Home Depot Tote Float Sinking ? - Day 5.1 of 7 Day WaterWorld Survival Challenge

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all right we got our two barbie poles we got our mystery tackle boxes may the best man win go everybody set oh he pushes me back gotcha i have never had a spam before i'm zachary fowler and this is the seven day water world survival challenge [Music] fish on [Music] waterworld survival challenge is brought to you by mystery tackle box check out the link in the description below for them and the water world survival challenge official gear video more than that coffee's ready it's so clammy [Applause] what's the plan for today i don't know i need a water water [Music] oh now that's how you need to wake up every morning i'll save that for when i get out of the water i like an otter and put the coffee on my chest and float we gotta have some water in that one tote and it's messing the whole corner up this corner is so high or maybe it's the warp thing this one corner it hasn't gotten any worse walk over there see it hasn't gotten any worse but it gets right down there and i wonder if like that one tote is can you tell by tapping the bottom of it or something sounds hollow it does sound hollow does it sound hollower than this one oh they all still sound hollow i mean i think there would be a different sound if i had some water i'll give her a little inspection [Music] beautiful morning in the neighborhood inspection went well i think we're doing good now what we can get up to you know better than i do at this point what we're gonna get up to because the thumbnail we uh on the other hand i have no clue what we're doing today or do we we got options what's our options lay them out for me chris are there the should we the full details yeah sure it's the stand-up paddleboard around try and tow each other on that and then maybe i see you got your kids rods in there the barbie barbie elsa frozen fishing rod challenge whatever they are i call the frozen bowl okay i'll take the pink one then good thing it's sunday there's not going to be too many hardcore fish well maybe there will be that'll be so funny yeah it's like throwing them with a little we got to make sure we get that for the reactions just like for the as part of the whole thing like you get a couple people's reactions of like us like fishing professionally with with barbie bowls you know like barbie fishing pole derby and then we're trying to water ski on the disney derby standing paddle board yep and uh who knows what other shenanigans we'll get up to today sounds good to me and definitely be cooking something tasty yeehaw have my coffee and enjoy the sunday morning out here on the water and a little bible time and then get on it [Music] all right we got our two barbie poles we got our mystery tackle boxes because as you've seen in the intro this series is brought to you by catch co the makers of mystery tackle box today is going to be a mystery tackle box barbie pole fish off we're going to head that direction there's a picnic table there's some features some grasses and with the kayaks but first we're going to divide up the mystery tackle box this is kind of a um all micro gear we know there's a lot of small bass looks like some good soft plastics in there good great little micro soft plastics hey get your hands out of there we're gonna divide it up and then we will see who can catch the most fish in one hour we're going with small stuff because we know there's a lot of small bass in here so we will just be counting up who gets the most bass on their barbie pole they dump it out and we take turns picking so the only thing we'll be bringing on the kayaks are those barbie poles i called the frozen pole now we must hope they are enough and uh chris is taking this oh it's let down your hair let down your tangled tangled yeah tangled the finger grip for when you get onto the five you just really gotta lay into her just walking boys we're going drag right now we gotta divide up the stuff and i think the easiest way is going to be actually let's leave that guy that's like an isolation jig with straight down we don't need that no we're not gonna yeah let's not take the ice jigs we'll take the that wait you get the whole package of jig heads well okay all right we'll divide up the jig heads because there's these little spinner jig heads oh i see does that like all right we're making this up as we go here obviously so we're going to divide up the two jig heads types and then the rest of the soft plastics it's you get to you pick i've never seen one of those before yeah a single hook micro crank bait that's pretty cool looking not good i don't like sticky micro critters by rebel let me get so we got two crankbaits or three crank baits and spinners and then chris is like coveting those red sparkly i see a few shad things will be pretty fun rock paper scissors rock paper scissors row shambo okay ready rock paper scissors wait we didn't shoot it's rock paper scissors shoot oh okay i don't even know how to play rock paper scissors apparently okay i think that's what it is though yeah rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot so scissors tiebreaker okay rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot talk chinese chopper moose okay ready all right rock paper scissors shoot i have a little bit of anxiety rock paper scissors shoot all right rock paper scissors shoot oh i got you i get to go first those do look really nice but i want this little make sure that i get this little crankbait here more that goes in my box all right your pick okay first pick um in between the lucky john teogas those that look nice i want to go with yoga you're going with yoga all right so i'm going to go with these little guys okay and then i'll go these throw them in your box fill your box up i'm gonna go with these little squiddy things i think those look cool i'm gonna take these off the table they're a little like ice fishing kind it's like ice fishing stuff that came in the trout box and or one of my ice fishing boxes i'll go with this little spark i think it's what was it called spark plug spark plug that's pretty it's pretty looking and i'll grab this little weird guy here i think that would be pretty interesting um i suppose yeah jenko fishing big tees yeah those look good they're a crappy bait but i think i'm gonna go with these silvery paddle-tailed sparkly ones they look good i got a lot of big soft plastic so i could try out these lip rippers what does he caught that massive salmon or what is that a trout is that a rainbow i i can't tell it's kind of the photo