Biblical Revelations

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all right welcome back i'm robert breaker and uh back in front of the whiteboard last week was um thanksgiving we took off went down south florida spent some time with some family so good to be back and i had wanted to preach a different message which i hope to get to next week or the week after and uh we'll talk about morals and how important it is to be a moral person but today this is a bible study the lord gave me as i was going through the scriptures just sometimes you'll come across a word and you think to yourself oh that's in the bible in a lot of places where and you look up i always use the program e-sword used to be free i think now you have to pay for it but you can go to and that's a wonderful program that i use to look up scriptures and look up different verses e-sword it's called well i came across the word revelation and some of the emails i got this week asking about brother breaker what about revelation some of the texts that i got some of the phone calls some of the letters so i'm like i think i'm getting the point here lord you want me to talk about revelations now i'm not going to the book of revelations the last book in the bible rather i'm going to talk about in the bible the different times that god reveals something to someone god gave people different revelations so let's begin in daniel chapter two we've got a lot to cover today but i want to do my best to show you what the bible is and do you know that the bible is a book of transition the bible is a book of dispensations there's different dispensations in the bible a matter of fact and so as you read through the bible the old saying is this all the bible is written to us but not all the bible is for us they say what how could you say that not all the bible's for there's different time periods and with different ways in which god dealt with men and god from the beginning revealed a little bit here and then a little later he revealed something else a little later he revealed something else and a little later he reveals so as you study the bible you find out more and more all the different time periods and yes i do believe in different time periods in the bible and it's in those different time periods that god reveals to people different things and so you've got to understand where are we we're about right here toward the end waiting for the rapture if we were back here we'd be in a different revelation we'd be in a different time in which god revealed something different to someone else so we need to understand that and we need to rightly divide the word of truth as the bible says so what we're going to do today is we're going to look at revelations or the best way to explain it is the times in which god revealed some things to men all throughout history all throughout the bible daniel chapter 2 verse 28 will be our first verse that we read today and boy do i have a lot of verses i can't wait to get into this daniel chapter 2 and verse 28 but there is a god in heaven amen most of the people in the world today that that hate god in the bible that are atheists they say there's no god well you pick up the bible the bible says in the beginning god they deny the bible they deny even the very first verse of the bible there is a god old song that i love i hear it in camp meetings from time to time guy gets up and starts singing there is a god and he is real deep in my heart his love i feel when i am weak beneath the sun i sing and know there is a god and it goes on and on from there but that's one of my favorite songs entitled there is a god yes there is a god now watch what it says here but there is a god in heaven that revealeth secrets and it continues and make it known to the king nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days thy dream and the visions of thy head upon my bed are these and it goes on and on but it says there is a god in heaven that revealeth what secrets isn't that interesting today we live in a time of secret societies and there are people all over that want to belong to a secret society because there's people out there that want to keep secret so i'm off the side there and so you have all over this world today people that are in secret societies and what do they do they keep secrets well that's kind of sad because those are man's secrets they're not gods and you've got to join these secret societies and you've got to do all these little things that they say in their initiations in order to learn their sacred knowledge and it's so dumb because all it is is the knowledge of man i'd rather have the knowledge of god so i want god's secrets i don't want to belong to a secret society and hear what man has to teach matter of fact a lot of them they're luciferian you get into their secret societies and they take you through all this initiation and all these things to get you to the point to where you accept lucifer who is satan rather than jesus or god so i'm like no thanks i don't ever want to be a member of a secret society like the illuminati or the masons or the jason society or the skull and bones or things like that now let's go over to first corinthians chapter 14 but it is god that revealeth the secrets so there are some things that god knows that he wants us to know and there's secret to us we don't know it but there's a way to find out what that secret is god in his infinite mercy and love and grace has given us a book which reveals to us things that at one time were secret so revelation god reveals some things to us i looked up in the 1828 dictionary the word revelation because god revealeth secrets so he gives revelation revelation in the 1828 dictionary the act of disclosing or discovering to others what was before unknown to them appropriately the disclosure of communication of truth to men by god himself it's amazing the 1828 dictionary takes you directly to the bible on the definition of this word of truth to men by god himself or by his authorized agents the prophets and apostles how that by revelation he may know to me the mystery he quotes scripture ephesians 3 3 second corinthians 12 1. second definition that which is revealed appropriately the sacred truth which god has communicated to man for his instruction and direction wow the revelations of god are contained in the old and new testament last definition of the word the apocalypse the best book of the sacred canon containing the prophecies of saint john so the word revelation in the 1828 dictionary is all about bible if you want revelation if you want illumination if you want to learn some secrets that are one time secret that only god knew but now he wants you to know you go to the bible and that's where we find revelations i thought about calling this bible revelation but i said oh biblical