Oh God, He's Ranking More Bloodborne Bosses Again

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ah let's see here I've done a blood-borne video in a while I don't even think the last one I did got that many views I mean I guess if people are actually wanting blood-borne stuffs and you know maybe that games like four and a half years old man I just don't think there's a market for it holy nutballs you guys ate that up alright guess I'm doing more of these ah goddamn blood-borne boss rankings chalice dungeon edition it's kind of like the limited edition you know only it's it's the exact same thing I don't really know why I introduced a video like that it's more bosses okay it's the exact same as every other video on YouTube about this topic it's 2:00 in the morning animals from all across the neighborhood won't stop making noises and it sounds like my upstairs neighbors are busy putting in a bowling alley so I might as well make use of my time and start ranking some bosses oh and by the way the boss is in this list aren't being ordered in terms of difficulty or anything but just how enjoyable the fights are in and of themselves alright I think that's about it let's do the thing considering I've been playing this game on an offer over four and a half years yes that's how long it's been out and yes you really are that old I really do have no right putting the game on blast like I'm about to but would it have been that hard to read a Lovecraft novel for a couple more hours and just pencil in some actual bosses instead of just using regular ass enemies and giving them a giant health bar the man-eater borer is the least exciting boss on this list because it feels the dire need to preface its name with the title of maneater like given its size I could have assumed that anyway but you just wanted to spell it out as though it's a flex that abour the size of a double-decker bus could actually eat a regular-sized human like yeah I had kind to be a little concerned if it couldn't but this thing just wants to let you know yeah I can eat you if I wanted I just uh I don't know I I just don't want to right now you caught me on an off day all right leave me alone given the fact that it's a bore it probably bathes in its own excrement but it would seem a tad less impressive going by the name of [ __ ] eater boar wouldn't it unfortunately however that might actually be a more fitting title for the fat bath unfortunately however that might actually be a more fitting title for the Fat Bastard because that's probably the most important thing you need to know about it man this guy is uh this guy's a real bore am i right Knight you know what I'm probably not even gonna leave that in or I might I don't know let's see what happens see what kind of mood I'm in by the end of this video brain sucker again why what's with all these weird flex titles like yeah I can tell by your face that you probably have the ability to suck my brain out from my skull it's not like a skill you can't put that [ __ ] on your resume or anything the brain sucker has been given a boss health bar despite being a common enemy that you can just find one morning walking the street on your way to work I already put this thing on one blood-borne list here and the last thing I was expecting was for it to meander its way into another and a list about [ __ ] bosses no less like what the hell I don't even know what to say about this one other than the fact that it just doesn't belong here these bosses only appear in is chalice dungeons so by the time you even get here you've already faced enough of these octopus looking [ __ ] that killing one pretty much become synonymous with the effort it takes to wipe your ass you've been sucking brains for your whole life man so why are you acting so goddamn stupid the trio of merciless watchers are the text book diagram of a Thanksgiving Day party gone wrong and none of these oaths are company that you would ever want to have joining your tables any damn way you've got pumpkin pie in the corner trying to put a couple blunderbuss rounds into your face but you can't deal with them just yet because you've also got turkey and stuffing over here mashing your face in with a tire iron this boss fight is about as exciting as being full after a Thanksgiving dinner not even the actual eating part of the meal that everyone actually enjoys only the aftermath of it like you just walk into this boss's room and immediately you just you just feel bloated and you hate yourself for the next few minutes and you regret every decision that led to where you currently are in life they each go down and like three hits a piece if your weapon is upgraded enough and the fight only gets that much easier the less of them there are bothering you so again it's not like there's really even that much to say about these bosses except just drafting up jokes about how fat they are goddamn is this what the abyss Watchers look like before Dark Souls 3 holy [ __ ] the transformation is amazing what's your diet plan bro damn oh hey look at that another normal ass enemy posing as a normal ass bus which means another normal ass paragraph that my normal ass has to write it's just a silver beast with a giant health bar it's all he is and that's going to continue to be a recurring theme in this list and that's not even my fault outside of having a name that sounds like he would pass as the antagonist of a dr. Seuss book the Laura and silver beast is about as special and unique as the many many bricks you find coating the walls you find the silver beast out there guarding tombs chests and other valuables but I guess whoever made these