Bloodborne No-BS Guide ► Beginner's Tips

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get ready that's right get ready for a trip through yharnam and beyond in this comprehensive blood-borne guide I would like to show you all the important item in gesture locations as well as give you some strategies and those useful you know tricks of the trade I'd also like to explain the different ways you can go about finding and handling the many NPCs you meet throughout explaining their various outcomes without spoiling because I'm no spoil hog whatever that is as you are delightfully aware blood-borne did come out for free for PlayStation Plus subscribers last month and there are a lot of new chumps out there who haven't even touched a Souls game before the first Souls game I played was Demon Souls when it came out also for free for PlayStation Plus so I understand how overwhelming these games tend to be for beginners I was a beginner too that's how I could totally understand as such I will be as thorough as possible in order to teach you the ropes you know I do already have a beginners no BS guide out there if you need a summary of all the essentials in the game play like with the controls the link is in the description in fact everything I'll be discussing will have links to time codes and other videos of mine so check there if you want to cut the crap and get that item you have been so looking for so let's carry on a vlog when playing this game with a fan recently he asked me what's the objective of this game that's a very difficult question to answer well he knew that he had to hunt beasts but you know what are you supposed to do the very first thing that came to my mind was the very first memo you find in the game seek pale blood nobody knows really for sure what the hell pale blood is we have our theories and I think I have a pretty solid one but regardless that is your objective to seek pale blood blood barn is just as vague when it comes to teaching you the gameplay it doesn't hold your hand in any regard if you didn't load up this game already expecting you were going to die then I am sorry you've either been living a lie or you are sorely misinformed these games are about dying and learning through death from software made a game in order to troll you to bait you into death through your own inattention as such it's best to remember these three things always examine everything never let your guard up and make all the right decisions make no mistakes because usually if you die it's your own damn fault tiptoe everywhere and peek around corners if you have to crank that camera to find [ __ ] waiting to ambush you get a good grasp of what you're heading into before you head into it you think jigsaw was here because there are so many different traps and ambushes strewn all throughout the map and because of the difficult nature of blood-borne not taking the right precautions could wind up being your life so I recommend you stop at and read all messages that you see on the ground just stop and read them all but keep in mind there is always that rare chance someone could be baiting you into your death don't always trust that message that says treasure ahead it's not always treasure but sometimes it's death blood-borne fans love to troll just as hard as the developers do if one message sounds like a prank then it probably is you may want to trust the message next to it or the other message or not trust any of them you'll also see blood pools in tombstones you can check these to determine where one has died and gather how they died you may also notice white specters running around your dam these are who are the fuels these are apparitions of other players playing in real time it's it's giving you a sense of an interconnected game world then and through this the interconnectedness the internet the internet from defeating enemies and bosses you gain what is called blood echoes when you die you lose your blood echoes which helps you in levelling up it's it's like XP and they are also a currency in the game but you can always go back to the spot you died and get them all back from a shiny little pool but sometimes an enemy won't eat your blood echoes how dare you eat my blood echoes but if you die before grabbing them they are gone forever bloodborne is all about grinding for these blood echoes as well as health in bullets from killing lots and lots of enemies and looting their corpses what are you got on you I needed more blood for each enemy has different drops so it's learn as you go experience there are many rare and common items all throughout the world they are found in the environment and through completing certain quests for the various NPCs among them are crafting materials to upgrade your weapons consumables that give you blood echoes and others but for this guide I'm going to show you where the more desirable items are the stuff that you really want to just keep in a chest or put up on a mantle for all to admire such as new attire weapons gestures and runes among other things I'll also explain what some of these more convoluted items do and how they are used in order to smoothly integrate you into one of the best games ever made yeah chapter one if you're completely new to blood-borne your best bet is to start with the lone survivor class focus on vitality in endurance as they determine your maximum health in stamina respectively I recommend saving blood tianjin arcane for later playthroughs after getting a good grasp of what they really do through the course of your first playthrough focus on the strength or skill stats and upgrade them based on your weapons requirements to make your attacks stronger once you've made your character look exactly like Eustace from Courage you'll begin the game through the doors and down the stairs awaits a difficult enemy that is even more difficult without a weapon oh my god of course it's completely possible to kill it while unarmed but you can also run by it however you decide to do it is up to you I challenge you to take it out with your fists if you can do that you can do anything blood-borne if you die here you'll be transported to the hunter's dream after the blurry cutscene you'll find your starting weapons on the ground you can choose a switch weapon for your right hand in a firearm for your left hand you have the choice of the saw cleaver Hunter x or the threaded cane the latter is one of the weakest weapons to start with as it's just a stick that transforms into a whip while the axe is the strongest with a spiral attack that can knock down and obliterate any enemy the cleaver is so so I'll take it I think it's good to note that by holding r2 on any weapon you do a charged attack when this lance against an enemy's back side it'll stun them giving you just enough time to perform a mortal combat fatality by hitting r1 on the other hand literally what ranged weapon you choose really doesn't matter you have the pistol and the blunderbuss to choose from firearms are used mostly for visceral attacks what you can do is shoot an enemy right before it attacks to interrupt its animation leaving them vulnerable for a counter-attack then you run up and hit r1 to as a beginner this is primarily what you'll be using the gun for as such it makes sense to have a fast firing rate with good accuracy and that weapon is the pistol the blunderbuss is more like a shotgun your best bet is to stick with the pistol until