Surviving The 2021 East Coast Slingshot Tournament In Pennsylvania - Trick Shot Tuesday Ep. #25

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] game on big time choke this year i have got to practice more and fish less is my score well unfortunately uh if you look at the clock you're gonna have to take a zero yeah yes way to go out way to go [Music] i'm zachary fowler and you're watching fowler's maker you emission [Applause] [Music] hey what's going on how are you good all right we are here in pennsylvania at the east coast slingshot tournament i don't know what was that 12 hour drive one stop over get your slingshot getting slingshot ready i got crazy mike did you set everything up again this year yeah always we're ready to go he's the the mastermind behind the woods course you'll see all that later let's go in and get signed up so we can start shooting some stuff that's why we're here right oh yeah good morning okay as always we need a waiver a waiver waiver at the end all right start there all right and then sign in here that's the roster for the tournament so everything's pretty much the same this year except for one thing we've moved the woods course the woods course isn't the same same area so we're in a completely different portion of the property okay um the woods course is going to start you go all the way down the road to the stop sign yep across the street and there's signs that'll get you started the other thing we changed this year is every target that's divisible by five so 5 10 15 and on are three point targets they're hard ones okay so everything in the woods is worth one point except for the the divisible by fives they're three points okay so that weights the the woods course a little bit higher against you know some of the other events there's nothing out there where the old course was uh the old woods course there's nothing there okay so let's just sit up down that way different different section well that'll make it fun make it more different and i think that we uh we overdid ourselves in in making it hard oh really yeah oh great this will be interesting i think i got two of these on my cabinet yeah do i collect more hats or do i'll leave it for somebody else i put that right on my i write on my other hat so it goes right next to it for each year and we got our score sheets oh um and i think i think maybe spanish knockdown might be the last year for this oh yeah i think we may adopt the uh the five shot chinese the switch into it we were debating that on the way down it's like will it be the same one this time when we get here yeah so next year will probably change they're different already though they're high this year right uh no that's the same setups from last year they were low the year before oh it was the year before with the buckets yeah yeah down low that was 2018. lots of storm clouds up there bear set up my hammock and then we can get the shooting there was they looked but i don't know chris is paranoid because we got dumped on last time we went out and did something so he's out there setting up i'm gonna set up too so i don't have to worry about it welcome all right welcome thank you all right i can't wait i can't wait all right we are here but before we get into the slingshot shooting and all that i want to introduce you to our sponsor for today's video eco flow eco flow is a power pack like none other this one's got some super power to it this is their delta unit got six outlets four usbs and two usbc's powered on a little low because i've been using it and i didn't charge it but we got something for that because not only do they have this beautiful power pack they have solar panels so if i end up using it on a trip and forgetting to charge it like i did last time i can charge it on the go and that's what's so important about this one to me to be able to get a lot of power for an adventure but be able to recharge it on the adventure the ecoflow delta max power station can recharge up to 80 percent in just one hour's time that's one of the fastest recharging rates on the market and because of its x boost technology you can run 1800 watt devices for hours it ends that means you could be using it at your camp to run a hair dryer a microwave or even a vacuum cleaner to clean up that mess your kids left behind or when needs must you're hanging out on your tailgate with your buddies watching the game on a 60 inch tv warming up some beans and franks in the crock pot this little power pack packs a lot of power in one unit the eco flows got you covered [Music] this is so good all this is possible because of the eco flow delta pack super powerful as you can see with the gymnasium size fan and the running the coffee maker this is perfect for regular car camping or if you have a little lake house and it doesn't have power you could have that in the lake house stowed away somewhere you get there you pop it out plop out your solar panel for the time that you're there so if you need a lot of power this is the unit for you check it out link's in the description below i'm gonna finish my coffee and enjoying this and then i'm gonna get out and get sweaty get set up and shoot some slingshots is so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that'll do let's go shoot some [Music] slingshots down here at the range and everybody's over there moans over here setting up some what do you got chocks we got chunks i got a whole bag of duckies they're great because they don't blow up but they they they're fun to shoot at they're great what is that see huh you can shoot that oh absolutely yeah glitter squeaky duckies but they hardly ever squeak when you shoot them [Music] game on game on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i actually met the one way up there in the back no no i meant way way up there the rain is shot in the hill everybody feels close like two glasses yeah well i know how hard mine hit with the hill oh yeah you got the big bam yeah so guys i wanted to show you this this is cool he built this just tell us about it um after camping and shooting very many slingshot competitions i decided to build something that i didn't have to sleep on the ground with so i started with a simple trailer and built