought i don't but i do um this was just this was insane this was so insane this took like i said 12 hours of attempts 250 plus attempts i'm recording this right now at 10 p.m the day before the video normally i'm recording these like right after i finished the stream the day before so this took so long this took so much longer than the average set scene so i really hope you do appreciate it because it was insane and i'm i'm honestly i'm super curious to see what gavin is going to do i think gavin definitely has the skill and mechanics to beat this but he's not going to be able to do it in one attempt to tell you that it's going to take some real grinding for this so this is another shot that i started implementing i just decided to break the gold block at random places and hope for some pigs so you'll see me do that again here i believe i get a ton here yep i would basically go to each side and be like all right well are there pigs this time yes no maybe and if there were pigs it'd be great i would just throw more gold in and we'd be good to go so this time i actually had a bunch of pig ones which really speeds up the process you can see we're at the 3 30 minute mark we already have a bunch of string we have some pearls i'm hopping in here i see i have seven pearls or plus the ten so i actually only need like one more train and i have 16 and i'm like oh my god let's go this was such a fast leave this was one of if not my fastest leave of doing these a lot of the time i wouldn't be leaving until around the 4 15 4 20 mark so i'm about 30 seconds ahead here which is crazy it only took two pearl throws to get actually to the fortress so i knew exactly how many pearls i needed and then i would do the uh block hopping jump thingy that i still don't know what it's called to get to these mushrooms and then i just threw another pearl to get all the way to the blade spawners i have a ton of string too this was actually funny enough the most string i got on any attempt today this blaze by the way not cooperating but i don't know why my string trades were just so bad at the bastion just absolutely awful and thank god that blaze rod didn't burn or else this run would cease to exist blaze rods were probably the hardest part about this i honestly don't know normally it is blaze rods like normally blazards is always the killer but this being a double spawner really helped i think bastion was the bigger killer in this run just because i needed the trade so fast so it was just crazy but like i said a bunch of string i don't have to worry at all about beds i have six beds so i'm completely chilling and i'm crafting up three suspicious stews which i know is more than enough to complete this run so i'm totally i'm totally set on food we're about to hit some five minute lag and i have four rods at the five minute lag this was kind of my my like deciding factor if i had less than two rods at the five minute mark i would just reset two was like the bare minimum i needed to keep going and i actually get the drops there which was insane at this point it's the fastest pace it's ever been on i think i go like six or seven or something it took so many attempts you have absolutely no idea and now i am creating the portal at the chords negative 137 157 and it just worked in my brain i just implemented that after enough attempts and we're going through the portal at the 5 30 minute mark this is gonna put us directly in the stronghold as you saw the issue is when you're making a portal in the stronghold it sometimes puts you in different places within the stronghold so it kind of didn't put me exactly at the starting staircase which kind of sucks but i already knew my way around so i knew what i had to do i checked in my inventory there to see if i had another piece of obsidian so i could just run through these four creepers oh my god and place the obsidian in the middle which i did i had crying obsidian so i was totally fine rest in peace that bat 2021 to 2021 unfortunate but here go my eyes i'm entering the end at six minutes unreal you thought the rain x pace last time was unreal when we were exiting the nether how about entering the end at six minutes insane just this run is insane i think it had a shot at sub 7 if i had like the god perch you know like if i got it we we call it on a lot of street speedrunners right now call it the hamazon perch because the speedrunner named amazon got an insane sub one minute dragon in an actual random seed run we just started calling it the amazon perch if i got that i think it had a shot for sub seven but i i wasn't worried about sub seven all i cared about at this point was like please be sub eight please be sub eight please be sub eight please be subbed that's all that i was thinking of the entire time i eat my last stew i'm just crafting blocks here i'm praying that the dragon purchase i really don't want to reset i'm like for the love of god dude i'm checking i'm like is that the perch and and it wasn't which sucks but hey you're watching this so you know eventually the dragon perks it just decided to do a little it wanted to make it interesting gave it a little bit of suspense you know but anyway i really hope you enjoyed this video this sets you was super fun we are approaching 100 000 subscribers very quickly so if you are not subscribed it would mean a lot to me if you go down below hit that subscribe button hey while you're there why not turn on notifications i'm posting videos every other day this was a blast to do i know it it sounded painful and trust me it was painful but i love what i do and this was so awesome so thank you all so much for watching remember to leave a like and subscribe if you are not already and with all that out of the way i'll let you enjoy this perch enjoy this thank you so much for watching see you all later everyone oh my god it's sub eight oh this took so long you have no idea oh my god i'm finally never playing this seat ever again 755. dude oh my brain is dead 755. it's sub 8. oh my god
Channel: Couriway
Views: 360,249
Rating: 4.9566264 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Speedrun, Couriway, minecraft java edition, minecraft speedrun, couriway speedrun, speedrunning, minecraft challenge, minecraft world record, world record, world record speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft wr, speedrun wr, reignex minecraft, couriway minecraft, best minecraft seed, best minecraft, best speedrun
Id: 63_ei52vhrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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