revelations because these are revelations from god all right now let's run to first corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 really quickly give you a little bit of brief reason why i wanted to do this sermon and then we'll just go through the bible i'll just show you some of the things that were revealed to men from god and if you want to know the mind of god if you want to know the things that one time were secret but god has given us then you need to get a bible and you need to read it that's the only way you'll find out what these things were that were secret that have been revealed to man so get in the bible even the dictionary says it it's amazing first corinthians 14 26 how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you have a psalm have a doctrine hath a tongue have a revelation have an interpretation let all things be done unto edifying so here's paul in the early church and paul says look um you guys i i see a little bit of a problem you all want to have your own revelation and a lot of the people in the church during that time were getting up going well god gave me a special revelation that he didn't give anyone else so listen to what i said no he took and you've got to be careful about that a lot of the emails i get from people are people emailing saying brother breaker have you seen this guy on youtube have you seen that guy on youtube have you watched this guy this guy claims to have a dream and a vision this guy claims that god revealed something to him that's never been revealed to anyone else ever and that we should listen to him i always say whoa watch out for that that is scary that is that's how cults get started okay that is very scary because cults begin like that if you get out there and you start saying well all of a sudden i woke up in the middle of the night and god revealed a secret to me audibly and spoke to me and told me to go tell the world this after the other thing i look at that and go you see the bible is our revelation i go by what the bible says i am very very cautious not to go by what somebody else tells me because it could not be of god it could be something that they themselves completely made up so i want to make sure i go by the scriptures okay be careful of people now there is revelation that we can get from the bible if you read the bible god can reveal some things to you from the bible but it always has to go back to the book don't go to anyone outside of the scriptures is what i'm trying to say always make sure you're following the bible because that's where we find the revelation deuteronomy 29 29 so we have in the bible old testament new testament old testament is before jesus dies new testament is after jesus dies so the blood is the great separator of the old and new testament when jesus shed his precious blood and in the old testament we have some revelations and in the new testament we have god revealing some things and in deuteronomy 29 29 we read these words the secret things belong unto the lord our god okay so god has some secrets but god is such a wonderful loving caring god that he's not going to keep things secret for long he wants to share his knowledge with you what an amazing thing god created you now god wants to teach you wants to give you knowledge you can never really be a knowledgeable wise person without god's understanding and his wisdom and that comes from the bible the secret things belong unto the lord our god but those things which are revealed belonging to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law so in the old testament if you read the old testament you understand some things they were what are called the jews and the jews were the nation of israel and the bible says the oracles of god were given to the jews and what are the jews well they're god's chosen people with abraham and i don't have time to go into all of that but in the bible we find that god chose a guy named abraham revealed some things to him and then from abraham later came moses and god gave the law you realize that the law was a revelation of god god revealed to moses some things and said now write them down and i want you to follow that let's go to amos chapter 3 and verse 7. so god is so amazing he doesn't want us to be dumb okay i'm not calling anybody names i'm not calling people dumb i'm just saying god doesn't want us to be ignorant he wants us to know some things and the things he wants us to know are things about the other world if you will the spirit world in the afterlife and things about him who is eternal and god wants us to get these things down and understand these things he does not want an ignorant people he wants us to be learned and so look at this look at the size of the book that god gave us to learn some things have you been reading your bible have you ever read the bible i hope so because the bible is the mind of god and it shows us some things and it reveals things that at one time were secret that if we know they can help us they can help us today amos chapter 3 and verse 7. amos 3 7 look what it says surely the lord god will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets so there's a revelation there's a revealing of god of his secrets to his servants well in the old testament who were god's servants well the old testament we had the law and we also had the prophets so god called some prophets and it's interesting as you go through the bible whenever a prophet shows up he says thus saith the lord thus saith the lord and he spoke and the holy spirit inside of him spoke through him and so it was god revealing things to man through the prophets thus saith the lord now there are some false prophets the bible tells us watch out for false prophets because there are some people that come along and they falsely say well god told me this and god revealed this to me let me tell you and they're lying to you so we have to be careful everything that is scripture that is bible we can trust but if some guy comes along says well god revealed this to me and he's not showing you from the bible something and he says it's his opinion or it's his dream or it's his vision or something like you got to be careful of that because that could be a lie he could have um had some bad pizza before dinner or something and had a bad dream and then he's trying to tell you that was god give me that you don't know that you better make sure that it always lines up with the bible because that's our more sure word of prophecy so lots of verses lots of verse let's go to first samuel chapter 3. i just want to give you as much scripture as i can amen because to me it's all about what god said not what i said you'll never hear robert breaker get up and in my preaching say well uh put your bible away today and let's look at this and that the other thing that i had a dream