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all right so this time we will start out with the historic marker this is the whitesville methodist church cemetery the adjacent cemetery predates the church building it has several types of burial markings from the earliest stacked stone and brick graves to metal male-ordered grave markers there are numerous family plots defined by retaining walls copings and iron fencing many graves are unmarked as uninscribed fieldstone markers were inadvertently removed the earliest burial date on a marker is 1844 for reuben mobley one of the churches what mobley gosh how many times i'm gonna tell you it's modelling that's my blood that's right he was the founder of this church they met at his home to start off with and they got up enough money they built the church hey look at this right outside before we go in there and look at that one look right outside over there i see it what is that it looks like a foot stone but i see two so probably not it's probably marking a little child's grave tally didn't we see some talent we just saw some tallies interesting i'm gonna pull this one up this is for only for nothing but ants nothing but ants but it is the smaller of the two stones yeah italian all right we're way outside this yeah all right so this is the last standing fence we found that beautiful ornate wrought iron fence in the woods over there but this is the last standing fence in this cemetery it's a stewart ironworks one that we see relatively common let's see if it still yep still works still works here look at that look how it's you know we've seen this at linwood yeah we've seen it over in katala yeah waverly hall possible yeah in the woods oh yeah you see it in the woods all right so i'm gonna get in here and kind of skim this one since it's raining but this is william notley maddox october 25th 1843 to december 1st 1910 thy life was beauty truth goodness and love and at the top is in the sonic burial now this is an interesting one here with the ball on top the globe on top emma r frost wife of william in maddox february 18 1851 to january 20th 1900 kind of see the comparison between the two stones there i do have my flashlight slowly fading slowly fading lingering dying like the leaf she passed away heeding not our tears of anguish heaven has claimed its own today and we weep for me to live in christ and to die for me to live as christ and to die is something right there what does that say it did end there robert nothing on that side now look here yeah right next to the wife first thing i noticed was not the name yeah look how it's this is what is that granite marble marble i think is this thing sagging yeah it is but the water's pulling in it right there it's sagged it's safe go ahead and read this one mrs r.a rodney born december 23rd 1828 no 1823 23 died september 11 11 september 11 1896 mother of emma maddox mother-in-law yep yep that's it says emma r frost i wonder if it's emma rodney frogs wonder she was married before no her mother was a redney yeah but she was a frost now i do remember some people used to have four names they would try and cram their family heritage into the name right and they would name it after grandparents or whatever just to get that name but you're right she could have been a she could have been mrs frost so and right next to them are some children their children are they the children i can't make this out i'm trying to no they're not mr son of mr and mrs j.a williams wow the poor kid didn't live long january the 16th what's his name walter walker walter williams january 16 1891 died april the 5th 1891. children this is clarence grandson of mr and mrs amos smith that's interesting son of mr and mrs j.a williams and grandson of mr and mrs amos smith you don't see that not too often do you see the grandparents february 8th 1885 died july 4th 1885. another one did not live long at all you remember that other cemetery we went to in the woods that had a bunch of 1880s kids kids that died in the 1880s was that not the one in the woods the one that was down in town was that the one that was down in town there was one in the woods too that had a bunch of kids that died in the 1880s we went to it right before we came to this church for the first time video's still not released oh that's why yeah the video is still not released we do so many i'm not here all right so this is annie m smith wife of j.a williams and daughter of mr and mrs amos smith born november 10 1857 and died march 8 1885. so her child died after she did she died march 8 1885. when the child died she died a month after her child was born her child was born february 8 1885 she died march 8 1885 and her child died july 4th 1885. now if you notice this one who's the son of mr and mrs j.a williams this is from a different marriage because walter was born 1891 and died 1891. so is that this husband no this is the grandparents right here mr and mrs amos smith the grandparents of this child this was from a different marriage and annie here was the daughter granddaughter no the daughter sorry of amos smith who was born february 7th 1831 and died may 6 1908. look here and here's john anderson williams august 27 1851 died to june 30th 1923. i wonder where uh the second wife is maybe she's back here it could be so that was amos smith right there who was the grandparents of the little child this is emily smith what does that mean the camera sis sister of emily smith sister of amos smith born february 1st 1837 died february 11th 1885. so what i'm seeing here is amos smith must have been a pretty important fellow at least in his family for them to note his sister his daughter his granddaughte grandchild there there's another one this is sarah daughter of mr and mrs amos smith february 12th 1870 to july 10 1890. can you make this one out see connie e connie e daughter of mr and mrs amos smith born july 6 1878 january january 6th 1878 died february 26 1892 she died very young very young fanny g smith the wife of amos smith born february 29 1840 died march 10th 1916. right here by my feet so i guess this is the that looks like a footstone hey you know what this is this is the side of a fault script look look at the cutout right there yep that was uh probably just a reuse maybe they went to the stone maker and just bought some seconds or something to mark a grave of who of who of who and look here another daughter of mr and mrs amos smith ali smith she was born october 17 1882 and died november 29th 1965. it was a long time she sure did it's um it's hard to believe you know the daughter of mr mrs amos smith was alive in your lifetime yeah you know smith the big one is maddox