2 Liter Water Filter from Natural Items

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hey y'all welcome to survival on the skinny with Steven Kenny hasn't me okay today what I want to go over is the driest subject in survival and that is water water needs to be filtered purified then you can consume it okay keeps you alive remember three days without water you're done anyhow what we're going to do is we're going to build a water filter using a two-liter bottle you can use a 20 ounce bottle you can use bamboo although it's the same but we're going to use the 2000 2 liter bottle all the material we're going to use is sourced material you are going to need some charcoal build a fire drag out some coals let them cool there's your charcoal you're gonna need some sand or some fine dirt okay some grass hay whatever and some rocks through your bottle last but not least is a way to suspend the bottle upside down so we're going to use a green sapling okay wolves will Bend this sapling into a ring and I'll show you how to attach it he'll hold the bottle upside down anyhow let's get started so first off you want to cut the bottom off the bottle right here where it stops going straight up just cut it off right there okay won't taste very much just do a little choppy choppy get the bottom off save this don't throw it away now that you got the bottom off of it you're going to need to fix two holes in it okay right opposite of each other so about an inch and a half down cut your hole now whatever you're using to suspend this again I'm going to use a sapling but if you going to use some rope or a shoelace or something like that the hole doesn't need to be as big but it needs to be big enough to accommodate whatever you're going up whatever you're going to suspend it with that ought to work next you need one Rock what I'm looking for is a rock that is too big to go through the hole but small enough to go into the hole listen to work surely we got a rock in here that can do see that the rock is in the neck of the bottle but it's not got the neck plugged up and what that's for is to keep this from clocking up next we're going to put in some charcoal the charcoal needs to be about the size of fingernail okay need to be about the size of fingernail so small pieces the smaller the finer it's going it'll it'll filter you're going to fill this up to where got a lot of sand in here too we don't that just won't struck home you're going to fill this up to the edge where the bottle comes to here where it comes to this straight part that's where your charcoal levels going because you going all this full of charcoal next step is thus in the sand you want about the same amount of sand as the charcoal not like so being sure you leave enough room for the grass okay y'all see what we got happening there next is the grass now the grass I like to tape I don't need all this I like to take the grass and just kind of fold it up and make a little ball out of it something like so take this you're just gonna shove it down in there a little mourner there we go that's pretty good right there okay also we got going on charcoal sand grass NASA gonna be some rock so let's get some rocks in there and you're going to fill it up to the hole fill it up to the holes that you drilled for your suspension Magnum whatever you're using whether it be cordage green sapling whatever but you're going to fill it up with gravel up to that point okay now take your green sapling and run it through your holes now let us run through the whole take your sapling and twist it together to do that just come bring it together in a circle going slow so got to break it come on into a circle it's going to go where it kind of wants to go and let it do it so we don't break come around and loop that through like so myk's now you've got a suspended partied up a little bit once you've got a suspended you want to feel the rest of this top almost to the very top of draft okay just throw you some gravel in there that's it now to tell you what each layer is gonna do I went and stuck me good down in the ditch got some nice clean Purdy water the gravel is going to stop the large particles sticks pieces of dirt leaves that kind of thing it's going to sit on top you will pick it off the grass is your next layer of filtration which is going to catch a little larger pieces okay that's going to catch a little bit of larger pieces and some of the stuff that you can see very lightly frog eggs tadpoles that sort of thing the sindh is in going to catch and filter out a lot more of the contaminants the sand is actually going to take care of the mud the dirt particles that sort of thing and the charcoal last but not least the charcoal down here on the bottom is what's going to really do a lot of the purification part of it okay it's not going to purify I only make myself clear you will need to boil the water once it runs to this filter okay you know you're using charcoal to straight up off the dirt Bowl the water all right be safe and so what's going to come out of here is going to be filtered water not purified the charcoal will aid in the purification tis not purified but it is filtered alright this will look clear I'm gonna set this up and I'm gonna run some water through it bring in a little clothing and see what it looks like and will purify someone all right I'm gonna work all right what we have here we've got our filter suspended remember the bottom hold onto that for a minute I'm going to pour your water in through but in the very beginning do not just stick your cup under there a lot of the very fine sand the charcoal the real fine particles those are going to rinse out first let them rinse out before you use your cup so go ahead pour some water in now it's going to take a few minutes he'll take it a couple runs just so it'll it'll clear out everything got to get good and wet and soaked and saturated and all that good stuff again this is filtering water this is not purifying water this charcoal will not get rid of like Guardian things like that that will give you really bad diarrhea make you just blow them sick and of course diarrhea equals dehydration which you're doing more harm than good you can tell there that water looks a whole lot better coming out already I say you got to run it through a little bit again this is where you've got a good water source of good solid water source usually takes about a full 2-liter two to three liters worth of water to go through it before it really starts filtering well looking better and better I heard my milk go same water I have the same dish just more of it remove the skepticism his water is nasty it is filled that's filthy water there folks anyhow keep doing this oh it's starting to run pretty clear looking better and better the more you do it the more this filter is going to work okay so heat filtering keep running the water through it okay y'all what I've done is I went got more of this nasty nasty water and I put the 2-liter I was pouring out of under so I could catch what I'm filtering you can see the difference there I'm just going to write those you see I'm going to melt but while I've been doing is catching the water now we're going to do this water again same way going just fill it on up and let it go again you're filtering water and the more times you pass it through the filter the fatter it's going to look see that's already better so that's all I'm saying this is a filter it does work it will not purify the purify you can put it right here see the difference lighter and lighter every time you can put this on the fire this will boil and will not burn the plastic but camping hiking you got user got a metal cup go and put it in the metal cup get you a cup full and put it on the fire so you can see how clean this water looks you see down in there look at that you got your cup of water set on the coals and when it boils your golden parasites die at 170 175 degrees kills the parasites that do harm to you so to debunk the myth of how long you should boil water when it comes to a rolling boil at this altitude is 212 degrees as you go up a thousand feet in altitude it drops about one degree so if you're on the top of Mount Mitchell at 6,000 feet it'll still bowl at 206 which is way hotter than what needs to be to purify the water so get it up to a rolling boil just not not just a bubble bubble but a rolling boil and you're golden you're safe you drink it pull it off the fire let it cool drink away all right thanks for watching I would enjoy some comments and some questions um and I'll be happy to do another one of these and maybe slow it down a little bit and do a little bit longer anyway hi thanks for watching
Channel: Survival on the SKinney
Views: 1,122,396
Rating: 4.8664517 out of 5
Keywords: homemade water filter, 2 liter water filter, survival, surviving, camping, survival skills, water survival skills, filtering water, campfire, purifying water, boiling water over campfire, making water safe to drink, ditch water, charcoal water filter, survivalist, twisted sapling, hiking, bad water source, water source, clean water, natural water filter, bushcraft
Id: 0DlnAq5UAqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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