2 Peter 1:19 to 21

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okay welcome back i'm robert breaker and we are continuing our verse by verse bible study through ii peter chapter one last time we finished up with verse 18 and we were able to talk about tabernacle and how that tied into the feast of tabernacles and how there was a voice from heaven and i talked a little bit about be careful uh it's always been the kind of thing where we say if someone's going around saying i hear voices we kind of go well maybe you need to go to a little bunny farm you know maybe you need to go to the sanatorium maybe you need to go to the crazy house if you're hearing voices in your head or if you're walking out in the field and something shouts from heaven to you you know maybe you just might not be all there in the old days we used to think people were crazy that heard a voice from heaven unless of course you know the context was the time of the bible because god spoke to people in the time of the bible literally i mean you go to the bible and all throughout the old testament there were times where god showed up and spoke to people and then even in the new testament for a little while but then after things get settled in the book of acts then no more do you hear voices from heaven but there were times when people would hear voices from heaven when god would actually talk with people but today we have the bible and so we don't go by oh i heard a voice from heaven that said this or i heard a voice from heaven that has said that because that's what starts cults there's huge cult today out there out west it started with a man who said well i heard an angel from heaven talk to me and you're like oh really tell me about he says well he gave me these golden plates and they talked to me and this angel and sometimes he says it was one angel sometimes he says it was two so you kind of wonder huh your story doesn't match buddy which was it well it was nephi no it was moroni well it was both okay which was it uh kind of funny you go to the book of uh the satanic bible it has a list of names of demons and one of them is marmo marmo sounds like moroni doesn't it marmo anyway the bible does say that the devil shows up as an angel of light to appear to people so we see many cults have been founded by people saying well god spoke to me god shouted down from heaven and told me this or god told me this and i heard his voice in my head and you listen to that and you go i don't think i should follow you because the bible itself tells us that we have a more sure word of prophecy and it's more sure than the context of a voice from heaven so let's begin today let's get started let me back up to verse 17 and it says such a voice then verse 18 this voice so twice a voice is mentioned now that was the voice of god the father speaking and we saw that the first time it was at the baptism of john there was a voice that spoke and then we see right before jesus died in matthew 17. so the first one was in matthew 3 and the next one was in matthew 17. and this is two times that a voice from heaven spoke and the apostles heard it now does a voice from heaven speak today that's the question should we go around listening to voices that we hear in our heads or do we always go by the scripture well the bible says we're supposed to always go by the scripture so look at verse 19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy more sure than a voice from heaven so don't go by what you heard go by what you see as you read the bible because this is what god wants us to know this is the settled canon of scripture this is what god said he wants us to know everything must line up with that book if you hear a voice from heaven or a voice in your head and it says something and it doesn't line up with the bible it's not of god okay and who knows if it's a god anyway it might line up with the bible but god says no you don't go by that you go by the scripture okay so we have a more sure word of prophecy where unto you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts the day star is christ jesus christ is the day star he's also called the bride and morning star amen uh last time i talked to you a little bit about why the king james only and we're gonna look at that again today why only king james other versions of the bible are not true perfect uh pure words from god they've been mixed with man king james is the word of god in english today that comes from the pure text and it is the pure bible so we have to go by what god said and we've got to find the bible that is what god said because a lot of bibles have mixed man's words in with what god said but if you stick with the king james you'll never go wrong and i find it interesting jesus christ here is the day star the day star arrives in your heart so jesus is called the day star he's also called in the book of revelation the bride and morning star okay now you go over to isaiah and it says oh son of the morning in the king james bible but if you go to the niv and possibly some of these other versions it says oh morning star wait a minute jesus christ is the bride and morning star so uh lucifer in another version is called jesus jesus's title is given to lucifer in new versions of the bible now do you think that's honors god i don't that's one of the reasons why i don't use the niv because in the niv they've secretly swapped the name of jesus and given it to the devil and now the devil is the morning star no no that's what masons do i don't know if you ever studied masonry but according to masonry masons say no we don't believe jesus is the real lightbearer the royal architect of everything we believe lucifer is so the higher you get up in masonry by the time you get to the 30th 31st 32nd 33rd degree they say we swapped them we take jesus which most people worship and we say no it's really lucifer let's just swap the two now we're worshiping lucifer well i'm not a luciferian don't want to be a luciferian i don't believe in worshipping lucifer but your cults your luciferian satanist societies do and that's what secret societies are that's why they're secret they try to keep it a secret that they really worship lucifer but that's who they worship so jesus is the light and the word of god is like light so i find that very interesting that the word of god is like light and we live in a time of darkness and that light is jesus but the devil appears as an angel of light why because he tries to imitate so if you follow lucifer you're following the imitation you're not following the true one the true light you're following the devil actually so it says we have a more we have also a more sure word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts now when is the day star if that's christ when does he arise in our hearts well that's the rapture so we're waiting for the rapture of the church when the day start jesus takes us out so i can't wait for him to come and take us out i'm not waiting for the antichrist i'm waiting for jesus christ but when we leave we who are saved well that's when the antichrist shows up the bible says he's going to deceive people into thinking that he is the christ so all of your masons and all of your cults and secret societies then they'll have the one they've been waiting for to worship and that's sad now verse 20 says knowing this verse that first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation notice that nothing in the bible is of a private interpretation we can't go to the bible and they go oh i can't figure that out because that i can't interpret that that's only someone else can i can't no all scripture is given by inspiration of god profitable for doctrine we that are bible believers can read the bible and and understand from it now why do i say that because the catholic church teaches and i've heard this in honduras and guatemala and other countries i've dealt with people that are catholics and i say hey do you read your bible they said no i can't read the bible i said what what do you mean you can't read about well the priest tells me that if i read it i can't interpret it right and only he can interpret it for me so i can't read it because why would i read it and get a bad interpretation i have to rely on him that's not what the bible teaches the bible itself says that is of no private interpretation it says what it means and means what it says so we go by what the bible says okay i'm just so sad i've met so many catholics that say i'm not allowed to read the bible because my priest said i won't interpret it right only he can interpret it well that's not what this scripture says it says it's of no private interpretation you can read your bible and you should verse 21 for the prophecy came not an old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so god's words came from them now i find this very important as they were moved the men were moved what were moved their lips if they're speaking the holy spirit of god according to this verse says that god spoke his words through them and so it's the words that are inspired i want you to get that the words are inspired now if you were a liberal if you were a modernist