Acts 13:14 to 52

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okay welcome back robber breaker here and we're continuing our verse-by-verse Bible study through the book of Acts last time we started chapter 13 and I I kind of thought we'd get through the entire chapter but we didn't we only got about halfway through and we were coming upon close to an hour and I said we'll just have to cut it off and continue again with another teaching so we're going to start today in verse 14 I left up some of what we looked at last time and so that we still have our map up here and we'll continue just to remind us what we've studied so far we've looked at how things are way different from the preaching of Peter to what Paul is going to teach and what we're going to see here in chapter 13 is that the teaching of Paul he's going to give us something new he's gonna give us something different it's gonna mention something that the Apostles haven't mentioned yet and we're gonna look at ago Wow that hasn't been said yet so remember the book of Acts is a transitional book there's some changes taking place and as we read this book we see the change from Jews to Gentiles from the Apostles to Paul from Israel to the church from the preaching of just believing who Jesus is to the importance of trusting in what Jesus did for you from water baptism to get the Holy Spirit to getting the Holy Spirit by faith and that's what salvation is you get the Holy Spirit the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the more important baptism and we get the Holy Spirit by faith it's salvation by believing or by faith so that's where we are so far last time we closed talking a little bit about how the ministries of Peter and Paul were different but we could not say that Peter was only two Gentiles and Paul was only two Jews because as we studied the book of Acts we see Peter cared more about Jews it seems like but in chapter 10 and 11 he's the first one to see some Gentiles get saved under his ministry but as we see Paul Paul Romans 1113 says that he is the apostle to the Gentiles but we've already started in our seen that everywhere Paul goes he goes to the juice first because he wants the juice to get saved even though he is called of God to be the apostle to the Gentiles in his ministry and his travels he always ends up going to the juice first and trying to win them and then when some get saved he rejoices and but the majority of them usually reject and when they reject well then he goes to the Gentiles so with that we come to verse 14 acts 13 14 but when they departed from purga that came to Antioch in Pisidia and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down so so far what we've seen in this first missionary journey of Paul is going from Jerusalem to Antioch from Antioch to Seleucia port city taking a boat to the island of Cyprus and going to Salamis a city called Salamis then going all the way across that island to pathos maybe I spelled it wrong it probably did PA pho s so let me correct that boy I tell you sometimes I misspell stuff but that's okay you guys know what I meant pathos PA pH OS and then from pathos he went up to purga now it looks like in order to get to purga he had to go through italia first and we'll see a little later mentioning of italia but from purga he then goes to antioch now there are two antiox there is the Antioch in Syria where the Christians of the early disciples are first called Christians that's over here this is an tiem Antioch of Pisidia a different Antioch so the first thing he does in verse 14 is he marches right into the synagogue on the Sabbath day he waits till Saturday and he goes right into the synagogue where all the Jews are assembled together and he sits down and he listens and if you know how Jewish synagogues are they all assemble together every Saturday and they listen to the reading of the law so many Jews they will have portions a matter of fact oftentimes there are certain portions that every synagogue reads so all over the world wherever there's a Jewish synagogue whatever day that is they all read the same scriptures from the Old Testament and in verse 15 is and after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them saying Amen and brethren if you have any word of exhortation for the people say on so after the reading of of the Old Testament law in the synagogue the custom was any Jew could stand up and say something so Paul is using this he was a Jew he understood this is how the Jews do it so he's going to their synagogues and trying to convert people in their own synagogue you know you know what the equivalent of that would be today the equivalent of that today would be literally going to Assembly of God Church or a seventh-day Adventism the same now I'd like to say something now many of those churches today they don't have that custom many of the churches today you just go to listen and the preacher is the one that speaks they don't allow anybody else to talk but the Jews did in the Jewish denomination you are allowed to stand up and say something so Paul says well I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna say something and what is he gonna say the who message of who Jesus is he's gonna tell them hey Jesus is your Messiah and the law and the prophets prove it and that's how they disciple people and how they want people in the early book of Acts by going to the only scripture they had the Old Testament and say look at all these prophecies in the Old Testament of the coming seed of the coming Messiah now look at Jesus Christ had to be him and some Jews believe it and some Jews did not so what did Paul do he stood up verse 16 then Paul stood up and beckoning with his hand said so Paul stands up and he goes like this everybody look at me listen you know this if you do this with your hands you know you put your hands up and kind of push him out in the meat please be quiet listen to what I have to say they Paul stood up and beckoning his hands said men of Israel and you that fear God give that audience now he says here he men of Israel okay so that's Jews he that fear God who would that be most likely the Jewish proselytes those that word Gentiles that were becoming converts or had become converts to Judaism so he's saying they are men of Israel and even our Jewish proselytes give audience listen to what I have to say what he does is he starts going to the Old Testament he sounds almost like Stephen a little bit because he goes and he gives history a little bit like Stephen did he sounds a little bit like Peter because Peter goes back to the Old