(He Disappeared) 150 Year Old Mystery In This Old Forgotten Cemetery

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everyone its Robert and you're watching sidestep Adventures and today we have returned to the mystery illness cemetery that if you remember I did a video on a while back and this lady right here died after 14 years suffering from a mysterious illness that's what her gravestone says but we were out here for a different reason today because on the last video I found a metal tool over here and I found out what it was and I actually see it I was worried I wouldn't be able to find it again this is a tool that was used to level headstones and also apparently it may have been used to break Rock as well if I recall correctly so the reason that we're talking about that tool again today is there is another mystery besides from the mystery illness that is associated with this cemetery and we'll walk over here and look at this the last time I was out here I pointed this out as an unmarked grave so since then I actually found out what this was let me see if I get my shadow not in there you guys can see all of the all the rocks right there so what happened was back in the 1800's there was a guy who is out here that constructed these stone tombs like this one right here so this was supposed to look like one of these false crypts over here and I get asked this question a lot whether these are above-ground burials or not but these are actually false grips the burial is below the surface so the I don't know the proper term for what he would have been maybe a stonemason or something like that but anyway he was out here to build a another fall script it looks like right here he just disappeared and the stonework obviously unfinished and he also left all of his tools out here and that was a legend that my good friend and local historian Dan akin had told me about this place and then when he saw the video he said oh you found one of his tools out there and it kind of confirmed the story about the man who is building the the the gravestone just disappearing and leaving all of his tools which is another another very old mystery to this place what happened to him and I think that was really fascinating and it's just a neat story that's in time of a moment that happened in time that he just left his tools and they found the grave unfinished and it really makes you want to know what happened to him why he just left his tools and the gravestone unfinished and also while I was walking around down here I noticed this too so point this out to you on camera I don't think I saw this last time this looks like another great out here as well you can see how the stones are perfectly in a row around around this right here which is grave sized so I wonder who might be buried right there that's a another mystery out here I don't really think I looked over here in these woods too much the last time I was here so we might take a little bit east Roy didn't rise how much of a hill this is on you can see the land just rolls down there and it is of course another beautiful spring day here in Georgia you guys probably couldn't see it on camera with a small Hulk just flew up in the woods over there and I'm just out here on the outer perimeter of the cemetery right now just to see if there was any other grades that I Minister anything like that and I don't see anything else I do see a bunch of fieldstone right here this scattered through the woods this could have been I don't think that's a grave I think that may have been brought to you dug up one time and just dumped there may be leftovers from the rock wall it's over there and then come back around this little path and to back up to where the tool is and I just I'm really really taken by that story we'd love to know more would love to know what happened to him and you know they say that the stone builder still walks these woods at night not really I just made that up but I think the super interesting here that I want to know what happened to him let me know what you guys think your theories on why he just left the grave that he was building left all of his tools here disappeared nobody knows what happened to him and this story's from the 1800s and Dan told me that he had always heard this story about this out here and that he always wondered what happened to him and so finding that tool just kind of confirms story and everything and also it's unfinished grave right here and it's kind of funny after filming this video Dan had asked me before he watched the video when I told him that I came out here he told asked me if I'd seen the unfinished grave out here and I told him I didn't because I didn't recognize that as what that is and unfinished graves I hope you guys enjoyed this return trip to the mysterious illness cemetery and it turns out there's actually two mysteries out here so a really really fascinating place and a lot of interesting history don't forget to Like share and subscribe and I'll see you guys on the next adventure you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 41,762
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Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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