Canned Foods With Longest Shelf Life For Prepping

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hey everybody welcome back today we're gonna talk about canned foods that you can buy in your local store that have a longest shelf life for your storage if you've been around my videos for a while or you've been involved in the survival and preparedness world for a while you probably think these are the things the first things that come to your mind that you think of when you think of survival food you think of freeze-dried stuff and MREs but when you're just starting out and survival and keeping a pantry and keeping yourself a little prepped you may not have enough money to do that you know you may not want to go out and spend you know thirty dollars a can for canned chicken or but however much it costs or sixty bucks a case or 80 bucks case for MREs and you're also limited with these items because you can only eat so many of these after a while and they kind of stop you up and are kind of nasty and you need water for these so yeah these will last a good long time and by the way a lot of people say MREs have a shelf life of five years I've eaten them eight nine years past that they're still perfectly fine unless they smell bad and you know the textures off usually they're fine so what I'm going to offer you today is canned foods that you can buy right at your local store you can run right out right now 60 70 bucks 50 bucks whatever and start your pantry with and they're also canned goods that last a really good long time so let's move these out of the way here okay now first thing I'm gonna talk about is food safety and we'll bring in some of the stuff that I found it lasts a long time here generally um can should be stored in stable temperatures you don't want to go too hot you don't want to go too cold long as you don't freeze that cooler temperatures are better I keep these in my storeroom I've shown you some pictures of that storeroom in the past you know as and it's always air-conditioned in there and it's always heated in there when it's freezing cold out so it only stays a pretty stable 68 to 72 degrees non-acidic canned foods retain your shelf life longest if you're gonna store tomato sauce if you're gonna store canned fruit rotate that stuff often and keep an eye on it put it somewhere at the low bottom of your pantry where if it does pop open and spill it won't ruin anything else okay I keep all of my tomato sauce and camphor it at the bottom level and I rotate it out try to rotate it out every six months to eight months I haven't had any of it go bad yet but because of the acidic nature of what's inside the foods it'll eat through the can they'll eat through that little plastic protective interlining and cans so you got to rotate those stuff more often if your cans are bloated expanded or compromised toss them I'm gonna give you an example here see how that can sucked in a little bit kind of convex in there that's fine if that can is popped up if the bottom is popped up if you notice there start to sit like like this you know sideways on each other something's wrong throw that can out don't even bother opening it just toss it out if you open up a can and it smells bad toss it you don't want that okay I'm just giving you some basic food safety tips so people can't say hey you know you told me this was safe to eat and I ate it and I got sick also canned food as a general rule is stored at its peak and it's usually packed very close to the source so most of the time you're getting extremely good stuff packed fresh vitamin levels can retain can remain stable over a long period of time in the food and most of this because they keep the juices inside the food and inside the can which keeps the vitamin levels pretty stable over its shelf life now we mentioned about the expensive items and the bigger items I'm really going for new Preppers on this video and people that maybe are new to storing food so we're gonna show you some things that I've eaten over long periods of time that I found really don't go bad the first one is what you expected probably spam I have eaten spam now let me just say for it to start off with I've been doing this since 19 1998 I started out 98 kind of very casually prepping you buy a few extra food here and there a few extra cans of food here and there every time I go shopping and I ended up developing a pretty big pan tree so that's how long I've been doing it that's why I say I've eat some of this stuff ten years past its best by date and it's fine I have never had a can of spin go bad now that said I have heard people say that some of them have gone bad generally if spam goes bed you can gets compromised to a broken in some way or it wasn't packaged right even on their website they joke about it you know I always tell people spam has a half-life in that shelf life so spam is pretty good along that line so is canned ham when I moved from California to Nevada in 2003 I had a can of canned ham that had fallen in the back of my storage and I had bought that a long time ago it was I probably bought it in 96 when we when I moved to California and paid no attention to it and I just tossed it into my store you know my storeroom my store pile with my stockpile and I opened it up when I got here figuring this is gonna be nasty open it up and it was just as good as the day I bought it so I've eaten this stuff way past its best by date as long again as long as the can is intact nice and you know you got a little bit of a convex you know nothing bulging you're good to go all right next up Vienna sausages now I'm a little caveat with Vienna sausages the can is very thin okay I had an entire pack