17mm APDS Mini-Projectiles (for miniature tanks) Destructo-tests

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today on Tao Fledermaus we're gonna take a look and test dr. Chris's apds slugs hi again this is jeff of taofledermaus dr. chris is back with a really a big assortment of different armor-piercing discarding Sabo slugs that he created for us now you'll notice that they're made out of a variety of different metals aluminum copper brass and most of them have a 760 by 54r armor-piercing bullet lodged in there now the one on the far left there is brass with a silver bullet that dr. Chris created and of course that be useful for dispatching vampire werewolves since are made out of different metals the weights vary quite a bit this one weighs in at about 2/3 of an ounce while the silver one comes in at one and a quarter ounce for our test today we'll be using the exact same powder load on everyone in test number one we'll be using an aluminum body with a long hardened steel penetrator 1277 all of today's tests will be done through full rifling giving them spin stabilization here comes slug number one flying a little bit wonky but still flying nose forward and I can look closely right there you see the steel penetrator it bounced off the table after passing through that three-eighths inch aluminum plate camera here folks thank you patreon and my wife for buying it for me for my birthday I don't feel it in there okay well I'll look on the high-speed ins to try to figure this is that little piece of aluminum back there such as what it blew out of here okay chunk of that only camera little focus look at that focus 20 yards maybe about 20 yes okay getting optimistic here I was waiting for a Navy focus you that's why you got to get a Panasonic and ditch your Sony's Sony's have terrible autofocus projectile number two has an aluminium body that was a little bit undersized so we had to bulk it up with some aluminum tape but it also has an armor-piercing bullet in it let's see if that works Wow all right projectile number two is actually traveling a little faster than the first one accuracy was a little bit off it almost didn't hit the hard drive however the damage is still quite impressive penetrating through the outer cover through every single disc in there and out the back projectile to was a lot more stable than projectile one the other one went to the right this one went to the left that's just and clipped it just trying to see if this is from California or not flip-flopping okay let's look at the damage there's oh look at that well look at that oh wow and what's interesting is we found the jacket from the bullet that was laying on the table yeah and then buried down inside the table down in one of these convenient holes here was the steel penetrator I say number three features an aluminium body and a Russian ap bullet Rob [Music] 13:37 it was just a little a little bit above that it didn't go through go through but let the respectable ding in there oh here it comes for checked l was very stable in flight relatively accurate but just didn't have enough oomph behind it to pierce that plate now I thought this had a chance of going through that ar500 steel plate because we have Pearson before with a 12-gauge round Tim Hamilton's carbon fiber slug with a tool steel penetrator and believe it or not the velocity was similar to this one [Music] okay number four we've got another aluminum body with a penetrator that we don't know what it is because a magnet will not stick to it I don't know what kind of metal that was but it was it wasn't hard enough to even I think it hit right there right here yeah it's the only marked on there besides her yeah are you sure yeah that's definitely the mark we found the aluminum where's that at oh yeah yeah the smashed aluminum whatever he had in there for a core it might have been aluminum itself because it did not even there's nothing there that's crazy the paint office okay okay there's a good comparison between an AP round and something that isn't ap this was traveling faster than AP round but it did almost no damage off-task Chris what metal II used on that one if he remembers he sent this set of slugs nearly a year ago and we just now finally got to it [Music] number five we have yet again another Russian ap bullet this time housed in a copper much heavier body and we'll see all that affects the velocity okay I'm ready was it copper or brass oh this is copper okay see I'm wrong all the time it's a red cover okay found most of it the bullet tip that was in it is buried in the lead I found this on the ground a couple feet in front of the target here it's from okay okay pull it back out and oh did not go through hit the almost the same hole as another shot see that's the other problem is when you have slugs you know that's gonna be heavier than an aluminum one you have a little different barrel harmonics going on heavier things tend to go low because of the harmonics yeah so her name was up here okay yep up there okay let me zoom in on there man this camera zooms in really nicely nicely nicely nice and quiet it is quite the Sony hate the Sony once again I remind you that all