Alone In A Tropical Storm - Solo Camping Uninhabited Islands - Living From The Ocean - Part 1

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] hmm [Music] wow look at this island it's actually a bit steeper than i thought it would be the landing where am i going to pull up on let's think about this maybe around the other side actually i'm not gonna get too shallow seems to drop off pretty quick yeah i think this corner might be the way to go actually oh she's pretty corally the wheel will pop down get it high enough there we go okay we made it it's always a bit of anxiety coming to a new place a bit more like uh iffy weather reports and you never really know what to expect what are we gonna do i guess we look for a campsite as usual it's gonna be a little bit trickier with all this uh hard coral bed it's not as many trees i almost bought the other tent as well which would have been easier sometimes i do bring the other hiking tent just because if i don't know the area and there's not sort of a nice sort of area where i can set up the hoochie probably should have bought the hiking tent for this one but anyway let's go find the drone and go for a walk around hello you made it in one piece which is good there we go yeah this drone's doing a much better job of uh getting some shots the other one the spark that i had before was uh it's just so high pressure because you only had 10 minutes which was more like eight minutes which is more like six minutes by the time you got it up got it in the right spot and then press record so this one's up in the air for a lot longer so it actually makes uh getting a few shots a bit easier so it's still pretty fresh so it's only the second time i've flown it really like but we'll put it back in here just so i know it's nice and safe while i have a walk around yeah so i've come around this corner and i tell you what camp camp wise it's very very slim pickings just here is probably almost all right up the top of that little grass bank but then it's going to be really hard to get the boat in anywhere close where i can see it what should i do this is cool though check out all these rocks like those big though all those rocks up there have all the coral embedded in them so all this coral's been in so long that more rock has been pressed or flowed over it and it's melded all the coral in there's like full-on clam shells and everything one of the ones back here was pretty epic here can i you see if i can find it again oh there was one with a whole clam shell sort of sticking out of the top but yeah it's pretty cool most of the edge of this whole island is like this on the other side of this sheer cliff but it's pretty much all just serious rock work and dense shrubs straight off the bat off the coral so it really is very few options what am i gonna do my plans are falling apart could always go and find i did see a very nice sort of pine lined little beach back there which could actually be really cool to camp on the issue there will be i don't think i brought enough fuel to keep coming back and forward i've definitely got enough to get out here and plenty of reserves just see if i wasn't going too far but if i'm going to be doing hot laps then i definitely need to be pretty uh aware of how much fuel i got i should go back and check how much fuel i burnt i did make a few stops on the way out here but we'll get back to here this just over here where these sort of small pine trees are growing is where i was looking at camping sort of semi-flat tiny tiny bit of uh shade but not much he's a bit of a desert isn't it let's have a think about this geez it doesn't look like much does it but believe it or not this is probably one of the better sort of prospective spots this is winning so far i might go and have a look back near the boat and uh and then maybe bring the boat around here and uh re-reassess my situation here oh look at that nice big crab hey boat's still here which is good but this is my last ditch effort to try and find a reasonable camp tell you what i'm really starting to sweat it up now i guess up here is about the only place i can have a look there's a little sort of edge there it looks like it's sort of a cave might as well just climb up there have a look and then then we'll have to commit to something we'll go up over here it looks a bit more reasonable to climb up yeah it'd be a bit of a pain to carry all the gear up here and it doesn't look like it's a cave in yeah in the end anyway looked like it was from down the bottom for some reason check out back over here oh this rock just got a little a lot sharper it's all right almost there here we go oh let's go look at that ah so there is a higher point just there but i think we'll uh be satisfied with this for now scenes as we don't even know what we're doing so there's the boat down there obviously the campsite i'm thinking about is over there that very far corner has some some sort of features that look nice but it's not really much flat ground down here looks nice to spear out around this ledge here gonna have to make a call here what are we gonna do maybe we just do a day trip here and then we scoot back to a bit more of a nicest spot to camp oh look at all the butterflies taking off there's like hundreds on the water coming over here they're just like thousands of them heading across the water i don't know where they're going because they all seem to be heading straight out to sea but uh hopefully they find land over there somewhere because look