2 Peter 2:1

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all right welcome back i'm robert breaker and we're continuing our verse by verse bible study through the book of second peter and now we're in chapter two we finished up last time in chapter one so get out your king james bible and study along with me as we continue our verse by verse bible study uh please king james only if you have a different version well you have a vatican bible so we don't want to study with the vatican bible we'd much rather study with the king james bible now if you watch my last video the end of second peter i went in and wrote a map up here and showed you why i call it a vatican bible many of the new versions if not all other than the king james come from the corrupt critical texts which are nothing more than the catholic text which come from vaticanus the vatican and sin niaticus which are the gnostic texts and we don't want those we want the true word of god amen king james bible so we're going to stick with the king james here in our bible study now ii peter chapter two now i've taught you so far that second peter contains a lot of doctrine and i love teaching first and second peter first peter is a lot of milk a lot of good stuff to get you rooted and grounded in the things of god and how you should be as a christian then second peter he goes into uh some more of the little bit of milk there but then he starts giving you a little bit more doctrine a little bit more doctrine a little bit more doctrine now we turn to a warning and he begins to warn you by using examples of old testament things and he warns about false prophets so peter starts off talking in chapter two of second peter about false prophets and it begins to warn us watch out for false prophets so we need to watch out we need to heed this warning and he gives a warning to christians and to jews now i want you to remember this this is oh so so important that i've been teaching you that when we come to the book of second peter well actually first and second peter we have to remember that this book has a dual application and what do i mean by a dual application well peter was more to jews than he was to gentiles you can't say peter only went to jews chapter 10 of the book of acts why he gets cornelius some truth and cornelius why he gets the holy spirit so he went to some gentiles so you can't say only to jews and paul only to gentiles some people do well i don't i show you what the bible teaches uh peter was the first to go to gentiles but peter said and you read the book of galatians that his ministry was more to the circumcision and you read about paul and how paul's ministry was more to the uncircumcision but yet everywhere paul went he went to the synagogue first and then when the some jews believed he took those with them and those that did it he went away and he went to the gentiles so we have peter we have paul okay and this book of first and second peter these two epistles of his they're written to christians and i've showed you how we can apply the books of first and second peter to us because a lot of things that peter says lines up with paul so i'll just write paul up here and here's peter back here i'll put peter here under christ because peter kind of had a two-fold ministry he was one of the disciples of jesus before jesus died and yet he was one of the early apostles after jesus died so so the age-old you know thing of peter versus paul peter and paul you know a lot of people say so and so rob uh peter to pay paul or something silly like that but peter and paul are in the bible for a reason now we're studying peter when he gives us this warning peter peter warns of false prophets so it tells us to watch out it's a i'll put it up here in big letters warning warning there are going to be false prophets now i want to make sure you get a hold of this because this warning again the dual application of the book this warning is for the church age there are going to be some false prophets all throughout the church age and we see them and that's a sad thing but there also will be some false prophets over here trying to deceive the jews during the time of the tribulation and perhaps just a little bit before they'll be out there trying to deceive the jews and i'm going to go through all these verses and i'm going to show you once again the double application of the book of ii peter because he's warning the church us who are saved in our time period and our dispensation they'll be false prophets but as soon as the rapture takes place there'll be some jews that come over and get the book of first and second peter and they'll be reading that and they'll be going oh he's warning us of false prophets yeah there's people running around saying this is the christ and that is the christ but we know that's not true who is the true christ well the true christ is jesus christ so there is a double application of this book and i just want to make sure as i was reading through and studying this i was like wow that that's good you've got a double application here we got false prophets today during the church age during the time of peter and yet we'll see jesus even said to the jews in the tribulation period watch out for these false prophets so it's a dual application a dual application so got it up here in my notes i kind of wrote out sometimes i go by my notes sometimes i don't but jesus's earthly ministry is here before the cross so this is jesus's earthly ministry so in jesus earthly ministry you have peter so that's why i put this arrow over here peter was serving god before jesus died on the cross but then you have after jesus died what's called the apostles doctrine or the apostles ministry and that's a little bit different than paul's ministry okay if you know how to rightly divide the word of truth and you've studied in my videos you see that and the way i like to describe that the best is that from the time of the early ministry of jesus all the way to the apostles until paul they always talked about who jesus was and it's all about who he is and the name and believe on the name and believe in who he is but with paul acts 13 38 and 39 god said paul i want you not just to preach who i am although that's important people need to know that i am the creator i am god i am the messiah and all these things but he said paul make sure you let them know what i did for them i died in their place for their sins to justify them so what did jesus do he died on the cross he shed his blood to justify us from all our sins so there's the blood on the cross a lot of people email say brother breaker make sure you put that blood on that cross every time you teach so i do my best to do that so you have this now quickly quickly quickly the dual application so the dual application of what we're going to read peter today is this dual application of this warning and the dual application of peter's warning is warning us today today he warns watch out for false prophets but also to the jews in the tribulation then watch out for false prophets okay so a lot of jews though unfortunately do not