things and put them in the game just thought they were way too important to not be copied and pasted into every single facet of the chalice dungeon combat because I swear to god these things are [ __ ] everywhere like why is this a thing he's just a normal dude with a sideways mouth and a torch the most impressive thing about him is the fact that he breathes fire like cool so can 90% of the other enemies in this game the Beast possessed soul is a massive euphemism for what this thing really is which is Satan it's just look look at him he's dude he's [ __ ] he's just Satan all right he's Satan remember that one time you actually encountered one of these things in the story mode of the game if you went through the healing Church after killing BSB well the game just goes on ahead and assumes you don't remember that encounter by just straight-up making his ass a chalice boss and one of the easier chalice bosses no less because not only do you encounter him and some of the earlier dungeons but his moveset as a boss just really isn't that interesting his main means of attack is just this weird drunken munkey melee attack that only ends whenever the hell he feels like ending it and he breathes oh look at that he breathes fire oh wow what a unique talent and when you get him down to low HP he oh he breathes is even more of it that's wow this is such an exciting boss it's such an exciting list guys holy [ __ ] finally an actual boss to talk about the first official boss on this list and it still doesn't even count as completely new rom the incompetent landmass if you're familiar with his channels previous ranking is not a boss I like fighting and it's like like not even slightly I'm being honest like under certain circumstances I'd rather just be fighting one of the other dudes I've already mentioned because at least I know that's a fight that's gonna be over quick ROM the indisputable queen of cancer likes prolonging fights by ethereal e teleporting in two corners of the arena when things don't go her way and she thinks the best solution to any problem is to just throw more spiders at it it's no secret that ROM is one of my least favorite bosses of all time but it has technically met more criteria for being on this list than anyone else I've even brought up so far and that I cannot deny at the very least we are finally past the normal enemies and we are getting into boss territory god dammit god dammit well nevermind next up on Rusty's list is the keeper of the old lords and I'm not sure how old these lords are exactly but if they're half as old is that fashion statement of a hat you're wearing then we might be in trouble Jesus Christ what century is that thing even from I do oh wait oh wait oh it breathes fire - holy [ __ ] it's really sort of disappointing how easy this fight is without his double dogs coming in to back them up just kind of goes to show who's uh who's really carrying who they're I've got better things to do than wages sword fight with a walking Halloween decoration so let's just uh let's just try and wrap this up quickly if you don't mind I can probably find this exact same costume for $14 at a thrift store so don't act like you're any cooler than you are just because you can breathe fire from your mouth because apparently that's just the cool thing to do in blood-borne it does it's not even a unique thing it doesn't even matter the celestial emissary is as challenged 'less boring and just as big-headed as his story mode cousin-in-law and i would argue that even that fight offers more entertainment because at least it starts you off just swatting at a bunch of brainless slap fighting extraterrestrials from the far away galaxy of gives a [ __ ] seven the chalice dungeon variants on the other hand just starts you out at the would be second phase which is a pretty balls move considering that it actually takes away what little entertainment the original fight had in my opinion the last thing you would have expected was for one of these party balloons to hyper inflate to ten times normal size in the second phase but the chalice dungeons don't even give you that you just walk in and bam there he is ready to bear hug you until you spine breaks in half the story variant is already enough of a bore even with all the additional mobs but somehow the chalice dungeon variant found a way to make it even less interesting The Forgotten madman is basically just a glorified hunter in PC fight that can summon another hunter friend that's equally as hopeless as he is to help him out in battle The Forgotten madman is probably the most appropriately named boss in this entire list because he's so unbelievably [ __ ] at fighting that it's no wonder he didn't make it into anyone's history textbook don't let that holy blade intimidate you any because he's a complete casual when it comes to actually using it every time he shifts his weapon to great sword he basically just offers you a galactic sized parry window that you might actually have to try to even miss pretty much every time you see him shift his weapon just shoot him in the face during his sheath animation and bam there you go visceral City the only two attacks he has that pose even somewhat of a threat are his arcane spells the augur of [ __ ] and the cancer beyond but if you're good at dodging around those then there's really there's really nothing to say about this fight like at all professor cheek flaps makes a much-anticipated return here an ailing Loren simply and bluntly put if you've seen one BSB than you've seen just about all of them there's this one technically count as a regular enemy though because the vanilla PS via