if you were someone who didn't believe in the bible how would you change that well you would say oh well the men were inspired so the men were inspired and so the bible is just a whole lot of inspired words by men and men were inspired to sit down and write something and they wrote and then you can take away the miracle of inspiration the miracle that this is god's word but i don't believe that the king james bible says the holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost now look at new versions of the bible how they change that in spanish it took a while for me to find the right bible in spanish because i started out with the wrong bible because i couldn't at the time there wasn't a good version in spanish that was good and this verse always bothered me in spanish because it says that these holy men of god spake as they were guided by the holy ghost it didn't say mo vidos por el espirito santo it said and i ran into people that were apostates that were literals that were modernist and they said you see that the men were inspired and the holy spirit guided them to just write down their inspired words but no they they were their words were inspired and so now the doctrine of inspiration of the holy spirit god giving us his words is completely destroyed in that version and there are versions in english too that change this verse and we lose the doctrine that god spake through those men his words and that it's the words that are inspired so the bible is god's word according to the king james bible but if you have a new version no you see before i was married i got inspired a lot to write nice little notes to my wife i've written out on 17 i think 17 books i don't have them all for sale some of them are just sitting there i haven't even published them but uh i i got inspired sometimes i just get inspired to write something but that's my word that i was inspired to write but that's not what the bible is you see men today will come out and say well the bible is just a book of men's words and that is a lie out of the pits of hell because the bible itself teaches that it is the word of god and that the words that we have in this book are the words that god spoke and this verse tells us that so there's a lot we've got to get in today but let's look at verse 19 again we have also a more sure word of prophecy so the bible is a book of prophecy that's what i want you to get the bible is prophecy now what is prophecy what does it mean to prophesy all right that's a good question i went to the 1828 webster's dictionary and i looked up prophecy the webster's 1828 dictionary says prophecy a foretelling a prediction a declaration of something to come so what is prophecy it's declaring something will happen before it happens and the bible does that sometimes thousands of years before it says this is going to happen and then it happens exactly the way the bible says now what is that that must be god because man can't do that can you imagine you know how many prophecies there are of jesus christ there's 400 or more prophecies of christ um well that's just in genesis there's a lot more if you take the bible could you imagine if i robert breaker sat down and i said boy i'm really inspired to write a book you know what i'm going to write this book in the year 2043 there will be a man born in brooklyn new york who is half jewish and half puerto rican he will have green eyes and he will be president of the united states and make a war with north korea and and i just went on and on and on writing all this and it just came out of my head what are the odds that that would happen very very slim especially as i keep adding detail after detail after he will drive a uh blue ford pickup truck and he and i just keep adding that well you wait around you find out i was an absolute liar none of that happened why because that was me but god who is outside of eternity looking in and sees the future before it happens he told man now write this down and he told us detail after detail after detail after detail about jesus christ about the end times about this about that the other thing and we have the bible and the bible has been proven 100 percent accurate in all of its predictions no other book has ever done that now people say well there's nostradamus and we have the prophecies of nostradamus while he was declaring it no have you ever read nostradamus it's so vague it's so open-ended it's written in such a way that you could think that any of those were true but it's not in detail okay and it's not 100 accurate only the bible is 100 true and so the bible is a book of prophecy it is a historical book the book a bible is a book of history which is kind of quite interesting his story history history what is history well it's him telling his story and he's telling the story of what happened what is happening now and what will happen so we know god is a man because it's history not herstory just a joke just a joke but anyway we look at the bible it's our more sure word of prophecy in prophecy is a foretelling a prediction or a declaration of something to come now all throughout the old testament there were what are called prophets and there appear all the time these prophets and they show up and when they show up they say thus saith the lord what are they doing they're making a declaration god said this to you so they're speaking god's words to men and they're called prophets thus saith the lord that term thus saith the lord appears 415 times in 413 verses in the king james bible in the old testament so that's a lot of thus saith the lord that's a lot of prophecy in the bible men that were prophets prophesy and much of it was written down and that's what the bible is it's the words of god not the words of man men didn't show up say thus i say to you now jesus might have said verily i say to you but who is jesus god so there you go god's word when jesus speaks he's speaking god's word so let's go to first peter 1 10 real quick and i just want to go through and show you verses on the bible so that you'll know that the bible is our authority and all matters of faith and practice it is 100 true it is truth and we can only go by what the bible says not a voice from heaven not what some other man says we have to always go back god what do you say because the bible is the mind of god let's go to first peter first peter chapter 1 and verse 10. first peter 1 10 says of which salvation the prophets what's a prophet someone that prophesies how do you prophesy thus saith the lord god told me this is what they said in the old testament of which salvation the prophets have inquired and in search diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them which have preached the gospel unto you which the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into so the old testament prophets had the holy spirit in them speaking out of them and those that preached the gospel today have the holy spirit in them so the bible came from prophets men who had the holy spirit in them and the holy spirit moved their lips to speak god's word so the bible is god's word i can't tell you how many times i hear people that aren't saved that go around say oh man wrote that book man wrote that book wow and the book itself says no god wrote it so that shows me that they're that ignorant that they haven't even read it because if you read it you couldn't say man wrote that book you'd say wow that book is 100 accurate all the problems he meant man didn't write that book and so many people who have read the bible who used to be atheists they go man i used to be an atheist but then i actually read it and i'm like dude that that that book is unlike any book on the face of the earth that is the book of god because of the prophecies so let's look at what the book itself says about itself okay let's go to john chapter 17. i've got a lot of verses to get into today and i didn't start my watch so i don't know how long i'll be going i don't want to go long but i guess we'll get done john 17 17. john 17 17 jesus is speaking and says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so you want truth do you then go to the bible because the bible is truth it's the only book that is absolute truth all other books have error because they're man man made men men are are what sinners so men can make mistakes but god can't and god gave us this book psalms chapter 33 and verse 4 the king james bible is the book i'm referring to i'll get into why i'm only king james here in a little bit and you'll be king james too if you look into it because you can't help but see it's only the king james if you look at it psalms 33 and verse 4 says for the word of the lord is right and all his works are done in truth so the word of the lord is truth it's right it's it's correct i have to go by what the creator god says i can't go by myself is there a god yes is there a creator yes okay why would he create us and leave us here without telling us who he is and how to find him you know if you buy a brand new car you're gonna open a glove box and guess what's in that car an owner's manual this was made at such such a place at such and such a time and this is