Hebrew 12:1 to 21

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all right welcome back we're gonna continue our verse-by-verse Bible study in the book of Hebrews and I'm Robert breaker the last time we we tried to start chapter 12 but uh all I got to do was kind of give an introduction of chapter 12 and I believe what I taught you was so important so important we are definitely in the last days of the church and we are in a time of apostasy apostasy means falling away and we're seeing so many people today falling away from the message of the teaching of the scriptures and last time what I did is I went ahead and I took a lot of time to one more time explaining the importance of the blood the importance of the blood of Jesus Christ and I tried to show you how the book of Hebrews was written by Paul and how Paul was writing to the early Jews in the early part of the church but and there was a transition taking place and I showed you what Paul was saying and he wrote the book of Hebrews and I showed you about how the early message was all about who Jesus was and then through Paul what Jesus did and Paul was very careful to give both messages now there are many today that want to say here we are today or in church age but we're here at the very end the apostasy we're in a time of falling away and there are many people that are falling away from the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith now I told you last time and I do want to get to the text this time but I told you last time about how the book of Hebrews is such an important book because the book of Hebrews lays the foundation of modern Christianity as faith in the blood atonement of Christ and how it's all about the blood atonement of Jesus now there are many many many people today that want to say well they posed to Paul while he didn't write the book of Hebrews if that's the case then we take the book if he and we can't apply it to the church and if that's the case that guess what we miss we miss the message of the blood atonement I think that's so sad many men that I know that are preachers you asked him how do you get saved they say through faith in the blood faith in the blood it's the blood of Christ the saves and then you ask those very same same men and who wrote the book of Hebrews I don't know it wasn't Paul I've even heard one say I don't know who wrote it but I won't know one thing for sure it wasn't Paul so you're not sure who rough with it but you're sure it wasn't Paul that don't jive sorry sorry honey that ain't gonna work nope I believe Paul wrote the book of Hebrews now I have to rightly divide because the book of Hebrews there's some places in the book of Hebrews that don't seem to line up with the other epistles of Paul Paul wrote Romans through Philemon and in all those books it's all about eternal security but if I rightly divide the word of truth and I look at Hebrews as Paul writing it in the early book of Acts during the transition and God is changing from Jews to Gentiles then it makes sense oh okay this book was written first by Paul and that makes sense but it also it has to be because that book is all about the blood atonement and Paul tells us later in Romans that you must receive the atonement Romans 11 5:11 he tells us in Romans 3:25 that you're saved by faith in the blood so when we rightly divide which is what I've been attempting to do this book of Hebrews we clearly see how Hebrews could have been written by Paul must have been written by Paul had to have been written by Paul and how it strengthens the doctrine of a teaching and that salvation is through the blood atonement again picture yourself as a Jew the Jews were God's chosen people God chose them and through Moses he took them out in the Exodus and he gave them a land and he gave them a law and under that law forgiveness was through blood atonement every time they sinned they had to bring a lamb they had to sacrifice that lamb or that animal sometimes it was a ball or a goat or Turtledove if they were too poor but they had to take that animal and they had to sacrifice it and shed its blood and by shedding its blood that was the only way to be saved now why would it be different today because the book of Hebrews is written by Paul to tell the Jews Jesus was your Messiah he's your high priest so as the high priest you go to him for salvation and he is the one that sacrificed himself for you what did he do he shed his blood so you're safe today by faith in the blood faith in what Jesus did see the Jews believed in a salvation through blood by faith well that's salvation today faith through blood but it's not the blood of an animal or a goat or a Turtledove or anything like that it's through trusting the blood of Christ so you've got understand that I guess I've made that point I'm trying to make that point as hard as I could because without the book of Hebrews we don't see how important it is to see the blood atonement of Christ and I believe the book of Hebrews clearly shows you the blood atonement of Christ so Paul goes through and in these books he's talking about salvation for example Hebrews 5:9 and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation alright so salvation is eternal through Christ to all that obey Him how do you obey Him well Romans 1016 says you obey the gospel that's how you obey Christ then you go to chapter 8 and it talks about the blood and then the sacrifice in the temple and how Jesus in Chapter 722 has made a surety of a better Testament verse 25 wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them you go to chapter 9 verse 12 neither by the blood of goats or of calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal Redemption so he's going through this book Paul telling us who Jesus is what he's done and how that we're saved today by faith and all of chapter 11 was just faith faith faith faith faith faith faith now we come to chapter 12 now when the book was originally written it was written to these Jews okay I've said this before and I guess I have to say it again we read here in chapter well I don't even remember was it chapter 8 one of those chapters here in this book where he was talking about do you remember how the Jews I know was it in chapter 11 where he was talking and he says remember how the Jews couldn't inherit the land and they went out under Moses and yet they didn't get it because they didn't obey God and how I've talked about this before so how about here for 40 years the Jews were in the wilderness because of unbelief well I think that Paul when he was writing this he was probably thinking well you know after 40 years God will come back to Israel just like he he went back to Israel back there but you got a problem Jesus Christ died in 33 AD all right so he was born in 0 well that's what many people say there is no such thing as 0 but you know and so Paul was probably thinking well I wonder if 40 AD Jesus will come back well it didn't happen so I said well he died in 33 AD well maybe Jesus will come back what weight 52 jubilee year maybe the lord will come back in 50 ad didn't come well 