Beryllium Oxide 12 g. Projectiles - 1300 MPH Destruction

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you make it we market is a series where we give our viewers the opportunity to become aeronautic engineers these viewers are allowed to use their imagination and creativity to come up with unusual shapes and materials in their designs we then accelerate their concepts to over 1,000 miles per hour and record it on a high-speed camera the high-speed camera doesn't lie and the results are often surprising and impressive hey everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus hope you're having a great day today we're gonna do another round of tests using these ceramic projectiles made by Evan Perry from Texas last year Evan created about 12 of these we didn't have time to film all 12 them so we split it up and we're gonna do things a little bit differently this time Evan created these using parts from a microwave oven magnetron and there's a good possibility some of these may contain beryllium oxide so don't try this at home kids we will have to treat these like they do contain beryllium oxide as the dust is supposed to be hazardous to you when we tested these last year we were getting around 1,400 feet per second this time we want to speed things up and we want to try to get them to around 2,000 feet per second if possible since they are so lightweight we definitely have a lot of headroom to get them up to much higher velocities than we did in the first test this time we have a lot of different targets that I hope you'll enjoy seeing okay go through a quarter-inch stainless steel I will be impressed we'll put it we put a Kevlar body armor panel behind it maybe catch whatever's coming out the back if it does come out all right the first target is 1/4 inch stainless steel plate now we were thinking that a very hard material like ceramic going at a very high velocity hitting a stainless steel plate might possibly go through it but it did not but on a positive note it was amazingly accurate now since people like comparisons here is a 1 ounce foster slug made out of lead traveling at fifteen hundred and sixty feet per second it didn't pierce the plate either it just left a much larger dent in the plate now from this first test we can at least conclude that the ceramic projectile is not armor-piercing we always want to find out what possible use something like this could have now oddly some viewers will tell us you're kind of short at the same target every time for every shot so you get an objective of analysis but honestly I think most people would watch about two minutes of that and say this is not getting anywhere and it's boring next we'll see how these do against a added a little minute in a denouement plate it's a little dark out today overcast running a high-speed camera I think 3,000 frames a second sort of around 9,000 hopefully it'll still be cool 1806 once again very impressive accuracy this time we had full penetration the ceramic projectile acted like a wad cutter punching out a nearly perfect circle out of this plate look pretty good yeah it almost erased that entire red mark there pretty good for that was our sighting in round you know and it looks like it's dead-on accurate mess accelerator and I am the operator that's awesome yeah so it went cleanly through that 3/8 inch aluminum plate which isn't a big deal you know a lot of things will go through that that will just knock the plug out of it didn't tear this one tore whatever that was yeah that one clean one job to do okay let plate were you aiming at better hold your breath folks this is gonna get dusty again we had pretty good accuracy was this off a little bit that could have been human error the lead plate is a comparative medium that we often use to compare one type of projectile to another and typically a heavier projectile made out of steel brass copper or something like that will do a lot more damage to the plate than something light and very frangible like ceramic would aim point of impact that one was a little bit odd because Jeff left a component out of that one round it's like a cork spacer core spacer yeah cushion under the ceramics might help prevent it from shattering or whatever but apparently I didn't wasn't really necessary but I'm turning around here hit hard enough it cracked it okay that things up quite thick it should happen thick or so chinna quarter 25 pounders okay sitting about like that so I hit just a little bit to the right it's still pretty good for something so unconventional these are as unconventional as you can get bits and pieces all over the table yeah be careful that's bull early I'm really oh people are wiggling in their chairs as you do that tastes like strawberry okay mmm okay that leads to what ballistic gel ballistic jelly Jenny do you think you think it old the ceramic will shatter inside there or go all the way through that's the question I have that's a good question being a soft target yeah okay whenever you're ready at first I thought that the clear ballistic gel would not make a very suitable target for this type of projectile but it turns out oh I was so wrong but it turns out that these would be devastating on a fleshy target and to think that we almost didn't do the ballistic gel test and another thing it was completely overcast that day and we