accept the new testament but as soon as the rapture takes place the bible says there'll be two witnesses in the book of revelation that come in the tribulation that's moses and elijah and i believe that they will reveal to them who the true christ is but there'll be others running around saying no i'm the christ no i'm the christ so the jews will probably most likely i believe start reading the new testament and they'll go to peter and so what we're reading here in ii peter this warning is a dual application because it's for us today but it's also going to be something for them too and it fits in both dispensations okay make sure i say that correctly to where you understand what i'm saying and also i wanted to write this paul wrote the book of hebrews back here early in the book of acts so hebrews is written by paul and but over here we have first and second peter written and they were written by peter so um some people will tell you no you can't read first and second peter i've been to churches and uh they're of that sort that many call the hyper dispensationalist and they say first second peter is not for us today it's not for us it's only for jews out there so they make a single application and say first second peter's only for tribulation i don't see that and we looked at that in first peter and i try my best to explain to you no first and second peter written way late and a lot of things that we read in first and second peter line up with paul which shows me that peter accepted the teachings of paul i'll say it again and i've said it before i believe that peter was a grace preacher now i know that'll probably make some people mad but if you don't believe me all you have to do is read acts chapter 15 and look at the words of peter himself in verse 11. but we believe that we should be saved by grace even as they he accepted paul's message of salvation by grace through faith without works and so peter became a grace preacher so peter got on the same page as paul in many things but even in second peter we're going to show you in chapter three where peter goes there's some things paul said that i just didn't quite get i mean i got the message of the suffering substitute christ yes i got that blood first peter 1 18 and 19. but there's some of those other things that paul said it kind of went over my head a little bit so you got to understand the dual application of peter's first and second peter epistles and how much of it we can apply to us today but there's still some that is future that can apply during the time of the tribulation that if the jews will read they will understand and guess what what we're about to read in chapter 2 is a warning watch out for false prophets only believe in the true christ not the false christ because there will be false prophets well hey if you miss the rapture and you're in the tribulation watch out for the false christ because who's going to show up the antichrist first and then shows up the true christ jesus christ so watch out for false prophets so with that let's get right into it here second peter chapter 2 and verse 1. but there were false prophets also among the people now he goes back and he says this they were false prophets even among the people so you have here the old well let me make sure i get that right under the old testament law and under the old testament law there were some false prophets too so there were false prophets under the old testament and guess what there's going to be some false prophets under the new testament so there's always been people who claim to prophesy in the name of god but they weren't of god they were of the devil and they were lying and we're going to look at some verses on that and why why would that be because the devil hates god and hates the things of god so he's always getting his own ministers to go out and try to preach something against what is the truth of god now i just finished up last week's sermon entitled biblical revelations and that kind of ties in with this get a chance go watch that and see how god prophesied and used men true prophets to prophesy but also through that whole time period we see false prophets arising and we're going to look some verses on that today so you have false prophets today over here but you also had false prophets back then as well let me read the verse again i didn't finish but there were false prophets also among the people okay back in the old testament in israel that's what he's referring to even as there shall be false teachers among you so even in peter's day he say and even after i'm gone there's gonna be some false teachers he says don't listen to them stick with the book stick with the bible what it says don't go by somebody that says well god told me this that the other thing no always line it up with the bible because the bible is as we saw at the end of last chapter the more sure word of prophecy so even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily now privilege means in private so in secret they'll secretly come and they'll try to get you away so they can talk to you in secret and say now listen i got to tell you the truth because they're not telling you and we looked at in that sermon that i did on biblical revelations what do you have in this world secret societies the skull and bone society the jason society the illuminati the masons the all these uh rosicrucians all these groups that are secret societies they try to get you over in their camp and then say now we're going to reveal to you certain secrets and every one of them reveals the secret that the real god is lucifer and jesus isn't the real christ well what is that false prophet you know it's really sad so watch out for this secret revelation of knowledge that's what the gnostics believe the gnostics believe we have the truth but it's secret and if you come over to us well we'll reveal secrets to you from us those are false prophets so it says in verse 1 but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in now watch this damnable heresies wow even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so these people that are false prophets that he's warning about looks like to me may not even be saved now maybe they are saved but now they're just teaching something that's not true and they have no rewards in heaven but either way they're going to have some destruction either that's hell or that's their ministry's destroyed because it's a lie what they're teaching and they lose rewards in heaven but either way they're they're teaching something that's awful and what are they teaching that's so awful they're denying the lord they're denying who jesus is and then the lord that bought them they're denying what jesus did he paid for the sins of the world so you've got to watch out for those now this is in my notes and uh this is from bible school and i do my best not to teach what i was taught in bible school i do my own bible study and teach my own notes but i have it here in my bible and it says five ways to spot false prophets number one they minimize sin they call sin a mistake or just an error and they make all sin