what it is and this is how to fix it if it breaks down even the creator of a vehicle gives you a book called the owner's manual that tells you where it came from and how to fix it well why wouldn't you believe that the creator of the universe wouldn't do the same thing he would and he did so the bible is our owner's manual to figure out this life second corinthians 6 7 by the word of truth by the power of god by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left so by the word of truth so the bible is the truth it's the word of truth ephesians 1 13. ephesians 1 13 in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that she believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise it says the word of truth the word of truth colossians 1 5. so the bible over and over says this book is true believe it and you say no man wrote that book and that book goes no that book was written by the holy spirit god who spoke through men his words so it's not men's words or men's inspiration men weren't inspired to speak their words the holy spirit inspired the words and spoke through them his inspired words so the words are inspired by god and spoken through man but they're god's words not man's words colossians 1 5 for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven where have you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel the word of the truth okay first thessalonians 2 13. first thessalonians 2 13 for this cause also think we god without ceasing because when you receive the word of god which you heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god which effectively worketh also in you that believe so men go around and i went to college i went to the university of west florida many of my classes the first day the teachers attack the bible i talk to other people that go to a secular school they say the same thing first day in class they attack the bible they say man wrote that book it's just like any other book but when you look at that book it says and not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god no this isn't a book written by man this is the book written by god and he just used men as the instrument to do it i sit down with a computer i write a book all right i have an hp computer when i get done with my book i don't say now brought to you by the author hp i don't say hewlett packard wrote my book no i'm the author robert breaker i just used the hewlett-packard computer as my instrument all right god wrote this book the bible he just used man as his typewriter if you will as his instrument to write it down but it's god is the author god is the author not man all right second timothy 2 15 says study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth what is the bible it's the word of truth so do you have the truth well if you have a bible you do if you have the king james bible you have the truth now in other versions of the bible they change a lot of things and they change some things and they take out some truth that's why i'm very very very only king james and i'm going to give you some examples of why soon but it says rightly dividing the word of truth so the bible is truth according to its own testimony according to what it says in it now let's go to john chapter 6 and verse 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh prophet is nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so the words are spirit and they are life you know what that means that means this book is a spiritual book it's not just a physical book that you go to and you can read although yes we have ink and paper but there's a spirit behind this book it's the holy spirit of god that wrote it and you read this book you got to wonder if this book isn't written you because the spirit behind this book is the holy spirit and so the words are life you be you can be saved from this book and get eternal life because this is the book of god let's go to hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12 the bible says the bible is like a mirror when you're reading this book you're looking at it and it's looking back at you and it's telling you look this is what you're really like you know if man wrote the bible it wouldn't be about sin it wouldn't show how horrible and awful and wicked an evil sin is and tell you to stop if men wrote this book they'd be glorifying sin and be like hey look how great sin is so you can tell who the author of this book is whoever the author of the bible is somebody who hates sin well who's that god so we know the bible is is truth but look at hebrews 4 12 for the word of god is quick quick means alive quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit you see it's a spiritual book and it's like a sword and the bible like a sword can pierce into you and how does that work how does that well somehow it's a spiritual book and as you read the bible it gets into your soul it gets into your spirit and it causes what's called conviction and it makes you it makes you just feel awful for your sin and you can get saved through this book because this book can penetrate into the innermost part of you you're not just reading it in your eyes getting in your mind you're reading it and getting into your heart and into your spirit and into your soul it says it and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart now look at what it says in verse 13 neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight whose side context is the bible but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do that's the bible personified that's incredible it's like the bible's reading you when you read it it's looking right back at you john 12 20 48 john chapter 12 verse 48 we're going to be judged someday by what this book says so you might as well read what it says you need to know what it says because someday this book will judge you john 12 48 he that rejecteth me now jesus is speaking he that rejecteth me and received not my words hath one that judgeth him the word that i have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day so this book the bible it's going to judge you and you're going to be judged by the book so are you living by the book are you doing what the book says do you even know what the bible have you ever read the bible i got a friend who got saved not too long ago and he called me up the other day said i finally finished reading the bible all the way through i said praise the lord man now what are you gonna do almost start over yeah that's right you start over but it's wonderful to know that you've read the bible through at least one time i can't remember how many times i've read it through but it's been many many many times in my life since i've been saved and i want to continue reading the bible through it's not a book that you read one time and then you just sit down we read through it over and over and over because god speaks to us through this book he doesn't speak down from heaven as a voice he speaks through this book to us let's go to psalms let me show you how important the bible is okay the bible says that at the name of jesus okay jesus is god manifest in the flesh who died on the cross for us jesus and the bible tells us that jesus is god all right god manifest in the flesh well the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that jesus christ is the lord so that's a powerful name that name of jesus is there anything more powerful than the name of jesus well let's look at this psalms 138 and verse 2. psalms 138 verse 2 says i will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name wow so the name of jesus is powerful yes that name is wonderful but the bible says that his word is magnified above his name is that incredible or is that incredible the bible is literally telling you that this book the bible is to be worshipped higher than you worship the name of jesus it's something that you're to take and say this book is so important to me and it is so important to god that he's magnified the book above his very name now why is that how can that be well the old saying is a man is only as good as his word my daddy taught me that he said son man is only as good as his word if a man gives you his word if he makes you a promise you hold him to that and if he breaks it that's not a good man that's someone you cannot trust a man who is to be trusted is someone that will hold fast to what they said well guess what that's god god can not lie titus chapter one and verse two says god who cannot lie romans 3 4 says let god be true and every man a liar god can't lie so i have his word you ever ever you know make a deal with somebody in texas and well where i grew up it used to be a man's handshake and a man's word was his bond if a man said something and he shook on it that was 100 gospel that meant there's no breaking that bond because i said it and i'm going to follow through with it because my word is my bond right the bible says the word of god is not bound the bond that we have is the bible and god cannot lie so he can be trusted so whatever he says in this book i'm going to say all right i'm going to bank my soul on it and i'm going to trust it 100. so man is only as good as his