15 Weird Bloodborne Tips For New Hunters

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greetings crindars blood tenders and copyrights infringers so I got a request a while back to go over some beginner / intermediate tips that might help out newer players that are just now trying to get into blood-borne after almost five years a few of you requested this actually which kind of surprised me because I wasn't completely sure if this player base was still active but it looks like you guys are really beginning to prove me wrong on that blood-borne has remained one of my favourite games of this decade and I've probably spent more time with blood-borne than I have any other souls born game to date I'm only half-decent at the game you aren't going to see me laying waste to a PvP arena or anything like that but I have been playing for a pretty long time so I figured I would try and offer some lesser-known advice and a few obscure tips that not everyone learns about blood-borne right away so if you're a new hunter as the kids say hopefully a couple of these will help you out I have went out of my way to not include clips of some of the more important bosses in the blood-borne universe but bear in mind some of these tips do involve how to survive against certain bosses in the game so please note that this video is footage may still contain minor gameplay spoilers and probably won't be completely spoiler free so please watch at your own risk if you feel like dogs are overwhelming you shoot them I should probably elaborate a bit more because that sounds a little a little concerning so one of the reasons you all see me playing with a blood-tinged build so often is because I absolutely hate dogs in this game in all my years of playing this game the single most annoying enemy in yharnam has consistently been the dogs for me blood damage from guns are scripted to knock down dogs when they're inflicted this can you some valuable breathing room if you're being attacked by multiple dogs which happens quite often in blood-borne there aren't that many instances where you're attacked by only a single dog it's it's usually either two of them or more especially the cages in the forbidden woods for example that activate as you step close to this gate right here it's kind of a beginners trap but if you can apply blood damage from either a firearm or a blood fused weapon even three or four dogs at a time can start becoming really manageable if you know this the chikage transformed mode for example also does blood damage and knocks down dogs as well did you know that a plus six and a plus nine weapon actually deal the same exact amount of visceral damage and it took me so long to figure this out because I was so used to thinking that the upgrades you apply to your weapon with blood stones would scale with your visceral attack damage and this actually isn't true staggering an enemy with a fully charged r2 even barehanded will allow you to execute a visceral attack on an enemy and the damage numbers from that attack will be the exact same as when you visceral with a fully upgraded weapon for instance the damage your visceral attacks do will scale with strength and skill stats not the effectiveness of a weapon that you're using and this isn't extremely important knowledge to have but I did find this tip kind of useful when I was on a longer journey where sometimes my weapon would become at risk of breaking and thusly unable to deal its maximum potential damage the strength of your visceral attack no matter how damaged your weapon is will not be affected simply because the damage you deal with the visceral does not scale with your weapons and here's one that actually helped me out quite a bit against faster enemy's attack a few times to bait them into attacking you parry immediately after you attack and you're likely going to catch the in the middle of their own wind-up this works really great on some of the wolves like in the upper cathedral ward area or a lot of the beasts in old yharnam enemies that attack immediately after you attack are leaving themselves open to a parry after your combo finishes which is also why I think the writer Palash check my pronunciation on that is one of the most underrated weapons in the game because you can attack a few times in its thrusting mode to try and bait the enemy into an attack and then immediately use l1 for a quick gunshot that will 90% of the time catch a faster enemy in the middle of an attack take advantage of using transform attacks or the l1 button in between combos and after dodging transform attacks allow the player to access some really really strong attacks and only out of minimal expense of your stamina as well it's a really powerful tactic against stronger enemies and sometimes other hunters as well this is especially true for serrated weapons like the cleaver and spear and if you're a strength aficionado well weapons like the whirligig saw and the holy blade also have really powerful transform attacks definitely don't sleep on this one I figured out the usefulness of the l1 button and I've never played the game the same way since this next step is one that I think we all could benefit from familiarize yourself with where upgrade materials are in the game you can go to cainhurst for lots of fixed bloodstone chunks and if you know where to go you can access all of these bloodstone chunks before even needing to fight Rama and if you're a new player then I highly advise you to do that because you are for sure going to need all the upgrades you can get your hands on you can also get five fixed chunks in the