outward there's no inward sin that they commit and so they go around and say i'm not a sinner you don't see me doing this or that you're the sinner so watch out for a cult like that they humanize god they make him unholy they make god into just the man and then they try to deify man so minimize sin humanize god deify man and then the fourth thing they do is they teach some kind of self-atonement they don't say hey it's all about christ and his blood atonement for your sins it's all about that atonement of jesus and what jesus did trust in that because that's what saves no they don't teach that they teach well you've got to do this and so they twist the gospel from trusting in what jesus did into now here's what you do and now we're going to tell you you have to do this this this and this and that's what religion is the religion is a system of works that they claim a man has to do to try to justify himself before god religion is not salvation salvation is when you realize hey i can't justify myself before god because i'm a sinner i must receive the atonement romans 5 i believe it's 11. and by receiving the atonement that's when i'm justified by christ and he's the one that justifies me i cannot justify myself so watch out for cults and then the fifth thing is they say there's no hell and no satan and so they they get off and they get you into a cult teaching things that are not biblical so you have to watch out for cults now let's look at this you have false prophets today and you had false prophets back then when jesus showed up jesus warned of false prophets let's go to matthew 24 we've got a lot of places to go to today and i just want to go to scripture scripture scripture scripture scripture scripture amen to me it's all about what god says not what i say by the way that's another thing cult members do it's all about what they say you follow the words of the leader not the bible you're never going to hear me get up here and say now listen to me throw your bible aside and listen to what i have to say god told me this and i'm going to tell you and it's not what the bible said no i'll never do that i'm going to always stand behind the bible and say this is what you go by not by what i say so i'm trying to teach everything from the scriptures not from my opinion amen cult leaders don't do that they'll tell you what they believe and they say you have to follow them or else they'll call you a heretic or a liar or deceiver or name call and we'll see that here in a minute that's all they're good at that they love to call names and speak evil of others that's a cult but let's look at matthew 24 21 so first off we see jesus warning us of false prophets and look at the context matthew chapter 24 verse 21 for then shall be a great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor never shall be well that's going to be the last half of the seven year tribulation the last three and a half years is called the great tribulation verse 22 and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be sorted well the elect in this passage is israel verse 23 then if any man shall say unto you lo here is christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect behold i have told you before now some people try to say well that applies to the church age okay yeah we've seen in the church age many people rising up as false prophets but over here that's the context of matthew 24 is the jews he's warning the jews watch out for false prophets over here so do you see that dual application it's really more to jews because that's who jesus came to jesus said i came only to the lost sheep of the house of israel john 5 43 i am coming my father's name and you receive me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive well who's that that's going to be the antichrist coming in his own name he's going to come over here and that's when the antichrist rules is during the time of the tribulation now matthew chapter 7. so i see a dual application of first ii peter i see a dual application of a lot of times some of the things jesus said but jesus said he came only the lost sheep of the house of israel so most of what jesus said in matthew mark luke and john is to jews and it applies out here but there are some things that we can spiritually apply to us today just like we did as we went through other books of the bible we showed how there's the the doctrinal application of a passage but there's also a spiritual application and so we can look at the bible both ways but we got to be careful we got to rightly divide now it says here in matthew chapter 7 in verse 15 jesus again speaking beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening ravening wolves so watch out for these false prophets they're like wolves what wolves want to do they just want to destroy and tear apart that's a sad thing i don't want to tear apart anybody i want to tell the truth now let's look at the early apostles in the early church okay that was jesus speaking to jews so more to the tribulation what the jews are going to go through but now look at john let's go to first john 4 1. and in first john 4 1 look what it says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets are gone out into the world so he's speaking over here after paul of course and paul's revelations but he's warning about in the church age there's going to be some false problems how do you know a false prophet well he continues there if a spirit says not that jesus christ has come in the flesh then it's the spirit of the antichrist all right i can boldly dogmatically say because i have the holy spirit inside of me that jesus christ is coming the flesh and i'll say that jesus christ has come in the flesh but a false prophet that's led by a demon or a devil can't say that and oftentimes they won't say that and that's a sad thing now let's go to revelation chapter two and verse two this again would be john john wrote revelation in revelation chapter 2 verse 2 says i know thy works and i labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and now has tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars so false apostle what's a false apostle well it's a false prophet so early church we see false prophets all right now let's go to the book of jude what could you like said i just want to give you as many verses as i can jude verse 3 beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints what was that faith paul taught you're say by faith alone delivered that to the apostles to the saints in chapter 15 of acts that's when they accepted it so they all agreed hey we're justified by faith faith in the blood not of works now continues verse 4 for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness well there's grace so they're changing the grace message lasciviousness what is lasciviousness well living a dirty wicked unclean life doing evil and denying the only lord god in our lord jesus christ they deny the lord jesus christ and then he says in verse 5 i will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how that the lord having saved the people out of the land of egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not well that would be the jews okay that's that's an example of something that happened to the jews so it sounds like he's insinuating if you're a jew and this is what i see if you go to the book of galatians you can't help but see this and you go to acts 13 14 15. you can't help but see this the early church preached to israel who jesus was the bible even says that some of the pharisees believed who jesus was then paul steps up in acts 13 38 39 and says listen you are justified by faith from all the things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses so we're saved by faith not by the law well that's when some of these guys stood up and said oh hold on a minute why we're pharisees why we're religious leaders while we make our living off the law we'll go with you to that point we'll believe jesus is the messiah but we can't believe that jesus died to pay our sins on the cross because if that's true then the law is over and christ is the end of the law to all who believe romans 10 4 and we don't want to go that far because then we won't be a priest anymore then we won't have a job and so they began to turn on the early church and go against the message of paul and go against the preaching of the blood of christ and they kept going no no no we'll believe jesus is the messiah but we can't believe that message well i believe that as you go through the book of galatians that's what you're reading galatians is paul telling him it's not the law it's not the law you can't be justified by the law who do you think you are going around telling people they have to be circumcised that's not what saves us that's not what we're to do today we're not under the law and yet those people said yes we are so that's kind of sad now go back to jude i didn't read everything there jude verse 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not who is this who's he speaking of why those that are the false prophets that he warns us about uh but what they know naturally as brute beasts and those things they corrupt themselves woe unto them for they have gone in the way of cain and ran greedily after the heir of balaam for a ward and perished in the game saying of corey these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose free fruit withereth without fruits twice dead plucked up by the roots waves of the sea forming out their own shame wandering stars to whom has reserved the blackness of darkness for ever verse uh 17 but beloved remember you the words which were spoken before the apostles of our lord jesus christ have they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lust these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit now interesting here verse 20 but but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost so he's talking about he's warning about false prophets the same thing that peter is worrying about and jude says they don't go around to try to edify edify means to build up they're just trying to tear you down so when it comes to false prophets we got to watch out for them false prophets in the bible are evil and what are what are some of the marks of a false prophet they don't try to build up they just want to tear down they just want to attack they just want to attack you all the time and talk evil of you and attack so we're going to put a list up here of what the bible tells us about all these false prophets now so that was jude and he says they're ungodly so they're unclean they're dirty and they're dirty and he ties it in not only to their lifestyle which we will see here in a minute but also with their mouth they they have a dirty mouth and they love to say bad things with their mouth watch out for that now let's go over to paul now let's turn to paul let's go to galatians chapter two paul also so all the early apostles warn us of false prophets okay i just want to get that message across so let's go to galatians chapter 2 and look at what paul says here galatians 2 4 says this and that because of false brethren unawares brought in who came in privily oh we read that peter says they come in privily and uh he says here to spy out our liberty which we have in christ jesus that they might bring us into bondage so they're spies they like to spy on people okay i think that's interesting they want to spy on you they want to see what you're doing why they can't live without finding out what are you doing so they can go and get in your business their busy bodies is what they are galatians chapter 2 and verse 4 that they might bring us into bondage they want to spy dot dot so that they could try to enslave they want you to bow down to them they want to set up a system in which people are dependent upon them rather than upon god they want to be the head honcho they want to be in charge they want to be the one who people follow they want to be a dictator and make you cower down to their will and submit to them what did paul say verse 5 to whom we gave place by subjection no not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you so paul's like no now we we let them talk not even for an hour and we just said no get out of here we see who you are we see what you're trying to do you're not of god now acts chapter 20. acts chapter 20 toward well this isn't exactly the very end but it's getting close to being the end of paul's ministry and this is something and i don't remember if i preached this as a message before i think i did i don't know if i preached it on youtube but i preached a message one time entitled the only thing that scared the apostle paul something that scared him so much that he even cried about it what was it it's acts chapter 20 and verse 28 all the way down to verse 35 look what he says take heed therefore unto yourselves and all the flock over which the holy ghost has made you overseers to feed the church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood a true believer and a true minister preaches the blood okay false prophets they leave out the blood so he's again saying hey remember that blood that purchased you that bought you now why did he say remember the blood and preach the blood verse 29 for i know this that after my departing show grievous wolves hey we read that somewhere already didn't we as ravening wolves jesus said that so they're like wolves what do wolves do they want to tear apart they try to devour and it says here grievous wolves shall enter in or shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock verse 30 also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things while they have dirty mouths they only want to talk about dirty things speaking perverse things they're perverts really they're perverted in their doctrine and their morals and in their speech what is their game what is their goal what is their desire to draw away disciples after them wow verse 31 therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years i cease not to warn well that's what paul is doing he's warning us and yet ii peter peter is warning us so well just one more thing that peter and paul agreed on and they probably