Rusty's 10 Best Bloodborne Weapons

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hello everyone welcome to a new series I'm unveiling entitled Rusty's blood-borne a/s sup you [ __ ] snowflakes welcome to Rusty's top 10 best weapons in blood war vietnamese are tough here but the comments section is tougher are you man enough for all this god damn but he wasn't my rage burns with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns and all challenges are welcome to deep lung I've poured my own blood sweat and profanity into these next few minutes so if this content is too edgy for you then I suggest the cake creator like Coco melon there's some other channel that can cram it up there shut though for the super Forge has actually seen a 500% increase in viewer retention as illustrated by this graph don't you know stats are for nerds you ready for some weapons yeah you ready to watch me kill [ __ ] yeah you ready for rifles fear to be number one no because that thing is a piece of [ __ ] starting with probably the most controversial choice on the list we have the steak driver steak driver is the living blood-borne embodiment of not giving a [ __ ] about what anyone else has to say it's moveset isn't that great and I can definitely think of more effective weapons you could always use when you put them up against the driver in comparison the beasts claw is a good contender with a better moveset and handles combat with the same effective range but nothing feels as good as finding a fat grease ball with his back turned and promptly shoving that spike into his lumbar without proper consent I'm not even sure but I think the sound effects applied to this weapon are why I like it so much the added charge time delay is kind of counterproductive but the sound of the weapon itself not being able to handle its own power as it flies out is auditory cocaine for a powder keg fanatic such as myself I'm not interested in hearing about how the moveset is just a shittier beast claw or how the transformed r2 takes the length of a Lord of the Rings film to fully charge you want to know why I like the steak driver because this thing goes boom and I like it when things have big boom that that's the reason that's a mistakes maybe high with the steak driver but if you've ever wanted to swing shot a monster the size of a house into a pit some 20 feet away then well the stake driver might be your gal next up on Rusty's top 10 is the chikage the only real downside to the chikage is that it's a really selfish weapon it demands that the player kind of build around it with the appropriate blood gems in order to be effective and it also requires a pretty dedicated blood-tinged build to really get the most out of your transformed attacks rapid poison also in my opinion just isn't the best status ailment you could inflict on your enemy and you know don't get me wrong it does make a huge difference in the right fights but nothing beats lubing up your sword with some magic fromsoft patented sandpaper that somehow set your weapon on fire because science yeah this game is a little ridiculous the more I think about it but that's not something you can really do with the chikage because obviously the transformed moveset already has its own element which is poison it's a massively underrated weapon in my opinion if you actually have the patience to stick around with it and push your build in the blood-tinged direction the Boomer how many of you called this one when I started talking about things that go boom in society boomers are known as a significantly passive generation of people who seem more obsessed with the holes and genes than they are the holes they're punching into the [ __ ] housing market but at blood-borne that terminology means something a little different blood-borne boomers a demographic of people that I have now been calling boomer burners are the reclusive bunch of single celled amoeboid z' that somehow have convinced themselves it's a good idea to take the boom hammer anywhere outside of PvE except for the memes but for what it is it's strength cannot be denied it's transformed mode is basically just a free fire buff on your very next hit that never not helps and despite the moveset being a little lame it can still make significantly short work of bosses like the amygdala because of its higher DPS tend for that reason alone it remains to this day one of my all-time favorite weapons and and yeah it goes boom okay yeah a big big boom big explosion next up is the beast hunters safe holy [ __ ] crackers the move set on this thing is just straight-up monstrous the transforms safe in my opinion has one of the most underrated move sets on knife think any blood-borne weapon like if you met a woolly mammoth named safe well first of all that would be [ __ ] weird because they're extinct and second of all I I don't have a second I just I just wanted to ham-fisted joke into the script you're welcome that extra four words slide you take during your first swing really does make a world of difference when it comes to closing distance between you and an enemy not to mention the thing just swings so goddamn fast like there's no reason to even use the elongated curved sword mode because you're so freakin good at closing distance with it retracted and you swing so damn fast that you just get an all around better DPS anyways additionally you get a huge bonus of damage if you dress yourself in full pirate attire by wearing the blindfold cap and gehrman's garb I am I don't think I need to tell you that I made that [ __ ] up but I'm gonna tell you anyways just in case I get a comment that actually took me seriously but no despite my proclivity to compulsively lie and piss take in half of these videos I do think the safe is worth a shot or three even if no one technically knows exactly how to pronounce it next up on Rusty's list is the burial blade swing wide and