hunters nightmare area without fighting the area boss immediately after killing vicar Amelia if you like some more exact and precise details on where those materials are I've went on ahead and linked a page directly to the wiki in a pinned comment below this video I suggest you visit it and fill free to scope out the place for some easy upgrades this is a highly underrated function in my opinion and it was actually a function I discovered by a complete accident actually during my very first playthrough of the game so if you press the up arrow on the directional pad you can actually forego some of your current health in exchange for five extra quick silver bullets which if you're a blood tinge like myself you will find extremely useful I don't quite remember what led to this thought process but I remember using the up arrow button to try and heal I guess and I instead gave myself five extra bullets and almost ended up killing myself in the process this is honestly a game-changing ability for blood-tinged builds especially or if parrying is just a large part of your play style which it totally should be by the way before investing into a stat past twenty five consider if it wouldn't get better use actually going somewhere else a soft cap begins at 25 so upgrading health for instance from 16 to 17 will get u twice the value of upgrading from let's say 26 to 27 if all my stats were at 25 except my skill let's say was at 23 then chances are I would get much more bang for my buck so to speak if I invested in a skill upgrade instead of upgrading my health or my stamina now of course use your own judgment on this and honestly just don't think too much about it because I know how easy it is to get lost in thought for five minutes at a time just trying to decide what exactly you need to upgrade at the exact moment in the game the soft cap beginning at 25 was just something I learned pretty late on and I feel like it would benefit a lot of other players if they know that as well at the end of the day of course it's always best to just not overthink it if you're having trouble adapting to the parry windows in blood-borne this on slower enemies first enemies with really large and prolonged wind-ups to their attacks like these ogres for example the idea for parrying in blood-borne is to shoot after the build-up of an attack and before the attack actually lands the parrying window is a tad more lenient in blood-borne I would say than most souls born games but if you're a Souls veteran coming fresh out of the parry mechanics of a Souls game the timing window can be a little weird to adapt to so just find a slow as hell dude like an ogre or something and just sink in a little bit of time familiarizing yourself with how the game expects you to parry also back stamps require a fully charged r2 to go through and you'd be surprised how many players especially Souls veterans tend to forget that if an enemy or a boss is fast be fast with them blood-borne encourages these frenetic slap fighting sort of battles with your weapons over more careful and methodical approaches like in souls I would say to fight aggression with more aggression but I don't really think aggression is the right word to use here because spam attacking a boss that's five times bigger than you will almost certainly get you killed when I say fighting aggressively what I kinda mean is fighting proactively you should always be doing something even if it's taking some time to buff your weapon with fire paper or just strafing around waiting for your stamp to come back you should always be either attacking dodging or moving around to try and get into a better position standing still is definitely not something you want to do in this game the enemies just get far too aggressive for that sort of weight around play style passivity will get you killed more often than not and that's precisely why I think this next tip here is so useful dodging in the opposite direction of an enemy attack is actually lessening the time in which an enemy's attack hitbox overlaps you which means a much better chance to successfully dodge it sounds kinda stupid and pointless at first but pay attention to what hand the enemy is holding their weapon with if you're up against this enemy for instance and you observe that he has a saw blade in his left hand then make a mental note that chances are the attack is going to be coming from his left side and in order to counter that you're going to want to be dodging frontwards and to your right to have the best chance of evading the attack I know it's usually a player's knee-jerk reaction to kind of dodge backwards especially if they believe the enemy is prepping themselves for a combo attack but dodging forwards end into an enemy's attack usually puts you directly behind them which gives you an immediate advantage if an enemy is very slow immediately start charging an r2 right after the dodge and you'll probably get a good backstab on them sometimes they move out of the way just in time to avoid it but most of the time they won't this one is a more specific tip for specific play Styles only invest into one physical combat stat and try not to spread yourself too thin because otherwise you're going to miss out on the benefits of having a really dedicated build very early on by physical combat stat I mean don't allocate your experience into both strength and skill interchangeably in blood-borne you're going to come to learn that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none basically having both your strengths and your skill at the same level basically going to mean