me the truck was just like a harbor freight or harbor freight simple harbor freight trailer 480 bucks 480 bucks for the trailer wow uh built me a load of plywood furniture quality got me bed with storage under it for everything i need that's a good amount of storage six inches under the whole full-size bed yeah two shelves up there for all your stuff yep purple for the boss lady represent my slingshot community yeah the kitchenette oh wow griddle electric sink all my dishes overhead lighting water storage refrigerator that is wild how big is the bed full size full-size bed that's unreal sleeps too very comfortably yeah turn the exhaust fan on at night get a cool breeze going through oh right on so normally these kind of trailers like this they're like seven thousand bucks for those teardrop ones right that's for the used oldest ones that need repairs and clear up to 25 yeah 25 and so like people are real snobby about them but you built this for how much about 2500 2500 and how many times have you built stuff like this before never never and that turned out super awesome that's pretty cool we gotta sponsor you and like get a big emblem for fowler's maker and mischief and like burn it on the side like so everywhere you go you get paid to go there and just show it off maybe sponsor me with some sparrows yeah [Music] all right day two i didn't film a lot yesterday because i just wanted to you know spend some time with friends this is my vacation you know and it's been fun catching up with old friends missing some friends that we've lost over the year uh we're so sad to see nathan masters go and i think the masters didn't pass away he didn't pass away oh well we still miss you nathan uh sorry uh we figured you weren't here you must be dead so um i don't know we're gonna get up to some other stuff today we've been working on the table already a little bit this morning chris and i selling a couple sling shots uh everybody has slingshots and everybody has bands now so now we can get out and have some fun shoot some of the course and uh see what i do some of my score shooting today let's do it the classics huh man the pouches are used yeah they're shot pouches but for me [Music] made a coat hanger and electrical tape mike what'd you call that the prison shank slingshot oh my goodness and then i can't even put my hand on that thing was he like a a giant no he's a big guy strong guy the thing is huge gary flatman miller gave it back to us to the club no kidding wow and we're gonna put it up on the wall well that's my uh my goal there is one of these days up there bill hayes nathan masters and the others yeah but so the problem is is i've i've shown so many people how to shoot a slingshot and some of them like moan has just run with it and he just shoots like all the time yeah i don't i don't like oh he's i'm getting a little bit one too i've been getting a little i'm really afraid that this is uh my goal for this year is not gonna be fulfilled but we'll give it our best as always all right first up is the woods course see if we can uh shoot some little tiny metal targets in the woods i like the woods course i think the best because it's completely random with all the targets up in the trees and all these different weird spots and it's a new place this year so last year it went up and through the woods behind us this year down the road and different setup entirely so yeehaw you ready as ready as i can be and we got with us for the trip names chadley chadley ted nugent bill steiner nice to you guys [Music] just like that [Music] oh my goodness that's the thing this uh pennsylvania weather is so hot for us mainers this woods course is too much of it in the sun where's the woods [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that one's too rusty that one's too shiny that one's just right first one to get that one though so [Music] [Applause] over the bushes can't really see it very easily he's like tucked it right in there what did you do it's a devil thorn he just stuck his finger into the thorn do you need a band-aid i got my dad kit and my wallet here no that's the band-aid i always have to have it on me for chris cause he he's the first to believe usually so you beat him to the punch line this time and i just tell nobody when i bleed you get all the credit for never getting cut it's a good one number and it's out there and it's tough it's out there where is it it's a three-pointer yep straight ahead three-pointer behind the three trees oh that's uh the yellow that's way out there i don't even know if i could point to it on this oh i still wanted to hear a ding on that dead straight that was a hard one though that's like it's an almost impossible shot for your first round around the course to get some of these there's the hair load oh that's what is that three you got three that's three or four three three or four the three oh my goodness so i was shooting a different slingshot all weekend long yeah i bought this this morning you bought this from from the test this morning oh that's a pouch that you modified right yeah i just modified it so he he made it so that his have dimples it has dimples now you're rocking it yeah awesome so i was i was nervous about switching at the last minute but it felt so good when i shot it so oh my goodness thank you something to it i'll add the ding in post and now we've got fowler i'm fine man that is a gnarly birdie bird that is one tub that one [Applause] all right now for the 25 yard let's see what i can do 10 shots 25 yards bill you witnessing me to make sure i don't cheat all right making sure i'm not cheating [Applause] that's 10. so we did one two three four in the black five six seven eight i feel like that's not as good as i've done other years three four one two three four two flyers yeah up there one there yeah not so good i think i messed myself all up i thought i've been shooting 0.4 latex all along and then uh like when we got here i found a roll of 0.4 latex in our stuff and i started shooting i was like this is so great and i was doing so nice with it but at the same time it's throwing me up just enough my scores are ending up lower so i don't know all right we got 10 cans we got one minute see how