Testament says you know what you know we came out of Egypt and we did this we were in the wilderness and so he's he's doing probably what he's learned from the early apostles that when you start to witness to a Jew take them to their own book and take them to the Old Testament law and then point them to Christ through the Old Testament because the Old Testament speaks of the coming Messiah and it's clear that Jesus is the Messiah and that was his he of whom the Old Testament prophesied of now he says of our seventeen the god of this people of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with a high arm brought them out of it and about the time of forty years suffered he their manners in the wilderness so he starts out talking about this period back here before well during the time of Moses while they were in the wilderness for forty years now what was he saying was he was he insinuating you know that from Jesus forty years then would be Jesus coming back I don't know that was on his mind I don't know I know that Paul and his other writings he thought that Jesus would return in his lifetime through his other writings so maybe he's thinking that well that's the case you had 42:33 ID when Jesus died that'd be about 73 ad and here he's speaking in about 40-something ad so is he you know preaching to them about that or is he just telling them this is what happened either way we continue here in verse 19 these markers some I know so I'm always doing this to my nose because these these oh these horrible dry erase markers they always get in your nose and just so excuse me if I'm always doing this to my nose as I'm preaching and when he destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan China j9 which is Cayman he divided their land to them by a lot so he goes from the book of Exodus chapter verse 17 to the Book of Numbers verse 18 now to the book of Joshua verse 19 and Joshua went in and conquered the land other seven nations verse 20 and after that he gave it to them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years until Samuel the Prophet so he goes to the book of Judges then Ruth and then first and second Samuel so he's he's showing us the order of the books in the Bible that we have today Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy Joshua judges Ruth first as I'm saying I mean he's laying it all out in order of how we have the books in the Bible I find that interesting pre-tribulational order then he goes to verse 21 afterwards they desired a king and Gaye and God gave unto them saw the son of Kish the man of the tribe of Benjamin by the space of 40 years now Saul is a type of the Antichrist so it's like Paul is laying out you know just as it was back then while it just might be here you know I God might be using Peter and Paul as the Samuel of our day and you know guess what the Antichrist is coming and he's looking for a future Antichrist who is the Antichrist a type of the Antichrist was salt so it's Paul telling them you know this is what he's expecting to come into the future was the Antichrist because we know the prophecy was given of Daniel and so they still had to have the tribulation take place was Paul telling the Jews and warning them you know the Antichrist is coming what comes after the end of Christ Jesus Christ after the seven years of the tribulation that comes Jesus guess who comes after Saul David David's a type of Christ and when he had removed him he raised up of them David to be their king to whom also he gave testimony said I found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart which will fulfill all my will so here we have him telling the premillennial order of the coming future events so amazing a lot of people said that the seven churches in the book of Revelation line up with the seven first books of the Bible Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy Joshua judges alright so the first seven books in the Bible the last one is judges in the book of Judges every man did that which was right in his own eyes what was it it was apostasy they didn't know right from wrong they did what they thought was right well you look at the churches the church age is the seven different churches in Revelation the last one is the apostate Church let us see it people doing what they think is right and yet they've kicked God out their apostate their poor their mama blind their miserable right in the neck what's the next book of the Bible the book of Ruth what does the Book of Ruth about a Gentile woman who marries a Jewish man the church the church is made up mostly of Gentiles who get saved and then we marry Christ at the rapture so it's interesting how the order of the books of the Bible in the Old Testament kind of line up with what's gonna happen in the future is Paul know that I don't know but it's interesting it's curious that he's talking about that so then he goes on here and he talks about this guy David in verse 22 says and when he had removed him he raised up unto them David to be their King to him also he gave testimony and said I found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart which shall fulfill all my will now Jesse sounds very close to the name of Jesus now verse 23 says of this man's seed have the golf of God according to this promise raised unto Israel a savior Jesus so he goes through all this history of the Old Testament then he goes now we have Jesus the Savior now some of these Jews probably had no idea who Jesus was so this is the first time they're hearing about this others would have heard being this far away from Jerusalem there was some guy named Jesus that lived down there that was killed and there was some talk about whether or not he was somebody special so Paul shows up and he says I want to tell you about this here's the Old Testament and the Old Testament is given to us by Moses and then God gives us this guy named David and David writes the Psalms now he knows what he's doing Paul he knows that the Psalms are prophetic and he knows that the Jews believes that the Psalms are prophetic about the Messiah so he knows that what he's telling the Jews is I want to show you what the Psalms say and we're to get there in a minute that he goes directly to the Book of Psalms and he points to the Book of Psalms that Jesus is the Messiah from the Book of Psalms but he tells them straight up Jesus is the Savior so this is his message Jesus is your Savior the Savior as vizier what is that message that's the message of who Jesus is so there it is that's the message that's being preached in the entire book of Acts up until this