word well that's interesting because jesus christ is the word capital w and jesus is called the word the word of god capital w and the bible is the lowercase w that's the bible so let's look at this today and let's ask the question where is god's word which translation is the right bible is there a pure word of god today or are all bibles messed up because you know there's over 200 different versions of the bible in english and everyone says something different i've never seen that before in other books i don't see in english language we have 200 different versions of shakespeare there's only one matter of fact in spanish i think there's only one translation of shakespeare there might be two but it says it in english so put it in spanish what it says why are there 200 different versions because people look at the bible and they go well i think it ought to say this so they make their own translations of what they think it should say but the king james bible didn't do that the king james bible translator said no we're just going to translate what it says not what we think it should say and they did right doing that and i'm going to show you here in a second why the king james is correct but the most important doctrine today is the doctrine of inspiration did god inspire his word well the inspiration of god's word is found in the bible and according to the promise god gave us his word that he inspired again it's god's word not man's word so let's go to second timothy two excuse me second timothy 3 16. let me read this to you there's the doctrine of inspiration in the doctrine of preservation and they must go hand in hand preserve of god's word all right i want to explain these to you really quick and then we'll get back to ii peter i pretty much read the verses but i want to read after explaining all this so you'll get a hold of it second timothy 3 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god okay so god is the one who inspired it so it's god's inspired words and it says all scripture so what is scripture scripture is the word of god that means all means it's copies faithful copies or translations that are faithful to what the original said so when god had them write down the original autographs they were inspired and they were perfect because god can't lie okay and look what it says all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness now i could go to the greek there well i will i guess i don't like running to the greek but it's interesting the word there is theophanusia for inspiration theophanusia means god breathed so it's like god was speaking but as he's speaking he's speaking it into their heart and it's moving their lips and it's coming out so it's god inspired not man's inspire just another thing to show that no the bible wasn't written by man it was god breathed it was from god but it says all scripture is given by inspiration of god all right do we have the original autographs today no we don't and there are people out there that say well only the original autographs are inspired you say well is the king james bible inspired they go no it's not you can't be that silly you can't be that foolish you can't be that dumb so we don't have gods inspired no we don't have god's inspired word according to them but the bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of god it doesn't say just the original autograph so if you have a faithful copy of an original or you have a faithful translation from faithful copies then you have scripture all right so i believe that the king james bible is a faithful copy of the originals so i believe the king james bible is scripture so i am king james only and so king james only kjv only and i say 1611 okay you know we know in like 1769 or something they changed the spelling but we always call it the c 1611. so we are king james only i'm not new king james new king james changes things i'm king james only why because i believe in the doctrine of inspiration but also believe in the doctrine of preservation which we'll get to here in a minute but let me read you also this verse in second peter 1 21. go to second peter 1 21 with me for the prophecy came not an old time by the will of men a man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so this is the inspiration of the holy spirit speaking through them his inspired words the men weren't inspired speaking it was the holy spirit that spoke the inspired words so god inspired his word in the originals now what were the original languages that they were written in and where are they all right let's look at that quickly i don't have time to get into this much but in jerusalem well that was the capital of israel so if you want to look for the old testament you go to israel and the capital is jerusalem there you find that they spoke hebrew and the hebrew masoretic text was the text that was protected by the tribe of levi and that they made copies of copies of copies of copies of copies faithful copies of those original manufactures so if i wanted to find a pure old testament in the original language old testament i would go over here to the hebrew masoretic text and i would find my pure old testament that would be my starting point to try to find the pure word of god of the old testament now the bible says in acts 11 26 the disciples of jesus were first called christians in antioch of syria in antioch and in that time the omer empire they spoke greek coin a greek was the language of the people and we have in antioch the early church well this later became the byzantine empire and we find there's over 5 000 plus manuscripts in greek that are all over this area and today they're called the texas receptus receptus and look where they came from they all have their roots in antioch where it says in acts 11 26 that the christians the disciples christ were first called christians so okay i would go to the jews for the old testament and for those that call themselves christians i would go there to the new testament so i have the texas receptus and the hebrew masoretic text that's where i go to find the true word of god and guess what that's where the king james bible comes from so that's where i get the kjv from it comes from those two texts now do new versions of the bible come from that no they don't all new versions of the bible come from the alexandrian line of manuscripts now in the early church a hundred two hundred three hundred years after jesus there was two different schools there was the antiochus school of christianity and the alexandrian school of so-called christianity and the alexandrian school did not believe in taking a literal interpretation of the bible but in the antioch school they said we follow the bible literal we take a literal interpretation the school of alexandria was mixed with philosophy i'll have to throw this one away it was mixed with philosophy it was mixed with ancient paganism and also gnosticism you ever heard of the gnostics the gnostics were down in this area the gnostics believed in a spark of divinity in all of us their their modern age liberals the gnostics were they didn't take the bible literally they they believed in taking a metaphor a meta metaphorical interpretation of the scriptures so you had your true bible believing christians that believed every word of god and then you had your liberals that said oh we don't believe in everything that it says what and down here you have that horrible person named origen who changed it a lot and things like that you had the lxx that came from here and it was a greek old testament full of errors mistakes and then you had rome now when you connect the dots you find this see what i can do you have one line of bible text where our king james bible comes from which is the true line that goes all the way back to the originals then you have the alexandrian line of text that's connected with rome by the way you have alexandria connected with roman scriptures the bible never has anything good to say about egypt and about rome and so the gnostics are the ones that begin to introduce into the text changes because they didn't believe it was a literal uh thing they changed it today people say oh well these alexandrian texts are the better manuscripts and you look at them and go another not there's aleph and b aleph and b and those are just full those that's the vaticanus and cindiaticus those are just full of errors and mistakes so you look at the bible itself let's go to second corinthians 2 and verse 17. and paul warns us in his day in his day that there's some people running around changing the bible second corinthians 2 17 and 2 corinthians 2 17 says for we are not as many which corrupt the word of god he said there are many people out there you better watch out who are corrupting the word of god well then you go well if that's true how do we know what we have in the bible today is true or not for we are not as many as corrupt the word of god he says and he continues there but as of sincerity but as of god in the sight of god speak we in christ now look at saint corinthians 4 2 but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness or handling the word of god deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth committing ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of god so paul says there's some people out there that were corrupting the word of god and that they handle the word of god deceitfully well who would that be well that would be your ancient gnostics okay now do we have the pure word of god today well there's two lines of bible text we have the byzantine texts and we have the alexandrian manuscripts that tie into rome uh one of the vaticanus was found in the vaticanus the siniaticus was found down here so it's alexandria now if i wanted to find a pure word of god and i scratched my head i said now who are the ones that corrupting it well i go back to ancient history and i go back to the early church and i find that the bad guys were the gnostics and the gnostics were more centered around this area and the true christians were over here and the true jews were so this would be the line that i go to for the pure word of god and i find out that guess what that's a pure line of bible text but these are full of errors and mistakes and problems and yet sadly today most of your so-called bible schools especially your sector schools they teach what they call today textual criticism and they say now we don't believe in the pure word of god we believe that that it's not even inspired we believe that that men inspired the bible so we don't believe in the inspiration of god and we believe that to find what god really said well you have to go and you have to look at all the manuscripts and you have to decide for yourself and they don't believe in the doctrine of preservation now i showed you the problem the problem is paul said after we gave the bible out people corrupted it all right so the question is which is the bible that's corrupted and which is the bible that's pure and is there such a thing as a pure bible today these people that believe in textual criticism they say no you can never have the pure word of god what kind of god would inspire his word perfect but then wouldn't preserve it perfect what kind of god who is perfect would give you his original book and it's perfect and then say no i'm sorry it's gonna be lost to be corrupted and be messed up and you'll never have a pure copy if he's not powerful enough to preserve it then he's not a good god is he does the bible teach preservation is the pure perfect pure word of god out there today somewhere can we find it yeah let's go to well that's only if you believe the bible now and a lot of people don't but let's go to psalms chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 and again here's another verse that has been messed with with new versions new versions change all of the doctrines i believe in the doctrine of inspiration that god's word is inspired but i also believe the doctrine of preservation that god was not only powerful enough to give us his word through the bounce of the prophets god speaking god's words but he also was powerful enough to preserve it perfect without any error for us to have yes someone messed it up but we can clearly see who they are what the messed up copies are and we could also see where the true copy comes from so we go with the true word of god psalms 12 6 says the words of the lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times okay so it says god's words are pure and it's like a fire like appearing fire all right a fire purifies the more you burn something the more pure it becomes all right thou shalt keep them o lord notice what it says thou shalt keep them what the words now new versions change that the new versions change that to preserving of a generation you shall preserve this generation forever new versions all right so david's still alive david wrote this and so he's saying my generation is still alive today that that's that's an error that is not what the bible says it says thou shall keep them what the words oh lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever so this is a promise of god that god would pro preserve his word and he would preserve it pure because his word is pure alright so if this is true and i believe it is then somewhere in the world must be the pure word of god which one is it going to be it's going to have to be the one that comes from the right fountain not from the fountain of those that didn't believe the bible and that went and changed it all right so i got a lot to get into here but let me get into this the word of god look what he says here purified seven times do you know english is the seventh language the bible's been translated into started with hebrew and aramaic syriac greek old latin german english seven i think there was six other english bibles before the king james king james is the seventh english bible purified seven times everything just keeps pointing to king james 16-11 king james 16-11 so i'm like okay well let's look into this okay i like to study history and you be careful because there are people out there that'll lie to you about this that follow westcott and horton all these false matter of fact one of the big ones is bart ehrman e-h-r-m-a-n it should be e-r-r-m-i-m-a and i've taken his classes i've watched him he's your typical modern-day textual critics textual critics do not believe in the preservation of god's word so they would take psalms 12 6 and 7 say throw that out of the bible that shouldn't be there no god promised to preserve his word okay so where okay well if you study this out you find and there's so much that i could get into here where do i begin well let me begin with the words of salera cipriano de valera helped translate in 1602 the bible into spanish and these are his words okay in 1569 there was a guy that did it named cassiodoro darrena and he said boy that lxx has a lot of problems and errors he says that latin vulgate the latin vulgate is the official bible of the catholic church he says that latin folgate is full of errors and mistakes so he's telling us that this is the line of the ones that have errors this is the line of the ones that have mistakes not that line over there but cipriano de valera in 1602 said it like this because it is not right to conform the certain with the uncertain the word of god with the word of men i again bleed plead to our good merciful god and father that give you grace to hear him and to know his will and that knowing it you will conform to it and so be saved through the blood of the lamb without blemish that sacrificed himself on the altar of the cross to forgive our sins before god amen here's an amazing guy he's all about the blood of jesus man you gotta have that blood i'm gonna listen to him he sounds like a saved guy all right over here well that's where the catholics are what are the catholics believe uh the cup they have the wine in the cup oh drink this wine that's the blood no that's not blood that's hooch that's liquor that's not no i'll take the guy that says believe in the blood on the cross uh before i take you guys okay so you start studying this thing out and you look it and you say okay which bible is the true bible here i have the old testament hebrew masoretic and i have the greek new testament i've got the hey kaine so here's the old testament here's the new testament this is the true line of text from where the king james comes from do new versions of the bible go to these lines of text to translate no they do not all new versions of the bible other than the king james always go to the alexandrian line of manuscripts to do their translation they go to the corrupt line of text the gnostic text now westcott and hort came along in the 1800s and they found vaticanus in city atticus they said we like those better and those were missing verses those are changing a lot of doctrines that we have today that are sound bible doctrine these changed because they come from the corrupt texts i have here the doctrine new testament by d a weight and what d a weight did is he went to westcott and hort's new testament and i don't have time to show you this whole thing but every time you see a word in uh um bold that is something that wescott and hort changed so look at that on every page there's two three four five words changed this is what all new bibles come from the west god and hort text a text in which two men westcott and hort went through and on every page of the bible they changed something just to change it and that's what your bible comes from if you're using anything other than the king james you've got a bible that's been messed with and been changed not only by these people in alexandria but by westcott and hort so when you're reading a bible that is not a king james you're reading a bible and you don't know if what you're reading is what god actually said or if what these two guys said you don't know if it's man's word or god's word when you're reading a different version of the bible these guys nestle and allen eventually took the westcott and hort text and they brought forth their new critical new testament and this is the critical text of the nestle island all new versions of the bible come from this not from that do these people believe that what they have is the pure