at them all i don't know if you can see it on the gopro but there's hundreds of them tell you what though this island is a little bit of a uh inhospitable little spot when it comes to camping or if you're thinking of staying it's very hot very little shade and very little options but geez i tell you what it looks prime and on google maps and now that i'm up here it really does it looks as good on the in real life or if not better obviously but but you have to come to these places sometimes this happens sometimes you get uh spots like this you go all the way and you sort of think man this is going to be awesome you get here and you think geez you can't really tell until you get here and check it out for yourself graceful a little circumnavigation [Music] it's a cool island but uh yeah this side is definitely off limits there you know camping here see that current really ripping back towards me i can feel the engine struggling against it as soon as i hit pretty milky the water here oh look at all that bait that's cool [Music] it's quite a big cliff in it look at that overhang huh that's huge that current is ripping around this side of the island it's just a little peak this is just on the other outer edge got some cool little features this island that's for sure we'll go through the middle here and see what we can see drops off real fast so you get some pretty deep water pretty quick well pretty deep anyway it's hard to tell it's pretty murky it was a nice little explore but the more i'm driving around here yeah i can't even get close to i can't even get to just about there now because the tide's coming down and it's still not even close to low tide really so it's going to come down a hell of a lot more which means we're going to be stuck there if i pull the boat up on the edge there and it's going to be a long way away from where the camping could be which is further down i'm thinking maybe we ditch it i'm thinking we go back and find another spot there's plenty of nice little beaches on the other side like the reason i'm not so committed to this is uh yeah i've passed like a million nice campsites uh so i'm sort of thinking maybe maybe that's the way to go but first what we'll do is i think i'll get the spear gear on and i'll jump in and we'll have a spear around this little edge and around to the headland i might even just keep the boat in tow uh and attach to the gun and then i'll just sort of slowly make my way the current doesn't seem bad here at all until you get a bit further out so i should be able to work this little edge right around to the edge around there and then i'll just jump back in the boat and then maybe we'll cruise and find a campsite we'll get our gear on jump in and we'll uh see what presents itself just looked at my fins yeah they're not looking so flash look at those big cracks and there's lots of stress lines so i guess it's time to get a new set it's a pity but they're never really that flash a pair so we'll go and uh sort that out but hopefully they make it through this trip geez it looks so nice doesn't it [Music] so so so oh so this is a bit frustrating but uh just look i wasn't uh seeing a whole stack of stuff but then i uh noticed that the camera wasn't turning on and off and i figured it wasn't uh it's not so good to make youtube videos with no camera so i came back to the boat and i just had a quick peek in there and it looks like there's water in the camera because it's all fogged up at the front but uh yeah we'll quickly open this up let's drop it over the edge otherwise i can't get it replaced ah man this is frustrating i literally just sent one back to gopro and it took me like like or over a month to get it back look the battery's all wet down the bottom as well that's great could salvage the battery so put that over there it's not even deep and they're leaking like look there's heaps of water in there i don't know if i can get it maybe i'll have to get a photo with the phone but we'll dry that battery up we'll um maybe see if we can keep this camera going because apart from this camera i've only got that one and that one's no good for really underwater stuff so we might be stuck fishing because i can't really afford to lose this camera it's very frustrating very frustrating what's going on here okay this one seals on properly look at that that's my water oh gee where is it sneaking through somewhere obviously we've got a couple of issues because it looks good though the jerry can but unfortunately it doesn't carry water huh okay another issue at least i caught it before it all laid down that was leaking quite fast then i just happened to look down before and i had a little uh a little drip but then that time look i put it on and what if i don't do it too tight what if i tighten it a bit more let's see if i'm tightening it too much see it's not leaking now no it is leaking look at that what if i loosen it up again oh god all right that's definitely leaking brand new okay i'll have to travel with that upright so i'll have to wedge it in somewhere all right well i'll leave that open let's just try and have a flick around see if we can find anything exciting on the old soft plastic give it a long cast just to unwind that line a little bit it's only a light jig head so i can't really get too crazy oh yeah a bit of drag oh yeah boy hopefully nothing else goes wrong and we can uh just catch a fish and let's get in and find a nice camping spot light a bit of a fire maybe and have a nice uh nice dinner to