point whenever they go to a Jew what do they tell the Jew Jesus is the Messiah the message is the who gospel who Jesus is we're gonna see here in a minute how Peter how in a minute how Paul changes and flips it and this says now look at what he did and so now he's going to start teaching the what message and we're going to see more and more in the book of Acts that the emphasis is more on what Jesus did than who Jesus is and that's why God put Paul in the Bible because Paul is going around and telling us what Jesus did and that salvation is by believing in what Jesus did not just in believing who he is so he comes and he says Jesus is the Savior now verse 24 what does he say when John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel all right that was what Peter started to preach in the beginning of the book of Acts repent and get baptized and what was he doing he was just preaching the same message of John the Baptist but why did John the Baptist come what was the baptism of John this well John chapter 1 I believe is verse 31 it tells us that the reason that John came baptizing was to make Jesus manifest to Israel it was to show Israel repent and be baptized get clean because the Messiah is coming so here he's pointing to Jesus as the Messiah and he's telling them that John the Baptist came to point to the Messiah so he's telling them Jesus is the Messiah Jesus is the savior he's pointing to the who message so that the Jews might know who Jesus is and he says it even more verse 25 minutes John fulfilled his course he said who thank you that I am I am not he but behold there cometh one after me whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose men and brother and children of the stock of Abraham and whosoever among you fear with God to you is the word of this salvation sent so what is the Apostle Paul saying he's saying that Jesus equals salvation Jesus is the Savior he's the one that can save you you need to be saved by Jesus and guess who Jesus is he's the Messiah I don't know how to make it any clearer than that that that's what the early book of Acts is all about he's pointing Jews to the Messiah the who message and that's who he is Jesus and who is Jesus he said salvation is of the Jews and Jesus said that he was salvation jesus said he came to save now verse 27 and 28 he condemns the Jewish leaders and he blames them for killing Jesus verse 27 Paul says for they that dwell in Jerusalem and their rulers because they knew him not nor yet the voices of the Prophet which are read every Sabbath day they have fulfilled them in condemning him excuse me I think this is kind of funny because here Paul is sitting in a synagogue where they're reading the prophets every Sabbath day and Paul is saying that the Jews are to blame and the Jewish leaders because they aren't explaining they aren't teaching they might be reading the law but they're not explaining it correctly to the people that hey this is a prophecy about the Messiah had the Jewish religious religious leaders been explaining what they read that all the people would have said well that's exactly who that's talking about Jesus so he's blaming the Jewish religious leaders remember last time I told you that they were more into the Kabbalah than they were the true texts of the scripture so many of the Jewish religious leaders were following a tradition rather than the Bible and that's why God condemns him when Jesus was here in the earth he says well let me show you let's go to Matthew chapter 7 I believe it is where Jesus is speaking and Jesus he condemns them for following tradition rather than the Bible I want to say it's Matthew chapter 7 I hope that's the right place Matthew chapter 7 well verse 29 for he taught them as one having Authority and not as the scribes the scribes had no authority because they were teaching their opinion rather than the Bible and they weren't teaching the Bible they were treating tradition well that's not it Matthew chapter 7 let me see if I can find the one verse that I want where it's talking about let's see I think it's mark 7 we make sure mark 7 but the problem with the Pharisees is they talk tradition rather than the Bible there it is Matt a mark chapter 7 mark 7 mark 7 he answered it said an event who's that Jesus well have isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written as people honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me verse 7 howbeit in vain do they worship Me teaching for command for doctrines the commandments of men so they're teaching their own commandments rather than the the commandments of God now look at what says verse 13 making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition which he had delivered and many such like things you do so they were following tradition rather than the scriptures and that's why they didn't see Jesus as the Messiah if they had just been reading the Bible they could not miss that Jesus was the Messiah but oftentimes the so-called religious teachers and leaders were not teaching what they were supposed to be teaching so back to Acts chapter 13 Paul is condemning them he is putting down the religious leaders the Pharisees and yet he was one so he would know takes one to know one right that's what he was he realized hey they are to blame and that's why he says in verse 28 and though they found no cause of death in him yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain so he begins here to tell the gospel and we're starting to see the Gospel of Paul the gospel of Paul is first Corinthians 15 one through four and there's five points to the gospel of Paul it's that Christ died for our sins was buried rose again and it's according to the scriptures but that's not all I'm leaving out one word how how that Christ died how did he die shed his blood so let's see if we can find the blood shed let's see if we can find the death burial and resurrection here in what he gives next verse 29 well here's the death verse 28 that he should be slain first on 29 and when they had fulfilled all that was written of him they took him down from the tree and laid him in a Sepulchre all right they laid him in a Sepulchre that's the burial so death burial verse 30 but God raised him from the dead so death burial resurrection verse 35 31 31 and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem who are witnesses to the people so he's telling us about the witnesses one this sounds like first grade he is 15 1 through 4 but then after work verse 5 6 7 he tells us how Jesus was seen five thousand people or five hundred people and then he was seen of Peter and