Survival Lessons : Living in a Vehicle

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes today we're going to talk about living in your vehicle and how it applies to a bug-out situation or a natural disaster or some kind of evacuation possibility you know one of the things about getting in on the road is that especially in a disaster situation is that the freeways and the highways can just get clogged up and people can run out of gas there can be accidents there can be breakdowns and so there can be issues to where you may be spending time in your car you may be getting from one location to bug-out to another location maybe you're heading to family and friends in a safer area and you know you just have to live in your car for a few days but we're gonna take a look at how people are living in their cars in a normal everyday situation and how that can apply to being prepared now one of the things about shtf is that it doesn't have to be a national or a large regional event it can be a personal shtf and we've talked about that a number of times you could have a job loss and overtime lose your home and really only have your vehicle and if you have really high payments on your vehicle you could possibly lose that and so really the big thing is is having some kind of way of transportation that you can get out of Dodge if you need to and to be able to live you know even temporarily or even could be long-term I mean let's face it a car is shelter and you can have some shelter in a vehicle just like you could in a tent and so bugging out getting on the road or a lot of other scenarios will apply to what we're going to talk about now first thing is the vehicle of course you can live in a car I read where one guy lived in a Prius for two years and it was tough it was tight but you know he did it but you know definitely the larger the vehicle the more room you're gonna have but the more gas you're gonna use and so you need to kind of weigh that out and of course you know a van would be perfect you know an RV definitely you could live for extended period of time in a van now pickup trucks are also a really good option because of the bed you can store a lot of gear back there and there are even tent options that attach to your truck you know really the thing is is any way that you can camp is a possibility you know during the Great Depression people were having to live in their vehicles and they were doing whatever and that's one of the things about shtf and one of the big reasons why you know I really wanted to bring this to you because you can see what kind of options that are out there now big consideration is where are you gonna spend the night you know having someplace that you can remain unnoticed but yet is relatively safe that's definitely a concern you know if you get on private property you can end up being in jail for trespassing or just be harassed by law enforcement and that's something that you want to avoid even though it's legal you know there still can be some harassment and so some of the areas though that a lot of the people that live in their cars talk about or like at Walmart it's one of the best places it's just a large parking lot people are pouring in and out and Walmart typically doesn't pay attention no a lot of RVs things like that will Park and they have internet service they're able to use the bathroom if they need to because typically they're open 24 hours but also apartment complexes hotels and motels now while the a lot of times they'll get your registration number your license number they don't always check and so being able to come in and get some sleep and kind of unnoticed and drive out National Forest aren't also a good place and another place that you can actually pitch a tent at least for the night they do have camping areas campgrounds are great you know having some place to be able to go to the bathroom and usually in those camping areas you have that it is a way kind of to get out of your vehicle and to have a little space and not be molested now also truck stops truck stops are a great location rest stops definitely but sometimes they can be a little sketch now residential areas typically you've got to be very creative you know if somebody's parked in front of my house I notice but if there are some areas that you can kind of park to the side where people are maybe it's in between a house maybe it's really more toward a vacant lot or a lot or a house that's not being occupied or for sale that may be a great place to be able to park for the night what's really crazy is that a lot of places now are actually renting out their driveway or a piece of property for people to live in at least temporarily and you can actually put an ad on Craigslist and you know and get some place that you can have an overnight stay or two or three if you're in that area another great option are hospitals and because people are coming in and out at all hours of the night a hospital parking lots tend to be a good place as well now some of the things though that you need to be careful of is especially in a bug-out situation is that there could be civil unrest there could be problems going on and so you're gonna need to be careful in the areas that you're staying especially in urban areas a high traffic areas that could also be a problem next are dangerous when you're on the road of course number one you need to think about and consider self defense you know how are you going to be able to defend yourself if you are attacked if you have some kind of problem somebody starts messing around your vehicle late at night of course a firearm is the ultimate self defense option but there are a lot of local and state laws that prohibit having firearms accessible you know in a vehicle and if you're in danger of being already costed by police or questioned you know having a firearm in the vehicle can lead to a lot of problems now for me I would highly recommend that be your option but you definitely need to be aware of again local laws having you know some kind of stick or some kind of way I mean there's a multitude of different ways to be able to be able to have a non-lethal way to defend yourself pepper spray you know whatever it is to be ready to be able to defend yourself and if your family's with you that's even more important you know having somebody mess with your car you know somebody can try to siphon the gas out of your vehicle so you need to be aware somebody doing that while you're asleep at night situational awareness is definitely critical knowing your area when cars come in when people come up to your vehicle being able to know