many you can knock down in one minute for our score [Applause] [Music] time big time choke this year that's okay can't win them all right practice practice practice this year i don't think i practiced enough [Applause] time for the spanish knockdowns this is one of my favorite ones right here i love shooting these just something so satisfying about knocking them down especially when you get every single one on your run there is four seven targets i don't know i had to count on my new seven and uh the smallest one more points for the smallest one and then working your way up to only two points for the bigger ones and when you get all of them because that's all you get is seven shots each round four rounds it's like super satisfying let's see what i can do [Music] all right you ready mike ready to go ready to go [Applause] [Music] that's not too shabby that's i was choking on those i like those first ones though that's not bad all right here's my score well unfortunately uh if you look at the clock here what 17 minutes it's my fault you're gonna have to take a zero take a mulligan take a zero oh mission i don't want you to add that one up anyway so it's all right how'd i do uh 11th 11th at 141 11th hey give gives me somewhere to go from here hey how many people came this year we have 53 53 53 that's not a bad turnout oh my goodness 11th place i have got to practice more and fish less that was very stressful were you guys stressed out with that how'd you do um didn't worry no had some fun playing it cool huh yeah all right all our targets are set up we got some fancy crystal balls we got some duckies we got some exploding snaps some cards that we can split you are we ready yeah oh and show them more enthusiasm are we ready yeah more yeah yeah let's do this all right what are we going for the poppers the poppers all right one two three go i am a flip-flopper is this table messing you guys all up yeah yeah let's go on the other side of it [Applause] accidentally did you bounce off the glowing thing no catch and cook with throwing knives that would be hard well the hardest part of that would be uh no no just being allowed to do it it's completely illegal yes there are even more than the ones oh i hit the little duck spot yeah the mud ducks are pretty hard too yeah they're covered in mine my favorite is eggplant pizza here it is i make an eggplant pizza yeah i have an eggplant pizza with a deep dish crust someone must have hit a popcorn pepperoni pineapple and ham oh that's pretty good or pineapple and habaneros my sisters love pineapple pineapple you never heard of pineapple in a pizza you haven't lived these vans are good [Applause] congratulations [Music] third place in the expert knockdowns i try to do good very nice second place went to bill hayes and he took off last night apparently took his trophy and went home second place in the novice spanish knockdown is mike petrowski don't you want to clean up first for all the pictures thank you and with a score of what 191 yeah 191 joseph garcia [Applause] good job man you got a speech advertised for [Applause] slingshots [Applause] [Music] uh oh i don't know if you guys recognize this guy but uh he was here with us at the well the first time i came uh yes sir yeah and then and then uh you and i hooked up and because he makes slingshots so if you bought a hornet slingshot um as of a year previous from this video he was the one that was making them all and so you had a hornet made by him and then uh we started to happen to have so many of them made that uh this one-man shop was just too much to keep up with right it was like it was craziness so he was the maker of them and now first place first time right now yes it is so now he's the time now he's on the board and uh there's there's the man i got to beat next year i think right i hope you can man i hope you come with the uh you know yeah shooting i'm gonna bring my i gotta bring my shooting pants in my a game next time yes congratulations man good job good job nice shooting yes thank you for everything man yeah so this slingshot i had custom made by someone named timothy fosser good friend uh even better builder i mean he put stuff up on you know facebook for sale or the forums and uh let me tell you if you have the chance to get you one get you one they hold their value well built i mean i love these things oh yeah this is what i wanted man i'm happy wow that's wicked light yeah i did not expect that i thought it'd be a lot heavier for some reason yeah well it's got it's like super solid but like just clean yeah i love his work i mean you know i paid a good penny for it and it's worth every penny all right well that was a fun tournament i thought we'd just sit down and talk about uh why i didn't even manage to place in the top ten my excuses are well i was a little bit a little bit hot it's really hot down here not like me and i was extremely chafing on my sandals these just not good footwear and then the hotter the day got my my bands were sticky and and i just i couldn't focus because i was thirsty and then and then my pouch was a little bit it was gummy in it it was too warm you know i had to go to the bathroom did i say it was hot it's really hot here tara dillard ladies and gentlemen thanks for watching i'll see you guys in the next one fowler out one last thing i have to say i am super inspired by the happy hippies little camper build i'm thinking i gotta build myself one of these for adventures and pairing this with the eco flow delta max power station will be the ultimate leave it in the comments below should i build one and check out the link in the description below for our sponsor eco flow where you can get your own
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 226,530
Rating: 4.9227052 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, Slingshot, east coast slingshot tournament, east coast slingshot tournament 2020, east coast slingshot tournament 2019, east coast slingshot tournament 2021, east coast slingshot tournament location, survival slingshot, suviving, surviving with a slingshot, Surviving Pennsylvania
Id: E_q89bf-FHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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