33 plus 40 would be 73 maybe Jesus will come back in 73 ad well Paul never made it to 73 ad many people think the pasta Paul died around 69 AD possibly even 70 what happened in 70 AD in 70 AD Jerusalem was just was destroyed the Jews are completely cast out of Israel so Jesus didn't come back so obviously there wasn't a forty years but as we're reading through Hebrews it made a sound like that's what Paul's thought was was after 40 years God will come back so he's writing the book of Hebrews to Hebrews telling them trust the blood of Christ and be prepared because Jesus is coming soon so when you're reading the book of Hebrews have that mentality have that mindset because that's what the mindset of Paul would have been when he wrote it now we looking back and reading the book of Hosea we find that the church age is going to be two thousand years or two days which is interesting I love 2,000 is 40 Jubilees so Jesus Christ was so angry at the Jews for rejecting their Messiah and he didn't just discipline them for 40 years he discipline them for 40 Jubilees Wow and so very soon I believe that Jesus is coming back to take out the church so with that in mind Hebrews chapter 11 he's talking to Jews about the importance of them Jews believing in Jesus blood sacrifice for their sins now ad well if he's going to tell them now be prepared to live for Jesus so we're saved by faith now we should do good so go to Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses okay who are the witnesses well he just gave you a whole bunch of them in chapter 11 witnesses are people that were examples of faith but maybe he's talking about angels are those in heaven maybe he's talking about other people but he says we we are a compass about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us so he says okay we have a race that we have to do and what we need to do is we need to set aside the sin so what he's saying is we need to do good works we need to live right we need to do right we need to be sanctified we need to live right we need to do right we don't need to go out and sin we need to do our best to fight against sin see that's not works that's after you're saved by faith you do right because you're safe not to get saved a lot of people say well this is a faith in works cause what you're supposed to do this - Ephesians 1 unless the Ephesians 2 89 cents for my grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast that's Paul speaking but then he says verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them so after we're saved we should do our best to live a godly Christian life it's going to Peter quickly and then let's go to Paul Peter says we're supposed to be holy Peter 1:15 first Peter 1:15 but as he which hath called you is holy so be holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be holy for I am holy so what God wants from a Christian is them to do right and live a holy life that means we should get as far away from sin as we can now that doesn't save us or keep it saved but because we're saved we should want to do right I love this verse in 2nd Timothy 2nd Timothy 2:19 2nd Timothy 2:19 nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let every one that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity if we're saved we should do our utmost best to get as far away from sin as we can that's what God wants that's called fighting the good fight of faith when we're saved by faith now we do our best to get away from sin so Paul starts out chapter 12 talking to these Jews and telling them hey get away from sin well of course we know we can apply this to us because Paul wanted this book to be read by us when he tacked on chapter 13 so at the end of his ministry so obviously we can say this to Christians have you're a Christian you need to do everything you can to lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily beset you and run with patience the race that is set before us so we need to get away from sin as Christians as much as we can don'ts and now here we go we have some people that say well salvation is dis that and the other thing and there's people that teach what they call lordship salvation what is lordship salvation lordship salvation means that you have to quit sinning when you come to Christ and then believe in him and then it says now if you ever sinned after that then you weren't safe to begin with what that is that's a works based salvation and so you judge whether you're saved or not based upon whether or not you sin that is not the gospel the Apostle Paul says that which I would not I do and that which I would I do not o wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from the body of this death you know what else he said the Apostle Paul said I am the chiefest of sinners Paul said I'm the worst sinner that ever lived and I hate my flesh night myself and I can't even do right okay and lordship salvation person would say and that means the Apostle Paul is lost and in Hell today no no the Apostle Paul was saved but what sin was this flesh you see when we're saved as Christians we can't sin but our body can the new creature inside doesn't sin but the body sins so we the new creature inside are supposed to what the Bible says crucify the flesh tell the flesh no you're not gonna get what you want and we have to put it down we have to lay aside that sin which so easily beset us and that's a fight that's a struggle but whether we sin or not that does not prove that we're saved or not what prove whether you are saved is whether or not you've trusted by faith the blood atonement of Christ now here's where the word repentance comes up and a lot of people say well you have to repent and get saved and yet they don't just they don't explain the word repent what does repent mean well they say repent means quit sinning okay so they say you have to quit sinning and believe all right you have a faith plus works gospel and that's not the true gospel of salvation the true gospel is first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 we're in first Corinthians 51 through 4 is the word repent it's not there but Paul says moreover I declare to you the gospel by which you're safe and notice that the word repent isn't there when I was in Bible School my old Bible teacher he said when you're saved you have repented so a lot of people worry about whether they repented or not or if they repented enough he said what repentance means is a change of direction he said if you've gotten saved then you've changed directions because once you trust in the blood of Christ you're no longer going to hell you're going to heaven so you change direction he said so if you're saved you've repented I was like that I was like yeah yeah because a lot of perfect people think it means quit sitting and so they said sit around the hold of a quick sitting and then they said it's all of us never been saved because I said no quit worrying about what you do or don't do trust what Jesus did for you and then do your up some old utmost best as a saved man or save woman to get away from sanh that's the way it's supposed