about or or uh toss your bible to the side today i want to give you a revelation that god revealed to me apart from the bible i don't wanna no i'm not gonna talk like that i want to read the bible and have god reveal some things to me from the scriptures i don't want revelation apart from the bible okay so be careful of those that are trying to tell you i have a revelation from god but it's not from the bible it's from them they might be deceived by a demon and that is a false revelation that they're trying to give the body of christ that a demon gave them rather than god so you have to be careful today especially when the bible tells us in the last days they'll be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and we see a lot of cults a lot of cults in the world today and guess how they all started one man stood up and says well god revealed to me something and he told me this so we're going to follow what god told me and they throw the bible aside and they don't follow the bible they follow that founder so you gotta be careful okay first samuel 3 21 first daniel 3 21 and the lord appeared again in shiloh for the lord revealed himself to samuel and shiloh bye now watch this the word of the lord so god revealed himself to samuel gave samuel a revelation if you will revealed himself how did god reveal himself how did god give a revelation to samuel by the word of god so it all is about the word of god i don't want to go by the word of man i want to go by what the word of god says the word of god by the way is the bible and in those days the bible wasn't finished yet so a lot of these prophets one of them was samuel of course so we'll just write down samuel uh god had to reveal to them some things and say now write this down and that is the word of god but it was god giving his word to these prophets second samuel 7 27 so always make sure it lines up with the bible many people ask me brother breaker what about this guy what about this girl what about this man what about this woman uh while they're all over youtube with their channel and it's all about their dreams and their visions and this and that i say 99 of the time if i watch one of their videos where they say well i had a dream and a vision and god showed me this or god 99 of the time i i say no that's not in the bible oh no that's wrong no the bible says this you just said the opposite no no how can you how did god reveal that to you when the bible said god doesn't lie god doesn't make mistakes god doesn't say one thing here and then turn around and say the opposite over here unless it's a different dispensation so you've got to watch out for people that go well i had a dream i had a vision god revealed this to me does it line up with the bible that's the question you know many times these people have asked me what brother what about this guy what about this person they give you what they claim is their revelation from god but it doesn't line up with the bible so either they're making it up or they were led by a demonic spirit that's why it's so important to go back to the king james bible and that is our authority that is the word of god okay you say why the king james watch last week's video the blood the book the blessed hope and i explain why king james is the word of god so did i read second samuel 7 27 i don't think i did ii timon 7 27 and in second samuel 7 27 it says for thou o lord of hosts god of israel has revealed to thy servants saying so god speaks through the prophets his word and he speaks through them something that they weren't even thinking about saying it was the word of god it's god speaking through the throne saying i will build thee the house therefore thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee so revelation from god is from the word of god be very careful of people that come along without a bible and they say well god gave me a special revelation i want to share that to you i just kind of cringe when i hear that i go no no let's just get back to the bible let's see what the bible says okay so be very careful be very careful now isaiah 22 so i'm just going to go through as many scriptures as i can and just try to get back to the bible because that's what preaching should be and how important it is to hear what the bible says isaiah 22 and verse 14. isaiah 22 14 and it was revealed in mine ears by the lord of hosts surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till you die saith the lord god of hosts so here is revelation in the years of isaiah another one of the prophets so we have another prophet isaiah and so god's revelations in the old testament came through the prophets so it's the prophets that god revealed to and guess what a lot of it was written down and so that's what we have in the bible we have the word of god not the word of men and we can bank on it we can trust it we can believe in it because god said it amen i have a hard time believing what man says and all over the internet all over youtube men comes along and does their little videos well god gave me a special revelation just to me listen to what i have to say and it's like no just give me the scripture just give me what god said in the bible i don't need anything extra i don't even think other than that i just need what he said in the word because i know for sure that that's true i don't know if what you're saying is true you make does that make sense back to daniel chapter 2 verse 19 daniel 2 19 then was the secret revealed unto daniel in the night vision then daniel blessed the god of heaven so there was a secret that god revealed unto daniel in a vision now people say so that's still today uh today we're under paul it says we live by faith not by sight what is a vision supposedly seeing something so you gotta watch out for people today that claim to have visions that was more of an old testament thing today all that i need to know god has written for me in the bible look at verse 30 daniel chapter 2 and verse 30. but as for me the secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that i may have more than any living but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart so the book of daniel is a book of prophecy in the book of daniel so there's another one of the prophets daniel god gave him this book and he wrote it down and it prophesied of things that were to come but even things that are way out here so when you go to the bible you know we can trust the bible it's set in stone the king james bible is the authority and it's 100 accurate it's pure it's true it's everything it says is right i'm going to go by the revelations and the king james i'm not going to go by other revelations but the bible was god revealing to the prophets certain things that they wrote down so we can always go back and read and reference those and we should and we should