Tiny Island Survival Challenge / No Food, No Water, No Shelter Building Resources / Solo survival

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[Music] [Music] all right welcome to my tiny home for the night we got a tiny island we'll do a tiny bit of survival it's just a no food no water no shelter resources burn overnight just a fun little adventure i thought i'd do head out i got a little bit of gear got tackle box two rods another telescoping one underneath and my pack with the old hammock in it and up front here our sponsor for today's video anker the new anchor power pack normally i wouldn't bring a full anchor like this i've been using anker power packs ever since i went on history channels alone show that's what they actually supply us with when we're out there to power our charge our gopros and charge some of our batteries that can be recharged on location i've used them for years ever since then used them in the winter and in the snow and in the cold and and they're just so resilient i've always had one in my pack in my camera bag even now so when i go on any multiple overnight uh doing a seven-day wilderness living challenge 30-day survival challenge things like that i need power to be able to charge my cameras and i need that power to be able to be charged by a solar panel this thing is probably the most ultimate of those choices for being able to bring something like that with you so a few other things i've noticed about the power pack is this handy little led display actually tells you on here how much time you have left to run whatever you're running off of it before you run out of juice it also has a flashlight on the end of it and then there's this beautiful light bar on the back that really illuminates a large area with some great soft light so whether you're going out glamping and you want to have a mini fridge and a tv and you want to be able to run those for about eight hours when you're out or you uh your camera guy like me filming and shooting all your stuff on the go out there and multiple days out at a time or you're going out and you need something to charge your ice fishing stuff overnight because you're staying in a tent i mean this thing there's no end of options very helpful and will be a very important part of my adventures going forward always so check out that link in the description below and get a hundred dollars off your new power pack today but that's enough of that let's see if we can't set up our site there is nowhere on this island there's not enough trees there's one tree so i am not going to be able to set up my hammock finally we'll answer the age-old question and everybody keeps leaving the comments below what are you gonna do if you don't have any trees we're gonna have to set it up kind of like a tent or something see if we can't make ourselves comfortable get over here catch a fish cook something for dinner have a good fun fun night out in the wild together let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hardly my best tie up for a hammock but i think it'll do more than enough the tree over there is not strong enough to sport the hammock off the ground unfortunately so i will be like sagging down and kind of cradled in the hammock and kind of uh butt on the ground but i think that'll still make it a lot more comfortable than uh just sleeping on this lumpy ground there's not a single spot here that's soft and not just rocks i didn't cut this tree in fact i'm doing my best to have a low impact here because it is i don't know it's during the higher parts of the summer it's a high impact area i don't know how many people stop here doesn't look like much except for a couple people littering that's why i always bring a little trash bag with me so i can clean up make things a little nicer when you go i don't know why people are chopping branches off of this tree and stuff and i would have had set up really quick except for had tie new strings on it let somebody borrow it and they didn't know how to tie knots and they cut all the strings off if you don't know how to tie knots that's like one of the most important things you could ever know i feel like sometimes you know just being able to tie a good trucker's hitch bowling figure eight uh square knot uh half hitch and a slip knot it's like like six knots that you have to know it's the easiest thing in the world and you could tie the whole world up within that within that six knots huh that sucks i got about 30 minutes till the sun is set over the hill and then probably another 30 minutes a good light so we better catch ourselves some dinner and cook it up all right what a beautiful night for this huh that's a little bit of everything some small stuff some big stuff i'm gonna try to go with some of these guys i think oh i forgot i left this a mess i don't know why i keep trying to play around with baitcasters they get so messy if you mess them up i just love the way they look when you use them and the fact that it's something that uh i'm still not good at it's like i i got it's like a challenge you know that's what i see when i see a baitcaster and i look at it and i'm like challenge accepted i really love the action on this rod that's why i put up with it it's uh nessie custom rods made it for me and she's just such a beautiful fight when i catch a fish on it the feeling of the you know if you're into fishing you know what i'm talking about when you feel your lure on the bottom you feel exactly what it's doing and you can make it dance the way you want it to dance and then uh and boom you feel that bite there we go rigged up i'll rig the other guy up too for something small not getting dates on the bigger stuff and get something bites on something smaller thank for the win perfect let's catch dinner you have to catch dinner and make cook some fish and then cook some fish head soup and get some liquids into me didn't bring any water so we gotta boil it we gotta make soup get the most out of our catches not much doing much more than just camping right i mean if i was trying to survive out here for a month or something like that but just the fish that i catch would be a pretty lean feast a little bit of adventure for a night see what i could do with tiny island [Applause] see if i can thrive and enjoy myself and learn something new that's what it's all about right every time you go out maybe there's something new you can learn maybe there's something you can get better at making it more fun for the next time that's the one that's the one there we go fish on nothing special [Applause] bass i guess that's what's for dinner tiny bass and uh bass fish head soup all right we got dinner let's go cook it that didn't take long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] unfortunately this island being so tiny the wind blows lengthwise right down so there's not one protected side of the other and it's really pretty here so i don't