swing hard with the scythe the ball grandpa gehrman himself I prefer the burial blade to a lot of other skill based weapons just because of the surprisingly insane amount of range this thing has with its attacks it may not be the best damage wise but it has been my preferred weapon of choice for clearing out crowds of villagers and whatnot since day one and as an added bonus you can rock out with the folia hard ghoul set and literally just become death like BAM your your death now I don't really like how you aren't allowed to apply element buffs to this weapon but that's a drawback I can't really hear over the sound of guts and organs from seven different dudes being flung every which way like visceral confetti apparently this weapon has its own fair share of detractors and I I don't know I can't really blame you I mean the raw damage doesn't look that impressive at a first glance but it's a great multipurpose harvesting tool that's as good for cutting crops as it is for cleansing the town of the sinful atrocities of mankind no downpayment no interest for six months grab yours today number five on this list is the rakuyo a weapons at I for lack of my own better judgment and lack of care of the controversial feedback I'll get by saying this I have officially dubbed the better chikage because spoiler alert that's exactly what it [ __ ] is it's a chikage sword with a slightly better move set and the additional freedom to element buff away to your heart's content the weapon description actually says she hated this weapon so much that she casted it down into the hamlet well so she could never use it again yeah that makes [ __ ] sense why is she here kicking my ass in nine different directions with it then is there a lady mario cosplayers somewhere in this universe that made a replica and i don't know she just didn't know about it or [ __ ] maybe this is the cosplayer were fighting we just murdered an innocent cosplayer artist in cold blood and nobody batted a [ __ ] eye at it people just we just kept on going we just didn't even pay any attention to it I don't know why she would cast such a brilliant weapon into a well just for it to be swallowed up by a shark and that's the thing this weapon knows it's badass too just because of the feat it demands from the player which is killing two of these slimy bastards at once and I've already went over how pissed that is so if you'd like to hear me rant about sharks for three minutes well here you go you can visit this video here I'm uh I'm sure you will I'm sure you will do just that the whirligig saw it spins fiends right round right round like an outlawed medieval torture device baby right round right round [ __ ] anyone else's opinion on this I love the hell out of the whirligig saw and I will actively look down on you as a person for not appreciating it as the fantastic beasts layer that it is how the hell can you even hate this weapon give me another circumstance where you can say you just saw some pale [ __ ] with a cape getting eviscerated by a giant buzzsaw and no hollow knight doesn't count shut up can you like the saw on fire in hollow Knight huh yeah yeah that's why I [ __ ] thought this weapon is a true strength weapon so as to say it scales immensely with your strength stat and just about nothing else or at least not nearly as effectively let's face it strength is one of the most commonly upgraded stats in souls borne so if your strength hovers anywhere past the requirement then you have no reason not to at least you know try this thing out I promise once you join the cult of flaming buzzsaws there really is no going back to your old ways it's just it's just that good not only does it have a surprisingly versatile move set with borderline opie damage but you get to say you fell a giant monster the [ __ ] saw yes I know I keep repeating that point because it's the only one you should goddamn need it's a saw just kill people with it Oh reliable the beginners weapon of choice for all strength aficionados across the Arnhem and for it to be one of the introductory weapons in the game the hunter extra is a smorgasbord of delightful treats and advantages there's not much to say about the moveset other than the fact that it probably has the sexiest attacks of the strength based weapons second only to maybe the driver the axe really is a weapon that you can just sort of feel the power of you know it's the halberd of champions the damn thing is spin2win until all who contend with you fall dead and anyone that tries to flex their ego by saying spin2win is just a cheap can't you mana well they're just jealous that this is the closest you can possibly get in blood-borne to becoming a human-sized beyblade [ __ ] the haters they make you famous and all that sure whatever just do you if the hunter acts are to cheese is what makes you happy then honestly who is anyone else to deny you the satisfaction like what are they gonna do ask to see your license or something [ __ ] off if spin2win is how you choose to live your life than hey you wear that [ __ ] with honor sir that's the game you paid for the hunter axe rules over all accept you know accept the fact that it's my third most favourite weapon and that there are two more on the list so the hunter acts almost rules over all almost the HMAS appropriately dubbed the holy [ __ ] [ __ ] weapon by me and now by you the hms nope that's not a sexually transmitted virus that is the goddamn holy moonlight sword you uncultured swine if this isn't one of your favourite weapons to use on a regular basis then it at least has to be one of your favorites too just look at like holy hell dude there isn't a single goddamn weapon in yharnam that looks this cool while chopping down foes this effectively in addition to arcane based damage pretty much just hard countering anything else in the game to begin with the hms gives you all the added benefit of looking