to be what does repent mean repent has two definitions the word repent means to feel sorry for something and clearly that you know there's there's a there's no problem with with defining it that way to have sorrow over something there's a verse in the Bible says it it repented God that he made man all right so God felt sorry that he made man because man became so sinful but repentance also means a change of mind and in order to repent what does it mean to be saved you have to have a change of mind what you have to do is you have to hear the gospel the Bible says in Romans 10:13 faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God you can't trust something you've never heard then you've got to understand and then your mind has to be from unbelief to belief and when you believe in the blood atonement of Christ that you're saying so people make a big deal out of repentance and they make it into a work and then the next thing you know someone's oh I don't know if I did good enough for penance work so I don't know if I'm saved or not and you get a person lost trusting in what they do rather than what Jesus did I've seen this firsthand so much there's some famous YouTube preacher he goes around he tells people that salvation is by your repenting and he's even going so far to say that it's not by faith alone that you're saved and so what he's doing is telling people that repentance means you have to quit singing so he's telling people you know well you pretend to be a Christian but if you haven't quit sinning then you're not safe to begin with and I have personally I can't tell you how many but there's been a bunch of emails that I've gotten from people that told me brother breaker I was so confused about salvation and I was going to bed every night crying myself to sleep saying oh god please don't put me in hell because I'm really doing my best at repent and I'm trying to stop sinning so I can be saved and they all say that man deceived them with the false gospel because he had them thinking that it was their works and that salvation was dependent upon what they did and they told me brother breaker when I heard you preach the simple gospel message first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 when I heard Romans 3:25 when I understood the gospel that's when I trusted in the blood atonement of Christ they all say the same thing I've never doubted my salvation since and I've always known that I was saved and I'm so thankful for you showing me how to be safe and I rejoice and I said well praise God amen I'm gonna preach a message here soon on assurance we're gonna look at what the Bible says about assurance seven times the word assurance appears in the Bible so I want to be very careful that I preach the gospel correctly came in and I want people to see that salvation is by faith and it's faith that saves but faith in what faith in the gospel faith in the blood of Christ and then after you're saved that's what you should feel bad when you sin after you're saved you should do your best to get away from sin but it's not whether you do or don't that saves you it's faith in the blood of Christ that saves now that we're saved we should serve and we should put down the flesh so back to verse 1 Hebrews 12:1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sandwich list so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us verse 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith we should always be in Jesus because when we look at Jesus it's very hard to sin when you look at Jesus Christ who never sinned one time dying in your place for your sins man that makes you just so thankful for what he did and it makes you want to serve Him and not do wrong thinking about the great that he did for you so it says looking unto Jesus the author now it's interesting cause Jesus the author of our faith and now let's go to Hebrews 5:9 because here we see author as well Hebrews 5:9 being made perfect who's that Jesus he became the author of eternal salvation and all them that obey Him now how do you obey Him we're told in Romans chapter 10 verse 16 you obey Him by obeying the gospel it's not saying obey him by works when you will obey him by obeying the gospel because he says without faith it's impossible police him so you've got to have faith in the gospel you got to trust then you're saved but notice that it says he is the author of eternal salvation you see the problem with many people is they're trying to be their own Savior they're trying to save themselves they want to be the author of salvation they want to have a part in it they want to say I'm saved because I did this this this and this and God I demand an entrance into heaven because look at me and what I've done and God looks and goes you haven't done anything look at what I did I neither on the cross in your place for your sins and I shed my blood all I ask is that you trust in that and I'll take you to heaven what are you doing trusting in what you did are you trying to be the co-redeemer the co saver it won't work either Jesus saves you or you save yourself and I have bad news for you you can never save yourself give up your works and trust in the work of Christ that salvation hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 says looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God I've always loved this verse well I thought this was the most amazing verse because it tells us when we're saved we should always look under Jesus and then it says who for the joy that was set before him now always look at that verse that I was just I just say wow how was their joy on the cross Jesus Christ was nailed in his hands in his feet now a lot of people say little the nail went right here that was true that it would have gone straight through no in the Bible the wrist is part of the hand and if you put a nail in here there's bones in here that will keep the nail from coming out so clearly they would have put the nail here and this is still part of the hand and they put the nail here and here and enable was probably as big as a railroad spike can you imagine something that big going into your hand I mean imagine the pain they would have whipped Jesus Christ with a cat-o'-nine-tails 39 times they said that the Romans were so skilled at whipping people that they could take two inches of flesh off the back of a person every time they whipped them so imagine the the mangled flesh ripping off the back of Jesus the pain of having this nails in his hands and his feet the pain of being beaten the pain of this this huge thorn crown which is pointing thorns into his head all that Jesus had to suffer on the cross and the Bible says for the joy that was set before him he did that and you sitting there thinking how could that be Joey that doesn't sound very joyous well you know what the Joey is there's a little saying when Jesus was on the cross I was on his mind see the joy was Jesus dying on the cross thinking I'm doing all this for my bride I'm gonna get a bride someday what's the bride the Bride of Christ is the church so the joy is knowing how many people are