daniel chapter 10 and verse 1 in the third year of cyrus king of persia a thing was revealed unto daniel whose name was called beltachazar and the thing was true but the time appointed was long he understood that they had understood of the vision so there's old testament again having visions and god teaching them revealing some things to them through that that was written down and today we are supposed to continue to go back to those to see the future events i don't see today us seeing visions under paul's ministry and i'm very leery of people that say i saw a vision now let me teach that and then they teach their vision over what the bible says so when you go to them and you say uh you said one thing but the bible says a different thing so i don't think you're right they say shut up i'm right and the bible's wrong if you ever hear someone say that you mark it down that is a cult leader that is someone following a cult and not following the bible the bible is what we follow not what they say so you have to be careful of that let's go to luke chapter 2 and this is still old testament because this is still before jesus died but even right before jesus died god gave a revelation to a man luke chapter 2 verse 25 luke chapter 2 verse 25 and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon and the same way it was just and devout waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy ghost was upon him and it was revealed unto him by the holy ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the lord's christ so there was a revelation to this guy simeon so god all throughout the old testament would give people revelations apart from the scriptures he would talk to people god would talk to people in the old testament now does he do that to us today well i'm going to show you a verse over here in peter here in a minute that tells us that we don't need a voice from heaven see this would be a voice from heaven that's not how god reveals things to us today now we have the finished canon now we have the bible and god has revealed all that he wants to reveal to us through the bible and it is our more sure word of prophecy the bible says and i'm supposed to go by that rather than that and i'm going to show you that in the bible but let's continue matthew chapter 11. here's jesus and his earthly ministry and the father revealed something to the son while the son was here on earth i think that's interesting so you even have jesus here in his earthly ministry and he had a revelation while he was down here and he gave a lot of revelations to us as well matthew chapter 11 verse 25 matthew 11 25 we read at that time jesus answered and said i thank thee o father lord of heaven and earth because thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto babes so god the father in heaven was revealing some things revealed some things to jesus but god the father also revealed some things to the early apostles and so over here in the new testament we have the apostles and so the old testament revelations were made to the prophets the new testament revelations were given to the apostles and so that's where the revelations of the bible come from to these group of men and now we have the finished can in the bible we go by that we don't go by any future revelations you got to watch out for people that say well god is revealing this to me almost 99 of the time people that talk like that are teaching something that is not sound doctrine it is not bible and the bible warns us paul says in the last days they'll be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils how do these devils get their doctrines they claim to be god speaking through a man and then the man says well i got a revelation from god no you didn't you got it from a demon a seducing spirit and then you start your own doctrine your own teaching your own cult and most of your cults were started by people that stood up and said god talk to me and told me this that and the other thing he gave me a revelation so you must follow me uh no no no i'm gonna follow the bible not you okay got it you've got to get that you got to get that now let's go to matthew 16 17. here's an interesting verse the father in heaven revealed something to peter a revelation to peter jesus says this matthew 16 17 um and jesus saying what let's look at verse 16. and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god okay 17 and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon burjona for flesh and blood have not revealed unto thee but my father which is in heaven peter the father in heaven revealed to you who i was that i am the christ i am the son of the living god i am god the son see jesus christ is the son of god but he's also god the son see see uh uh hebrews chapter one for further particulars god says to the son o god jesus christ is god the son now let's go over here to first peter chapter one and i want to read this and i want to continue showing you some things because this is important a lot of people have asked me brother breakers should we listen to people that run around saying that god revealed things to them i say be careful of people like that now if the guy comes along says man i've been reading my bible god gave me a good revelation from the bible then yeah he's going to the scriptures he's saying i saw something that i didn't see before god showed me that okay that there's nothing wrong with that if it's in favor of the bible and you're going along with what the bible says and god revealed that to the apostles and the prophets and you just didn't know it before you're reading your bible and you see it you go wow that's awesome revelation but what i'm warning you of is watch out for people who claim to have revealed have how would i explain it to have had a revelation given to them apart from the bible who claim well god spoke to me and god said this better than the other thing you got to watch out for that because you don't know if that was god and i don't see in the bible where god does that today in fact let's go to first peter and let me show you what first peter says in first peter 1 verse 9 receive the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow so the prophets prophesied so the revelations that god gave them were prophecy and that's one of the ways we know it was god who said it because god said this is going to happen in the future and it did and so we know without a doubt that that was god not man but you have to watch out for men that say this out or the other thing and it doesn't come to pass you go no that wasn't god that spoke to you that wasn't a revelation from god was it but let's continue it says here unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us so there was something revealed by god to the old testament prophets that wasn't for them it was for us what was