then of others so he sounds like the Paul we know and in first Corinthians and in Romans and other places so here we go continuing on here in verse 32 and we declared you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the father's God had fulfilled the same unto us their children and that he hath raised up Jesus again as it is also written in the second Psalm thou art my son this day have I begotten thee now he quotes psalms chapter 2 and verse 7 so let's go to Psalms 2 7 and they will come back Psalms chapter 2 and verse 7 again whenever he does and this sounds like to me the book of Hebrews this is why I believe Paul wrote the book of Hebrews and I think he would have written it around this time maybe a little before and I don't understand how people say well I just don't believe Paul wrote the book of Hebrews because when you see Paul preaching in chapter 13 it sounds like Paul in the book of Hebrews so if Hebrews was written back here then it makes sense it was the first book he wrote and he was interested only in the Jews thinking that possibly Jesus would return at any minute and then we see as the book goes on he realizes up Jesus isn't coming for a long time and now I got to get the Gentiles safe so it makes sense but he Psalms chapter 12 chapter 2 Psalms chapter 2 verse 7 Psalms 2:7 says I will declare the decree the Lord has said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee that was quoted by him in Acts chapter 13 and verse 33 now let's go and read all of psalms chapter 2 and you tell me if you see Jesus Christ here why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing verse 2 the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed who is the anointed the anointed is the messiah so this is the kings of the earth the jews conspired with who Herod the king and Pontius Pilate and the kings of the earth the religious leaders coming together with the secular rulers conspiring together to kill the anointed the Messiah verse 3 let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us whispers for he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision who's that God the Father in heaven then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure verse 6 yet have I set my king upon my holy hill in Zion I will declare the decree the Lord has said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee that's the begotten who is that well that would be God the son being born of a Virgin Mary first say ask him me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession some day Jesus will inherit the entire earth when he comes back as king of kings and Lord of lords and he rules over the entire Earth and the Millennial Kingdom verse 9 thou shalt break them with the rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel 10 be wise now therefore are you Kings be instructed you judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling Paul wants them to serve the Lord come to Jesus understand who he is verse 12 kissed the son lest he be angry and you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are they that put their trust in him so trust in the Messiah believe that he is the Messiah believe in his name he's preaching the who message because he's preaching the Jews that's what he's doing now back to Acts chapter 13 so verse 33 thou art my son this day have I begotten thee why that Psalms chapter 2 and verse 7 numbers 34 and it's concerning that he raised him up from the dead now no more to return to corruption he said on this wise I will give you the sure mercies of David now where is that in the Bible that's a quote from Isaiah 55 verse 3 so let's go to Isaiah 55 3 Isaiah 55 whenever you see a quote in the New Testament always look it up in the Old Testament and read the context it'll it'll just blow your mind Isaiah 55 3 incline your ear and come unto me here and your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of David God is speaking to the Jews about a covenant that he wants to make with the Jews what did God do he came to die on the cross for their sin and when Jesus died he said he started a new testament see this is the Old Testament he died to start a new covenant a New Testament with Israel it's a covenant not based upon the blood of animals and goats and on them keeping their works of the law it's a covenant based upon them getting the law written in their hearts and God's Spirit coming into them and then being filled with the holy spirit by faith believing in what Jesus did as he died in their place for their sins so we're starting to see the change from just believing who he is Paul is starting now to tell about what Jesus did what Jesus did was died for their sins to start the New Testament so we're starting to see the change from the who gospel to the what gospel so let's go ahead and read all of Isaiah 55 oh everyone that thirsts come into the waters and even have no money come ye buy and eat yay come buy wine and milk without money without price wherefore do you spend money for the QI for that which is not bread and your labor for that which satisfied not hearken diligent and to me and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness incline your ear and come up to me here and your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of David for behold I've given him for a witness of the people a leader and a commander to the people now wait a minute I forgot to mention the milk and the honey wasn't John the Baptist a guy that ate honey and interesting he was out in the wilderness and you know by the waters baptizing people verse 4 behold I've given him for a witness to the people leader in a commander to the people verse 5 behold call a nation that thought no it's not and nations that knew not these shall run into me because of the LORD thy God and for the Holy One of Israel for he hath glorified the 6eq the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near Israel seek the Lord while he may be found because if you reject him while you just might go into all the different nations into hmm what what happened to the Jews for the last 2000 years they were scattered throughout all the nations in around 70 AD all the Jews had to leave Israel wasn't until 1947 that they came back and 48 they've been founded themselves a nation so they should have called upon the Lord when they could but the nation of Israel rejected their Messiah hmm verse 7 let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the Lord that he will have mercy upon endure and to our God for he will abundantly pardon where my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the