inerrant inspired word of god of course not let me show you the words in the beginning of this this is the beginning of the of the nestle island text right you can pause and read you can pause and read and i will read it to you nestle created an outstanding text based upon the work of the textual critics of the 19th century west god and hort okay so these people are textual critics they criticize the true version of the bible and where it comes from and they come over here to the corrupt text and they say i think it ought to say this either so any bible that you have other than the king james bible you have a bible that men have put together who said i think it ought to say what i say so they're telling you that they're smarter than god king james came from this line every modern bible under the king james comes from this line not the same bible not the same here's what it says okay all new versions of the bible the new testament comes from this nestle allen text and it says the text shared by these two editions was adopted internationally by bible societals and societies and following an agreement between the vatican and the united bible societies it is served as the basis for new translations and for revisions made under their supervision so any version of the bible other than the king james comes from rome and we know that from rome will come the antichrist according to the bible revelation and things like that but look what they says in this text itself about this new testament it is a working text it is not to be considered as definitive but as stimulus to further efforts toward defining and verifying the text of the new testament if you have any bible other than a king james bible you cannot say that your bible is what god said and you cannot say it's pure you cannot say it's inspired you cannot say it's preserved you cannot say that it is the word of god and it's definitive you can only say well these sighs according to their opinion they thought it was better and it's not better because it's based on the text they come from the corrupt gnostics who went through changing stuff now here is something that ought to be disturbing to you this is what i have i got this at a garage sale this is the children's living bible a paraphrase by kenneth taylor i think it was or somebody in all new versions of the bible they go through and they change things they translate but they don't go over here to where the text came from to begin with to translate they come from the corrupted text that paul warns us about says there's many corrupting them those are them and they put in their bibles tremendously horrible things remember this is supposed to be a bible for a child okay this is for a child to read would you want your child to read this i don't even want to read it out loud i can't say that on camera there might be kids watching the king james bible says you son of a perverse woman this literally says you sob that's your new versions of the bible they are corrupt they are disgusting they are bile they're wicked and they're man correcting god's word now i feel sorry for them if they do that because the bible warns us not to do that let's go to deuteronomy there's three places in the bible that says don't go changing god's word and yet they do and any other version of the bible besides the king james is not even the bible it's from the corrupted text because they don't translate new versions from the texas receptors in the masoretic they don't they only go over here to the west god horde nestle island so they're not even going to the same fountain in their new versions deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 2 you shall not add unto the word which i command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that you may keep the commandments of the lord your god which i command you okay three times we're told not to change god's word three commands not to change god's word first one is in deuteronomy 4 2. the second one first one's in the front of the bible one in the middle of the bible one in the last of the bible so you don't miss it three times god says don't go messing with my word stick with the hebrew masoretic and the texas receptus and make your translation from that because that's where they came from in the original they won't do it they go to these messed up bibles the next one is proverbs chapter 30 and verse five i think in six i'll put six two let's go to proverbs i'm top of my head here so let me see proverbs chapter 30 and verse five every word of god is pure he has a shield under them that put their trust in him okay if you have the word of god then it's pure but if you have a bible that makes men's words in it then it's not pure and you don't know if you're reading what god said or what man said do you really think god said you sob somebody changed it to read in a vile manner proverbs 30 verse 6 add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and they'll be found a liar so don't add to god's words don't diminish from god's words now let's go to the book of revelation here's your command at the end of the bible revelation 22 18. when you start studying this out you know what you find out also many of the people that are putting out these new versions of the bible aren't even saved and that would make sense what this verse says revelation chapter 22 18-19 and it says for i testify to every man that hear the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things god shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy god shall take away as part of the book of life and out of the holy city and things which are written in this book watch out don't go changing the word of god most of your new versions if not all are done by lost people a lot of people today they say well i like the niv mr breaker i think the niv well the nlv comes from that false line of text that's why it's full of errors that's why it's full of mistakes that's why it's missing whole verses i went to uh it's a long story i don't know if i have time to get into it but guatemala i knew a guy in guatemala who was the president of guatemala and when i was a kid i met him at my grandfather's funeral and my aunt and uncle were friends with him and he came there and he said if you're ever in guatemala look me up and i'm like a little 14 13 year old kid but i never forgot that and one time in honduras i traveled to guatemala and i was there with a friend and another missionary and i said you know what i'd like to do is go visit this guy and he goes oh you don't know him i go yeah i do he was the uh he was the president of guatemala and he's my friend he goes no you don't know him i go yeah yeah i do he's like no he didn't believe me i said all right you give me the phone and we called up and i talked to him on the phone i said we'd like to visit with him he goes i remember you yes yes i remember yes please come visit me and so we went downtown to guatemala city up in a big high-rise and we met with this guy and he was a big businessman and my missionary friend just couldn't believe i can't believe you know the president of guatemala i'm again as we sat down with them and we brought a bible to him and i said you know i don't know if you're christian i'm a missionary and i'm a preacher and i just i never forgot you and i always thought about you and i wish i always wished i could speak spanish and now that i've learned it now we can talk you know and we sat down and talked and i said look i don't know if you're saved or you go to church or anything i said but i'd like to give you a bible and i pulled out a bible and i gave it to him and i gave him a valeria 1602 purified spanish bible which is as close to the king james you get because they went with this fountain to translate not with that one and uh the guy says well thank you thank you very much he says you know what i've been using the niv he says and i've been reading it a lot lately and he goes i'm really disturbed i said well tell me why are you so disturbed with the niv it says they take out whole verses they take out words he goes i don't what is wrong with this why did they do that i said because they're coming from the corrupted line you go to an niv you go to ax 837 in an iv tell me if you can find it i'll wait go ahead if you're using an iv turn to x837 right now and read it to me when you find it okay i'll wait find it oh okay i'll give you a little more time acts 8 37 look at 37. did you find it yet did you oh that's right you didn't did you it's not there the whole verse is removed in an niv bible who is going through cutting out verses out of bible they say well the older texts don't have that bull that's a lie from the pizza hell you're found a liar we found old texts that have eight acts 837 majority text has it someone took it out why because if you take that out then you're saved by water baptism but if you put it in you're saved by faith see these new versions they do affect doctrine and i don't have time to get into all of that but watch out for new versions of the bible i'm king james only because new versions they they make me say well let me tell you this too if you have an niv i'm gonna tell