you're ready to try new character builds on separate playthroughs up two steps further you'll find the note book which will allow you to write messages of your own to other players it's good to write messages especially funny ones for a positive rating as it will give you a health boost reeks of elderly will save you from destruction the workshop stores are closed at first but open up later after obtaining your weapons and returning the doll that is used for leveling up doesn't awaken until you've gained at least one insight more on that in the next chapter of this guide return back to the first floor sickroom location from here you can head back to where you started the game in order to talk to yo Safa she will give you Yosef cos blood vial which is a one-time use stronger healing item than your standard blood vial keep this NPC in mind as you will return to her later in this guide and that's when I'll explain more oh ho boy we have gotten very off track here back at the beginning the where beast should still be in the same location if you haven't killed it if you have then good for you you probably don't even need this guide you're just watching cuz you love me in case you didn't know this is where you have to go to get to the second lamp and it's the last lamp you'll see for a while if you're unsure of what lamps are they act as checkpoints so when you die you'll be taken back to the last lamp you lit or teleported in with the best trick to this game is finding the many different shortcuts in order to minimize the grind expediting your way back to your original path when you die for instance there's a shortcut right there on the left but you need to open it from the other side to the right at the window is an NPC NPCs are very interesting and will reward you with time it's good to talk to an exhaust all dialogue with every NPC you encounter in this case it's Gilbert who is obviously sick you may want to return here later for a new weapon I'll go over that later at this point there's really no reason to return to the hunters dream through the lamp until you've gotten more blood echoes and at least one in sight for the sake of this guide I'll take you on a tour through the hunters dream in this next chapter chapter 2 you okay welcome here's a little tour through the hunters dream first of all the hunters dream serves as a Nexus connecting all the locations in bloodborne it is also where you store stuff upgrade enhance and repair your weapons level up equip runes and oaths buy stuff and dress your messengers up in funny hats the hunters dream is where you go in order to prepare for the next area you plan to explore or the boss you plan to obliterate it's your safe haven stopping here at the hunter's dream isn't completely necessary until you've collected at least one insight because the doll which is used for a leveling up doesn't awaken until then the large messenger bath acts as a shop where you spend blood echoes they are obtained by killing enemies and crushing the cold blood items you don't yet have at the moment you really can't afford to buy anything but the doors to the workshop should be open if you visited previously you can head inside and talk to gehrman but unlike other npcs talking to him doesn't progress any storyline or lead to any cool items or rewards he's simply there to give you short objectives an idea of where to go or what to do next in this case he tells you to get nasty with the doll just outside you'll find a second smaller messenger bath which requires you to spend insight using insight you can get various items you can't find anywhere else as well as materials insight is great to have for multiplayer purposes as you need an insight to call for help from a cooperator online or otherwise you gain insight for discovering new areas and new bosses as well as from defeating them there's also items like mad man's knowledge that gives you insight in fact there's two of these items in central yharnam the next area here is the storage box which is pretty self-explanatory blood vials or bullets are sent here when you reach maximum capacity in your inventory and they automatically restock when you teleport or die over here you can repair your weapon at the workbench and it's recommended you do so every time you return you can also upgrade your weapon and equip blood gems once you pick up the tool to do so after the second boss in this guide blood gems are randomized drops found throughout the game and they work to enhance you or your weapon you cannot use the memory altar until after beating Hemet turn a lane to be exact so don't worry about it with it you can equip three runes and one oath but you won't be getting in any of these for a while these are like little perks that enhance your stats this tombstone teleports you into the DLC after you've found the initial entrance point you don't want to worry about this until you're at the end of the game anyway as the DLC is pretty difficult and that's assuming you have the DLC you have to spend extra money for it this line of tombstones on the right allow you to create chalice dungeons to explore which are procedurally generated tombs with unique items enemies and bosses you cannot access these until after beating old yharnam which will be covered in my next video but I don't recommend wasting your time with the chalice dungeons until after reading the game on new game+ but it is up to you what you want to do tucked away and hidden in the back of the workshop is the messenger stump that you don't even really need to know about this this is the on the on the bottom of the need-to-know list here what you do with it is you manage the attire of the little things that show up with your messages messages the messengers okay this is a thing it does create a little unique flair to your messages so why not why not and lastly you should at least know by now that this row of tombstones I'll lead you back to various lamps in the main game and it's chronological from the right to the left check the first tombstone and head back to central yharnam the second lamp you win all right that's all for now and boy was that a lot of work tune in next time for the next part of this no BS guide which will completely cover central yharnam it'll be more focused more direct and straight to the point this video wasn't possible without these patrons who contribute their hard-earned money to me on patreon legendary champion Haley Lam rain oh wow heroic champion Tyler hunter d @ XP roided-up elite champion Yorker at PR Tarkin Miami Ink vampire you did it hey watch the next episode of this no BS guide when it becomes available I also invite you to go ahead and check out the beginners blood-borne guide which I made a couple years before this so check that out for all the tips and tricks and things that you need to know or just watch it because you know it's entertaining
Channel: Fungo
Views: 57,385
Rating: 4.8259773 out of 5
Keywords: fungo, bloodborne, lore, beginner's guide, guide, walkthrough, tips, strategy, game, start, wolf, hunter's dream, central yharnam, 1f sickroom, iosefka, gilbert, saw cleaver, axe, threaded cane, pistol, blunderbuss, journal, gehrman, doll, what to do, too hard, difficult, shortcut, item, attire, rune, oath, weapon, part 1, one, playstation, plus, yharnam, paleblood
Id: QpFVS0zYbUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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