it it was about the suffering of christ and his glory his coming back for his church and his bride and then coming again in armageddon to rule so a lot of times when god gave a revelation in the old testament it wasn't even for them it was for us to see in the future i find that so interesting and then it says here um which things the angels well i don't have time to read the entire verse read verse 12 but it says which things the angels desire to look into now second peter i wanted to go to second peter and i don't have it in the notes so let's just go there second peter chapter of one and verse uh eighteen second peter 1 18 and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount all right peter was with jesus and the father in heaven gave a voice and made a revelation in the day of peter but now look at what peter says in verse 19. but we have also a more sure word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as into a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts knowing this verse that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophets that came not in the old time by the will of men or man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so peter this is second peter 1 and we read verse um oh 18 down to verse 21. but look at what it says in verse 19. we have also a more sure word of prophecy peter is talking about how god revealed to the prophets prophecies in the old testament back then old testament but he says now we have a more sure word of prophecy we have the revelation that is complete and it is called the more sure word of prophecy more sure than what more sure word of prophecy he's talking about the bible the bible is our more sure word of prophecy more sure than what i just read it to you verse 18 the voice from heaven so in the old testament god spoke from heaven in an audible voice to people revealing things to them but now all the revelations of god have been put into a book that we call the bible and the bible says it is the more sure word of prophecy more sure than a voice from heaven so people all the time say brother breaker would you watch this video this guy is saying he got a revelation from god or this guy's given a dream or this guy's telling a vision that he had do you think that's of god brother breaker i say i'll tell you what i go by what the bible says only i'm not going to follow what they say because who cares what they said that a voice from heaven said to them the bible itself tells me that it is the more sure word of prophecy so i know one thing that if i stick with the bible i will always have the truth if i throw the bible out and start following what somebody else says that god revealed to them i have a possibility of falling into error and i most likely will because the bible is by more sure word of prophecy i'm going to go by the revelations in the bible not by what some man said god revealed to him does that make sense to you all right so we're continuing here so let's go to uh uh galatians galatians so what happened well i don't have time to get into all that there's so much more i'd like to say but we're halfway through you know your bible you know what happened jesus came to israel he came to start the kingdom he wanted to set up his kingdom here but they crucified their king the lord of glory so with peter they had an opportunity to get the kingdom back but when they rejected their messiah then god called paul and said paul go out there and preach the message of grace all right you don't believe me look up acts chapter 15 that's what it was all about say by grace say by faith alone so we're saved by faith alone not of works and that's what god revealed to paul matter of fact what god revealed to paul was justification if you get a chance go to acts chapter 13 verse 38 and 39 all right i don't have time to read that but you need to read that pause this and go to acts because what was it god revealed to paul that you're justified by faith and not by the law not of works so we're saved by faith alone and so paul tells us in galatians chapter 3 and verse 25 he says for after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster for you're all the children of god by faith in christ jesus now look at verse 23 23 is what i wanted it looked like five in my notes so let's go and read verse 23 but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed so the law was back here and it was a different revelation then god revealed to paul okay i got a different revelation for you go tell people we're no longer under the law we're saved by grace through faith faith in the blood romans 3 25 so do you see old testament new testament a lot of people go well the whole bible's for us and they think that they're still under the old testament law that's someone who's not even following the bible they're not even looking at the revelations god revealed that to the israel to the jews back then because they rejected their messiah god says okay this is the new revelation this is the way it's going to be today so we're not under the law if you believe we're under the law then you're wrong because the law was a school master to bring us to christ and we are no longer under the school master i read it in verse 25. go to romans chapter 10 and verse 4 christ is the end of the law to all who what who believe now let's go to uh galatians 2 16. galatians 2 16 says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of jesus christ even we have believed in jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified different dispensation different revelation different time okay some people out there are so foolish to believe that there's no such thing as dispensations and you'll probably hear them there's so many cults and so many false teachings on youtube it's so sad but they're out there some in my denomination i'm an independent baptist well there's people out there claiming to be independent baptists now that say we don't believe in dispensations they say this guy named darby started the teaching of dispensation you know that's an outright lie here's a book dispensationalism before darby by william c watson get that people believed in dispensations not because some man made it up and that's what they claim no no some man said i got the revelation of dispensations of the 1800s named darby and he started a new doctrine of dispensations that's a lie this book does a great job of going through and showing you 1700 1600s people believed in dispensations why because dispensations is in the bible there was a dispensation of grace and even before that couple hundred years after jesus people believed in different time periods if you get a chance get this book as well after i got saved this is the first book that i got and i'd read my bible and i'd read this book dispensational truth the greatest