15 Items Every Prepper Should Horde for SHTF

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guys when it comes to prepping and survival there are items that really you need to kind of stock up on and/or hoard if that's a good word for it there are certain items that you will just continually need and it's very important in a grid down situation to have those items so today we're going to take a look at 15 items there are a lot more but these to me are my top 15 and guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider one of the best resources on the web some of the top names in the survival world we upload exclusive videos there every week I have a link down below in the description check it out one of the big items that you want to stock up is toilet paper now toilet paper is big and it's clunky the rolls are thick but having toilet paper there it's not really a good substitute that's this inexpensive we always try to buy these twelve packs and then just stock them up but definitely toilet paper to me is one of the first duct tape of course you've got your standard duct tape and we have gorilla tape which is great I would be careful buying some of the lesser expensive or the lesser known brands just because you want something that's really going to hold if you're needing duct tape you really need it to stick now the US military uses hundred-mile-an-hour tape that is also excellent comes in a lot of different colors this is just a few rolls that I have but I try to keep extra duct tape you know in a good place that doesn't get too hot because you don't want this to become sticky and unusable fire is something that's essential in a survival situation one big thing that I like to do is when I'm you know in line Walmart or wherever I grab a pack of lighters and I just throw them in you know in the bag and I keep these I've got a container where I keep all these different lighters I like Beck they just seem to work most of the time but I also keep a lot of matches strike-anywhere matches are my preferred choice but I do use regular standard matches as well box type is what I like or storm-proof matches really are probably the best I mean that's really what you need what I like is this little container it does have they just keep the matches themselves in this container hold water proof so even though they are storm proof and you do have a little tinder and you do have a striker right here on the side so you know this is just another way now of course these are a lot more expensive than your standard matches so you can really stock up on these but I would definitely have some storm proof matches of course here's one of my fire kits and I have my fair seam rod in different fire tenders and things like that but typically as far as stocking up matches and lighters are really what I try to stock up on batteries are definitely something to have on hand really Duracell to me lasts longer than any of the other batteries for me including energizer and so I always keep these handy and then also the cr123 s I use those in a lot of my flashlights and in a lot of my optics we have different small batteries like watch battery types the 2032 s are a big one all these boxes have the 20-30 tubes I buy a lot of those on eBay and bulk packs also the cr123 s rechargeable batteries have a recharger but over long-term you know you may not have power and so I don't really depend too heavily on my rechargeable batteries these the cr123 s will last up to 10 years shelf life force your standard Duracell double a's and triple a's guaranteed to last for 10 years and honestly guys we live in an electronic age we're always needing batteries anyway so it's good to have a stockpile flashlights are good for anytime one of the things about light is it is your number one security tool so you want to definitely have flashlights and of course this goes along with the batteries and sometimes you know you have the old school like this old mag light this can be used as a baton for self-defense but so can this old light warrior x I mean with the crenulated bezel in fact flashlights are number one for a self-defense weapon so that is one thing but there's a ton of different choices headlamps you know your old military surplus flashlights again this is a little more of an advanced headlight by zebra light and then you've got also like lanterns and so this can be used as a flashlight but we can also use it as a light you know it certain situations where a candle just doesn't work and this compacts down it's really easy to carry then here at the front then you have a flashlight here so there's so many different choices but here's the reason why you need to horde some flashlights if something goes wrong with a flashlight which they tend to do I mean their electronics you have extras you have backups and with light again being your number one security tool it's important to have light candles a big one we just had our power out the other night have transformative blow we had a ton of candles we were able to light the house up fine without using undue power from our flashlights etc of course we had our flashlights and we could use those but you know the different type candles even tea light candles there's a lot of different options these are just really inexpensive candle options of course my wife gets the big ones you know you get the 12 hour candles there's a lot of different choices but you can start out cheap and build from there and guys who hasn't had their power out at some point unscented bleach not only cleans keeps things clean but also you can purify water and that's probably the most important part of bleach you need to make sure again that it is unscented and you can go the brand name or here I have just a you know generic we have two big berkey so we can definitely stay in drinking water but having the bleach serves so many different purposes plastic bags one of the big things about plastic bags especially these contractor bags and typically I get these at Home Depot they are heavy meal they are awesome I keep them in my go bag they can be used as a tarp that can be used as a poncho I mean there's it can use to carry stuff I mean there's a ton of different things that these trash bags will do and the heavy mil are the best to really stock up on but we do use the standard compact bags as well there may be times where we need them and so having some kind of bag you can just throw things in it you can haul it I mean there's so many different things and really guys try to get some of the best bags that are out there the real tough ones you don't want something falling out but again bags all different types but the contractor bags to me are number one along with the same theme of trash bags keeping these small little grocery bags can be really useful especially hauling thing you can load a bunch of stuff in here especially small items and then you can carry so this is something that's really easy of course it's cheap because you get them for free and