make me feel better about everything oh oh something had to go at it but we've missed it that's a pity oh oh we got some oh i got off no ah gee look there goes my soft plastic geez that was quick though it was a good hit felt like i had a little bit of weight on it as well [Music] come on make it easy for me fish oh we got something but it's tiny oh what have we got a little grass of some sort he's quite a good looking fish but uh i don't think we're going to be able to keep him for food oh geez you really went for it huh i could use the pliers for this one i think let's see if we can work oh there we go we got it look at that fish oh no no what a beautiful looking guy big mouth let's see if we can get him back in see you mate he's gonna be fine oh what was that little mackerel of some sort maybe it wasn't very big maybe a little doggy it was very small maybe we'll burn a couple in a bit quite faster oh no look there's a whole stack of them whatever they are oh really geez oh it is geez i tell you what mate if you're big enough you might be coming home come on oh you're going to be close see you later yeah he's out of here you'll probably see it on that camera but i thought the camera was on and it was not but i caught a little coral trout ah dear i don't want this trip to come off as being too negative though i guess it is it is what it is you know i guess this is exactly what happened slightly bigger coral trout and we'll take one for dinner because uh yeah as time goes on we're gonna run more and more out of time okay let's get in a bit closer just here have another crack of that along this reef edge and we'll just maybe we'll just float all the way down here we'll just keep working it and we'll just keep using this guy even though it's uh it's got no tail that's how i got bitten off a second ago but camera didn't catch that either kind of still has a nice little kind of profile on the lure kind of looks like a little kind of shrimp or something escaping yeah look at that darts around a lot so even without the towel still good oh what was that is that like the biggest wind knot i've ever had ever is that what that is okay let's not let that bother you rod let's just steal with it keep it loose i'll tell you what if a big fish comes and hits that now i'll be in trouble oh look at this okay we got it we got it that bits pulled out come on yes okay that was relatively painless that was such a good little coral trout as well i was showing it to the camera and everything geez i'll tell you like i guess look everyone's had fishing trips like this where just things just don't go right and you just don't know what to do like you're trying to be do the right thing things just aren't going your way it turns out this is gonna be one of those trips but we're gonna keep at it we're gonna get a fish okay we are catching fish so uh if we keep at it i've got a feeling we might actually get one that's keeper so we'll keep we'll keep at it okay and uh sorry if it's coming across as a bit of a bummer or a bit of a downer so happy like oh oh it's a bigger one maybe oh yeah take it camera is on isn't it yes okay oh ah tusky look at him that's a good looking fish too let's go good job see you mate well the fish are coming in but uh maybe if we just rip the top of that off we might get one or two more casts out of him let's see let's see oh oh something really went for it then oh he's a bit bigger come on i'm gonna muscle you up a little bit it's tighten up even more what have we got oh it's a bigger trout oh he might be a keeper i think oh come on oh no no no no no okay we'll just lay him down there he's definitely a keeper look at that oh all right all right let's come up here and deal with you he's not a bad trout actually not bad at all look at that let's put him on the old board just check all right let's line him up there oh yeah he's about oh we'll call him 41. oh hang on i'll call him 40. oh look is this yeah 40 41 depending on which way you want to look at it okay so taking care of the trout there uh yeah i think maybe i'm just going to go straight across and find a camp on the other side looks like there could be a bit of a storm brewing so i don't want to get caught out without a camp set up so we'll see you later ireland you're fun sort of for a split second see that's not a bad bombing there look at that that's a good one i wonder how many coral trout i'm missing out on there should have come a bit further down so yeah i didn't come down this far that looks great it's a little rainy back there oh geez i bought the tiller extension i just had to pick my way through all of that rubble but we've made it better just get up the front and i'll still talk to you about what's going on that's what i'm actually going to do here because i don't think i'll be at it here hear that thunder all right what are we doing here just lift it up just so it doesn't get away from me for a sec okay what a random random day this has been okay so i started to go back over thinking i'll just hightail it back to some campsites on the other side um where i know i can sort of just quickly set up but then it started to rain quite heavily for a second i quickly turned around and then it got quite windy as well quite gusty i was like oh bugger it and i could see out here like if you could i was looking back this way i was like mate it's perfect back at that island i just came from why didn't i sort of hide taylor back and uh yeah and just stick to the plan so i've made my way back