Top 15 Forever Foods for Survival

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now prepping has a lot of challenges trying to decide you know what lasts what doesn't I mean you know there are ways to seal food to last up to thirty years without too much trouble but what is it that you can kind of stock up on that will last forever I mean you don't have to worry about it except that you store it in a dark cool place and that's one prerequisite for all of these items now hot water is not a food it's definitely in the rule of threes you can only live three days without water so it's really important to have a supply of water or at least a way to purify water now water is a basic element and it's something that in its pure form will never go bad but keeping this sealed especially even plastic bottles the FDA says that water stored in a plastic bottle has an indefinite shelf life so keep it in a dry cool place and in a dark place and that way you'll never have to really worry about it and you can drink it even if you have to run it through a water purifier water is good to go so this is on the top of the list now while salt has been demonized a lot of times for you know excessive salt and there's a lot of salt in food in a survival situation salt is life-sustaining we need salt one thing that you want to be careful of is salt that has iodine in it can definitely spoil quicker this is none no supply of iodine in this morton one pound can but we also have kosher salt which is really good it also does not have iodine and then we have sea salt now this is just your standard Morton sea salt there are a ton of different salts even pink sea salt that is great there's a lot of health benefits to using that kind of salt over some of the refined salt you definitely need a good supply of salt again keeping it dry is really important you can also preserve meats with salt it actually removes the moisture and that's one of the things you don't want to do is get moisture in your salt so you need to keep this not in these containers necessarily but in a watertight airtight container and this will last indefinitely in fact the Roman soldiers were actually paid in salt because salt is such a valuable commodity number three on the list is I definitely added to sweeten different type of foods and to cook with but there also offers a lot of health benefits in fact we mix this with some cinnamon and we take it a lot of times we have colds and it really helps but there's a lot of different type honey's in fact you can get some you know local honey is really the best because the bees are in your area and the pollens in your area but it's highly resistant to bacteria because of the way the bees produce this honey in fact in Egypt they found honey that was in some of the pyramids that actually were 5,500 years old and yet it was still edible so honey will last for several thousand years at least and if it does become unsealed and that gets any kind of moisture in it you can't heat it and strain it and bring it right back number four is sugar now we definitely know a lot of the things that sugar can do sugar can also be something bad but in a grid down situation having some sweetener would be great especially in your iced tea if you're south of the mason-dixon line but one thing important is to keep this in an airtight container that is keeps moisture out one thing that sugar will do is it will a lot of times crystallize and become hard but you can break that off and still it still remains edible another very useful item is distilled white vinegar it's highly acidic and it actually keeps other foods fresh but this can also be used not only for cooking but also for cleaning and so there's multiple uses with vinegar so it's really one of those items that has multiple uses again keep this in a dark cool place to preserve the longevity number six on the list is pure maple syrup this is not the imitation syrup that's your mama won't last but the pure maple syrup is an indefinite food of course outside of your pancakes if you think if you're storing pancake mix it's important to have some syrup way that I promise you that it's resistant to microbial growth so it keeps the bacteria out and if mold ever forms on your syrup you can remove the mold you can strain it boil it and bring it back plus it's just great to have because there's nothing maple syrup it's sure a lot better than the invitation number seven is pure vanilla extract now there are imitation vanilla extracts that won't last but the intensity of the pure vanilla extract is worth the effort it does contain alcohol so it makes it very hard for bacteria to grow in it of course it flavors food and it's used great for cooking but pure vanilla extract is it forever food now other extracts as well are also forever so you know whatever flavors you want but to me the most popular is the pure vanilla now one thing that you don't really think about is corn starch you know that is used for cooking it does thicken like gravies and things like that but it also has a lot of other properties in fact the Egyptians use this for cosmetics and to make adhesives but it'll also take care of sunburns you can make deodorant out of it adding a little baking soda and coconut oil it removes stains I mean there's a ton of different things in fact you can actually loosen knots if something's really tight you can sprinkle some on and this will help to break the knot so and then there's a ton of other things that cornstarch can do and it is a forever food now one of my favorites on the list and really when I found out that instant coffee is a forever food I was excited not because I like instant coffee but in a grid down situation that is one thing that I'm going to sorely miss so having instant coffee as a surrogate I can deal with it and as long as you keep it sealed and again in a cool dark place this stuff lasts forever now another forever food is dried pasta whatever type pasta you use because it has no moisture in it as long as you keep it sealed and out of moisture keep it in dark place this stuff lasts forever and that gives you a lot of hope for your ramen noodles so and this has a little flavor pack which I don't know if it's forever or not but I know beef bouillon is and so the flavor pack probably is as well then we have soy sauce soy sauce is a forever food but it does depend on your brand and I don't really know which brands but I know Kikkoman is the great premium brand so I thought that that would be the best to pick even the best by date 2020 and as long as you keep this sealed it will last forever again keeping this in a cool dark place but because the salt in the soy sauce it really helps to keep this preserved now rice is also considered it forever food but you need white rice wild rice jasmine different kinds but you can't use brown rice brown rice has some oils in it and it will go rancid but again these need to be kept in an airtight moisture tight container and this stuff will last forever in fact they found some rice in different places ancient places and it was still good in fact they even fit cooked it and it was still edible so again just keeping this properly stored is the key not in these little bags it's something that you know can really seal it up and then dry beans also follow that same line one thing about beans is is over time if there have been around for a long time it'll take longer for them to cook to soften them but even then they're still edible and so again same thing cool dark place and it's important to store your foods properly now one thing that I don't have and in fact I have it but they're in number 10 cans is raw wheat raw weed has been found in Egyptian tombs that were you know four or five thousand years old and they were able to take that wheat and plant it and it actually grew wheat so wheat is definitely on the list now that's going to take a little more processing and having a wheat grinder etc but it is one of your forever foods and last but not least any kind of hard liquor whether it's your white or your Brown liquors these are going to last forever and one thing though that will not last our creme liqueurs things like that but your standard straight liquors the great thing about these not only is it going to bring a smile to a lot of people that this is on the list but definitely has some social value to it and also stress value you know if you're under a lot of stress and just morale booster but also these are great for bartering items especially if you buy some of the smaller containers and also medicinal purposes there are a lot of things that liquors take care of definitely some whiskey with a little bit of that honey and you know we all know about the medicinal purposes for that so in fact I have a whole video on liquor uses in a survival situation so guys if you have any of these items in your preps and you have them properly stored when you open them up you just don't have to worry about them they're going to be good and again keep them in that cool dry air tight place free of moisture and you're good to go and guys there is some controversy about some of these items especially like the beans and the rice lasting for that long maybe even the pasta but even if it only lasts 30 40 years that's gonna give you enough time to get something else going be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] in fact in fact in fact number six on the list is pure maple corn syrup but pure maple syrup now I'm ready for some pancakes shoot for that matter I'm hungry [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 1,025,460
Rating: 4.893959 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Forever Foods, Long term food storage, Prepper, Prepping, Food, Expire, top, List, How to, DIY, Do it yourself, No expiration date, Long term, Top 15 Forever Foods for Survival
Id: M43rO3hXiX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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