Bloodborne ► 10 Hardest Enemies to Kill

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speedrunners hunter hunters beast cutters and cape dusters so who remembers when I used to do blood-borne content well apparently at least a few of you do blood-borne xate creepiest locations seem to take off for no clear reason after about two and a half years since I uploaded it so yeah I'm not really sure what that's about but hopefully I can use that as a diving board into some more blood-borne topics because as I was doing some hunting last week I kind of started realizing how much I missed playing the Gothic architecture and grim atmosphere made the game much darker and more brooding than its counterpart in my opinion blood-borne was technically my first Souls born game so I don't know I have a bit of a soft spot for it and believe me that made for one hell of a learning curve when I finally started getting my feet wet with the rest of the lineup in combat reckless behavior is you know kind of encouraged in blood-borne but in any other from soft game charging directly into harm's way like a bloodthirsty Spartan is a good way to get your ass kicked in five seconds or less but that doesn't mean blood-borne isn't without its fair share of Death Dealers squealers and progress stealers so okay I'm gonna I'm gonna stop now dogs again Dan straight dogs again you can duck dive and dodge under damn near anything but that won't display despicable dingos from undoubtedly taking a dump on that disparaging dress of yours I'm as surprised as you are of the fact that I got through two whole bouts of D alliteration without saying dick oh no it's son of a [ __ ] if you thought being hunted and ripped asunder by man's best friend was a problem in Dark Souls don't consider this game if you feel like escaping from that because in yharnam the dogs have been upgraded from problem to outright mountain-sized headache well you know in retrospect it isn't the dogs themselves I've had trouble with as much as it is the little crannies in which they decide to hide the combat happens much faster in blood-borne your character moves and evades things much more efficiently and a lot of your weapons have a quicker and more responsive draw and I believe the game uses this as an excuse to place dogs in the most bastard ich locations possible if this were Dark Souls I would just see them conspicuously roaming streets attacking anything that moved with little strategy in blood and not so I'm fighting these things around corners squatting in bushes setting up defense perimeters around rare items they're over here guiding ladders and [ __ ] some of them have fangs some of them have wings and some of them can breathe fire why are dogs such [ __ ] in every game I pick up souls born Ninja Gaiden the maze in Resident Evil 4 every damn game has a dog in it stop big bulging blood sacs bludgeoned burden hunters with boundless but Slams bigger enemies tend to mean slower wind ups to the attacks that come from that enemy or you know at least I thought that's what the rule is I don't know what blood borns obsession is with flipping this Tennant on its head but it gets annoying really damn quick I don't get how a creature can carry around this giant burlap sack attached to their crotch like it has the weight of a staple it's got the reflexes of a cat on meth and all the concentrated aggression of a velociraptor you are not allowed to be this fast but the good thing is in the first area of cainhurst you have statues that you can use to try and catch them on and they can snarl and toss themselves around as much as they want but they aren't gonna fit through here are you you filthy animal you just couldn't take your meals in moderation could you you were so starved for whatever the hell it is you consume that you took it in and took it in and indulged yourself so much that you can't even fit through a door without the risk of popping yourself like a balloon blood liquors are the worst thing about cainhurst and I choose to fight a million ghosts and gargoyles over even having to look at one of these sandbag looking detriments sages though sickle wielding sad sacks can store as much sparked in stamina as a sugar addled seven-year-old with a super soaker sages if you aren't too familiar with them and I wouldn't blame you if you weren't are the ghastly open jawed fiends with slice guarding levers devices and other valuables in Lorin chalice dungeons the labyrinth sage is a special type of enemy that you'll likely hear before you see one because it's scream is so ear piercing leave loud and so easily identifiable from every other noise in the game that it's impossible to not know whether or not one is chasing you and to because the amount of time you have to react to their impression of Barry Allen as the flash is less than enough to good hit before they likely hit you but why is everything in yharnam just fast as [ __ ] if one of these things see you before you see it you're either dead or damn near close to it because they gallop like Huston running backs and they hit like they're 300-pound linebacker friend next to them they're sickle attacks are so fast and so frequent that you could shoot at random and still have a good chance of catching the time window to parry them but you know that it doesn't really matter that much when by the time you hear the song of their people you've already respond back at the lamp trying to dislodge all the rusty garden equipment they just shivved you with gravekeeper's a grim and gravelly goons with a grandiose albeit goofy gait galloping around like they're God's gift to the graveyard gravekeeper's or labeled by the wiki as Church servants so either I'm thinking of another enemy or someone just decided to change the name and I'm just a forgetful