Mega-Mouth - 1000 MPH Project that SHOULDN'T fly well

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welcome back supersonic aerodynamics fans this is jeff of taofledermaus today we'll be testing out these two types of supersonic projectiles dubbed the megamouth these unusual designs come from no other than Evan Perry who has designed quite a number of other projectiles for this channel Evan constructed these out of steel and stainless steel the first type shown here with the longer stainless steel protrusion on it I'm not sure what else to call that will be loaded this way and propelled in that direction with the heavier stainless steel nose going forward the second type the shorter one which is also steel and stainless steel and this will be propelled in the opposite direction the dimensions of this design just work out much better to fit into our special say bow and of course the say bow is the plastic part not the projectile and the purpose is to keep it in perfect orientation during acceleration or something different where I added a small piece of foam to the cavity of these shorter ones and then applied about ten drops of oil saturating the foam now if this works out it'll leave and a trail of atomized oil as it's travelling downrange at over 1,000 miles per hour it should give a really neat-looking effect especially with the high-speed camera and for the benefit of the YouTube employee reviewing this video these will be accelerated with this thing that's definitely not a firearm really ok we're going for the brand new rebuild block of ballistic gel and this is one of the long ones yes okay I mean I turn off the vacuum pump and in charge the capacitors I think I'm ready oh look at it skipping out there now at the time we filmed this we thought everything went well the projectile hit the ballistic gel but the high-speed camera does not lie upon closer examination we can see that the projectile has broken into two pieces this was due to what we call the Newton's Cradle effect the inertia upon acceleration caused the two pieces to separate and this is something that can happen to some firing pins when you dry fire a firearm magnetron temperature is good which one you got in there the shorty or long e long backwards one yeah okay I am ready all the table now in this test we did not have that Newton's Cradle effect everything stayed together but the projectile was wildly and stable but just a cure enough to hit the very bottom of that 2-liter soda just like in every test shot in real time we have really no idea what's going on with the projectile and because we actually hit the target we assume that everything is just peachy keen and the projectile flew nice and straight so it's actually very surprising that this projectile hit the target at all it just barely hit it and it actually went through the table and exited out the bottom I think it almost looks like it struck one of the legs of the table - there it goes we have one more of these to test out so let's see how that one performs okay we got the solid gold-plated lead plate in fact did I Danny wore that at his wedding on a gold chain given to him by a best man Chuck Norris okay I'm ready alright here we go it came with instructions about where the shoots okay people don't know where we're shooting at you know it's like couldn't possibly shouldn't at the center of the object right yes okay I'm gonna try this is not the most accurate round okay I'm ready which one is that this is the long version okay it's long and backwards I'm ready well let's Mack into a pretty good a little bit low how far away 20 yards there are about 20 yards away or 73 cabbages we ever get we gotta get some European ballistic gel so this little core I found out in front is still pretty hot you can see the round one in there and smacked it a little bit of an angle and left a perfect impression it might have been wobbling or something I can't tell well just like in the first test shot again the inertia tore the projectile apart now we had to propel these projectiles in this orientation mostly because they were so long and they would not fit into the sabo properly but it was still a very interesting experiment okay this is the shorty one with the foam oil insert okay I'm ready I haven't made a funky sound and finally we have a very successful launch the oil left a very distinct and impressive vapor cloud and the projectile was very accurate well there you have it a projectile that looks like it would never fly in that direction very well actually flying very stable and true and remember this has no spin stabilization at all as an exited to gel it actually dragged out a big piece of gel with it very impressive Evan I'm really proud of you hey where'd you get that best at okay so that was donated by investigator Jason here in that in town he works for an agency that we work tangentially with and he stopped me one day and said he had some vest to donate so we appreciate his donation and we're gonna put them to put them to use awesome yeah someone just sent some military vests to me that I needed to bring out too so nicely bedazzled or there's all of drag with the military label on her from 2004 I think well hoorah those will be interesting okay this is one of the the shorty vaping slugs if I tell you okay I'm ready Wow I've been very nice so I was aiming for a little bit lower than the word Jason here there's the foam this is extremely hot and there's your phone I can't believe the foam stayed in there that's hot it's leaving the impressive well I think I finally found the way to make vapor trails yeah we got every time we come out the Jets control us so that thing actually cut through two or three of the layers of Kevlar fortunately in there's like that thing puckered up into a just I mean it was well that tells you right there that if you're ever attacked by a mad scientist Texan who invents his own rounds and whittles in my home always put a level to a vest on because at least stop some of those pieces from me yeah I think oh it is hot hot I have no feeling from the eyelids down so now the second test shot was just as impressive as the first we had good vaporization of the oil I probably just invented a new word there but it gives people that would normally never comment something to comment about and we love reading your comments yes especially those wacky comments about you know the size of somebody's finger or their fingernail or maybe they saw a squirrel in the background oh the Internet we just love you and here is some random drone footage which gives you a clue of where we're testing these things out that'll keep a lot of people busy as they try to find this location on Google Maps yes those people exist the commuter valve is open and we got a jet flying in high off okay I'm ready [Music] well what's your opinion so I was aiming between the eyes there and evidently it went over just a little bit off-centered but for a hand whittled round Evan that was pretty only surprises me you know it's like I think anything's never gonna work yeah hey so last time we were out here with some watermelon it was fresh watermelon Jeff came over took a big giant scoop of a frosty cold watermelon as a nice little treat in the Sun this thing's been sitting out in them for about a month baking in central California heat I'm not so sure he's no I don't know not this time like at the diarrhea's from leave this to the Coyotes yeah well this shot was accurate but we did have some tumbling going on now the place we test these out is really no secret it's just south of the moor Naval Air Station in California and if you decide to go there please clean up your mess everything was going well up to a point the oil is being atomized pretty well then in the projectile started tumbling and it ended up hitting the watermelons sideways but what's interesting here is look at the shape that is formed there it's the same shape as the projectile and that's really pretty surprising I thought that was really neat we've got two vapors left the little shorties forward-facing ones Australian soda bottle yeah it's upside down nobody shoots at them upside down that's a Newton my rights are new trend we're expecting completely different things yeah okay I'm ready there we go so far they're hundred percent accurate I'm ready Oh speak of the devil okay yeah fortunately the very last projectile that we had performed very well it flew nice straight and extremely accurate now we were gonna save one for the lead plate so I apologize for not getting a lead plate shot with this particular one but on a positive note every single projectile we shot did at least impact the targets in one way or the other it was a very interesting test and I hope you enjoyed it we want to thank our patreon supporters for helping us continue this quest of showing you these high-speed aerodynamic tests thank you
Views: 282,767
Rating: 4.9344411 out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, hesh, aerodynamics, game play, high speed camera, smartereveryday, nature, amazing
Id: 2al74WDyWAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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