LORD friends the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts for as the rain cometh down and the snow from him and return is not hither but what if the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth and it shall not return it to me will avoid but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper and the thing we're on to where to I send it for ye shall go out with joy be led forth with peace in the mountains in the hills shall break forth before you in singing all the trees of the field shall clap their hands instead of a thorn shall come up the fir tree instead of the briars will come up the myrtle tree and show be to the Lord for a name for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off some of this sounds a lot like what will happen in the Millennial Kingdom after the Jews finally accept their Messiah and the tribulation because they didn't accept them here but in the tribulation they will so going back to Acts chapter 13 he quotes there in verse 34 Isaiah 53 now we go on here to verse 35 wherefore he said also in another song thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption this is verse 35 what is he quoting here Psalm 16 okay let's read Psalm 16 well this is a quote from Psalm 16:10 alright what is Psalm 16:10 safe some 1610 says where that will not leave thy soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption that clearly is Jesus when he died so went down then he rose again after three days so his he did not see corruption but let's go ahead and read all of Psalm chapter 16 preserve me O God for in thee do I put my trust oh my soul thou seat said unto the Lord thou art my Lord my goodness extended not to thee but to the Saints that are on the earth into the Excellus in whom is all my delight their soul shall be multiplied thou hast and after another hast in it after another God they drink offerings of blood will I not offer nor take up their names into my lips the Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup thou maintainence my life the lines are falling to me in Pleasant places you have a goodly heritage I will bless the Lord was giving me counsel my rains also instruct me in the night seasons I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand and I have not moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices when I flesh shall rest in hope and then verse 10 is about the Holy One not seeing corruption in verse 11 that will show me the path of life in that presence is fullness of joy at that right hand there are pleasures forevermore a lot of prophecies there but then there are some things bad happening drink offerings of blood and other things and evil thinks going after false gods and such as that so he's going to these Old Testament prophecies going to the Old Testament of Psalms and he's pulling out scriptures that are talking about Jesus ruling in the Millennial Kingdom about trusting in Jesus and he's trying to say look it's all about trusting in Jesus Jews you need to trust in your Messiah so he's using that word trust now we go back to Acts chapter 13 but he versatile 37 whom God raised again saw no corruption now verse 38 and 39 is very important I want you to remember acts 13 38 and 3 ix these two verses are very important 38 and 39 you know a lot of people they they want to go to acts 2:38 they ought to go to acts 13 38 and 39 what is mentioned here in acts 13 38 and 39 be it known at you therefore men and brethren that through this man who is the man that he's talking about Jesus Christ the Messiah is preached unto you forgiveness of sins so now it's not just trust in who he is here's what you get through Jesus what did Jesus do he died to forgive your sins now look at verse 39 and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses something new something new justified by believing by I'm gonna say by faith because my faith is believing so this is something new we didn't hear Peter ever preach something like this Paul just gives us these two new verses and he brings out a completely new word justified and he says here by which you could not be saved by the law of Moses so look what he says you're not saved by the law alright look at what we just read right here clearly the Apostle Paul wrote the the book of Hebrews because the forgiveness of sins is what the book of Hebrews is all about the book of Hebrews is Hebrews Jews look at who Jesus is and Jesus is the author of eternal salvation he gives you forgiveness of sins look at what Jesus did through his sacrifice he said you're justified by faith well that's the book of Romans the book of Romans is all about that he says you're not saved by the book of law that sounds just like the book of Galatians that as the author of so when Paul is preaching here I see Paul telling us hey it's the forgiveness of sins it's justification by faith and it's not works that saves that is the thing that is peculiar to pull that term justified how are we justified well he says in the book of Romans that you're justified by faith and that you're justified by the blood so just fight by blood so what Paul begins to preach that is different from the other people is the fact that salvation is a justification through a blood atonement of Christ and it's through the blood atonement that were saved and that's what the book of Hebrews is all about and that's what he would have written somewhere around here so God would have revealed to the Apostle Paul that it's through the blood atonement of Christ that were saved now let me show you that it's all about the blood so it's not just believing who Jesus is you've got to trust in what Jesus did for you go to Romans chapter 3 through faith in the blood Romans chapter 3 verse 25 whom God had set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God verse 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law salvation justification by faith faith in what faith in the blood this is the teaching of Paul go over here to Romans chapter 5 Romans 5:9 much then much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him verse 11 and not only so but we also join God through a Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement so Paul God reveal something to Paul and it's you're saved by the blood atonement of Christ so Paul comes out and begins preaching a little different message than the early apostles it's what Jesus did he was the blood atonement for the sins of the world let me go to the Galatians let me show you what he says in Galatians now this is what you got to get a hold of Galatians look what Paul says in Galatians