had to run the camera at a much lower frame rate only about 4000 frames a second as you can see the ceramic projectile tests turned into a grenade sending sharp shards of ceramic all over the place but no over penetration now I'm kind of glad that nobody actually makes these projectiles to sell because we're talking about war crimes or something here d'arnot Danny need to strap that down what's wrong to you it's interesting to see how much energy the is on the block and see how much it gets thrown around and stuff yeah and you couldn't really see it if you had it strapped down because that's part of the equation is how much energy is being transferred to the gel when the gel block doesn't move that much there's not much energy mm-hmm being you know captured by the gel but when something like a ceramic slow-going you know 1,800 feet per second hits it and shatters inside of it and dumps pretty much all its energy into it then it jumps around you know then we can do it a little nice little dancer yeah it's not a very pretty gel block we were we were implying this shoot the gel but we had it with us just in case we needed an extra target this thing is well beyond needing to be recast of course so flip flip it around so we can see the damage it's it's quite impressive though entry hole here okay let's go this side here this is the top we can see through the best I think I can't see and that too will they're flipping around your 90 degrees there let's try that there you go okay I think people will be able to see that it just exploded inside there besides not too bad here okay keep rotating it oh look at that but just a huge streak coming out here the main body of it is right yeah there's no there is a piece of it you have a knife to cut it out there maybe okay not gonna hurt that gel block you get an idea how hard it is to cut through this stuff it's it's like cutting through a block of silicon or something when I cut it up to remelt it I use a bread knife so it was a white one huh yep okay there's white chunks in there OOP but I didn't know if it would shatter in there or go you know or go all the way through so that's a really interesting I I thought it had a good chance of going through nope what's that other big pink thing in there because I thought that was a piece of it right there you cut that out of there you see what I'm saying oh it's right down there just below that white piece hopefully the next time when you see this block it'll be cast and look and a little better shape than then what is that that is a low and overshot card record Oh interesting okay yeah we thought that was the main body you know that wasn't even in there I didn't even load that in there that was from something else apparently but the wide oh yeah the wad Sabo the green Sabo pinky deep yeah there's nothing but a bunch of little pieces in there yeah some of them exited this one came all the way out to here and exited on the preliminary high-speed I saw pieces going in about eight inches or some and exiting just shooting out the size that would be a horrible injury mmm imagine that that hard ceramic just going through through all that soft body to your through your flesh and organs and stuff like that just wicked well there you go test those get incredibly accurate for something for something too homemade you know I'm really impressed with the accuracy of them you know someone were just off by eighth of an inch or something like that but very accurate and stable projectile just nasty okay let's see what'll do that three smartphones take that Richard Ryan [Music] 17:46 just another random and oddball target again incredible accuracy when Danny's on fire he's on fire and we keep hoping that one of these days when we hit a lithium-ion battery it's gonna explode or catch on fire or some but so far we've never been able to to that [Music] okay so if you want to protect yourself from a ceramics slug going to what 1,800 feet per second or so you need three phones three smartphones first one didn't do you any good second one didn't do much good we couldn't find the battery for this one yeah we looked all over possible I mean I have been one in there I don't know possibly and here's your protection your third phone I don't think it past the bend flex test you know look at that I'll deform that camp that thing is but it didn't go all the way through the third did a lot of damage though my gosh that case there didn't take much abuse look at that battery might just start exploding on you got it now I always thought that pool balls were very hard to break but as you can see be hit with a ceramic slug going 17 or 18 hundred feet per second it's gonna shatter like crazy we didn't expect that I thought it would just kind of bounce off the thing Thank You Evan for sending these to us they were absolute pleasure to film and to shoot these were definitely a win they were both accurate and stable in flight and they had characteristics that we don't normally see in a traditional projectile I hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching [Music]
Views: 256,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnetron slug, ceramic, supersonic, smartereveryday, slow motion camera, exotic, taofledermaus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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