you something you won't have it for long the niv has been revised four times and they're gonna revise it again and they're never going to print it the way it used to be and they're going to print it and they want to print it in a gender inclusive manner so there won't be he or she it'll be they or whatever and it's they're going to change it and change it and change it you see new versions they just keep changing stuff king james doesn't change it's unchangeable because it is the pure preserved word of god so niv there's two people that worked on the niv that were homosexuals they were homosexuals that did the work of the translation one of them was a woman named malencott and she changed uh homosexual or sodomite to temple male prostitute what is that how do you know but you you use a different version other than king james you're going to have a version that is corrupt you say well well all new versions of the bible might be a little different but they don't change doctrine i don't know who told you that but that is a lie from the pits of hell they do affect doctrine first timothy 3 16. first timothy 3 16 says god was manifest in the flesh so jesus christ is god unless you have a new version and it just says he was manifest in the flesh who is he now i don't know if you know greek or not but uh in the the large uh letter the the capital letters of greek this is the word for god it's short for faos okay yeah it's more like that chaos he is hoss okay see the difference this is the word god this is the word he all right just about every single manuscript that we have in first timothy 3 16 says god was manifested in the flesh the one manuscript that they found that says he they said well no we'll have to change the whole bible and just put he and in that manuscript you can see barely that there was a line and someone erased it who would erase the fact that jesus is god somebody that doesn't believe in the deity of christ a demon perhaps because demons don't like the deity of christ so you get a new version of the bible they go through and change things and the majority over five thousand manuscripts says god manifests in the flesh and they said well we found one that says only he was mentioned and you go let me look at that a little closer with the mainstream oh no no there was a line there at one time you erased it you liar bible says don't go changing god's word lest you be found a liar someone's a liar and they're attacking the deity of christ you go to new versions of the bible second timothy 2 15 study to show thyself and prove it unto god work we need to not be ashamed they go uh procure your do your diligence or some they change study they take out the word study the only command in the new testament for us to study the bible and they take it out why because if you begin to study you'll find out that their text is full of many errors and mistakes so don't study their version just buy it and put it on your shelf make them rich if you go to john chapter 1 and verse 18 in many versions new versions change it to two gods all right let me ask you a question is god one god or two gods well if you go with the corrupt manuscripts you've got two gods let's go over here let's go to the greek okay people talk about the greek the greek they don't even know what the greek is there's no such thing as the greek there are many greek texts so which one are you talking about for me there's only one pure greek which would be the greek texas receptus and so you'd go over there to that but when they talk about the greek they're usually talking about the corrupt nestle island greek text all right so what does nessel allen say well enessel allen says in john chapter 1 and verse 18 there's two different gods can you see that right there this is john 1 18 okay few god and then it says theos god all right king james bible says the only begotten son only begotten son this perverted piece of garbage that isn't even good enough for toilet paper that claims to be the word of god but it's not it's a corrupt text that they said in the beginning don't even look at this as though it was absolute and perfect it's not it's not a definitive text this version says there's two different gods and so new versions of the bible a lot of them say that now on the bottom they have the critical apparatus now when i went to bible school they taught me something that they don't teach in any other bible school they teach the critical apparatus this is what they say down at the bottom so you look here verse 18 and it says chaos god well that is found in aleph oh okay so and oh so the alexandrian uh text okay and then you read down here a little farther and you go oh okay so uh the reason that you put god in there is because the vaticanus and city okay so these people will take the vaticanus insidiaticus over the true text and that's a shame and that's a shame and so the it does affect doctrine people that run around say new versions of the bible don't affect any doctrine they are liars from the pits of hell and you've got to wonder if they're even safe to begin with i hate to say that but it's true because when you start studying new versions of the bible they're attacking the deity of christ that verse john 1 18 says no there's two gods jesus christ is a begotten god and you go no no now notice one thing they're beginning to change it because people like me are speaking up i went to the internet and and looked for the nasv or whichever one it was that had two gods and they changed it but i got a printed one over here a copy on my shelf and it's not it says two gods so they're trying to be subtle and deceive you but john 1 18 has the only begotten god oh so god the father's in heaven and jesus christ came as another completely different begotten god no the only begotten son the king james says you can never go wrong with the king james bible so let's go to first thessalonians 2 13 we read this earlier but i want you to see this if you were the devil would you attack the bible of course you would because you hate it the bible says or receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your soul if you're the devil you hate people and you don't want to see people get saved so you would do everything within your power to change the bible and you would go through and change verses that affect doctrine you would and when you begin studying this out you find out that's exactly what has been done the gnostics didn't have the right doctrine and they went through and changed the old testament in the new testament in the time of christ a couple hundred years after and we see the true christians over here keeping preserved faithful copies so the devil comes along he says you know what i want people to have things they call bibles but i wanted to be changed so much that it's very little truth in it and that's what the devil is doing with all the new versions of the bible but what is the bible supposed to do well first thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 13 which we read earlier says this for this cause also think we god without ceasing because when we you receive the word of god which he heard of us he received it not as the word of man but as it is in truth the word of god which effectually worketh also in you that believe so the word of god is supposed to work in you the more word of god you have the more that it can work in you but if you take the word of god and you corrupt it and you change it and you handle it deceitfully deceitfully then guess what you're going to water it down i don't want a watered down version of the bible i want the pure word of god the word of god says it's like water it's like a well okay here's here's your whale here i want a well that's full of pure water i'll tell you a story in honduras one time we had a well and when i lived in honduras i had to live off the well water we had down in the bottom here we had a little motor and the motor i'd have to turn it on and it would take water through a pipe into the house and and every time i wanted to shower i'd have to go out the back porch and turn on the well pump and it would start pumping water into the house and one time we had a whole lot of rain and a whole lot of frogs and somehow a bunch of frogs got in my well and i i loved my well it was clean water but all these frogs got in there and they died and i kept smelling dead frog everywhere and i went and i took a shower and i came out and i said shoo i smell like a dead frog i ran out pulled the top off the well and there's a bunch of dead frogs i had to get in and pull them all out and get everything pour a whole bunch of bleach in there try to bleach it and get it clean i want pure water in my well i don't want to smell like a dead frog well the bible says the word of god is like water the washing of the water by the word do you want a watered down version of the bible do you want a bible that's been changed by a bunch of dead frogs that bunch of frogs came out of egypt right a bunch of dead people evil people wicked people don't care what god says don't want the pure text they want to go through a version that people are changing you want to come out smelling