got that together when they got together and they said we need to make sure we issue a warning about these uh false prophets therefore verse 31 watch and remember that by the space of three years i cease not to warn everyone day and night with tears paul cried because he was so sad there would be deceivers and liars and evil people come in and try to draw away disciples after themselves verse 34. now brother i commend you to god into the word of his grace which is able to build you up look at that edify means to build up paul peter all they all wanted you to be built up they'll want to edify you not tear you down watch out for people that claim to be ministers but all they do is put people down that's a false prophet and look you know i could continue reading i'll just stop there you can read down to verse 35 if you want to look up more on that but they speak perverse things and they want to draw disciples away to themselves i don't know should i tell this story or not it's on my heart so i might as well there's somebody on youtube that attacks me all the time can't say one nice thing about me all they have to do is just tear me down they're so awful the way they talk about me and if you go and i've done this several times and type into youtube robert breaker or type in on the phone robert breaker um and bring your youtube videos you'll see all my videos but then you'll see this guy's videos and what this fella has done is he's put my name in the title on purpose i believe he deceitfully did that because he wants people to follow him instead of me and so you go rig a robber over it and then you have this video with robert breaker rebuked robert breaker's an idiot rubber breakers are and it's this guy's video and what he's doing he's trying to identify with me in my ministry by mentioning my name so that people will watch my video then they'll watch his and then they'll go over to him what is he trying to do he's right there in acts trying to draw away disciples unto himself it's not about him teaching you the bible and showing you the truth it's about him attacking me so he can get my followers well that's fine most of the people i know that have followed me that watches videos they send me so many emails they're like brother breaker have you seen this guy yeah i'm aware of who he is and what he says they go golly brother breaker that guy's just horrible and they say all he does is tear down an attack that's not someone who's out of love is trying to build up that's someone who's trying to tear down and a lot of times all he says is bad things so he's using his mouth for evil not for good we're going to see here in a minute that's not right that's false prophet so i pray for the guy every day i do i do i think he could be so used of god if he would just stick to teaching what the bible says instead of attacking other ministers but hey one one day he'll give account to god just like i will amen but let's go to second corinthians chapter 11. ole ruckman my old uh bible teacher peter ruckman used to say that's called piggybacking he said in in his ministry people would try to piggyback off of his ministry and what did he mean by that he means that he had his ministry and he did his thing but these people would throw his name out there and attack him and attack his name and try to put him down so that people would come out of ruckman's group to them and their basis of fellowship wasn't we love the king james bible their basis of fellowship is we hate ruckman which this guy is trying to do his basis of fellowship isn't we love god in the king james bible we hate robert breaker and if you go to that guy's uh videos and look at some of the comments all the people comment breakers and idiot breakers and more and i look at that and go well they don't love god they just hate robert breaker well who cares you know i i'm saying that as an example i don't care what they think of me all i care about is what's the bible say but what a great example of someone who's a false prophet because the bible teaches who a false prophet is okay a false prophet is someone who does that someone that does talk bad and says bad things now look at uh second corinthians 11 25 paul says this second corinthians 11 25 thrice was i beaten with rods once was i stoned thrice i suffered shipwreck and night and a day i've been in the deep in journeys often in perils of waters and perils of countrymen in perils by the heathen in perils in the city in perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea in perils among false brethren so all these things that he's going through for the gospel and then he has to deal with false brethren who devote their time to tearing him down attacking him talking dirty about him saying bad things about him it's like wow if you if you're a christian you think well at least i can depend on other christians no other christians were attacking them because they were false brethren now he continues there but um now let's go over to uh some other places but with what we've read so far we'll go to peter back to peter here in a second but with what we've read so far about false prophets uh look at this false prophets like to tear down they like to be ungodly in their lifestyle in their mouth they're they're greedy they run greedily into the the way of balaam um they they love to creep in so what they're trying to do is they're trying to come over to who you are and where you are and and get the people in your group who come over to their group draw away disciples so they want to be and pretend to be a part of you oh i'm a king james bible believer and then you and then you say oh you're one of us well robert breaker is really not a king james bible believer who you need to follow me instead of him it's like yeah yeah we got your number they want to put you down they want to put you in the bondage they speak perverse things so they say things that are so outlandish and so crazy that you just go ah what now they are deceitful they seek to deceive they are enemies of the cross they they're false brethren they're not true christians now maybe they're saved okay but they're not following what the bible says by that i mean their false brethren because if you're saved you would follow all the scriptures that tell you how to treat other christians and there are no scriptures that tell you to attack them put them down talk bad about them in fact there are many scriptures that says you speak no evil against others most of them are lost i'll say most i won't say all but i'll say the majority of those who are true false prophets are lost okay i'll give some of them the benefit of the doubt and just say well now they're just uh they're just in the flesh now i forgot to to go to two other places uh saying corinthians 11 13. second corinthians 11 13 look what it says here for such are false apostles deceitful workers okay that's where i got deceitful from transforming themselves in the apostles of christ and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works so they're false apostles they're deceitful now let's go over to philippians chapter