galatians chapter 1 and verse 11 but i certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man neither was i receiving a man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ so in Galatians chapter 1 the Apostle Paul says I have a gospel I have a preaching of a way to be saved that was revealed only to me I did not get it for men I did not get it from Peter or James or John or any of these other apostles there was something distinct something different that was given to me Paul that wasn't given anybody else and what it is it's the way to be safe it's the gospel so we looking at my cell then what is the gospel well the Gospels 1st Corinthians 15 one through four so we go to 1st Corinthians 15 one through four and we go ok what is first Corinthians 15:1 34 and we go well first Corinthians 15 one through four is this moreover brother and I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you received and where do you stand okay so it's the gospel that he preached to them that they received verse two by which also you're safe okay so this is the way to be saved now this is the gospel that was given to him only he didn't get it from anybody else it was revealed to him from Jesus what must it be for I delivered it he says unless you believed in vain what does it mean to believe in vain it means you believe just with your head not with your heart or it means you're you're just believing and you claim to believe but you really don't you say you do or your vanity self or you're believing something you do you're thinking that I'm saved by what I do not completely what Jesus did you see it's not my works not by the law not by works there are some people say well I believe the gospel but in the back of their mind in the back of the heart they're thinking but I'm also doing these works to to get saved well if you're believing in your works and you claim to believe in the gospel but you don't completely believe in the blood of Christ you're thinking there's something you've got to do then you're believing in vain because you're thinking that you are doing something rather than trusting completely what Jesus did so it says here in verse 3 for I deliver to you first of all that which I also received now look at what the next verse a word is how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried that he rose again the third day according scriptures so the gospel is not just that Christ died Peter preached that the gospel is not just that he died for our sins I've even showed you where Peter says that Jesus died for our sins the gospel is not just that Jesus was buried Peter says that Jesus was buried the gospel is not just that Jesus rose again even Peter tells us that Jesus rose again and it's not just according to the scriptures it's how Jesus died he died by a blood atonement so the thing that was revealed to the Apostle Paul as the way of salvation today is the gospel of what Jesus did what did Jesus do he shed his blood as the atonement for the sins of the world and he is the one sacrifice forever for the sins of the whole world just like he tells us in the book of Hebrews in the book of Hebrews Paul tells us that Jesus Christ shed his blood without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins Jesus Christ is the blood atonement for the sins of the world God revealed that to Paul before this they're all preaching believing who Jesus is believe in who Jesus is Jesus is the Messiah Jews trust what Jesus did but God tells Paul but it's not just enough to believe Who I am trust in what I did I shed my blood trust in my blood trust the blood of Christ and if you'll trust the blood then you're trusting in what I did and that's how you get forgiveness so trust the blood so as I read the Bible I see that Paul said there's something that God revealed to Paul that he didn't revealed anybody else and it has to do with the gospel what is the thing that God revealed to Paul that ties in with the gospel it has to be the blood of Christ because you don't see Peter before in any way or preaching now if you'll just trust the blood atonement of Christ then you'll be saved he's always telling them believe in the name of Jesus believe who Jesus is this is where everything changes from the who to the what and so what is it what is the difference this is what's preached by Paul forgiveness of sins it's through Jesus it's what Jesus did to forgive us what did Jesus do to forgive us Hebrews 9:22 without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins and you're justified by believing you're saved by faith all book of Romans is all about how we're saved by faith and it's not by works of the law no longer are we under the Old Testament law now we're in the New Testament you don't keep the law to get saved you're saved by faith that's the book of Galatians so the Apostle Paul is changing it up a little bit because God told Paul Paul tell them about what I did and tell them to trust in my blood atonement so that's what I see here I believe that Acts thirteen thirty-eight and thirty-nine are so important and as we continue here we get to Acts chapter 15 there's gonna be a word that comes up calls grace and that's one more thing that Paul adds to all of this how salvation is by grace through faith and you're justified by grace through faith and so the justification justified by faith justified by the blood that's the preaching of Paul and that's what well that's what Martin Luther got ahold of that started and kicked off the whole Protestant Reformation it's wow we got this Catholic Church telling us we're saved by works that have not Paul's gospel that's not salvation it's not the works it's the faith in the blood that saves so I'm gonna read 38 and 39 again be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man has preached unto you the forgiveness of sins we are forgiven based upon what Jesus did for us not by our works our works don't give us forgiveness it's the work of Christ the finished work of Christ on the cross and by him all that believe are justified from all things we are justified by believing justified by flitt faith justified through the blood atonement of Christ because he had to shed his blood to give us the forgiveness of sins from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses we are not saved by keeping the law now verse 40 beware therefore lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets behold you despisers and wander and perish for I work a work in your days a work when she shall in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you now he goes to the book of Habakkuk