was technically a boss but he was downgraded to regular enemy status during the old hunters DLC and you could just you know find him like in a random cave somewhere with a bunch of other baddies so I'm I don't know I'm not sure regardless the blood starved beast is a beast that's starved for blood if that sentence felt underwhelming to listen to me say well then congratulations you now know what it's like to fight the ailing Loran BSB which is it's exactly the same fight as the one in the story he flaps his flappy cheeks and then flaps them harder to lower his health 'as repeat until death I don't care how much you drag your 10 feet of cheek flesh behind you like a badly made wedding dress it's not impressing me any more than it did the first time I saw it are we are we finally done with the with a normal dudes holy [ __ ] I can actually go on record saying this we are done this is a boss this is an actually actual boss from the chalice dungeons and nowhere else holy [ __ ] hell it's about time this is an actual boss and it only took us like eight [ __ ] minutes to get here oh my god the undead giant has some bite to him I wish I could get a closer look at this boss but it seems like doing combat anywhere near him that isn't directly below his [ __ ] is a suicide mission because about the AoE attacks he's packin you have the opportunity to face three different variants either a dual blade giant a cannon giant or a Club wielding giant with a bunch of little ball and chains attached to his back that swing around his body in an extremely annoying fashion mind you every time he attacks and they all do appear as normal enemies later on but they do make their first appearance as bosses in the dungeons way before that even happens so I would technically count this as a full-fledged boss fight he looks badass he's a 15-foot tall whopper with weapons sewn onto his hands but unfortunately how he looks isn't really that contingent to how he fights he's weak to just about every type of elemental damage in the book so pretty much anything you have in your inventory will do at least some damage to him and this also means a fully upgraded boom hammer can trivialize this fight to a pretty hilarious degree he does this really predictable spin attack when you're behind him and if you can dodge through that then this fight can be pretty much over in 30 seconds if he's a harder hitting variant and his attacks do considerably more damage than the winning strategy is to just stay at a distance and throw poison knives at him until he collapses and gives up I mean yeah it is technically the first original boss of this list but neither strategy to deal with them is really that fun if I'm being honest despite being a pretty engaging fight the stakes don't really feel nearly as high as I'd expect a technical final boss to have yharnam go through marion queen is the last boss of the lowest level through marui chalice dungeon and although there are some pretty cool attacks that she has that are good at catching you by surprise all this really reminds me of is a more enhanced and glorified version of all the apparitions in cainhurst in fact you know what yeah the more I look back at my own footage I'm pretty sure that's exactly where they lifted her dagger set from the through marion queen isn't really the queen of anything except waiting around for 30 seconds before casting an AoE that's so ridiculously easy to get out of that I actually tried to get hit by it in this footage just to see what it would do and it still didn't do anything I just I missed it somehow I've seen clips of people getting lifted up in the air and [ __ ] during this fight but it seems whatever that attack is it's so easy to outmaneuver and just outright avoid that it isn't even worth how cool it looks when it happens a good male a build with Ludwig's holy [ __ ] blade seems to take her out and around a minute flat if you're aggressive enough people also recommend you bring a buttload of antidotes with you because most of her attacks are rapid poison but I still don't think I ended up getting poisoned once during the fight I don't know I mean the clones that she summons can still make it a pretty engaging fight but it's not really what one expects from a final boss so to speed the through Marian descendant that this guy is just [ __ ] cool a lot of his combo attacks are insanely difficult to keep up with which makes him an even larger threat in deeper level dungeons but the through Marian descendant is where the chalice dungeons actually begin to feel fresh and new in a really threatening blood-borne ish type away he rips and tears at your hunter at blinding speeds but the main drawback to his attacks being so fast is that you can kind of just fire your weapon at complete random and still have a strong enough to chance to stagger him stun lock is king if you're packing a melee build and he also seems weak to arcane damage so if you're a fan of the moonlight greatsword then well now is your time to shine but as many times as I've replayed chalice dungeons and beaten this boss nothing really beats the tried-and-true get behind him and shove an axe up his ass meta that's pretty much ruled the game since 2016 and has never stopped it's still a pretty fun fight though part of what I think makes the amygdala cool in chalice dungeons and yes that is how you correctly pronounce that by the way is that you only ever fight one in the story in a completely outdoors arena so it doesn't really hit you how big this damn thing is until you've just ran into it in like a hallway or something this thing is [ __ ] huge and it has all the same nasty