like a dead frog as a christian no i want the pure word of god i want my well clean so i'm going to go with the king james bible because it's the only one that comes from the pure text all others come from the false line of tanks maybe i shouldn't but i will the bible says the word of god is like milk have you ever uh drinking milk before you like milk do you i like milk where does milk come from well without being perverted hopefully when you're born your mama makes milk she's got one on this side and one on that side and hopefully she breastfeeds you that's what the breasts are for and when she feeds you with that breast milk if she's a pure holy clean woman then you're going to get pure holy clean milk and you're going to be happy and a lot of that milk will help you grow well interesting the bible says the word of god is like milk we have old testament new testament do you want the pure word of god do you want to go to the pure source to where the true christians were or do you want a bible that comes from the false line of christians the catholic line the catholic church is full of doctrines of errors and mistakes and there's so much corruption matter of fact if you believe the bible the the catholic church is called the great let me ask you a question would you give your newborn baby to a and ask her to breastfeed it i mean would you go downtown to the red light district and you just had a newborn baby and say hey who's the dirtiest one here i want the filthiest that you have oh there she is she's got every disease known to man okay would you please breastfeed my baby you'd be a sicko if you did but if you believe your bible god calls that the and if you want your milk your bible from the critical text because the critical texts are the catholic text the gnostic text the catholic church was founded with much gnosticism and a lot of the doctrines of the catholic church are not bible doctrines they're gnostic doctrines so you got to watch out do you want the milk that's corrupt could you imagine if your mama was a and she breast-fed you and she had every std known to man you think you'd be a pretty well strong mature person no i don't want that give me a pure bible give me the pure milk if you will well i've studied it out and i've found that only the king james bible comes from the pure line of text and all new versions of the bible they come from this line which is the corrupt line and they do attack the deity of christ they do take out whole verses they do attack who jesus is and things like that i guess we can close now to luke chapter 11. luke 11 i have no idea how long i've gone probably too long but oh well you can never go wrong sticking up for the king james bible because it's the only true word of god today luke chapter 11 verse 28 luke 11 28 jesus says but he said yea rather blessed are they that hear the word of god and keep it i've studied this whole thing out and i see that this line of bible text is corrupt i will not be in alexandria and i will not follow the alexandrian line of text i'm sticking with my king james bible and the bible says to me i'm promised to be blessed because i heard the word of god and i'm going to keep it i'm going to keep his word i'm going to keep it and when i keep his word i get blessed do you want to be blessed you want a blessing stick with the king james bible throw the others in the trash see i got other videos on youtube about this why the king james only please look those up please see them but the king james is the word of god now let's go back to second peter and close and if you don't see that you're going to be deceived because there are people out there who are trying to deceive you and they're giving you watered-down perverted versions of the bible and that's a shame i wouldn't i wouldn't accept it go back to second peter look what he says there in verse 16 for we have not followed cunningly fables yeah but many have many are believing in these versions of the bible and they're cleaning the device fables to tell you that their version is better and it's not and then it goes down there in verse 19 for we have also a more sure word of prophecy do you have more sure word of prophecy the monarch of books is this king james bible it's the only true king king james is the only true pure perfect inspired inerrant infallible preserved word of god all others are from the other text if you study it out you'll find out i'm telling you the truth so i'm going to stick with this more sure word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts the bible's like the light what do you want you want a flashlight that works that has good batteries well you want one where the batteries are worn down it's about to go out that's your new versions king james is the strong flashlight new versions are the ones that about to go out uh trying the dark place though they don't the day star arise in your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation you can read the king james and understand it and go by what it says people say well brother breaker it's written in old english i don't understand get the book by gail riplinger new age bible versions from av publications.com and she shows you the fleshman kincaid reading task she takes all these sentences from a king james bible and the king james bible on average is a sixth grade reading level new versions are between ninth and twelfth grade see they keep lying to you they say oh king james is okay if you can't understand it it's too hard to read and you do the scientific proof and evidence and you go no it's the easiest to read it's sixth grade reading level and all other versions are higher king james says in the beginning that it was appointed to be read in the churches it was translated from the correct text but the idea of the translators was we want it to flow in a way that it's easy to read and easy to memorize how about this he that hath the son hath life he that hath not the son hath not life but the wrath of god abideth on him all one syllable words except for one or two in there easy to memorize the king james is so much superior in so many ways to any other version and how about this i didn't even get into the mathematical perfection of the king james bible i got a book over there on my shelf where a guy goes through and he says look at this the king james the way the numbers come out of words and everything spectacular and new versions of the bible it doesn't work i got another guy who contacts me all the time he says you ever heard of the bible code breaker i'm like no what's that well they take the old testament and they they run it through in a computer and there's all these hidden codes in it and i don't know how much to get into that or what but they did the same thing with the king james and guess what the code only works in the king james done work in new versions of the bible it's almost like god in heaven is going hey i'm trying to tell you king james only but people want perverted versions and i don't understand verse 21 for the prophets came not in old time by the will of men the holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so the holy spirit has used the king james bible more revival has come in the history of the world from the king james than from any other version and the king james is still the standard today after 400 years but other versions well they might last 10 years 50 years not very long nothing has been able to throw on the king james and it can't if you stick with it and keep preaching it because it comes from the pure line of texts and all new versions come from the corrupt gnostic text i don't know what else to say except believe it because it's the truth thank you for watching and i guess next time we'll get to start in chapter two and guess what chapter two starts about but there were false prophets among the people you know who are behind the new versions of the bible false prophets and most of your cults if not all of them use new versions of the bible now there are some cults that use the king james but they don't believe the king james but the apostasy in this world the majority of the people in this world that claim to be christians but who aren't they're in name only they're not really saved many of them don't have a king james a lot of people tell me brother breaker i i was in a false denomination i wasn't saved and i was using a different version then i got saved and i threw that version out because only the king james spoke to me only the king james seemed right i only got light from the king james i couldn't understand the other versions i say you know what that is that's the holy spirit guiding you get into the king james bible and you'll never go astray all right god bless you see you next time you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 17,119
Rating: 4.9206347 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, 2 Peter, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Bible Study, Robert Breaker
Id: 9ql0eXCbB5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 45sec (4665 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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