maddux look over there another maddox another maddox so could the maddox and smith somehow never been related yeah either marriage or family of some kind of medic problem j.a maddox born august 10th 1833 died july 2nd 1905. now you know as well engraved as these are we might not even need like to put it together because it notes you know yeah that's what just caught my eye when you were backing away caught your eye oh daughter of a revolutionary soldier in loving memory of familia a consort of notley maddox september 30th 1806 to may 1st 1900 wow the rain and the weather has really mother i make out mother i can make out mother too to the we too something and that's it something was here also the water has taken its toll on that one she was a daughter of a revolutionary soldier though yeah huh now if this plaque is here you know what that means what's that there's a record of this because they don't put these plaques up unless they know for sure who everything it's erected by the button gwinnette chapter of the daughters of american revolution yeah remember we saw those at the christmas cemetery yeah yeah mrs familia g maddox born september 15th 1842 died december 19th 1915. 1960 1977. was that 1991 97 son of maddox j j a and s f maddox born 1881 died 1882 asleep in jesus at the bottom july can you make that out august 15 1881 and july 18th 1882. [Music] sally henderson wife of j.a maddox born may 12 1845 died february 27 1928 a tender mother and faithful friend here's thomas maddox born 1847 died 1864. let's see if we can get months november 23rd 1847 and march 22nd 1864. and this is in memory of natalie maddox now is that the same is this obliques no this is j.a maddox in memory of motley maddox notley born may 31st 1801 died september 9th 1867. this is his wife and that's his wife yeah yeah right next to him right next to him and this is this is pretty cool yeah it is look at the underneath here not loose look at that is that marble oh yeah with brick on top it looks like brick on top and one next to him which i guess is another box no brick on top taller sides unless that one just sinks in and they raised it at some time but look here yeah so these are by themselves off the edge of the big family this is probably the extended family could be brother-in-law's brothers right we know there's a mother-in-law there there's no marking just some old uh you call them recycled look at the notch on the top that were used for some reason to bury someone unknown yeah why were they buried in the cemetery i don't know it's can they have been related could they have been a distant relative could they be uh at a time when well you know what we can't afford to get him a stone he just passed away or it's interesting because it looks like that on every other grave they were well marked except for these also i i need to take you one day to show you a 18 i think it was 1840 1850 something cemetery where the slaves were actually buried in the same right there with them yeah because they were either close right or that for some reason or another they they were buried right there with them i'll have to take you over one day remind me to do that but could this be the yeah well i don't know i don't know this is pre-civil war some of it right yeah some of it's pre-civil war some of it's post-civil war they were definitely alive pre-civil war at least i'm not sure if there were any now and also it could just be family members that say yeah you can bury your distant cousin here if you wanted to we had these two here we had the one outside the fence too we had two of them right over there yep what about that one is that one of them no there's one yeah for this one that's the base look how the base has just crumbled sacred to the memory of james c nguyen different name here born august 7th 1851 and died june 26 1891 when we leave this world of changes when we leave this world of care of care we shall find our missing loved one in our father's mansion what is that fair in our father's mansion i can't make it out either look at the finger pointing upwards yep on the top there and this 1891 that stronger chair right here it fell out so that would be the foot stomp of this one yeah footstone jcw james c nguyen his cleveland hendricks and queenie children of mr and mrs t.w harrelson born august 6 1885 died july 8 9 11 11. three oh yeah cleveland hendrix and queenie yeah july 8th 9th and 11th so they were twins they were all born triplets yes sorry triplets august 6 18 85 is when all three of them were born and they died the 8th 9th and 11th man that was rough right there they don't all die within three days yeah so something hit some flu whatever pandemic health issue you had another one in the 1880s it was happening in the 1880s one of the babies got sick what the spanish spanish flu was after that yeah something before then there was uh wow that's that's a tragedy right there all three of the children eight tonight and eleven not quite a year old hendrickson queenie yeah yeah because they were all born triplets all in the same day is john tom son of mr and mrs t.w harrelson born october 2nd 18 88 died march 22nd 1904 so he lived for a little bit longer than cleveland hendricks and queenie they were born 85 he was born 88 and died in 1904 he could have been spanish flu oh maybe you know that's the error for that can you read that the epitaph yeah here rest the sweetest something of hope that or no i can't you want to have a shot at it hear a rest it's sweet make enough of hope word the sweetest bud of hope but of hope that here dear to [Music] human manatees i can't you can't i can't can't make it out either was given humanities the error to human wish was given how much of light and how much of joy is buried with our darling boy i wonder where the harrelsons are buried they weren't in here were they they could be right there it could be maybe when they passed away there was no family left to take care of them or or something like that yeah you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 40,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned cemetery, cemetery, abandoned, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, abandoned graveyard, abandoned cemetery house, forgotten cemetery, abandoned cemetery in the woods, abandoned cemetary, cemetery tour, hidden cemetery, old cemetery, exploring abandoned places, abandoned church, abandoned house, abandned cemetery, abandoned cementery, old cemetery tour, abandoned maine cemetery, teknoaxe abandoned cemetery, benedict eshelman cemetery, slave cemetery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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