attacks that his story version had and then mayor frontier which means it's still wise to use high DPS weapons when he lowers his head because one hit sometimes is all you're gonna get he shares many attributes with bosses like the undead giant and so far as he's weak too literally anything that burns shocks or just plain feels bad and if you have the stats for it you can probably just stagger this dude by just throwing a Molotov in his face this guy probably staggers to the sound of someone coughing too loudly so long as it's close enough to his soft saggy head but this being a repeat boss and additionally the same strategy is also working just as well don't really stop this boss from being at least somewhat entertaining to fight especially during the final phase where he gets so pissed that he just rips his arms off and starts beating you to death with his own detached limbs like that's the amount of salty that I aspire to be you know like that is just another whole level of done with your [ __ ] next up is the through Marion elder now this fight is just cool it's not necessarily hard I actually think the descendant fight shits all over the elder in terms of difficulty but there's something mesmerizing about watching all the different fire spells the elder casts on you watching his staff morph into a giant crossbow that shoots arrows are helicoptering his staff around and just summoning a giant fire tornado everything in his kid of moves is just fire and I mean that both literally and by the dad joke of it whatever he's a largely passive boss which means plenty of time to react to his attacks and most of them save the obvious crossbow spell don't even hit you if you're far enough out of range which kind of defeats the purpose of you know being a spell caster doesn't it yeah it's whatever you do you boo my personal favorite thing to do is just grab the boom hammer and the flame sprayer when fighting this boss and it may not be the proper strategy for it but it sure does feel cool having an Agni Kai The Last Airbender style with the dude and a cloak that's like 2,000 years older than you pretty good fight alright boys here we go and so we enter Rusty's top five watchdog of the old Lords might be one of my favorite exclusively chalice dungeon bosses he's easy enough to be a solid introduction boss to the dungeons while still retaining a lot of his difficulty on deeper levels his quicker charge attacks are just fast enough to look cool but you can still reliably avoid them with decent timing needless to say he's pretty strong against fire but he also has pretty decent resistances to other elemental damage as well but that's not saying there aren't more than a couple strategies hunters have shared around to effectively deal with Fido here and the general consensus is just about every decently upgraded weapon is pretty solidly effective some of his stronger charge attacks can one-shot you especially if the dungeon urine is cursed so it does kind of encourage you to be really careful and take some time to read exactly what he's doing before going aggressive it really is just a matter of knowing when to dodge and once you get a grasp on his heavily telegraphed attacks he basically just becomes an easier version of the next boss that's on this list the aberrant beast was an optional boss in this story mode portion of blood-borne but it's not exactly hard at all for anyone to slip by it if they don't know it's there which can lead to a pretty entertaining surprise when your friend stumbles into the second lower Loran chamber and ends up getting his faced used as toilet paper for a giant electric werewolf this boss is about as cinematic as it gets lots of fanfare and lots of really cool moments in this fight to lose your mind and your health over each face significantly heightens the stakes in comparison to the last and not only do his later phases come with added melee combos but even his base attacks sort of did a makeover the more he powers up it's a really dynamic fight with lots of different attacks you have to pay attention to he has cloth swipes jump attacks evasive maneuvers just about the whole nine yards it's a pretty exhausting fight if I'm being honest if you want to see what fighting this boss is like super glue fer to your face and start doing jumping jacks for five minutes the level of exhaustion you feel afterwards is uh it's gonna be pretty similar it breeds us daughter of the cosmos is solid in game proof that whoever the cosmos is he was probably a pretty shitty father this thing is just pissed its pissed it has tentacles and it was my second-favorite boston Blood borns natural story progression it was the boss that took me 10 minutes to even find because apparently by some stroke of massive intellect the window you break to find the boss is actually a reference to a Lovecraftian story yes yes the window itself act of breaking the window to get to the boss is a reference to a story that's like a hundred and fifty years old so as cryptic as it is you can't even get mad at how well this thing is hidden luckily if you're running through the is chalice dungeons you'll be able to challenge a breed us in a more direct way it breeds us is the final boss of the first is chalice dungeon and if you don't think swinging your sword that undercooked calamari sounds exciting then well I implore you to seek this dungeon out for yourself with your best thrusting weapon and know that that wasn't a dick joke like she's literally weak tube thrusting type weapons because she's like she's like made of goo and stuff like I don't know the physics behind it but what I'm saying is you can