piece of [ __ ] you know these guys whatever gravekeeper's are in my opinion the first official oh [ __ ] enemies in yharnam they hit like brick [ __ ] houses and their attacks are relatively slow and easy to parry so they're not completely hard on the surface they honestly aren't that spectacular but the real surprises begin rolling in when you've acquired enough insight for things around you to start changing these are the most common enemy in the cathedral ward which is also an area you will spend lots of time in in the beginning parts of the game so the first time you'll notice these insight changes will likely be with a gravekeeper encounter and it's a heart attack and a half when the same dudes you've been grinding echoes on for the last nine run suddenly begin launching plasma balls at you and lighting their weapons on fire but did I miss something here no one told me all the mobs were allowed to upgrade to riflemen [ __ ] you why do your bullets travel so damn slow the rifleman of blood-borne are what I deemed to be the easiest mobs to deal with that just so happened to pose the largest threat from vast distances you'll be hard-pressed to find an attack that does any more than tickle you on the arm but you know receiving shrapnel directly to the face at the Ground Zero explosion of the rifle is well that's going to do exactly what you think it will I mean if you're curious enough to see exactly what will happen then you we deserved the ensuing death half of these mobs can't even will themselves to stand up when they're attacking you that's how little of an inconvenience you are to them because they know if push comes to shove they can just find an explosive urn somewhere next to you and shoot that instead if you see someone in a wheelchair lifting to their head level what looks like a giant cannon and he isn't aiming it directly at you that dude knows something you don't you're standing next to a giant explosion hazard and he needs to be your top priority right the hell now otherwise you're gonna have a pretty embarrassing story for the doll on the way back what's happened good hunter well I got my ass kicked by a dude in a wheelchair how is that even possible you best not be bringing out your B game if you bump into the brain suckers because if so you find yourself belted better than beastly bitch-slapped brain suckers a word that I've missed types to say Brian suckers about twice now in this script are those ill headed Cthulhu looking ejaculates that have some of my favorite attacks in the game they're just they're just my favorite to deal with you know I love it so much they slap on you these weird arcane handcuffs from like yards away and then grab attack you with their tentacle head like some cocked up Lovecraftian edition of street fighter the one thing more jarring than finding out in sight actually makes the game more difficult is finding out there are enemies that can just take that away from you because they can it's like the game itself just flip the difficulty switch ins just said now we're out we're taking you down a peg you ain't ready for this yet oh you were planning on getting a bloodstone upgrade from the insight fountain during your next pass I said sorry about that [ __ ] happens you know ah well here's a thrusting store that I've appropriately named [ __ ] and it's currently being burrowed through your pasta looking head sorry [ __ ] happens whatever the echoes they give you for wiping them out are just barely enough to not be worth it and more often than not they're just in the way of something you need to get to I don't even a grow them if they have their back turned on me like fine stare at the wall I have better things to do than be grabbed asked by mutated spaghetti pests that stiffer especi bite-sized the little pricks that despite their puny proportion prey on pretty much anything spiders maggots snakes whatever they open they'll piss me off let's call a spade a spade they're pests all of them there's no difference they never outright kill you by themselves there's always some bigger threat looming around in which they're actively preventing you from escaping some enemies are difficult to fight some enemies will rip off your jugular vein and kill you so damn hard that your own family won't even get the funeral invitation until it's already over but these things specifically are just annoying they're the truest most concentrated derivative of the game saying [ __ ] you they are throwing you off cliffs or one-shotting you or anything like that these dudes just catch you browsing your inventory minding your own business equipping this and consuming that suddenly you hear the loud spattering of bodily fluids and close the menu to discover a swarm of giant malnourished rats trying to nibble your goddamn balls off mad one mind your manners cuz there's no mincing words with monsters as malicious as the mad ones they make the manliest men mope with misery and merit only the most massive machetes the insight mechanics in blood-borne is prone enough to giving its players a panic attack because of all the [ __ ] that goes on the more of it you collect but the mad ones are a specific instance where entirely new enemies will present themselves to you depending on your insight level if your insight is more than I believe 15 going into him with Sharna lane will warrant a welcoming committee of ten-foot tall heavy metal vocalists looking [ __ ] erupting from the ground in a Vermillion haze and leaping at you with their gardening tools what's it gonna be today sir a three-hit combo that'll do just enough damage to scare you into retreating for a heal or a southern hit combo that stun locks you into helplessness and cuts more grooves into you than a [ __ ] cheese grater or maybe something in between