these had the same powder load behind him that's why we're getting different velocities depending on their weight this one being heavier was a little bit slower only 1164 feet per second okay another copper body AP bullet I think Danny's gonna aim a little bit high on this one and see if our theory is correct about the barrel harmonics with some California elevation on it there you go how are you gonna be aiming at almost the top of the plate oh okay we'll see if that pays off I'm ready okay we did better on that one I think yeah it looks like it wasn't it didn't hit directly straight in it it's in it this angle right here yeah would you find a piece on the ground of the core there's a broken piece of core okay some hard tools steel because it broke shattered call it yeah hard and brittle and it didn't go through did it no very very very slight swelling right there but really there's something there huh okay I'm surprised I did that that's tough to get through oh come on camera yeah but for these heavy and for the chopper based ones my point aim was up here okay because it's it's a lot heavier these are probably one of the quarter ounces or something like that those are less than an ounce the biggest challenge we had was dealing with all these very different for jek tiles they looked similar but they had completely different ballistics because this one was similar in weight to the one in test number five the previous one Danny was able to compensate for that and get it on target all right number seven this time we have a brass body with a kind of a homemade copper or brass penetrator with some kind of penetrator tip on it that one wasn't terribly inaccurate I'm not sure where it was sitting actually on earth it was like that about there yeah my poor name was up here okay got you and we're learning good things on the fly just coordinate whatever that core was penetrated Wow now whatever that thing was made out of it worked pretty well had a little bit of a wobble there but overall it flew relatively straight accuracy was pretty good the penetrator went through that stainless steel plate which is 1/4 inch thick not too bad at all [Music] okay number eight aluminum body a PD bought let's see what it does to the water-jug oh that one went really low really low there's the base looks like your aluminum base yeah and the core whoa came out that's like six inches of wood there ladies and gentlemen insert joke here okay okay okay I even though this wasn't planned that thing went through six inches of wood through the Kevlar vest through the clamp and out the back into the dirt that's pretty impressive okay aluminum body ap take two let's see if I didn't frame it this time okay I'm ready there we go a little bit higher okay alright here comes number nine extremely steady in flight I'm assuming Danny was aiming at the label so it shot a little bit high of course it had no problem going through the water jug and what you don't see is the AP round continued on went through the best and out the back somewhere no signs of it just a little hole in the vest [Music] and finally number 10 the one we've been waiting for the brass one with the solid silver bullet penetrator on it most of our light it may be enough this is the one when you have to make sure we catch so we could send it back to Chris so I'm ready when you are [Music] it's like Buffalo outdoors out here every time you films it rings it hit the best and bounced off I guess we use the reuse the block again didn't have a virgin block to shoot this time just thrilled that we'd captured it is it is it bent or anything it is very slightly tweaked you tell that in the camera that way just a little bit okay it's silver I don't know how that ranks on is being harder or softer than copper or brass or anything like that depends on the alloys okay we got a ologists here the silver itself the it doesn't look deformed at all okay there you go thank you Chris and and Chris send me a message just today saying he may be making some more projectiles which I promise I won't take a year to film it'll be like a week or two so the question everyone this wants to know is will this kill a vampire-werewolf mummy I believe it would very good penetration we did not chronograph this but based on our previous tests of other projectiles of this weight it was traveling in the eleven hundred feet per second reach we want to thank all our supporters over on patreon this is a list of our latest ones which is probably up oh it goes back about six months or so but I hope you enjoyed the video if you have any questions on how or why we did certain things be sure to ask we'll be happy to answer also we appreciate it if you take the time to rate the video good or bad it doesn't really matter and if you see ads on here feel free to skip them your time is worth more than watching a stupid ad we'll see you next time there Guvna
Views: 331,785
Rating: 4.9213295 out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, abrams, apds, scale model, restoration, slow motion, armor piercing, demoranch
Id: oAgnsIBMErE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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