there's a lot of different ways that you can store these to keep them out of the way definitely a useful item are tarps and we just get the standard tarps they're fairly inexpensive you know with the eyelets and then we have some the heavy duty tarps these are really good and then here I have a camo tarp and I like to keep them in the plastic if we're storing them just to kind of keep it nice and clean but we even have canvas tarps that we use in a number of different types and this is something that I definitely want to keep plenty of you know if you have some kind of environmental accident maybe your house you know tree limb goes through it you can put this over it you know a vehicle you know you can put tarp over it if you like have a window to break but then just covering up things there's so many uses for tarps laying this down on the ground if you're in a bug-out situation I mean these can even create a lean-to that can create a shelter again guys there's just so many things you can do with tarps socks another great item to be able to hoard you know definitely we wear through socks I mean they can go out fairly easily and so a good pair of quality socks will last longer but you know if you really want to and of course there's so many different choices too with the different materials here we have some Keens and these have their wool these are excellent then we have to just some sport socks but the main thing is having socks is going to protect your feet and you need to be able to protect your feet one of the things about the homeless is that is the number one item they need and it's the least donated item so just a little side note with socks go buy some socks take it to your local shelter or you know goodwill or something like that and donate them but first hoard some for yourself salts definitely another one of those things that you need to store but you need to keep it in a cool dry place you don't want it to clump up but you know there are reasons why we buy salt licks if we have livestock they need salt you you need salt it has to be part of your diet I like salt with iodine in it of course you need iodine so this really helps you do have a lot of salt in foods but in a grid down situation you're not gonna have as much processed food so there's not gonna be as much salt so keeping salts a no-brainer guys most of the seed that you find at the store is non-gmo but it's hybrid seed and so what happens is it doesn't reproduce finding some heirloom seeds are really key to long-term survival being able to not only plant but also to harvest the seeds once the plants you know have died down in the fall and so getting your seeds going ahead and getting you a garden guys it's really crazy to try to plant a garden for the first time after an shtf situation or after grid down and so for long term this is the only item really that pertains to food but this is your self-sustaining way to keep food on the table non-hybrid seeds and there's a ton of different places you can get these guys there's a lot of things that run on propane here we have a couple of the small little camping propane cylinders but of course those that are on your court your grills you know having extras having them filled up we always keep about four or five that are filled at all times in case we need them and then we keep a supply of these smaller ones and there's a lot of different things that you can attach to these so definitely this is a great way to be able to have some kind of fuel it's actually pretty stable now going a little old-school with the lantern can give you some light and it's refillable with either your lamp oil you can put kerosene in it you can put different things to be able to run this so the big thing that you need to hoard our lamp wicks and lamp oil or at least try to have some on hand but the wicks are definitely important you may be able to find oil or something to burn in your lantern but without the wick it's not gonna do you any good also if you have Coleman lanterns you know the mantles having those stocked up also is a huge plus guys cordage you can definitely use cordage in a lot of different ways it is one of the elements for a survival kit paracord seems to be the most versatile one of the big reasons is because true paracord just a 550 cord which means it's rated up to 550 pounds seven strand cord me that there are seven strands inside here that you can utilize and so obviously the military has been using this forever but civilians as well this stuff is gold so make sure that you have plenty of paracord I have tons of this stuff and I'll tell you what I use it all the time and guys obviously having a stock of water and food and those things that's really a no-brainer guys last but not least medical supplies I mean you need to keep the essentials of whether it's you know gaulle's tape splint material here we have one of the amp 3 this is the Outfitters kit this thing is like a clinic in a roll this thing is awesome it's not cheap but guys I'll tell you it has all the essentials of course USN ER doc is a emergency room doctor to push this together I've got reviews on this and a lot of other things so I don't want to really get too much into it you know having a tourniquet chest seals you know just a lot of different things you have some scissors we have a ton of things in here this is actually from skinny medic and that's another one Medical Outfitters definitely a great source for your medical gear and guys if your child is injured and you need to get health or your wife or those you love you definitely need to have some supplies on hand because medical emergency services may not be around and then definitely your boo-boo kits which are band-aids and about equipments you know regular Gaulle's things like that so having a good well-stocked medical kit and adding to it regularly it's just smart now definitely there are other items and down in the description be a great place for you to put those items a lot of people look through the comments and it makes it really nice to be able to help one another down there I mean this is a community and we help one another it's the reason why I bring these videos guys is for you to be prepared hopefully there was some things on this list that maybe you hadn't thought about but obviously down in the comments is a great place to take care of the ones I didn't think about be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] one reason why I love these lights or I mean this can even create a shelter because of the bag I like the idea nice I like that I do one thing though that I did kind of but you know you got a horde those batteries
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 1,958,588
Rating: 4.867105 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Items to Horde, Items to stock up on, Supplies, Grid Down, Civil Unrest, Natural Disaster, Power outage
Id: CdpIyia3GXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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