who knows they're the personification of a political candidate in a debate insofar as they refuse to be interrupted by damn near anything if these freakazoids start a combo on you they are fully intent on finishing it Oh what luck I've been woefully bewitched by weeping wicked wizards with no window of escape wretched weirdos with women like whimpers that'll have you wincing wobbling and wetting the bed all week remember when I said I thought blood-borne was always much darker than its sister series well here's reasons number one through goddamn 12 right here if you haven't figured out by now that weird off-key humming and whimpering usually means runs a hell in the exact opposite direction you're just not paying attention they're the culmination of every childhood lie told to you by your parents because they literally have eyes in the back of their head they inflict a status ailment that when accumulated makes you have fun a door now a panic attack that takes away 80% of your max health because that sure why not and the item you need to stave it off might be a pocket grab away but that makes little difference when you're too busy being picked up and bear hugged by a pair of demonic lobster claws if this attack lands and you aren't completely topped off you just you're just dead that's just that's it that's it you're done and no amount of health upgrades can save you because frenzy takes away 80% of your max health that's right you bastard the more health you pack around the more dangerous these things become what a kick in the [ __ ] balls I haven't even bothered to check how many echoes these things even give you when you kill them because I've seldom ever forced myself into having to battle one of them I don't even have to know how many echoes you get and I still know they aren't worth it sharks [ __ ] okay law number one of blood-borne the bigger they are the faster they run just what in the capital F [ __ ] everything about this enemy pisses me off everything from their dynamic speed to the way they're presented to the player to their ability to just hold harpoons in their hands because spoiler alert sharks have [ __ ] thumbs now the first shark giant you see obliviously walks by a convenient arrangement of explosive pots convincing you that these guys are just lumbering idiots with no semblance of higher cognition this enemies reveal practically begs you to eat a Molotov at his feet and watch the fireworks what you at first assume is the game just telling you they're giant pushovers is actually all just a whale sized facade nope turns out these things are stronger than [ __ ] and the game was actually doing your ungrateful ass a favor I think the reason everyone hates these things so much is because they do such a perfect job of playing the fool they put up that front that they're these defenseless fat idiots whose attacks have longer wind-up times then actual windup toys from the 60s and then you turn their back on them for a second and they're suddenly crawling towards you at high speed like the goddamn Exorcist [ __ ] my pants and these [ __ ] are smart too if you have any innocence left in you I might warn you that the following scene you're about to watch is disheartening the infamous fishing hamlet well okay so here's what the well teaches you about sharks they are stronger than [ __ ] faster than [ __ ] they're also smart enough to know how to engage with the element of surprise and they're apparently able to attach themselves to ceilings and if you're gunning for the weapon drop here there is no retreat and re aggro then later there's no fighting them once at a time no counter and parry them until they stop moving by a miracle of God you get one shark to have health and the game just drops another one on you and says here you go you think you're so tough you think you deserve this weapon well here fight two of them fight two of them because I [ __ ] said so even if the sharks die they still take something away from you you never completely win a fight against a shark you know because the only items and attacks they seem to be vulnerable against work a little too well the shaman bone blade for instance flips the well encounter so damn hard on its head that it turns what would have been a proud moment of victory into a shameless climb back up the ladder because it was actually that easy simply put there's no in-between with these guys it's armwrestling an infant versus bench-pressing a house you can either be a badass or a coward pick one some may say it's a bad move on YouTube to cover a topic that's already been covered to death by everyone their mother their sister and their dog and well you're probably correct I'd honestly extend a high-five if I knew you were still here listening but let's face it you've probably bailed when you figured out the snatchers weren't gonna be on here I don't know why I've never had trouble with them ok yeah I know I'm a freak don't worry I feel left out trust me someone help me figure this out thanks for tuning in to the forge I'm rusty I'll see you in the next video and get the hell out of here
Channel: Rusty.
Views: 969,270
Rating: 4.8091187 out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne soundtrack, bloodborne ludwig, bloodborne pvp, bloodborne lore explained, bloodborne enemies ranked, bloodborne enemies lore, bloodborne bosses easiest to hardest, bloodborne boss reaction, bloodborne bosses ranked, bloodborne speedrun, bloodborne secrets weapons, bloodborne all bosses, bloodborne asmr, asmr bloodborne, bloodborne arcane build, bloodborne best weapon, bloodborne beginners guide, bloodborne 2, bloodborne all weapons, bloodborne all endings
Id: Hylmha3RFM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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