still pretty low tide can't go anywhere but i need you so this is going to put me on my uh pretty much my limit of the fuel i've got so i've got enough it's fine with a little bit extra so it's not too much of a problem come here but i won't be able to uh go for too much more of an explore on to summer i wanted to sort of go down that way a bit tomorrow but i don't think i'm gonna have enough petrol to do that now because i've burnt through a little bit just going around that island getting closer to the main island and then coming back i'm kidding right anyway i just pulled that off and now the clip's broken off my gopro as well so hopefully that still clips in but just pulled the boat up just enough to be safe for a second but jeez i'll tell you what i made the right choice some of the lightning that's coming down through there i would have been right in that passage and it's teeming down now look at that every now and then a huge bolt just comes down yeah i definitely think i made the right choice to turn around but now we've got to somehow figure out a plan here because now we really are stranded on an island with not much choice like i planned on staying here in the first place but i definitely don't have a choice now so uh the wind's not too bad out here it was way windier through that passage as well a little bit of wind let's just have a look at how close i can get the boat over oh i don't know if the camera got that one but that was a pretty big one okay so i can't really get the boat up here for a good couple of hours really until the tide starts coming back in and even then i really want it all the way in here yeah all right well we'll just have to pull it up as it goes that the tide comes up and just keep it safe but where am i going to camp oh some serious serious lightning strikes all right so we got to get our stuff down here yeah i guess there's no choice i'll put those shoes on that i brought i'm glad i brought those now because this stuff is uh getting a bit uh getting a bit over it all right we'll walk back we'll start unloading gear that way i'll be able to move the boat around a little easier as well and see if we can pull it up higher out of the way go away mosquito oh we've already had a meal by lots of things let's even get some kind of shelter going i'm not sure what i'm going to do because uh i don't really oh that was some lightning not sure what i'm going to do but we'll have to figure it out pretty quickly and then we'll figure out how we're going to even eat this fish okay just enough what are we going to carry and the shelter and dry clothes bag let's do this fast whoa big lightning let's make this quick rod oh there's mosquitoes moving into okay how are we going to do this just get the hoochie out straight away of course the butcher's underneath the sleeping bag so i'll just shovel that stuff in yeah approaching 10 pegs and hurry up as long as we got the hoochie up i've got a little bit of dry area that's all it's going to really count at this stage looks like it could be sashimi tonight really looking forward to some of that uh crispy skin okay how are we gonna do this that tree to this tree i think that's about my only option move some of this coral quickly get this uh i'm just gonna have to ditch the camera for a second uh not perfect but it is something so the most important thing is we get back down here and check that our boat's not getting away because that would just be the end of everything i really need that tide to just come in maybe i should just keep pulling it up further and then tie it maybe up to that plant there because it'll give me something to rely on there's a plant just growing there that should reach okay let's do that thank goodness for the wheels huh giant boulder whoops watch the car rod i'm not planning on leaving it there though i'm not planning on leaving it there for long that's just uh just in case measure because when the tide gets up to where the boat is i'm going to move the boat around to sort of close to where my camp is oh bloody hell oh it is actually dry in here that's great well certainly turned into an interesting adventure let's put that down i'm gonna have to put some sand on that keep the mozzies out but look all in all it's actually dry i can flatten this out a fair bit no problems but i definitely need to uh fill in the gaps stop the mozzies getting in so i'll do that quickly because i'm all wet and whatever anyway so yeah just finish off the finishing touches and then the main concern is just making sure that that boat doesn't go anywhere but uh we should be good for a while it's actually more protected on the other side there but but there's no trees so that's the bit of a catch all in all we got a shelter we got somewhere to hide tonight which is a big deal all right let's start flattening this out there i guess we just use our hands huh okay that looks pretty good apart from this huge rock here i guess we'll just have to sleep here all right we've got a smooth spot to sleep might go down to the water and wash all this off and we'll start fresh doesn't look like she's clearing up anytime soon oh man [Music] i am covered in sand get the major bits off and then we'll go up and strip down there's no real need to strip down yet until i've got the fish though and a few other things he's gone funny because of the fresh water i think anyway this still tastes good tell you what don't admit it but i'm not regretting bringing the shoes because this would be a punish