that and you know maybe just to be able to get out of Dodge if somebody's messing around of course running out of gas you know being able to have enough before you get started on your journey you know and then having some cash or some card to be able to get gas as you're driving also breakdowns that's something to think about maybe having tools in the vehicle for that and just looking homeless you want to keep your hygiene up you want to make sure that you present yourself as a reasonable person that has means if possible and so keeping clean keeping yourself in good shape your vehicle itself keeping it in good order there's nothing worse than walking by a car looking in and seeing just trash and you know just whether you can tell they've just piled it in and you know it just really says a lot about that person and so being careful to remain as tidy and as clean as you possibly can unfortunately if you're living in your car space is tight and so you're having to be careful but you know giving yourself a good appearance will really go a long way if you're ever you know approached now items that you might need definitely a cooler would go a long way to be able to keep things fresh in fact if you start out whether it's bug out whether it's a survival situation a natural disaster make sure that you have some ready-to-eat foods with you of course lifeboat food is great I mean those bars have a lot of calories and you can get by for an extended period of time but also whether it's MREs or you know different ways crackers nuts things like that to be able to give you energy but lets you just to keep on going so but food preparation can be a problem in this kind of situation now if you're the campground you can make a fire if you have a small little cook stove you can definitely do some things there but think about those things about food preparation also water having some kind of water filtration if you're in an urban or just a small town you can typically get water but in a grid down situation maybe you're out in the rural area having a way to filter water is going to be critical because there are a lot of creeks streams rivers lakes out there but not really suitable for drinking water course having a medical kit is definitely something you want to have and also with maps you know a lot of times maybe your GPS is down and so a good road map even an atlas of the entire United States according to where you're gonna travel but make sure that you have some kind of map in fact that's a great thing to have in your vehicle anyway having a low lumen flashlight especially at night being able to you know see things without attracting a lot of attention but also having a really good bright flashlight and hopefully the flashlight you have will have different modes to it to where you can shine it and you know if you need it in a security situation but because obviously light is your number one security tool and it's according to the weather but being able to stay comfortable you're not going to necessarily have heat so having you know pillows blankets things like that you know even in the spring and fall and even some summer nights can really get cool now we talked about it earlier but having a good tent could give you a break if you're in a certain area if you're in a camping area if you're in a national park or a national forest you can pull out your tent you know take a couple of nights to sleep in the tent instead of being crammed up in your vehicle and then also sun shades now sun shades are great because people use them and you can put them up in your window and it keeps people from being able to necessarily look in for me I have tinted windows in the back of my vehicle so it makes it somewhat secure but you know it's better than putting a sheet up on the front that really lets people know that you know there's something unusual going on and if you're on the road for an extended period of time you know you're going to need to have some way to make money and so being able to find small odd jobs if you need to you know you may then you'll be able to actually probably leave your vehicle there so you know finding some things like that that can help you to supplement to pay for gas if you need repairs if you just need supplies which food and water things like that I mean they're definitely going to be some expenses now we can carry a certain amount of cash with us but over a long period of time you know it could get to the point where you need those funds but also items to barter and so if you do have those items tuck them away and maybe you can barter and get the things you need especially gasoline and food if you're on the road and last but not least guys be respectful wherever you are even in a total grid down situation be courteous you know be clean don't leave litter laying around you know keep your appearance again clean and you know just have respect keep the noise down you know you have a radio you're playing make sure that it's low and that you're able to enjoy it but you're not disturbing other people while this definitely can apply to a grid down shtf situation where you need to get on the road sometimes again you have that personal shtf whether it's loss of a job maybe you're going through a nasty divorce and you don't have a place to live you know there's a number of different things that can happen where you find yourself in your vehicle out on the road and so hopefully you can take this be able to formulate a plan guys at least think about it and it's one of the important things you know your mind is your number one tool for survival and so the more that you're thinking the more that you're planning a little bit ahead of time the better off you're going to be in a crisis situation so guys if you're serious about survival and prepping check out survival dispatch insider some of the top world leaders in survival in prepping are contributors they are on the insider we upload one exclusive video a week only insider I'll have a link down below check it out be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but in a lot of places especially in urban areas lols knowing it now bitten okay so sit you don't sit but you know you want to check your local laws and see you know where you stay
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 67,913
Rating: 4.9122338 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Living in a Vehicle, Car Living, Homeless, Living in a car, No home, Living in a Van, Survival Lessons, Survival Tips
Id: 7T0VYVKqMbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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