finally put that dex build hunter to good use and use a goddamn spear fire aligned weapons like the boom hammer aren't really a bad choice either but so long as you're able to stay in between those two leg flaps hugging her ass you can pretty much use any weapon you want and still take home the V just uh just watch out for space lasers because uh this [ __ ] shoots space lasers yep not kidding yep see yep there they are look at that next up is the bloodletting Beast specifically the headless variant at first it really only feels like a sloppy herb more hastily put together version of the dark beast but that quickly changes as the boss goes through its phases the base bloodletting beast I would put somewhere around aberrant beast tier twice the size but without all the sparky-sparky boom effects so I'd say in terms of sheer entertainment and enjoyment of the fight I just call it a wash the headless variants on the other hand just has an entirely new spectrum of attacks and abilities he can use all through the act of channeling energy through his non headedness I don't even all the [ __ ] this works this is a human equivalent of someone that wrecked his bike and belt sanded his face on the pavement for 12 miles and somehow God willing just got up and walked it off he leaks blood darts out of the giant gash in his body that inflict rapid poison in addition to just beating the Lovecraftian [ __ ] out of you as expected with one of his 17 different melees and the second phase just oh my god this his second phase Jesus deep-fried Christ with the side of ranch dressing if you thought this fight wasn't worth it before the second phase just makes it into a whole new charade would you be this furious if you had an Alaskan bull worm protruding forth from the cavity where your head used to be I don't know I'd be pretty pissed the only downside is that to my knowledge the second phase is really mostly just a cosmetic change there's a new thing or two that his decked out worm head can do and he does get slightly more aggressive but just about all of his base attacks and cross swipes and whatnot remain pretty much the same taking my undisputed first place position as all-time favourite chalice dungeon boss is the Lauren dark beast this whole fight is just insanely over-the-top he has no means of moderating himself whatsoever he shows no hesitation and dive-bombing on your ass the second you travel through that door with a show-stopping jump attack that in deeper level dungeons can sometimes just one-shot you immediately oh [ __ ] [ __ ] my pants talk about a warm welcome could you give me a chance to just unsheath my sword for [ __ ] sake it's like having people ask you questions as soon as you get out of bed like give me a goddamn minute to wake up can I at least have my coffee first [ __ ] and good luck locking onto this thing because he will take that camera of yours and bend it backwards frontwards and up your ass until you start swinging your sword at the empty space in the exact opposite direction you want to at least you taught those air particles a lesson son yeah that'll learn them this guy has enough health and resistances to qualify for a raid boss and I have a feeling that isn't too far off from what they were shooting for because you can just run around in this area just accumulating summons with the hunter belt and then just show up to this [ __ ] doorstep with an army of hammer wielding bodybuilders you're just a pile of bones that stuck its tongue in a light socket I'm surprised this thing doesn't go down with one swing there are no heroes when it comes to the dark beast and Loren he's the size of a t-rex with all the speed and energy of a goddamn Chihuahua so whatever measures you have available I suggest you take them while it's definitely one of the longer fights not a single moment of it is ever really boring in my opinion because there's just so much to pay attention to at any given time his later phases involved the same attacks only with smaller electric currents bursting from his claws with the range that's honestly just it's it's criminal it's it's stupid and don't worry about being conservative with your blood consumption because at full charge anything from a bitch-slap to a sneeze from this monster can pretty much just one-shot you anyway so as far as I know it's only real weakness is arcane damage so just whip out that moonlight sword and get good as the kids say all right so there you have it Rusty's limited chalice dungeon edition video of bosses listed ranked and all accounted for don't forget to check out all this cool rusty merch at our store that totally doesn't exist yet but it's the it's the thought that counts right I don't give a [ __ ] no no one would buy my shirts anyways I mean right thanks for tuning in to the forge I'm rusty have a nice goddamn day and don't forget to eat your vegetables I'll see you next time peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: RUSTY - The Superforge
Views: 339,876
Rating: 4.8872175 out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne soundtrack, bloodborne ludwig, bloodborne pvp, bloodborne lore explained, bloodborne enemies ranked, bloodborne enemies lore, bloodborne bosses easiest to hardest, bloodborne boss reaction, bloodborne bosses ranked, bloodborne speedrun, bloodborne secrets weapons, bloodborne all bosses, bloodborne asmr, asmr bloodborne, bloodborne arcane build, bloodborne best weapon, bloodborne beginners guide, bloodborne 2, bloodborne all weapons, bloodborne all endings
Id: tx6Jk0nEu0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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