looks really weird it was pretty cheesy but on these okay so i guess the lip rippers and they're gonna be coming back with a 20 pound chinook and i got that so my box is good and then we'll split these up we got two of these really unique i want to catch something on these just because they're so little spinning jig head things yeah so you get one of those in your box and then we'll just one for you one for me one for you one for me one for me one do you want black or purple purple oh purple all right black for me and a few there we go all split up got our mystery tackle boxes mystery is all solved now so there's not much mystery now let me know what's in there put that in my boat may the best man win you're the best fisherman man fisher man best fisherman win mine looks like a meat locker yeah yours is a little bloody after last night's fishing mix we kept the fish in there after we got him yeah oh my did you just get all smarmed yeah thanks oh come on that was bad that was some nasty fish gunk we are in put my pole [Music] feels cheesy putting the pole on the pole holder it's like oh yeah i can pretty much just stick it in my teeth all right here we go actually that's the easiest way to use it okay we got the newest googan rod here so let's see if we can get the fish on it all right come on elsa come on anna most fish will paddle through the notch and as soon as we pass through the notch we've got one hour i'm gonna set the alarm so you can't cheat yep i'm going to the hair spinner first what am i going with first here we got jig head i just i'm really in love with this little spinny jig head thing here and there we go so if i run a jig head to start i'll be able to flip through all my soft plastics trying out the different ones here i got one two three four different soft plastics little squiddies here i feel like those could be a win but so could this um a little shad here there we go because i get it on there just right so you don't mess up the spinny bit there and use my neck knife to trim off the excess there oh that's gonna look beautiful i am ready to [Music] rumble [Music] got the spinner bait rigged up get into the passage here up to the starting line and go timer set oh he pushes me back i see how it's gonna be had to have room to get my trolling line out i'm gonna work this shore over here first right here on my left some beautiful lily pads and some deep water right there watch me catch my pb i feel like i'm so more noticeable at least he has a light blue rod that's bright pink [Music] uh i got a fish oh i got a fish fish on fish on first fish first fish a little bass that's one [Music] be free oh right into louise back casting be fancy there's a lot of little guys here but i can't quite choke it let's see about working the sweet patch just up in front of me there's not even a drag on this i don't think i hope i don't look into it well i hope i do that would be actually oh wow bombed it that's the secret cast into the wind the spinnerbait might not be the answer spend all my time trying to get it unhooked well first break off great let's go first lucky john t yoga in wakuayu what a fancy name fish on he's got a second fish already oh ah i lost him okay he lost him good i mean oh too bad i kept some weeds no i got a fish didn't even notice he was so small get him in get him in and come in that's two he's killing it over there i don't know what bait he's using all kinds of big beautiful rocks right here in the water big rocks i'll be hiding something i'm gonna try and switch get rid of this guy and put a paddle tail on there there we go this got a bit more swim action to it i might have screwed up i caught three i'm up to three but i think i hit i turned off the camera instead of recording waiting time looking for this patch of weeds in the middle okay this looks juicy dragonfly is like bombing me fish on there we go first fish on the tangled rod oh that makes sense why i lost that spinnerbait it's the tangled rod i got tangled up a little tiny micro bass first one though i think zach's already got multiple so get back to fishing [Applause] sweet big ol bald legal flying overhead a lung going fish on oh that's a good one that's a good one oh that's a good one don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it come on barbie i mean come on elsa come on anna oh oh come on come on come on come on come on gotcha now that's what we're looking for that's what you're looking for that's what you want right there that was worth the paddle over here we're going for that's number four look at that that's nice and shiny beautiful fish get you back in the water oh nice smooth release i saw it i saw it right in the weeds and then i just like i flipped it over and it was like and i had already hit the the drag and it was a what a mess and i still managed to get it grabbed it right up and i didn't even have the i had i had it all loose so it was just running with it it's just cruising around right there just catch him again can i count that if i catch him four times in a row i definitely got the tangled rod here oh no no no right into the trees darn it oh got it out i'm gonna try something with the switch to the dark tail one of these guys [Music] 23 minutes left on the timer i've only gotten four there's a big guy cruising right through here fish on little guy maybe in between here oh that's a nice one that's a nice one oh there's no drag on these barbie poles there's no drag whatsoever come on boat flip and we got it there we go number five number five oh we're doing good five we've got like 15 minutes left that's some serious action i saw that big guy cast cast and got him that's another one little one get him in six six this thing actually casts incredibly far [Music] hey so yeah six total all maybe totaling in a pound bag but you ended up with ten nine i was trying to get ten so i got you by three and the uh golden globe goes to frozen i thought you were going to beat me because i went out to the middle and i tried to find that weedy patch and see if i could find like a group of bigger ones because i was hitting the ones at the picnic table and i got one and so i moved on and then i came over here and i seen one right next to the boat and i i dropped it in all right let's head back and make some lunch winner winner oh sweet home well elsa anna you done a good job my girls would be proud of you and you too mystery tackle box check out the link in the description below for mystery tackle box where you can get your mystery tackle boxes in the mail awesome stuff so much fun i really enjoyed this and i really enjoy getting these in the