understand why there's not some little fire pit and a picnic table sitting up on top of here maybe i'm missing something there's no posted sign that's fair game as far as i'm concerned i'll probably hear about it later in the comments below oh that's a uh protected uh turtle preserve rock or something like that geez i hope not i'm gonna be scaring turtles off from doing their thing in the springtime and all [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right i did a bit of foraging all i could find is this fowler's chipotle hot sauce and uh some wadobo so yeah that's what we're having with our fish nothing uh no plant-wise nothing special here so oh little bit of fish eggs some liver the liver you want to make sure you cut off the the gallbladder that's the gallbladder can mess up especially if you're going to be all stewing it up so outside of the fish head and the bones all of that that little bit of eggs a little bit of heart a little bit of liver goes in the stupot let's see what's inside this guy huh look at that that's what was inside of his stomach little crawfish i almost never see crawfish around here in maine remember as a kid we used to catch them all the time in vermont growing up and we'd catch a whole bucket full and then let them go and hope it wasn't our fault the population was decimated that's one thing this knife is not a fillet knife i think i'd be better off switching to the just the swiss army oh i wasn't actually gonna fly it too i was gonna uh scale it you know what i'll cook it on the skin and then i'll season it and eat it off of the skin like the skin's a plate that's what i'll do here we go we got our fish head we're getting dark we need some food on save the gills for some night fishing the bones and the head go in the stewpot maybe a whole lot of bulldozers do yeah not that much now what are we going to cook this fish on this is just getting better and better look at this i found the most perfect rock to cook my fish on oh yeah it's gonna be tasty oh that's hot i should just put it right there on that rock adobo hot sauce look at how hot the hot sauce is so hot it burns the bottle's label a leaf to brush it around there that'll help it cook faster you could leave it in the comments below this is uh not much of a survival i'd like to save my like survival stuff for like multiple day things or but i i don't even even then like water world i brought all kinds of food with me it's just too much fun to like make oh smoke make the most of it now i wish i had brought peppers and onions and the walk and [Laughter] it's just so darn peaceful out here and and so nice oh my goodness the lapping water the crackle of the fire the quiet sound of the peepers sound of geese somewhere honking a little bit what a beautiful day what a beautiful beautiful place maine oh yeah soup is on all right see if we can't set up the uh the night light and uh catch some night fish this is just a uh real bright led fish light i use this in water world i don't know if you saw that series but there was a night fishing time a couple times we use this and it is great for drawing in all of the little swimmy stuff come around it and then you cast it around it and you'll catch all kinds of fish [Applause] for me catching more fish tonight you know it's not like i eat it but i will clean them and save them and have those for the freezer and then i'll have the leftovers for lobster bakes it's about that time of year i put my traps back out trading up whatever i got left fish wise but also could have some for breakfast [Laughter] this is gonna be great it doesn't look like too much but uh from my angle that makes a good six foot glow of area put a worm on cast out there and let it sit see if fish start coming in around to eat all the stuff that's attracted to it just the little things it's the little things that make life so great as fast as my driftwood's burning up it's not looking good for having some coffee in the morning there we go big old ball of trout worms i probably should have brought the nightcrawlers one of these days i'm gonna get me a lake house this is just two you know water world sitting there eating fishing just sitting and eating and fishing doesn't get much better than that oh that was a nice cast right here just sitting right here the pole locked in i feel so content like just just being here being out here so just mild and if i'm ever mild but like just content to be nowadays i don't i'd almost rather do some crazy catch and cook so it's just like there's always a purpose i find i have no idea what to say to you guys you know just chilling out here by the fire and like do i have to entertain i have to tell a story we have to explain to you the subtle nuances of fish head soup and and how to cook a good been i already did you know you put it on you boil it for 45 minutes if you're smart you bring something like widobo with you if you're really stuck in a survival situation you got nothing if you got time you smoked the heads for a day after eating the fish and then you saved the fish head soup part for days that you're starving you throw a couple of smoked heads in smoke keeps the bugs off of them and uh pubs your uncle friends your aunt and you got something to eat on a day when you didn't catch anything only green stick i've cut on the whole place is one little stick for a set of chopsticks when i first bought my land in appleton maine before history channel and all that stuff and i was just a guy starting to go back out into the woods at like 22. bought a piece of land and i said i want a big area clear to do fun stuff to shoot bows and to shoot guns and to to plant crops and and live partially off the land so i cut down about a three quarters maybe of a full actually probably a full anchor of my two and a half acre land and cleared it and i cut down this one tree that bound up and it fought me and it bound up my chainsaw and it got stuck in the tree and i had to leave it there for a couple days and i had to actually unbolt the chainsaw so i could take the chainsaw away and have the left left the metal arm stuck in the tree and i was all bound up and i had to get somebody else's chainsaw and go and cut and then they all landed on top of each other and they were all stuck together because i had no idea what i was doing with the chainsaw at that point and made such a mess of it you know the not even a year later the next summer comes around and it's super hot and i have this big area that's all cleared and it's hot and it's gross and it's sweaty and it's there's no trees and no shading i got to go over to the trees to get into the shade and i realized what a bonehead i was for not leaving some trees to create shade instead of like trying to like open it all up and make all kinds of garden beds nice but fortunately after a couple years it started growing off little shoots and it grew a new thing like coppicing they call it