going to get saved by what he did and the only thing that kept Jesus on that cross was the idea of you know in the future there's gonna be a lot of children from the people who get saved because of what I'm doing right now it's all what Jesus did on the cross that saves us are you trusting in that there's a book there's a a verse in Luke I believe it's Luke 15:10 let's look and it says that there's joy in heaven over one sinner that repents what does it mean repent well for salvation it means he turns from trusting his righteousness and trusting Christ righteous and he's saved by trusting likewise I say to you there's joy in the presence of the Angels over God of God over one sinner that repenteth when a person gets saved all of heaven says wow there's joy and all the Angels start dancing around and doing backflips and jumping up and down saying yeah another one got saved that's the joy but there wasn't much joy on the cross you see he wasn't in having a good time he was thinking of the future joy and that's what got him through the cross and I think about what Jesus endured for me and it just makes me so sad but yet I just thank him for doing that so who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross he was thinking about others rather than himself you know what that's what's the most amazing thing about Christianity is that our founder our author our finisher of our faith Jesus put others before himself there's no other religion that does that not one religion on the face of the earth that ever says put yourself down and put others first now all other religions say you do good and you get to heaven or paradise or wherever they say by you doing a good thing so it's all about exalting you and the good you do but Christianity is you're a sinner and you can't do anything that will please God you need to trust what Jesus did notice how different that is from any other religion it's all about others first and it says despising the shame now what was the shame have you ever thought about that the Bible tells us plainly have you have you ever seen a picture of Jesus on the cross there are a lot of people that will draw pictures of Jesus on the cross when they knew they always put a little loincloth down here over his private parts but the Bible tells us that they stripped him naked so when Jesus Christ was on the cross there was some shame he wasn't ashamed for his sin because Jesus never sinned Bible says he that knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Jesus Christ never ever sinned but yet on the cross he was ashamed there was some shame there what was the shame they stripped that man butt-naked Jesus Christ with his arms outstretched nailed to tree was showing his private parts and the Bible says there were men and women and children and they were looking up there at that naked man you ever have those dreams I'm sure you have most people have that dream where in your dream you you end up at school or at work someplace and you realize oh I'm naked and you try to cover yourself up and it's just like the worst dream because you're like oh you know I'm naked well at least you get to take your hands and cover yourself up he couldn't cover himself he's on the cross dying for the sins of the world naked in the whole world is seeing his private parts well that's Nina you know that that's that's that's horrible but yet he did that for us he did that for us I can't imagine what it would have been like to have been one of those Jews that was lost that was sitting there staring at Jesus and seeing him naked on the cross and laughing and mocking the Bible says they wagged their heads they were going ha ha ha you are dead naked man naked man and mocking and making fun it's hard for me to understand and to think about someone that did that if I was alive at that time and I did that how it feels so horrible when I found out who Jesus was and I trusted in his blood I would always feel so bad that I mocked Jesus and made fun of him and said aha you're naked if I had been alive in that time I'm so glad I wasn't born back then but Jesus Christ he endured the shame and he suffered the cross in the back of his mind he was thinking there's gonna be some joy coming from this there's gonna be Joey and I'll just have to suffer this for a moment this won't last more than a couple hours there's people that will burn in hell forever unless I do this when they get saved all this will be worthwhile every time someone gets saved boy there's joy in heaven thank God for salvation verse 3 for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds so we're to consider Jesus Christ and what those sinners said about him and did and and all the things that he went through you see the cross the Bible tells us there was at least two other men there and the Bible says those two other men were thieves and it says that it's a contradiction because these men deserved to die for stealing but Jesus never did any sin so what was that for when they when they put a guy on a cross and crucified him he got what he deserved because he was a sinner because he was a thief because he was a murderer because he was this or that that was justice but what a contradiction when Jesus died on the cross because he was the just who died for the unjust why would a just man have to die well that's the way of salvation let's go to 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 18 what's so great about Jesus is that he never sinned first Peter 3:18 for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit so Jesus Christ is the just he never sinned one time so the sinless substitute the sinless Savior Jesus Christ the sinless one the just died for me Who am I I'm being just I'm the sinner I'm the bad one he's the good I'm the lost I'm the evil I'm the wicked and yet the good the righteous the just died for me you see salvation isn't by me cleaning up my life and now I'm good no it's me coming to God just as I am saying this is me I can't do anything to save myself I come to you and I throw myself upon your blood atonement and I say you died in my place for my sins I accept what you did and God says well now you're the just now you're the righteous now you're the good I accept you and I give you my imputed righteousness when he sees me he doesn't see me as I am he sees me through the blood he sees me as his son he sees me as saved redeemed washed in the blood justified and I have Christ in me the hope of Lord it's all because he who knew no sin became sin for me verse 3 for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be weird and faint in your minds always think about that always think about how wonderful it is what Jesus did who died in my place for my sins because it's not about me and what I do it's about what he did for me here's a lot of people out there they all patting themselves on the back and tell anybody but everyone how great they are and what are they gonna do they're gonna faint and in their minds they're gonna puff themselves up with pride and think they're so great because they did this and they did that and they but it's not