mail i know this sounds like a paid advertisement because it is and because i like it so there you have it ah here comes the smokers again they come blasting through fortunately they leave us alone we get jostled a little bit though don't we hey chris yeah will you grab me some uh of the grass so i can make a broom we gotta do some house cleaning this place is getting dirty do some sweeping up and clean some dishes and make the lunch and we're gonna make some coffee what do you think will it make a nice broom they're green i'm a little bit concerned because they are a little bit loose but i think you can make it work a little skeptical you'll figure it out like that they fold over real easy there's also somebody's fishing line mixed in there too oh really yeah [Music] [Applause] spam i have never had a spam before i'm hungry so i'm gonna save the the uh perch chowder for dinner tonight and bust out the spam have you guys had spam this isn't even regular spam this is spam bacon if you're sensing a theme here as you've been watching the series through and if you haven't been you need to go back and start from the beginning see the build launch and the other days of adventure but there's definitely a bacon theme so i thought i'd bring some bacon spam yeah we're not really roughing it surviving on what we can catch and cook we could but i mean it'd be so boring for you to watch if all i was doing yeah i'm gonna cook another fish over the fire that's just no fun so spam and eggs with bacon and peppers and mushrooms what do you think is it any good we'll find out looks like cat food that's that's for sure isn't that appetizing the wooded beer has been said eating armadillo was one of the things that make some questions as life choices but uh i think this almost looks comparative i can't can't smell anything let's give it a taste salty oh there's some like mystery pieces something in this piece of spam like like a fingernail or something that's kind of creepy like the rest of it's consistently oh never mind that was a piece of mushroom from the knife i think oh okay even chris here is skeptical on my spam what do you think it smells kind of like ham a little this you know what it reminds me of is that uh succotash or something that my grandmother used to make like the the ham fake ham it probably was like same as spam products a salad type of thing no it was it was toasted and like cooked for like a breakfast thing it was like little pieces of potato and and ham all just kind of mixed together maybe she made it out of spam it's called one beef hash or no yeah corned beef hash but it was like different it was a really cheap version that came out of a can and the stuff that was in it is the sandwich it smelled exactly like this i did not like it i did not had a smell all right we got salt sugar uh ham is the fifth thing on here so that just tells you what you got going no i'm just kidding uh ham is the first thing here pork with ham bacon uh cured with water salt sugar dextrose sodium podia seed water bacon fat that's water why do you need to put water in it got a just a full list of yummy ingredients very little sugar only one gram of sugar and one carb so it's keto friendly and 16 grams of fat now that's what we like to hear in seven grams of protein and then that's a ratio you could almost live on honestly i don't even think this pan is hot from the burner so much as just the sun the sun cooking it i don't think so i finally get to craft something an excuse to craft something how long will it last that i do not know well i really i should learn how to um weave stuff make a uh sun hat carly that was with me on the loan while we weren't together but like against me uh if you want to think about that way like we're all trying to stay out there the longest so but she made the most beautiful beautiful stuff she was like an uh expert weaver and i've seen her like weave and twist and make corridors from fibers very expert at all that i feel like these would make a beautiful if i was to do and made myself a little sombrero or something but i got a broom let's try it out first thing we need to do i think it needs a haircut all right that works like a champ our deck is now clean oh no the broom fell off and uh okay so there's there is some uh downsides our caulking isn't doing so good though that didn't hey you can almost use that for a lure that stuff's so flexy [Music] [Music] thank you lord for spam and the fact that we're still floating and i know they did horrible things to make the spam but you made the wonderful things that they were able to turn this spam into his name amen your chopsticks are all limp cheers a little bit hot sauce online but yeah it's about what i thought it would taste like not too bad it's not bad i couldn't use chopsticks but um this is pretty epic i i feel like i mean like as i'm like gumming through this uh egg here it's so epic well okay so maybe some utensils would have made this a little no but i'm good with my no this is spam spoon use that with a little bit of egg a little bit of pepper tick-tock what old clocks oh yeah that's it grandfather clocks i believe actually they were talking about grandfather clocks that's it you should become a famous fishing tick-tocker it's not really a platform for fishing i still gotta i just devoured mine it was so good i think i'm going into survival mode i'm so full i gotta wait 30 minutes before i go swimming you know what i have done though after swimming is like going swimming and swim so hard and like so fast you threw up or something yeah i barfed all over the lake tune in sunday for part two of day five there we go fish on next time on part two of day five water world survival challenge we're gonna get up to some more fun adventures like always check out that link in the description below if you think you're behind on episodes or you're looking for the next one and thanks for watching i'll see you guys in the next one fowler you get you get him i'll hold the camera you get him oh dude dude
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 427,710
Rating: 4.9118428 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, fishing, floating cabin, fishing adventures, 7 day survival challenge, catch'n cook, challenge, home depot, home depot tote float, home depot build a deck, home depot boat, home depot build, home depot float, home depot floating reapers, home depot floating deck, home depot survival challenge, home depot survival, home depot build challenge, home depot challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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