three so i wanted to to take you peter is warning us of false prophets and i want to take you to john jude and now paul of where they warn a false prophets and this is a great uh study to show us what a false prophet is and uh we need to spot false prophets and stay away from them okay philippians 3 verse 18. philippians 3 18 says for many walk of whom i told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of christ when they start down that path of attacking other christians and doing bad things they're eventually going to go so far the wrong direction that now they're against the bible and you start down that path of of being a false prophet of doing things that are anti-biblical you never know how far you'll go to the wrong direction and that's sad that's really sad um it says in verse 19 whose end is destruction whose god is their belly and whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things so they're carnal they're very carnal people and you can tell because they're in the flesh and that's why they attack and ridicule and name call and put people down because they're doing it in the flesh not in the spirit and that's a sad thing so false prophets you know anybody like that i've met a lot in my life on youtube there are a bunch of them you know there are people that attack and say horrible things about robert breaker and you say okay well what do you have to teach and you look at their doctrine they deny the godhead father son holy spirit they deny that jesus christ is god they deny he's god the son they deny the trinity which is one god and three not three gods one god and first john 5 7 says these three are one and they deny salvation by faith alone in the blood atonement of christ they try to front load and backload works into the gospel many of them become lordship salvationists many of them say no that's not that important the blood's not that important what hebrews we read in hebrews where it talks about how woe under them that tread under foot the blood of christ and try to make it an unholy thing and you see them going that way and you will see who they are and what are they doing they're anti-true doctrine and they're going against the blood of christ salvation and truth so you got to watch out for them now back to um verse one of second peter but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false prophets among you so old testament there were false prophets new testament there's going to be false prophets and there have been who privileged and there are today and who privileged shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so they're going to be destroyed their body can be destroyed their ministry if that's what they call it can be destroyed but if they're ultimately lost which a lot of them are their soul will be destroyed they will go to hell and their never dying soul will burn for all eternity in what's called the second death well they're always dying but they never fully completely cease to exist it's called eternal suffering eternal damnation what a horrible thing make sure you get right with god amen so there were prophets that were false in the old testament now i don't have time to go through all of them but there was one named balaam so if you get a chance go look at one of these old testament prophets named balaam and we already looked at him in jude and balaam was a false prophet and he prophesied the things of god correctly but for money he told some false advice and counsel to someone and it ended up in israel falling into sin and it was his fault and the bible calls him a false prophet now jeremiah chapter 14 verse 14 there were some prophets that were false in the time of jeremiah actually there's a lot of places in the old testament where there's false prophets i don't have time to go into that but just one verse here just to give you an example of jeremiah 14 14. then the lord said unto me the prophets prophesy lies in my name i sent them not neither have i commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesied into a false vision and divination watch out today people run around say i had a vision you gotta go uh peter says that the bible is the final authority and he says it's the more sure word of prophecy i don't know if i should listen to your you know vision but a lot of people try to go and it says and i think of not in the seat of their heart now yes jesus did give god did give visions in the old testament but now that we have the finished canon the scripture we're not looking for dreams and visions we're looking for what the bible says now i preached on that and that was in the time of jeremiah and well actually he would be over here under the law wouldn't he jeremiah now when i preached my message on biblical revelations where i warned about you know watch people that today say god gave me revelation or god gave me a dream god made me a vision god told me this i warned about that and people said well breaker you're so wrong why in acts chapter 2 peter says thus in everything well what peter did was he went back to the book of joel and he prophesied this is what it says in joel now a lot of people today they go back to joel and i guess we have to we have to depart from where we are here in the notes and get to that because i wanted to i was considering doing a whole video on that but i might not i'll just have to throw it out here but look at what they do people go to acts chapter 2 where peter talks about now this is what it says in the book of joel and it says your young men still see visions and your and your daughter shall see visions and they say breaker you're so wrong we see visions today and so they take that and they try to apply that to today now let's look at that and see if those people are right on that video biblical revelations that i did that was probably one of the things that people commented the most but what about acts 2 17 read that and what about joel chapter 2 why breaker it says people in the last days will see visions yes but who are those that will see visions and when that's the question so let's look at it joel chapter two and look what it says joel chapter two and it starts out blow you the trumpet in zion zionist israel and sound alarm in my holy mount and then it talks about the day of the lord cometh a day of darkness all right that's the end of the tribulation the day of the lord is when jesus comes at armageddon and sets up his one day or one thousand years the bible says the day of the lord is a thousand years thousand years one day so the thousand year millennial reign of christ that's the day of the lord so it's over here on that side not over here where we are today in the church age and so let's look down in in uh joel chapter 2 and look what it says here verse 27 all right this is quoted by peter in acts chapter 2 and verse 17 well acts 2 was the beginning when they had the opportunity to accept their messiah and then that could have started right here but it didn't they rejected the messiah so the church age but now once the rapture takes place god will go back to dealing with israel and that's when