about them it's about Jesus and we're supposed to consider him lest we be weary and faint in our minds therefore you've not yet resisted unto blood striving against sin yea but Jesus did Jesus you know what Jesus did Jesus just laid himself down on the cross and said okay I'm ready he shed his blood for our sins if Paul's talking to these Jews he says you've not yet resisted to blood striving against sin now I want you to remember the book of Hebrews was written about right here it was written to these Jews right here Paul telling them hey come to Jesus it also applies to us in the church age we're supposed to remember Jesus but I've told you many times at the book of Hebrews we'll also as soon as the rapture takes place we'll be one of the books that the Jews look at in the New Testament when they start to see who Jesus was you see the Tribulation Period will be the time when there's 144,000 witnesses when there's also the two witnesses and they're going to be telling the Jews hey it's all about who Jesus was he was the Messiah and you guys messed up you killed the Messiah now get a New Testament of the Bible and read it and many Jews in the tribulation were told we'll come to Jesus and when they come to Jesus they're gonna see what Jesus did for them and they're gonna understand they're gonna realize they're gonna go WOW and in that tribulation when they're reading the book of Hebrews look at how this is going to apply to them in the tribulation they're to look to Jesus verse to there to consider him verse 3 and realize yes yes he was the Messiah yes he is the Messiah He is God what are they to do they're to strive on against sin unto blood in the tribulation the Antichrist will show up and say you worship Me and to worship Me you take the mark and those Jews who consider Jesus they say no I would rather strive unto blood against sin I would rather die then take your mark mister how will they die they'll be beheaded Bible tells us in the book of Revelation those who don't take the mark of the beast will have their heads cut off so do you see how God writes this book this book of Hebrews and it's almost like a triple application it's Paul writing in the early part of the church to the Jews about how they should accept their Messiah thinking that he was going to come back in that time it also we today who are saved and the Gentiles can read this book and say oh yeah yeah though don't forget blood atonement blood atonement plug toment and it also apply to the tribulation talking to Jews in that time about how hey you better not faint you never not be weary in your minds you better make sure you stick with Jesus and resist unto blood if necessary the mark of the beast for fighting Angie I've forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not the chastening of the Lord what does it say here despise not the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him now it says forget this not now where is this written who wrote it I have a note here that says joke 5:17 let's look at joke 5:17 Paul always quote scriptures but is this a scripture or was this something else so we go to job 5:17 and it says here in jump chapter 5 verse 17 behold happy is the man whom God corrected therefore despise not thou the chastening of the old mining now some people say that when Paul is writing this he's sitting remember job chapter 5 and verse 17 well that sounds a lot like joke 5:17 but it doesn't say anything about son he's telling us in the exhortation that says my son despise not thou the chastening the Lord nor faint with our rebuked of him who would have said that where did this quote come from could it have been the early church that said this you know Paul or Peter or Peter of the early apostles could have been Paul could have Jesus said that I don't know but what he's gonna do here he's going to begin to tell us about whether or not you're a true Christian or not and when you're saved you're a son of God he says my son is by his not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him verse 6 for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth okay so now let's go to first Corinthians 11 32 he's talking about God chastening his sons first Corinthians 11 32 we read but when you're judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world so ever study 1 for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged we've better Christians we should judge ourselves we should look to ourselves and say look am i doing right or am i doing wrong and when we're doing right well praise the Lord will get rewards for it in heaven when we're doing wrong then the Lord's gonna have to discipline us and sometimes the Lord has a long paddle but what he's saying here is talking to those who are sons now let's go to John chapter 1 he's writing to Jews and the Jews were the ones he's writing to you in the early church but God revealed some things to Paul and one of the things he revealed is that when you get saved you become a son of God it could be that John got this from Paul or could be that this is something that the whole church knew early I don't know but in John chapter 1 verse 12 it says but as many as received him them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name remember the early Jews they taught believe in the name of Jesus well that's not our teaching for today today we're not saved by believing in the name or say by trusting in what Jesus did so that sounds like the early part of the church so you believe in the name of Jesus then you become his son so that's quite interesting so he's talking to the Jews here but again I guess we can apply this to the church today that when we're saved we also are sons of God Paul tells us that and several other of those other epistles and you say here that if you're a son of God that is if you're a Christian then God will discipline his sons so if you are saved and you sin don't expect that you'll get away with it the Bible says you reap what you sow now that does not mean you'll go to hell no but if you're a Christian and you're sinning God will deal with you in this life to get you right you see we can't lose salvation but we can lose rewards in heaven so it says some of the Lord loveth you chasing it and scourges every son who receiveth verse 7 if ye endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chase it did not but if ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are you bastards and not sons so the vasa Paul is writing here he says now if you claim to be a Christian but you're not you've never been saved you just you come to church and you sit in the pew and you listen and you pretend to be a Christian but you've never trusted in the bloat element well don't ever expect to be chastened by God when you go out and sin you'll get away with it because you're lost you see when you're saved God deals with you when you're lost he doesn't now there's a time when a lost person can be dealt with by God and there could be some conviction on that lost sinner and it's the Holy Spirit trying to get him saved but I like to say it this way the difference