to walk over over and over again i'm all right for a couple of goes but whoa avalanche okay rain almost feels like it's tapering down a bit but then i'll be rushing against the the darkness so we'll see if we managed to get a little uh cook up going if not you know what i did bring actually i could do like a little uh um a little bit of raw fish with uh some capers and yeah that might be nice [Applause] capacio [Applause] doesn't look like that rain's gonna slow down any so yeah let's get a few things out and uh at least break down that fish the last thing i want to do is run out of light so we might as well uh do the fish while we can and okay we'll use this to put clean fish on so let's set up a little station here that can go up there he's actually the perfect eating size for me because i'll finish all of this off by myself and we won't be having any leftovers so i'll just quickly fill them down i was planning on doing maybe even just like a whole fish on the fire but it doesn't look like any of that kind of thing is going to happen tonight so maybe tomorrow and you should be able to just with the knife this sharp you can actually just sort of skim along the rib cage and just come down along it so whenever i'm standing fresh okay there's one phillips and you can see that's the ribs there so we just skimmed along there didn't waste any might not seem at some time but i actually am enjoying myself it's hard as it is to believe and when you've got a fish like this to top off the day it doesn't matter if it's raining outside i quite like the sound of rain on the tent anyway it's actually very soothing [Applause] okay here's the second one boom look at that perfect okay so pop them there [Applause] the memory of crackling look at that delicious fresh it's a beautiful fish and how am i gonna do this i just want nice thin slices to be honest so maybe with this knife we can just maybe we can just start slicing bits off like that you want them nice and thin just like [Applause] that [Applause] beautiful okay there's one phillip done i might have to start stacking on top unfortunately i don't have a heap of room but what we really want is nice thin almost shavings so i want the oil and the salt and everything to mix through and really get into all the fish and the capers so they can be a bit bigger but ideally thin nice and thin that's a pity we don't have more space or just a nice big white platter would be ideal but we're camping so it's not going to happen we'll get some onion we'll only need a little bit [Applause] we'll also get half a lime we might use the whole lime but we'll see how we go cut these and then we'll just sprinkle on some capers lime and then just olive oil and that is heaven so super thinly slice onions probably should get the other knife out but this is fine this is himalayan salt so nice and salty just a little bit we don't want too much because it's quite salty salt if that makes sense it's particularly strong so okay a bit of pepper [Applause] put the onions on [Applause] a little bit [Applause] lots of cables i love capers and then lime juice [Applause] now i don't particularly need it cooked in any way even though the lime juice will cook a little bit but the lime juice is really for flavor more than anything in this one i'm not really planning on letting it sit for too long okay this is extra virgin but uh i'll just block the top a bit and then be too shy [Applause] that's probably that about and that is that oh move to the back of the tent [Applause] now i know we didn't have beautiful scenery but that is as good as i would have made it in any case anyway so that is pretty special i think that get there oh that's a good one hmm [Applause] and i always say it but just clean food super simple but ridiculously tasty can taste all of all the ingredients as well like a little bit of onion the capers fish is just perfect for this as well because it's quite dry and and firm so it slices down nice and thin [Applause] well we're getting there okay so we'll see what this rain does it's probably about like 5 30 at least now so it's probably going to start getting dark soon if it does stop maybe a lot of the fire and cook that skin up if not it looks like we might not uh get a chance to use it which is a bit disappointing but uh oh look at all the mozzies trying to get in there what are they even doing out in the rain uh this might be the end of today uh i think it's just gonna get dark i've got nothing to do except spread my bedding out i won't put the bedding out until the very last minute just so it stays as dry as possible it is completely dry in here though so we've done well we got lucky by the skin of our teeth i'll tell you what because it wasn't long until that rain sort of started getting a bit heavier and i would have been soaked there would have been no way out so we just got there but just got to make sure i keep an eye on the boat the boat is key so um yeah just eat this first go and check on the boat get dry and then i think we're good to go uh so [Music] look at those let's listen for that crunch oh my god that's so good see you next vid guys
Channel: RoKKiT KiT
Views: 1,077,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catch and cook, Ocean adventure, Solo camping, Solo hiking, Bushcraft, Survival, Eat what you catch, primitive cooking, primitive camping, tropical island, catch & cook
Id: 2B5ykaTIIQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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