you'll pretty much get to use every weapon sure but you'll be using none to their fullest potential every weapon will begin to feel the same after a while and your overall gameplay experience will become really stale and hard down as a result something I like to do is make two character files just right off the bat and grind towards a skill build in one while making the other profile specifically based around strength if you're having trouble with a boss spend some time just dodging around them so that you better know an enemy's tactics whether or not you're gonna enjoy fighting against bosses in blood-borne really just comes down to outlasting your adversaries not trying to get in these high DPS insane attacks but instead knowing how to dodge around them and knowing what each boss is vulnerable to in the past I've addressed blood-borne as The Witcher of souls born games and I think that's a pretty apt description if you take the time to do this the gameplay will definitely reward you for it I have seen this way too many times in frankly any player that's picked up a Souls game for the first time but please guys spend your okay buy supplies upgrade your character get blood vials and then when you're in the heat of battle don't forget to actually use those supplies even if you think you don't need them I do not give a how good you think you are at a certain part of the game if you leave the hunter's dream with enough echoes for several upgrades and then you end up dying and losing them all you really have only yourself to blame it's never a good idea to leave the hunter's dream with enough echoes to fully upgrade your hunter even once I generally think it's just a bad move to leave the hunter's dream area with any echos at all you should always be spending your echoes on something even if it's mundane supplies if you don't feel like you've made a smart choice in how you've invested the goes well let's it's kind of the great part about blood-borne cut down a few wolves around yharnam and you'll have them back in no time what's important is none of your blood echoes go completely to waste farming blood gems to a lot of players can be seen as kind of a hassle and a bit of a necessary evil but I for one think this is where the chalice dungeons actually kind of come in handy grind a full chalice dungeon from top to bottom and I promise you will be swimming in blood gems it's also good to familiarize yourself with the item drops that each enemy has the winter lanterns in the fishing hamlet area in the DLC those scary nightmare inducing brain looking with all the you know the eyes on their face these enemies draw cursed gems that can sometimes boost your attack power by as much as 20% there's also an 18% physical attack gem in yahar ghoul just before the area's boss fight you go across this bridge and then you descend the spiral of staircases and you find a werewolf you'll figure it out when you get there don't don't worry about it there are also special gems that increase the effectiveness of specific attacks like thrust or blunt attacks your blood damage which are really great on firearms and also fire bolt and arcane damage don't be afraid to play around with these gems once you've collected a few and lastly I know this may sound sort of tough or harsh especially to newer players I'm certainly not telling you to not get mad at a video game as such advice would be very hypocritical of me to offer but bear this in mind calling a certain attack or move cancer or isn't going to stop you from dying to it just because something was quote doesn't mean the game is going to magically resurrect you from the dead you aren't playing sucker oh okay you're you're playing blood-borne there are there are no resurrections here 98% of the time you are going to die because of a mistake that you yourself made and I want to remind you that you bought this game to be challenged and part of being challenged is being able to accept your faults and swallow the pill that sometimes you need to just take some more time and just kind of learn the enemy a little more blood-borne as well as any Souls game is about learning how your enemies will approach you and respectively how to endure and overcome your opposition not every single encounter you have in blood-borne is going to require the same exact approach so try something different learn from your mistakes a little and just kind of play with a little discipline in the end the game will thank you for it I promise I've probably got many more tips I could come up with here but this video is already getting pretty long so I'm going to call on some other veteran hunters to leave their own input in the comments section regarding any tips or general advice or even some obscure tricks that you may have picked up during your play time thanks for tuning in to the forge I'm rusty please don't horde your blood echoes and I will see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Rusty.
Views: 1,184,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne 15 insights, bloodborne is easy, soulsborne bosses, soulsborne no hit run, the old hunters dlc, orphan of kos, gehrman, maria, bloodborne tips for beginners, things you missed, cathedral ward, father gascoigne, bloodborne lore, dark souls lore, bloodborne git gud, bloodborne explained, bloodborne all weapons, bloodborne guide, bloodborne 15 secrets, bloodborne optional bosses, prepare to cry, bloodborne dlc, bloodborne arcane build, bloodborne bloodtinge build
Id: E5DfKX2a4_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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