this will take place so you look at verse 27 and you shall know that i am in the midst of israel and that i am the lord your god and none else and my people shall never be ashamed it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh now they say all flesh means everyone the context is israel so when he says i will put my spirit on flesh you have to go by the context what is all flesh israel so all the flesh of israel it doesn't say if if you think that that means everybody gets the holy spirit and that's today then i guess everybody's saved and everybody has the holy spirit so i guess i can go fishing and i don't need to preach the gospel or make any videos because everyone's got the holy spirit so forget the whole thing i don't think so there's going to be a time when god will pour out his spirit upon all flesh context israel so all of israel and something's going to happen it says and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy who are the sons and the daughters the nation of israel so israelis jews and they shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions and upon also upon the servants among my handmaids in those days will i pour out my spirit well it's their servants their handmaids it's not talking to us the church it's talking it's clearly israel and i will show now watch when it happens and i will show wonders in the heavens and the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke the sun shall be turned in the darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the lord it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call the name lord shall be delivered for mount zion and jerusalem shall be delivered as the lord has said and in the remnant whom the lord shall call this is here and it's to jews and you know you could say a little bit of it could be before because god is already going back to israel from 1948 they became a nation and i've been watching things on youtube of jews coming along and you probably saw this a couple years ago this little jewish kid said i had a dream that jesus christ was the messiah and i had a vision of jesus christ being the messiah well that was before the rapture but it was to a jew and it wasn't to the church so i'm kind of adamant that we don't need to go by visions and dreams today we the church because the bible peter says is the more sure word of prophecy so i i go by what the bible says but if a jew tells me he had a dream or a vision and in his dream and his vision it said jesus was a messiah i'd be like well that's possible because in the book of joel it says in the last times that's going to happen but the context is here tribulation and a little before and to that people because they don't accept the new testament the jews jews do not read the new testament you know that if you meet a jew they'll tell you i don't believe in the new testament i only accept the old testament now there's what's called messianic jews which are a little different and they would be in the church if they're saved but some of them try to get back under the law so then you've got to go well are they saying if they're mixing works in with it so the bible teaches us that we go by what the bible says now if you're a jew and you're lost then the bible does say that toward this time period you might have a dream or a vision that a revelation that jesus is the messiah and that's a good thing but i don't see dreams and visions and things like that for us the church today i don't see it because of what we said now you say what what are you talking about we finished it up in our last video but let's go back there right now to the last chapter let's go to second peter 1 and let me read from verse 18 down to 21 let me show you why i don't believe in dreams and visions okay i'm not saying you can't have a dream or a vision today some people have some people say i got a dream and i dreamed about the things of god well good what i'm saying is you can't take those over scripture you can't say god revealed to me in a vision this or that or the other thing god revealed to me in a dream this i don't accept that i say no no no we need to stick with the bible now if it agrees with the bible great but i'd rather follow the bible than what you said you saw in a vision okay you could have had bad pizza you could have had pizza with anchovies and had a bad dream so there's people all over youtube and i'm saying this because of this that say well god showed me this in a vision and you say really what did he show you and they say well this that or the other thing and you go uh wait wait wait red lights red lights red lights nope what you just said is against the bible and you want me to accept what you said over what god said i think you might be one of these and i've seen people like that and you have to and you've seen videos on youtube where a man stands up and says i'm so and so and i'm a leader of such and such a group which is really a cult he says i tell my people don't read your bible follow me because god gives me visions and dreams and i tell you what god tells me so i'm the one you must follow that's a cult that's a false prophet anyone that tries to tell you to throw your bible out and listen to them and their dreams and visions instead of the bible that's a cult that's a false prophet okay and let me show you from the bible one more time second peter chapter 1 verse 18. and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy man so peter is saying i heard a voice from heaven when i was with jesus back here before jesus died but then he says we have a more sure word of prophecy more sure than what than a voice from heaven where until you do well that you take heed he's talking about the bible the bible is our more sure word of prophecy more sure than a dream or a vision or a voice from heaven we must go by the scriptures not by something else now jews that's something different they might get a future revelation through a dream revision that's joel chapter 2 but not for us peter is telling us watch out the more sure word of prophecy is the bible and you can continue reading there if you want so second peter chapter two and let's go back to it but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you and so i've shown you that in the old testament there were some false prophets and jeremiah said in his day that there were some well what was to happen to someone if they were a false prophet in the old testament do you ever think about that let's go to deuteronomy chapter 18. under the old testament law it was pretty brutal i am so glad that we're not under the old testament law today because a lot of people wouldn't even be alive there were a lot of things that if you did on the old testament law you were to be stoned to death you were to die and you were not to live and one of the things that you did is if you stood up and you said i'm a prophet of god and i saw a vision i saw a dream and god told me this that or the other thing and you're lying then you were to be killed so false prophets god said i don't even want them to live because they're not talking in my name