between the lost man in the same man is a lost man can enjoy sin a saved man cannot go with me to Ephesians chapter 4 when you get saved you get the Holy Spirit of God that comes and dwells inside of you and Ephesians 1:13 says you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise til the day of redemption that's the rapture now Ephesians 5:30 says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption so what is the what is it we're not supposed to do when I'm supposed to grieve the Holy Spirit of God so when you're saved the Holy Spirit is inside of you and you're not to grieve him how do you grieve the Holy Spirit when you sin in your body that grieves the Holy Spirit inside of you and when you do that you should feel bad a Christian can't enjoy sin if you're saved and you go do a bad horrible wicked sin you're not going to brag about it and talk about how great you are and hey guess what I did you're gonna be oh man why did I do that because the Holy Spirit inside will convict you and make you feel miserable for the evil wicked sin that you've done so Paul tells us the answer to that is what verse 4 resist strive against sin lay aside the sin verse one do everything you can to think of what Jesus did thinking what Jesus suffered and you suffer and don't give in to sin but if you do and you're a Christian and you do sin you will feel bad about it and you can't expect God to discipline you in this life now if you never get disciplined then you probably weren't saved to begin with that's what he's saying we're safe but if you'd be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are you bastards and not sons this verb word bastard is in the Bible now what is a bastard this is a term that we don't use much nowadays now when I was a kid why I heard this word a lot a lot of times on the playground kids talking to other kids saying oh you bastard you bastard and it's used as a cuss word but as a Bible word not a customer a bastard is someone who's born without a father well let me let me say that rephrase that they have a father but they're born out of wedlock and oftentimes they don't know who their father is okay that's a better way to explain it so bastard is someone who's born out of wedlock in other words the father and the mother do not get married and then have an honorable marriage and then have an honorable child they come together in the act of fornication or adultery and produce what's called an illegitimate child let's go to Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews 13:4 marriage is honorable all on the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge so we're never supposed to commit adultery we're never supposed to go into and we're not supposed to commit fornication and if a man fornicates with a woman and she gets knocked up that's that's the vernacular if she gets pregnant and she has a child and she's not married that child is called a bastard and a bastard is a child who has no legitimate father or it could be the other way around - no legitimate mother perhaps the the man got the woman pregnant and just lived with her and then the woman died at childbirth and so this man is raising his own child but they weren't married so it's his bastard child alright so the word bastard people hear that word today they go oh that sounds horrible and they think it's a cuss word but it's not it's a nice cryptic term it's a Bible word there's nothing wrong with using the word bastard in its in its biblical context now to just take it and call someone a name out of fun that's bad that's not right that's correct corrupt communications we're not supposed to call people names but Paul is using this in the sense of a spiritual bastard a person who pretends to be a Christian but they're not he said you're bastards you're not sons you're not saved so we need to be careful now there there are a lot of people in this world that are bastards and I don't try to remind them what they are they know what they are but it's interesting how I remember my grandmother telling stories and how my grandmother would would would tell story about she died at 94 years old several years ago she said when she was young if you said the word divorce that was a cuss word that was just as bad as any four-letter word she remembers as a kid saying oh yeah did you hear about so-and-so they got divorced and her mother saying get over here and she washed her mouth out with soap for saying the D word as she put it and in those days if a man a woman had sex outside of marriage and it produced a child everyone I mean everyone shunned those people and said you bastard child and it was a shame to do that and people that did that were ashamed and you know what that meant that led to most people wanting to get married so that they didn't have shame but the day and age in which we live today there's no shame there's no shame and there are people that have been born out of wedlock and the parents could care less and you say so your child's a bastard they get upset at you and they say how shameful that you should call my child a bastard no it's shameful that the child is a bastard and it's shameful that you did that and it's more shameful that you don't care that you sinned that's a shame so it's a shame to see someone who is a bastard and you know what it's not their fault if someone is more in a bastard it's not their fault it's their parents fault and I've talked to people before that have told me brother breaker uh my parents weren't married when I was born I'm a bastard child and I feel bad about it and I said well you should it it's not your fault you had nothing to do with it you were just the product of it but you know I have some good news for people that were born out of wedlock that are bastards there was a man in the Bible who believe it or not was was a child that was a bastard you go all the way back to Ferris I believe is his name and Judah and Judah had sex with his daughter-in-law after her husband died and produced a child I think name was Faris and the Bible says God says to Israel under the law I wish I'd looked at this verse you'd have to find it in any sword if you can look it up it said a bastard shall not enter into the congregation for 10 generations and so if the children of Israel that that happened and there wasn't matrimony and any child was a bastard for 10 generations the family of that person was not allowed to enter into the congregation of Israel what a thing man do you think God hates fornication yeah I mean that was God's Way of saying this is how much I hate fornication 10 generations of a bastard cannot come into the congregation but you read the Bible and you look at that and you go WOW from that line of Judah you go 10 generations and the very next person to show up was King David from a bastard to a king now getting goose bumps you see people don't think about it but God in heaven has taken notes now here people do whatever they want they don't care about it but God in heaven he said yeah this guy's a bastard this guy's a bastard this and he's watching all this some day you'll give account