of these go bad because if you notice I really wish they'd go back to the days where we had the can openers these little seals here along that line there it broke somewhere and air got into it and it killed an entire pack of them that said the pack cost me a dollar 70 they're very cheap and they're they're really good they're kind of like hotdogs they're like hotdogs meets spam but if you cook them well enough they're pretty good they're not you know they're not bad but you got to watch them because of the canning not because of the food okay next up good old can chicken again this is another one these products I've been getting in the camera there this is another one of these products that I have purchased and never had a bad one and again it's probably cuz it feels a lot better on these there a seal piece of C used by April 11 2015 I pulled this out of my pantry I put stuff in my pantry when I rotated out of my storeroom so I mean that's still guarantee you I'd open that up and still be able to eat it perfectly good quickly let me just mention about best by dates that is something that the manufacturer puts on there I suspect probably to get you to buy more but also because they have to they put it on for a year later you know so I bought this in 2014 they say Best Buy 2015 it can be 2017 I could be eating this it still be fine it's not an expiration date all right next up tuna tuna in vegetable oil or tuna in water both stay good for a good long time this actually has a best by date of eighteen one twenty nine eighteen this was rotated out of my storeroom when I replaced it we had a local store here Smith's that does a case sale every once in a while so you go in there you buy a case food and there you go so I rotate that out um I think about canned chicken see this here I love this stuff it's really good but you'll notice it's in Buffalo style sauce and where do we go with that we go into the acidic food range of things so it's something you got to watch these are in a separate area and I rotate them out more often on that note there's a lot of this stuff comes from Walmart cuz that's pretty much all we have out here if you find these beef meatballs in broth these are really good at least I think they are you may think they're nasty and I suspect the last a good long time all right moving on instant oatmeal I have never had a nasty thing of instant oatmeal I've eaten stuff that's 10 years old it's still perfectly good as long as nothing gets inside of it I never had a problem with it and the old staple of course rice now this is a representation of course I host or my rice like this rice packed in it's an original bag or packed in a mylar bag with a knock absorber will outlast you I mean seriously it's very hard for rice to go back and less bugs get in it and some people will freeze their rice when they get it to kill any bugs that might be in it but generally I just tossed it in with an oxygen absorber into a mylar bag packing in a five-gallon bucket and I'm good to go excuse me one second I had to have a sip of water there all right everyone says and everyone knows honey honey will outlast you honey is good for forever I kind of find it funny that they put a best buy date of 2015 7 26 15 seriously honey has been recovered from God ancient places and still been edible it's still good and lastly instant coffee now some of you may hate instant coffee but let me tell you something when you need some caffeine and you're out of everything else this stuff works I don't really hate it we kind of like our coffee but I don't really hate it but it's not my preference but if I have nothing else it's good if you can find coffee in the steel number 10 cans kind of like excuse my arm they're kind of like these here where they're actually sealed and not that peel-off stuff they use those will last you a good long time - and that's just regular coffee but instant coffee I have never had instant coffee go bad so that's a quick overview of some of the things you can buy it's rather inexpensive stuff the stuff doesn't cost a fortune you know you can budget in 20 30 bucks a week 10 bucks a week buy some of this stuff I always suggest that people don't buy stuff in dollar stores or like secondhand stores as far as canned food goes because you don't know where its origin is you don't know where it's been so I tell people if you're gonna buy it for storage just to be on the safe side buy it in a regular store buy it in a grocery store that's probably why you're gonna get the freshest it's not already expired when you're buying it anyway that's the video for today let me know in the comments if you guys have run into any kind of food you found that lasts forever I'm sure I missed a few things this is just off the top of my head kinda so that's the video for today I hope you enjoyed it and just so everybody knows it's gonna be kind of busy the next few weeks with Christmas coming up if you don't see a video from me I'm around just kind of busy with the holidays anyway thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and we'll talk to you guys soon
Channel: Iridium242
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Keywords: Prepping, Iridium242, iridium242, shtf, bug out, bug out bag, preppers, survival, survivalists, bug out bags, bushcraft, storing food, survival stockpile, storing prep food, storing survival food, preppping, bug out food, WROL, Canned Foods With Longest Shelf Life, Do canned goods expire?, canned goods expiration date, best by date
Id: ih1xisOnFGg
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Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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