they're not giving what i say let me show you that deuteronomy 18 19 and it says here and it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name i will require it of him but the prophet okay which shall presume to speak a word in my name which i have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall die kill someone who's prophesying falsely in the name of god a false prophet and if thou say in thine heart verse 21 how shall we know the word which the lord have not spoken when a prophet speaketh in the name of the lord if the thing follow not nor come to pass that is the thing which the lord hath not spoken but the prophet had spoken it presumptuously thou shalt not be afraid of him so under the old testament now this is not new testament okay so nowhere in the new testament does it say go kill someone that's a false prophet okay i am against murdering people okay we don't we're under grace okay so we're under the message of grace today not under go kill somebody you don't agree with okay so don't go kill people but i showed you that verse to show you that in the old testament it wasn't something you played with it wasn't something to be messed with you did not prophesy in the name of god if you didn't hear it from god if you made it up then you were to be stoned to death now that's scary so new testament we have false prophets but they unfortunately get away with it and they can lie and steal and deceive and cheat and they do and they say things they shouldn't now go back to uh verse one and it's sad that they deceive people so how do we undeceive people we go back to the scriptures and show from the bible i'm going to give you an example 2 peter chapter 2 verse 1 but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction let me give you an example of someone around 1840s 1850s who was a false prophet there was a man in the allegheny mountains by the way allegheny mountains is a hotbed of alien activity ufos you say do you believe in ufos brother breaker well we're going to get to that here in this chapter chapter 2. and i'm going to show you what i believe ufos are you say are ufos in the bible yeah they are but they have to do with fallen angels and demons they're not just some outer space race of of evolution of uh you know evolved uh intelligent beings they're connected with evil according to the bible bible says there's evil in high places but there was a guy in the 1800s that was walking out in the woods one day and he looked around and he saw an angel and he said whoa what is this and the angel says hey you're the one that we're going to reveal something to we're going to make a special revelation to you and you're going to go and tell everybody that we told you that and that you're going to start the true church of jesus christ what 1800 years after the true church of christ started he's going to start the true church well that guy's name was joseph smith and so joseph smith went around and started telling people hey i saw an angel well he probably lied because in one account he said he saw one angel uh moroni and another count he says no there was two nephi and moroni so which was it you know start out listening to this guy and it's like you why did you give two different conflicting statements was it one or was it two and he says but this angel and this is what he said these are his words gave me the gospel to go and preach to the world and you go oh oh okay so according to you we must follow you and your revelation and what was given to you from an angel and that's a another gospel that was given to you that you say the world has to follow now do i follow that or do i go to the scriptures well the scriptures is my more sure word of prophecy so i go okay joseph smith and that's the guy's name you said that now let me read the bible and see if the bible is in agreement with you or if you said something exactly opposite of what the bible says let's look at that now let's go to galatians chapter one and look what it says here in verse eight paul says warning us of this eighteen hundred years in advance paul warns us watch out for a guy in the future that's gonna do this galatians chapter one verse eight but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you then without which you have preached unto you let them be accursed so if an angel comes from heaven preaching a different gospel and that's what joseph smith said an angel came from heaven preached to me this gospel that was different told me to go preach it that angel's accursed but look at verse 9 and again as we said before so say i now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received let them be accursed so according to the bible that angel and joseph smith are false prophets and he tried to set up his own religion in which he enslaved people into bondage into his religion and if you are a mormon you understand that salvation is not faith alone in the mormon church yes they use the king james bible that's great but then they have other bibles they use over the king james unfortunately but they don't believe that you're saved by faith alone they believe in a works doctrine they are under the priesthood they're under all these things so what you have is an example of a cult in a false prophet a man stood up and says an angel told me the true gospel to go preach and so i do that all right do we take it because he said it was a vision and a revelation given to him or do we go now let me go back to the bible and check oh the bible says if that happens then you're a curse so you're cursed and so is the angel so bye bye and we don't accept him that is why i cannot be a mormon you get a chance look at my video on youtube entitled why i'm not a mormon and you'll see more about that man how his father and mother were witches and warlocks and practice witchcraft how that man carried a talisman with him which was some sort of satanic thing how that man had many many many many wives very carnal person very sensual and you'll learn more about why that's not true so that's just an example of false prophets now verse 1 there were false prophets it's also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction now we got one verse so we got through chapter two and verse one so we finished one verse today yeah so i guess what we'll do is we'll start next time i think i'll just go ahead and leave this up here because this next verse is going to tie into these things that i've already put up so i'll go ahead and cut it off here and then we'll continue our study next time in uh verse two so i hope there's been a blessing to you and i can't wait to continue this because we're gonna look at false prophets and the warnings that we've been given about them and we're gonna learn a lot together okay so we'll see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 15,308
Rating: 4.9156327 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, 2 Peter, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Bible Study, Robert Breaker
Id: loz41y_F_yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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