like a medieval psychopathic warlock while doing so you just show up to the doorstep of a bloodletting beast or something and that your nose your just your big [ __ ] you know this weapon is a shining beacon of dominance with a billboard sized bold text message to everyone else that says move out of my way or face the wrath of the literal goddamn moon yeah yeah yeah that's something you don't know when Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon back in 1969 it actually wasn't the u.s. flag he planted into the dirt but instead the holy moonlight sword itself no no don't feel too ashamed if that was actually a reference you missed or anything a lot of people tend to skim it over it's a pretty common mistake yeah but seriously if you aren't using this weapon in at least some capacity than your cocking up big time bud but alas the moonlight sword pales and falls on it's brilliantly moonlit face in comparison to the final weapon on my list bow before the presence of such godly glory Might and Magic that's right you crusty spunk buckets here comes Ludwig's holy [ __ ] if you want to keep your kneecaps you'd better get to bowing the Arnim scum my giant Pope Sword of holiness knows not the meaning of the word mercy only death and punishment for those unfortunate enough to stand in the way of such dick throbbing power this sword graduated at the top of its class and the Church of yharnam and it has over 5,000 confirmed to be skills this sword is so impressively broken that not even be reciting the rest of that copypasta would be enough to properly put into perspective the sheer testosterone just throbbing in your hands here this great sword is gonna nut in your cooter and he's gonna fly away on a scooter Ludwig scooter Holiness there's really no way I can properly articulate exactly how much I love this weapon I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs of gross sexually implicit hyperbole but the fact of the matter is this weapon is unworthy of just about anything I could even say here it is that unfuck with a bowl not a single hyperbolic statement or sentence could stand as an example of what you're signing up for when you pick up this blade and its wielder of all people is named Ludwig yeah yeah that's right [ __ ] this sword wrote the goddamn moonlight sonata and it probably invented or something - one morning just by complete accident Ludwig's holy blade what what a champion of a weapon you get Rusty's official stamp of approval which is it's it's just my face that's met said yeah it's really nothing impressive I didn't think I'd ever need a stamp to do something in a video so for the time being that's what I got so there you go okay so next important question rusty why the [ __ ] wasn't the Church pick on this list hmm well here's the thing I picked this weapon up way back in ancient times when the old hunters DLC was still young and ripen relevant and for about three years I guess I just forgot it ever existed in the first place because I didn't remember anything standing out about it from then on I just heard anecdotes from other players saying how ass the pic was so I just never went out of my way to pick it up for a specific build or anything at least until last night out of curiosity to just try the weapon again and I really shouldn't have gone and done that because five minutes after playing around with its moveset I fell completely in love with a damn thing after the list had already been made in the video had pretty much already been edited from start to finish - the music so [ __ ] so now this last minute revision is being made to this video that I promised myself I push out today because Rusty's dumb ass believed all the faith news he heard on the internet about the church pig being bad and it [ __ ] isn't it for it straight-up isn't the weapon itself has both serrated and righteous damage modifiers on it which are both of Blood borns hidden weapon attributes couple that with the fact that this weapon can also be buffed like any normal weapon and no pun intended this pretty much becomes a reliable pick against just about anything ah [ __ ] now I have to put it in the list somewhere but I don't want to get rid of any of the weapons I just named off because they're they're all good maybe not it now [ __ ] it just put it in between the acts and the HMS there you go second and a half place powder keggers and cosmic worshipers alike tell me your favorite weapon in the comments and as an added bonus tell me why it isn't the ligarius wheel unless you you know unless you think the wheel is the best weapon in the game of course as we all know you'd be you'd be better off trying to dig up an evergreen with your fingernails than draft up a good case for that weapon so my opinion is wrong now is it oh is it not edgy enough for you who the hell do you think you are you dare contend with me I've spun tapestries of profanity from all across the states people have used my script work in copypastas you think you're anything to me you think I'm not Blount enough I invented the f-word [ __ ] thanks for tuning in to the forge I'm rusty and I sell profane and profane accessories and get out of my damn face [Music] [Music]
Channel: RUSTY - The Superforge
Views: 539,205
Rating: 4.8224525 out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne soundtrack, bloodborne ludwig, bloodborne pvp, bloodborne lore explained, bloodborne enemies ranked, bloodborne enemies lore, bloodborne bosses easiest to hardest, bloodborne boss reaction, bloodborne bosses ranked, bloodborne speedrun, bloodborne secrets weapons, bloodborne all bosses, bloodborne asmr, asmr bloodborne, bloodborne arcane build, bloodborne best weapon, bloodborne beginners guide, bloodborne 2, bloodborne all weapons, bloodborne all endings
Id: WzApnO5qjEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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