to God in heaven that's why it's so important for you if you're not married to sure in your mind I will never ever ever commit fornication or adultery because the last thing I ever want to do is have a bastard child that's a shameful thing now God can use that child God youth there was a guy in the Bible named Jeff though and he was a bastard and he was the one of the judges in the book of Judges and God used him to deliver it sure God can still use someone is not their fault that they are bastards but we should make it our most important point in our life to not do wrong and live wrong and fornicate and to raise our children and teach them don't live wrong and fornicate because it is a shame to commit a sinful act and produce a bastard child it's really it is a shameful thing and if that's happened to you or maybe you are a bastard hey it's under the blood forget about it I mean the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins amen it's not a big deal but it's a thing that we as Christians should never let happen we that are saved we should never let it once be named among us that are Christians that someone has a bastard child even in my family I remember an uncle an aunt my uncle knocked up a girl in high school many years ago and that produced a bastard child well guess what they did they got married so they took something bad and they turned into something good and so by the time he was born he wasn't a bastard because even though he was conceived out of wedlock they got married but I still remember to this day my grandmother not the one that died recently but my mom's grandmother she used to always call that child that little bastard in you know she wouldn't accept the marriage even though they did wrong and they tried to do right by getting married she still didn't accept that and she always looked down on that first child and said that little bastard that little basket so I just I just find that interesting okay so let's continue so please please don't produce bastards please make sure that you get married and stay married God hates divorce God hates fornication and and adultery some verse eight says but if ye be without chastisement wherefore where of all are partakers then are you bastards and not sons spiritually if you're a Christian and you don't ever have to go through something and God chastise you for your sin because Bible says be sure your sin will find you out and it says that you reap what you sow then you got to look at yourself go hmm not really even saved better make sure verse 10 for they barely for a few days chastened chastened us after their own pleasure but he for our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness so when you do wrong expect God to chastise you for it and it's not because God hates you it's because he loves you and he wants you to get right it's the same thing as a father and a son the Bible talks about discipline your disciplining your children because if you don't they're gonna see that they could sin and get away with it and they're gonna go on to send more and more and more and now there are bad testimony to you and your family because they'll always be that wicked sinful child so what does Bible tell us to do discipline our children and what we do is when they do wrong we teach them we discipline them we said that was wrong son here's the way to do it so that they can grow up and do right and do right now verse 9 furthermore we have had fathers in our flesh which corrected us we gave them reverence shall we not so much rather be in subjection to the father of spirits and live so the father's job is to correct the children when they do wrong and the children's job is to reverence their fathers it's talking about the father of spirits talking about God the Father and how we're supposed to be in subjection to him and we can apply this to the church but we can also apply this to the tribulation the Jews and the tribulation they're going to go through some things because when they reject the Antichrist why they're going to suffer why are they suffering because they rejected their Messiah back here now verse 11 well verse 10 for they rarely for a few days chest chasing to us after their own pleasure but he for our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness so it is profitable when we do wrong to discipline us because it helps us to get right verse 11 now no chastening of the present seemeth to be joyous but Grievous yeah yeah nobody likes to be chastened nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby verse 12 12 wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble meet knees and make straight paths for your feet blessed that which is lame be turned out of the way but let it rather be healed now look at verse 13 what he says make straight paths that reminds me of old John the Baptist what did John Baptist sakes it makes it way the straight it make weak straight the way the Lord or something like that why almost sounds like Paul is trying to tell you the same message of John that's why I've always taught and always believed that in the tribulation period you remember last time when I talked about how how the early part of the church and in Jesus ministry it was about the water baptism for the Jews because the king was coming and how today it's not the water that saves us and we're not you're not saved by water baths it's by believing in the blood but because God goes back to dealing with the Jews in the tribulation and what comes at the end of the tribulation Jesus and the Millennial Kingdom I believe they're gonna be baptizing people water again it will be weaponizing the Jews in preparation for the coming so what John the Baptist preached will be preached again in the Tribulation Period no that's what it sounds like Paul is saying here makes straight paths for your feet we're 14 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord doctoring that's in the tribulation you got to have peace you gotta have holiness and you're waiting patiently for the Lord to come at Armageddon and then you'll see him in the Millenium 15 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled and that's what says here fall fail of the grace of God don't fail of the grace of God now what does it mean to fail of the grace of God well salvation by grace through faith is now but in the tribulation period you've got to be careful you got to not take the mark of the beat because if you do then you thwart the grace of God if you do then you can't be saved you lose your salvation by taking the market so make sure you don't fall from the grace of God by taking the mark of the beast that he says here lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled now I don't know what that has to do with anything except for the fact that Paul is warning us of not being bitter or having a root of bitterness what is a root of bitterness the root of bitterness is what springs up in your heart where you become bitter and angry toward another person and unforgiving and hateful to that person and the Bible says that bitterness not only troubles you but it