the uh english used to do it on purpose all the time they'd cut the trees and they'd let it grow out and they'd use the small sticks to make fences and things like that and then cut it again and all the small branches will grow and so it grew back a bit and provided some shade for the yard but it's just a reminder every time i walked past it of a bonehead what are you doing you know not to be a hippie about it all and say oh don't cut the trees but you know be smart about it cut the cut the trees selectively leave some trees to cover an area you can have oh my goodness there's like a giant chain pickerel or something floating around the light just munching on things oh that smells good smells like fish and adobo a little bit of broth been a long time since i've done the fish head soup last year 30 day survival challenge main lockdown series i made fish head soup for me and the girls but you can see what's left in there now just the head and things it hasn't quite cooked down there's still plenty of good nutrients in there so i'm gonna go and add some more water and put it back on the boil and then i'll just have to reheat it in the morning and have some fresh drinking water well two cooked this one it's definitely kind of been fish fish jerky it's uh might be better off to once i drink my soup maybe i'll just toss them in there oh there we go where's my manners dear jesus sounds like i started that one out silly dear lord thank you for the fish head soup the fish the views on youtube the friends and the adventurers i get to have pray that you just bless bless me and this food and all those watching lord and our country just watch over it protect it bring us through this make us stronger and more gracious of others always lord of praying in your precious name amen got me thinking about you know this whole last year and uh just how crazy oh that looks good um oh wow that actually did turn out good so many people have commented about how they've been encouraged and they're out of work and they've been watching them watching the videos it's actually turned out really good i'm surprised i mean i've been cooking so much stuff with so many fancy ways lately i thought i'd be kind of bored with the old just cooking it over the fire thing i want to eat the skin but i didn't scale it screwed up i wonder if i can eat it with the scales nope even though i toasted the upper level daylights out of it you don't want to eat it with the scales look at that adobo and the hot sauce cooked it with the skin on just peel it right off of there but anyways my whole point of bringing up all that stuff about last year and the start of the lockdown the start of the change of this this whole last crazy year it wasn't all that bad for me i spent time more time with family i hope that you've had the chance to do the same make the most of it spend more time with family if things are tight and hard for you sorry about that but there's still plenty of opportunities out there get outside spend some time with family hopefully you got that good to come out of it oh yeah man i gotta do this more often sometimes i think i'm so driven i drive my own self out of fun i don't even know how to go out to be outside and be all that quiet anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm just going to climb into bed and i got a fish on oh not a fish i don't think looks like an eel look at that [Applause] yeah slimy little guys it was a fat one though tough smoke deal for breakfast [Music] all right i am in for the night pretty secure my hammock is pretty much on the ground outside of my head and my feet is kind of supporting them a little bit yeah i'm pretty much fully on the ground but i'm bug netted and the tarps over me so unless it really pours and i misjudge the lay of the land i would stay super dry i think even if it really poor that stay super dry it'll be a good seven hours of sleep see in the morning what is going on darn ducks it's like two in the morning they're like splashing around out there whacking whatever i guess i'm going back to sleep got some company 4 30 arrivals canadian geese not for me not just yet good morning light shower activity happening good night sleep and uh i got a robin i think in the tree above me robin blue jay or something i think he's happy about this morning see if that burns off in a minute it doesn't seem like it's something's gonna stick around they'll head out and make some eel breakfast and coffee there's a combination for you [Music] no more rain i really did sleep quite well even with this sitting right on the ground i guess i picked a good spot but there's something just special about a hammock even though i was kind of on the ground it's just cradles you just snuggles you in his arms it just makes for a better sleep where's my eel huh um [Music] i mean i heard tons of noises this is like the busiest place in the world at night holy cow splashing in the water he's coming and landing and honking and loons and but i thought i heard something smacking things against the rocks like i saw it was the otter maybe but i don't think otters maybe otters ideal maybe there's a raccoon out here and it seems like an awful small place for a raccoon to be hanging out but maybe it wasn't otters maybe it's all the raccoons that's eating all these freshwater mussels clam things well i guess it's just fish head soup for breakfast oh that's not good i stayed up too late apparently sitting around by the fire because this is all i'm finding there's not enough resources on this tiny island i guess i'm calling it fish head soup was good last night i'll have to go back uh to the real world if i want some breakfast tiny island survival only a tiny amount of resources so bring it with you or be prepared to run out i'm gonna pack it up head back do a little fishing along the way [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] little guy [Music] time to go home thanks for watching guys once again see you in the next one fowler out just like everything else anchor does this is one solid sturdy unit that you can depend on so check out that link in the description below and get a hundred dollars off your new power pack today i might have picked just the right time to catch that last fish and get out of here it's looking pretty dark and sinister made home just in the nick of time
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 571,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, no food no water no shelter, no food no water, no food no water survival challenge, island survival, island survival challenge, Tiny island survival, tiny island survival challenge, solo survival, solo survival on island, solo survival no food no water, solo survival no food no water no shelter, solo survival challenge, solo camping survival island
Id: KFCPrr3rciI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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