book on dispensational truth in the world by clarence larkin dispensations are so important and that book has been printed a lot over the years it's got all different covers and so i think the best place to find it is kjv1611 dot com or dot org i forget which one it is exactly but uh get that book by clarence larkin and dispensational truth the best way to understand the bible is dispensations and dispensation is really revelation god revealed to different people in different times this is the way that i'm setting things up with you and god dealt with the jews under the law back then and then when they rejected him he said okay new revelation i'm going to reveal some things to you paul and what did he reveal he revealed some mysteries now i don't have time to get into that but if you get a chance go see my uh video the seven mysteries in the bible and you'll see the mysteries many mysteries were revealed to paul and so the revelations of god to paul are important for us today let's look at some verses real quick on that ephesians 3 so i study the bible i study correctly and i want to stick with the book not with other men what they say you say well what about clarence larkin all clarence darkin does in that book is show you what the bible says so i don't think you're following him rather than the bible when he's saying no this is what the bible teaches but there are other men out there that say follow me and not the bible because i have the true revelation watch out for people like that that's a cult and that's a cold leader ephesians 3 5 paul says this which in other ages was not made known under the sons of men okay so there was something that was a secret in different times in different dispensations in past periods of time in past ages it was not known of the sons of man as it is now revealed unto the holy apostles and prophets so there was something that was revealed later that wasn't revealed back here and what was it it was a mystery there's some mysteries let's go to um romans 16 25 and there's actually seven mysteries that god revealed in the new testament that weren't revealed in the old testament it's quite interesting romans 16 25 so you've got to understand that you've got to get a hold of that you've got to understand romans 16 25 paul paul says in romans 11 13 he is our apostle so there are a lot more things see a lot of churches today they are deceived they don't rightly divide there you've got your seventh-day adventist and they say no we're still under the law oh you know all this other stuff is great and all but they just kind of poo poo it they don't they don't get into it they stick with the law they don't even see that we're no longer under the law today they're trying to get back under something we're not then you have other churches that spend most of their time in matthew mark luke and john in the teachings of jesus nothing wrong with that except that's still old testament until jesus actually died and then you have some that will come over here to the first couple chapters of the book of acts but they won't go any farther and so they take all their doctrine from here back well they don't have all the revelations that were given to us i even heard many people today are saying that there are churches that say don't follow paul he's a false apostle he's a deceiver he's a liar why take your bible and rip out all the books of paul paul shouldn't be in the bible and you look at that you go that's somebody who doesn't understand paul said god revealed things to me jesus so if you want to truly follow jesus you have to come to paul because there were more revelations given to paul and if you skip paul if you omit paul if you get rid of paul you're not getting the entire revelation of god so you have a problem all right so let's go to romans 16 25 and paul says now to him that has a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began so there were some things that were mysteries that were secrets and god went throughout history revealing a little here a little there a little here a little there a little here but god waited and said now i'm going to reveal a whole lot more over here with paul this guy you better not leave out paul because more revelation was given to paul it appears than anybody else two-thirds of the new testament is about paul if you take his books and you take chapter uh well let's start in chapter nine of acts and go all the way to the end that's all about paul so if you take those chapters and you take all the books of paul hebrews included two-thirds of the new testament is about paul how do you take him out yet today we're seeing many people that claim to be christians who are attacking paul and say paul shouldn't be in the bible or else they omit paul and don't ever preach paul and yet the greatest of all the revelations was in paul let's go to galatians chapter one i guess i don't have it in my notes here so we have to go there galatians chapter one the thing that was revealed to paul is the gospel of how to be saved if you don't get that then you're not going to get saved that's why it's so important paul says this galatians chapter 1 verse 11 but i certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for i neither received the man neither was i taught it but by the revelation of jesus christ paul says god revealed to me the gospel he said what about the gospel to peter and the others okay that's i don't have time to get into that actually that's what i call the who versus what of salvation if you get a chance see my old video on the who versus the what of salvation and uh i'm probably gonna have to redo that video i went back and watched it just the other day i was like well that's a little boring so i think if i redid it i might do it a little bit better and help you understand but when peter and the early apostles came preaching they were preaching hey israel guess what guess who is here your messiah so the whole book of matthew mark luke and john most of it is all about who jesus was and if you're a jew you need to accept who he is because he's the messiah and he came but because they rejected their messiah god says paul here's what i want you to do i'm going to tell you something what i came for was to die in the place of sinners as the atonement for sins and the gospel is what i did for man and i want you to go out and teach that because it's through the atonement that you receive the justification and that you're justified by faith and that's the gospel revealed to paul acts 13 38 39 and so that's what saves us so if you omit that revelation the gospel to paul you're going to burn in hell and i don't want that i hate that i don't want to see anyone go to hell i want to get saved the only way to get saved is through paul and his gospel so let's go to um romans 1 16. let me show you