and he begins to quote from a prophet Habakkuk and he wants people he says don't you dare despise the blood of Jesus Christ that reminds me of the book of Hebrews where he talks about people in the book of Hebrews who who despise the blood of Christ and tried it underfoot you know and say well you know we we claim to blood the blood of Jesus but we don't anymore it's like don't despise the blood of Christ now here's a quote from Habakkuk chapter one let's go to back in chapter one and then let's go ahead and read the whole book of the back there's three chapters in the book of Habakkuk I ask you to read those when you get a chance but in Habakkuk chapter one and verse five is where we find this quote where he's quoting back at 1:5 behold ye among the heathen in regard and and wonder Marcus leeeeee marvelously for I will work a work in your days which you will not believe though it be told to you Jesus Christ did the most amazing work in the entire world when Jesus died on the cross he did not just die for the entire nation of Israel although he did die for them he did a work in which he died for the entire world the Bible says he is a propitiation through faith in his blood and the word propitiation appears three times in the King James Bible the other two times are in the book of first John and what she says he's that the propitiation not only for our sins but the sins of the whole world there is no work like the work of Christ what did he do shed his blood for the sins of everyone he said you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna come down there I'm gonna die on the cross to forgive the entire world of everything they've ever done all I ask is that they trust me they trust me and they trust what I did and at first the message was just trust in me trust in Who I am then he started to spill the beans and say now trust in what I did first you need to know who I am I'm God Jesus Christ is God now that you know who I am trust what I did for you so you can be forgiven of your sins well I would read the entire book of he Habakkuk but I just don't have time but there's some interesting things there but I tell you as you study the book of Acts how you can't see that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for the sins the world I don't understand it's all right there don't despise the work of the Lord because he did a work that many men would not believe though a man declare it unto you here Paul declares to the whole world that sacrifice that one sacrifice for the sins of the whole world which he says in the book of Hebrews was done by Jesus and he's the author of eternal salvation if you will trust what he did trust that blood this is the gospel of what Jesus did how he died then you'll be saved you'll be justified by the blood justified by faith man first 42 and when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath the Gentiles said we want to hear that did you say we don't want that the Jews rejected the who message and the what message but the Gentiles listened to both and they said we'd like to hear that a little bit more I mean our God's see the Gentiles had many gods the Jews believed in one God so the Gentiles had all these gods and their gods were demand Inc if you were a Gentile you had to sacrifice to all these different gods and they always wanted something so you're you're continually spending your time going to all these different gods offering sacrifice and it's like ah and if you were Gentile you look at this these gods they don't love me they just want this from me and they're just so mean unless I appease them they're just gonna be mean to me all the time so you can understand how appealing this message is to a Gentile you mean there's only one God and he loves me enough to die for me to forgive me in my sense you mean I don't have to offer him anything he offers me everything and he paid it all for me I want to hear more I want to hear more that's the message and as we continue here in the book of Acts I want you to see just how evil how wicked how ungodly the Gentile gods were and how you'll see that the Gentiles were so thankful to hear because the messages turn from idols to the one God the Jews had the message right to the extent that they had only one God but they would not preach what the one God did for them they didn't even want what their one God did for them they didn't even love their one God and their one God loved them enough to die for them and they said we don't want that he'll say how sad so Acts chapter 13 verse 42 the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath verse 43 now when the congregation was broken up many of the Jews and religious proselytes fall upon Barnabas who speaking them persuaded them to continue in the grace of God you see salvation is by God's grace what God did for us not our works in what we do God by His marvelous grace and love died in our place for our sin to justify us and we are forgiven based upon his blood atonement justified by believing not by the works of the law that's the message that Paul is preaching verse 24 the next seven day came together the whole city almost the whole city together to hear the word of God almost the entire city came you understand how important this message is it's a message that's so important that this entire city said have you never heard anything like that you mean to tell me that there's one God that created everything and he loved us enough that he came down to die in our place for our sins man I never heard of a God of love the only gods I ever heard of was the gods that are gonna you know kill you or smite you with boils or keep your fields from growing unless you offered sacrifice the mean demanding angry gods that one in sacrament what do you mean there's a God that sacrificed himself for me yeah I want to go hear some more about that because the message was love and grace and forgiveness of sins based upon what God did not what we do well they came together to hear verse 45 but when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul contradicting and blasphemy so they spoke against what the blood they spoke against the blood of Christ they spoke against justification by faith they spoke against why because they wanted to glory in the law the Jews wanted to say look how good we are because we do these things they were bragging about their works and Paul says your works are filthy rags like it says in Isaiah the only work that matters is the marvelous work of the grace of God so verse 46 then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you but seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turn to the Gentiles and I believe this is when the book of Hebrews was written around this time and it was Paul writing to the Jews and telling him look Jesus is the one sacrifice for the sins of the world don't reject him don't reject that all right so continuing here so he says now we're gonna start going to the Gentiles verse 47 for so half the lord commanded us saying i've set thee to be a light of the gentiles now should his be for salvation unto the ends of the earth and when the gentiles heard this they were glad he glorified the word of the lord and as many as to eternal life believed and what do you think they believed do you think they just believed that Jesus was the Messiah or did they believe this verse 38 39 that they got from you this of sins based upon faith not by works but by believing in what that you're justified by the blood of Christ so now we're starting to see a new message being preached it's the message of believing of what Jesus did for you and I can't make it any clearer than what it claims that what it shows in the Bible this is the gospel that Paul began to preach it's a gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of a blood atonement of Christ the marvelous work of God that God did when he did the work on the cross in the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region verse 49 verse 50 but the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coasts so here he comes and begins preaching something that was revealed to him something that was wonderful something that was marvelous something that God gave to him to preach and what happened well that you said we don't want it we do not want this message we do not want this preached do not tell us this Paul Paul we don't want to hear it and they said leave so they made him leave now out of their coasts where are they still they're still over here so they're around this area in these coasts and then it says but they shook off the dust of their feast against them it came in to Iconium Iconium is about right here so they left that area and they came over here to Iconium and it says here in verse 51 and they shook off the dust off their feet of their feet against them and came unto Iconium now shaking off the dust goes back to the words of Jesus in his ministry you could find that in Matthew 10:14 mark 6 11 and Luke 9 5 Jesus said you know when you go in these areas and you preach shake off the dust off your feet don't receive what you have to say so here they are there shaking off the dust off their feet verse 52 and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost so here we're starting to see more and more of the Ministry of Paul that we know what this Paul say when you get saved by faith Ephesians 1:13 by believing the gospel you are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise so here's people getting filled with the Holy Spirit and filled with joy because they believed what they believed the gospel that was preached unto them by Paul and he was preaching more than just Christ died for our sins as buried rose again according scriptures the thing that he preached that was different from Peter and all the others was the how because he began to preach that how is the how is that you're justified by what Jesus did not of works but you're justified by faith through the forgiveness of sins that Jesus offers through his blood atonement on the cross and the book of Hebrews tells us all about who Jesus was but also what Jesus did for us and I believe with all my heart that that is the message that Paul says was revealed to him by Paul was that what Jesus did was Jesus was the blood sacrifice the blood atonement for the sins of the world so there's so much more that we could go into so much more than I'd like to say but I want you to see that I want you to see the book of Acts is a transitional book anywhere from here to here from the chapter one all the way out to chapter nine 10 it's all about believing in who Jesus was not until we get over here in chapter 13 verse 30 and 39 when we start to see the message changing to how important it is to not just believe who Jesus is but the message of what Jesus did for us Paul says God revealed that message to him and it's about the forgiveness of sins and in Hebrews 9:22 he says there's no forgiveness of sins without blood so Paul's message did not leave out the blood many today will leave out the blood of Christ in their message and they say I want to tell you how to be safe and they say now just believe in Jesus where's the blood atonement where's the what Jesus did where's how he died justified by faith they say now if you do good works God will save you that's not the message the message today is that we're saved by faith not by works it's not the law that saves it's whether or not we trust what Jesus did for us so there it is there is a chapter 13 will continue next time with chapter 14 I hope it'll be a blessing to you I can't wait to get to chapter 15 there's a lot of good stuff there as well but I hope that you see this the importance of the blood of Christ and I'm hoping that this one message here will bring together all that we have studied so far I hope that those that are watching have already studied with us from all of the the epistles of Paul in order I save to the very end that of Hebrews to show you when Hebrews is written many people say I just don't know what to do with Hebrews because all of Romans to Philemon is written out here but if Paul would have written Hebrews first then it all makes sense you cannot read the book of Hebrews without saying Paul mentioning the importance of the blood of Christ the book of Hebrews starts out telling Jews who Jesus is but then he tells the juice now Jews I want you to trust and what Jesus did and that's the Paul's gospel that's the message of Paul the importance of understanding what Jesus did he saves us because He shed his blood to forgive us our sins we are not saved by our works were saved when we accept by faith what Jesus did then were justified justified by the faith justified by the blood just by my grace so that's the gospel that's the message of Paul alright we'll see you next time god bless bye-bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 7,645
Rating: 4.8534799 out of 5
Keywords: Acts, Bible Study, Acts of the Apostles, Verse by Verse Bible Study, King James Bible
Id: iCcf2mXGBpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 37sec (3577 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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