affects those that are around you and it springs up trouble I've met some people that claim to be Christians that are so trouble for they're full of trouble they're just troublemakers and I look at it when I look at what I say oh I see where it is there's a root of bitterness in them there's a hate there's an unforgiving spirit there's an anger in them and they hate others that's why they're making it their business to cause problems with others now verse 16 lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright Esau is a picture of a carnal Christian who gets mad and quits on God Esau what did he do he had a birthright but he said you know that isn't important to me I don't want it I'll sell it now what is that a type of well church age salvation we can't lose our salvation we can't say well I just don't want God anymore so forget it so obviously this must be a passage that applies to the tribulation every Jew has a birthright from Abraham because they're his seed but in the tribulation period if a Jew says you know what I don't care about being a Jew if I take the mark of beasts then I'll be able to buy and sell that's good business I think I would take the mark of the beast that's a good of business and they do what they despise their birthright just as Esau and they take the mark of the beast well then that's it that's the end of such a person so you have to be careful if you're a Jew in the Tribulation Period not to do that verse 17 for ye know how all that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears well the Bible says that if any man takes the mark of the beast in the Tribulation Period that when Jesus comes at Armageddon what happens that person doesn't get saved why those that have the mark of the beast we're told of the book of Revelation they will be cast straight into hell so they do not get to rule and reign with Jesus in the Millennium so if you missed the rapture and you're here in the tribulation you take the mark of the beast well that's it there's no salvation and if you're a Jew during the Tribulation Period and you say y'all it's just so hard it's just so hard I can't make and I gotta take on the mark and you take it you've sold in your birth sold your birthright you would become an esau you will not inherit the blessing you'll go to hell you'll go directly to hell you will not pass go you will not collect two hundred you miss out on the Millennial Kingdom because you sold out to the devil and the Antichrist rather than sticking with Jesus verse 18 for ye are not come into the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire nor unto blackness and darkness and Tempest tempest now what is that mount that must be the mountain that he's talking about with happened with Moses there's nothing in the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words which voice they that heard entreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more verse 24 they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touch the mountain it shall be stoned or thrust through with a dart this is Mount Sinai so Paul's going all the way back here to Moses and Mount Sinai now remember this is a book written to Jews so we take this book of Hebrews and read it first as in the mindset of a Jew to Jews we read it again and say now what can we apply to the church and we read it again and said now how does the plight of the tribulation we look at the triple application of the book he's talking now to the Jews about the tribulation hey don't fall from the grace of God hey don't sell your birthright by taking the mark of the beast and he says remember back there Mount Sinai and he goes in and tells story about Mount Sinai and how they didn't want to hear the words spoken unto them from God because God spoke to Israel in that time and his voice was so thunderous and so loud the Bible says that people were afraid and they were shaking and they're like don't let him talk to us anymore it scares us it scares us to hear what God says so Paul is saying hey you don't be afraid of what God's telling you I'm writing God's words to you and what you need to know says here verse 20 for they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touch the mountain it should be stoned or thrust through with a dart verse 21 and so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake now this is not in the Old Testament at least not in our Old Testament but this must be something that he said that the Apostle Paul must have read and so this is given to us by the Holy Spirit this is extra Scripture be given by God so I believe the book of Hebrews is inspired so I believe that God inspired these words and gave us some words of Moses and Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake so Moses was a scared fella so that means when God speaks it's a terrifying thing and here are some people on earth that heard the voice of the Lord speaking and they said don't let him speak any more it scares us too much well it won't scare me I can't wait for the rapture I'm looking forward to hearing the words Robert breaker come up hither and I don't think that would be a scary thing that's something that I found I'm pretty sure my first word will be finally cuz every day I'm looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of my faith looking for his return can't wait for him to come back so there we have it I think I'll stop right there because verse 22 is a contrast but ye are coming to Mount Zion and at the holy end of the city of the Living God so he's he's saying okay Mount Zion down here is a type of salvation up there and Mount Zion on heaven in Jerusalem and everything else and then he goes into the church and then he goes into the blood again verse 24 25 and how it speaks from heaven verse 6 it's about the blood speaking to us not the law she back here was the law when Jesus was speaking he was giving the law but the blood of Christ speaks today and it's important to trust the blood so I guess I'll stop there and we'll stop here in verse 21 alright so thank you so much for watching and I can't wait to be with you next time I hope this is a blessing to you I hope you're learning some things there's so much in this book so much and like I said this book has a triple application so it's so hard to to get a hold of this book sometimes and figure it out so I'm trying my best to rightly divide the book of Hebrews and show you what it says apply it to what applies to first Jews he's writing to in early part of the church trying to apply it to Christians because Paul wants it to apply to us as well as we look at it and see Christ's sacrifice as the blood atonement and then also see how it will apply in the tribulation to the Hebrews and how they will have to obey so I hope this is a blessing we'll see it next time god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 11,206
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, Pauline Epistles, Hebrews, Bible Study, Verse by Verse Bible Study
Id: GTU37uIGdi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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