that romans 1 16. paul says it for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ now that's the same gospel that paul says that he was revealed to him by jesus christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek so are you saved look at verse 16 of chapter 2 romans 1 16 romans 2 16 kind of kind of easy to remember romans 2 16 in the day when god shall judge the secrets of men by jesus christ according to my gospel paul keeps calling it my gospel my gospel my gospel and he says you're going to be judged one day based upon whether or not you receive that gospel what is that gospel it's first corinthians 15 1-4 and in that passage it says i declare unto you the gospel and it's how christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures but how how did he do it how he had to shed his blood so he shed his blood without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins so the gospel of salvation today is a blood-stained gospel and you've got to understand it's what jesus did that saves us and you've got to trust in that blood for salvation romans 3 25 whom god set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood do you trust the blood of jesus for salvation yes or no a lot of churches they omit the blood and they say no i'm going to get to heaven by my works so i'm going to keep the law and so they're trusting in their works rather than trusting in christ's finished work a lot of people say no i just believe in jesus and who he is i believe jesus is the messiah so i think i'm going to heaven just because i believe who he is well even the devils believe that even the devils knew don't you remember when they were in the pigs and they said we know who you are even the devils believe jesus christ was the messiah of israel are they going to heaven no so it's not enough to just believe who jesus is you've got to trust the gospel which is what jesus did and he shed his blood and it's that blood that's saved so you've got to trust in the finished work of christ justification by faith quickly ephesians 3 3 and there are many many other things that god revealed to paul that you need to understand and that's why the epistles of paul are so so so important so important ephesians chapter three and verse three so many stories that i could give you that i'm going through my head right now but i don't have time to tell them all but i just want to stick with the book amen but i've seen so much as a minister i preached in over 200 baptist churches in my life and i'd like to say that the majority of those churches believed in paul and paul's gospel but looking back not all of them did and that's kind of sad there's a lot of times even within the independent baptist that people will have a false balance and they'll fall back into you know other parts of the bible and they'll omit paul you can't do it you got to make sure that paul is in his proper place paul says this in ephesians 3 3 how that by revelation he made known he is who jesus christ verse 1 unto me the mystery so there were some secrets that god had in the old testament that he revealed and even in the new testament there were some secrets that god gave to peter god the father revealed to peter jesus but in the mysteries god revealed in the new testament what a blessing now after paul and his ministry god said here's one more thing i want to reveal to people and so he called this guy named john now john he should be over here well i'll put him here but i'll also i'll i'll put john over here because john wrote the book john wrote the book of what of we call it today revelation what is the book of revelation the last book in the bible well let's go to it and let's go to verse 1. so even after paul in revelation by the way it was written in 90 a.d now why is that important i'll tell you here in a minute to say maybe 85 a.d but it sounds like 90 a.d my bible says note here 96 a.d wow that's way later but look at verse one revelation of saint john the divine that's what my chapter heading says now the bible in in the first verse says the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant john so we can say it is the revelation of john in the sense that god gave it to john to give to us but the first chapter says it's the revelation of jesus christ so the final revelation in the bible of god revealing stuff to man was that final book now i got the stupidest email i don't know what else to say i hate to use words like that stupid is kind of a strong word even in spanish if you say estupido that's very strong it hurts people's feelings oh don't call me a stupid but i got the dumbest email the other day and i just scratched my end i'm still laughing about it because it's so dumb and i don't know what to say about it except this person doesn't read their bible in this email this person told me brother breaker you're such an idiot you're such a you're so dumb all prophecy is over they told me they said there's no such thing as future prophecy i said oh yeah what about the book of revelation oh robert breaker this is how these people talk that think they're so smart oh rob heartbreaker you think you're so smart the book of revelation took place and it's over and i said oh tell me about it when did the book of revelation get over with they said in 70 a.d okay in 70 a.d if you know your bible what happened in 70 a.d jerusalem was destroyed there are people out there that believe like this fellow in what's called preterism preterism is the belief that the book of revelation is past so revelation is over and that the entire book of revelation was written about what happened in 70 a.d do you i mean are you good at math i'm not that great at math but do you see the problem with that the book of revelation was written between 90 to 96 a.d that means okay all right if you're watching me right now mr email guy that sent this i'm gonna try to be simple for you okay you called me stupid you think i'm dumb all right i'll i guess i'll treat you the same way and maybe you can understand i'll talk slowly okay so you can get this 90 to 96 a.d is after 70 a.d okay can do you see that so how could the book of revelation be about past events rather than future events the very first verse says the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass so it's a book of prophecy about future events future past 90 to 96 a.d so prophecy of future events but you sir whoever you are send me an email told me i'm an idiot because everything that's written in the book of revelation all took place what 20 years before i just don't know what to do with people i try so hard to be kind and sweet and nice but you attack and you really cool you name call you put down you tell me i'm a dumb when all i do is do math and read the bible the bible tells me that whatever was written in the book of revelation is in the future not the past but you tell me no it's all past not the future i don't know what else to do but just try to expose you and without naming you i don't know i'm not interested in who you are but i'll take what you said as an illustration in a teachable moment if you will so i can teach people don't be a preterist some people have told me brother i went to this church and it was great but there were some things saying that they said that were off and i couldn't figure it out i went outside and looked at the sign and it said preterist a preterist is someone that believes in preterism it's someone that believes that the book of revelation don't read it don't look at it it's not important it's all past it's not future what go read the book of revelation tonight and tell me if that doesn't look like what we're going through in our lives today the quantum digital tattoo in your right hand can't buy or sell without the coveted vaccine and things like sounds just like revelation chapter 13. don't give me this garbage that the book of revelation was a prophecy written oh maybe sometime before 70 a.d about things that happened in 70 a.d that's not that's not even historically accurate it would be the book of of past revelation or it would have been a history book no it's a revelation of jesus christ about future events i don't know what else to say man i just get so tired sometimes of people just spewing out some teaching that i already learned about years ago in bible school and they think they're so smart and they attack you and put you down and call you names and it's just like can we just stop and think how can this book be passed if it was written after the events that happened and it says this is a book of prophecy of things that shall come no i'm sorry but what you say does not hold water and is not true and i can't go along with it and i feel like as a minister i have to expose it i have to tell people that this is what you believe and this is wrong it is wrong to be a preterist and to believe that the book of revelation is already over it's still future and it's still coming to pass well i'm trying not to attack i'm trying to be nice but i want to throw that out to you because it ties in with what we're talking about today revelation so you have the old testament revelation god gave a lot of secrets and he revealed a lot of secrets to the prophets all future events then he comes over here to the apostles and god reveals to them and then god one in particular paul gave him a bunch of mysteries that before no one ever knew and god said here i want you to know this and it's all about things that are happening when our lives today but some of it's still future a lot of things paul said that our future and then john the final one that god gave revelation to how could that not be future if god told the old testament prophets secrets of future events why didn't he tell the new testament prophets of future events it just makes sense but there are people out there they just want to debate you they just want to ridicule you they just want to put you down they just want to say i'm right and you're wrong and fight i don't i don't do that my favorite verse in the bible is leave off contention before it be meddled with i don't want to argue with people but i will tell the truth and so if you believe something and you explain to me your belief and it doesn't line up with the bible i have no other choice but to explain to the people that watch me there are people out there that believe this and this is why it's wrong okay it is wrong to believe in preterism it is wrong to be a preterist to believe no the book of revelation is not about future events that's wrong it even says it in the first verse well they say well it says things shortly to come to pass yeah two thousand years is a short time period on god's calendar because god said a day with the lord is a thousand years a thousand years is one day so as far as god's concerned he's writing to john the book of revelation and he's going so the next two days here's what's gonna happen well to us it's two thousand years but in god's eyes it's like oh in a couple of days it's gonna come to pass so no wonder he said what shortly shall come to pass god sees things different than we do but to say that the book of revelation is not about future events that is not even logical and it's bad math because revelation was written 20 years after the fall of jerusalem and a lot of these preterists try to say no when jerusalem fell that fulfilled all the prophecies of daniel and all the prophecies of revelation no it's still future so a lot more than i could say i hope it's been a blessing to you i wanted to give you uh this because the lord gave me this i'm just studying revelation and i hope it's been a blessing be careful of people that run around today saying well i got a revelation from the lord if they're saying that god spoke to them from heaven and gave them something watch out for that i don't know what else to say be careful because they're trying to give you something apart from the bible the bible itself says when it comes to revelation from god that revelation comes from the book and it is our more sure word of prophecy more sure than a voice from heaven i showed you the verses so i am very leery of hearing someone say well i got a revelation from the lord now can you say that and be right in the context of you know i was reading my bible last night and god showed me something that i had not seen before and i thought about it i said wow there's one of the revelations that's already been given that now you just figured out so it is okay in a way as a christian to say god showed me something and gave me a revelation okay that if the context is while i was reading the bible i saw this okay that's okay to say but make sure that that was a true revelation and not one that you made up i've seen this too uh some christians say well god gave me a revelation last night read the bible oh yeah what was it and it's something that they completely twisted two or three verses and made their own little doctrine from and it's like no god didn't show you that let me let me show you these other verses let me let me clarify let me make sure you understand so we always have to go back to the bible that's what i'm trying to say always go back to the scripture and what it says because that's where we find the true revelations of god all right god bless you appreciate you watching we'll see you next week bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 70,277
Rating: 4.9077325 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical Revelations, What God Revealed, God's revelations, Bible revelations
Id: VhfjdbCBCBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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