13 Signs You Might Be a Golf Genius

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now I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but on the golf course I am a svant and I'm going to show you the 13 signs that you may be a secret golf genius plus some signs you may be a golf dumbass the first sign you may be a secret golf genius is that you understand a ball in play is worth two in the bush the second sign you may be a secret golf genius is that you know your distances of every Club intimately we're talking about the real distance range you hit them in real life situations not the best shot you've ever hit your average shot what makes you a golf dumbass is trying to hit that perfect shot you hit one time out of 20 as your standard distance that's a sure far away to never play well now you might be a secret golf genius if you know that a bogey is a great score on all the holes with a handicap index of single figures 1 to n that means if you can bogey those holes and Par the rest you're playing to about a 7 handicap on average honestly I don't even know if I should tell you this one but you may be a secret golf genius if you want understand that chasing distance is wrong chasing distance does not mean lower scores distance has got nothing to do with scoring position and strike have got to do with scoring so what I mean is here on a par five we don't need to bomb the ball we need to get into a great position by having a good strike on our club to hit the ball where we wanted to go so I hit the 4 ir and I look for a good strike bam look at that it's got nothing to do with with the swing speed the swing speed will come now you may be a golfing dumbass if you're not using the club that works in the moment chasing a shot like this 229 over water on a par five into the wind oo that's my fivewood right well let's see what happens when we hit a fivewood from out the top of our distance range over water trying to get home in two oh now what happens now we take a drop at the water and we have to hit over the water again from 17 yard for our fourth shot no secret golf Geniuses know that we lay the ball up to our free throw distance what is a free throw distance that's our favorite clubs into the greens that's a genius move with only 230 yards left as the crow flies I'm hitting a 99 out to the right because I measured that to the spot I want to hit the ball is about 135 yard into the breeze this should leave me a pitching wedge into the par five green genius wow we've got a 95 yard shot here with a 56° just a perfect setup absolutely money does it make me hold [Music] PCH now we've been spreading Alpha all around here I may have lost a lot of people with the distance isn't everything thing you may be a secret golf genius if you use the rangefinder to shoot to the distance markers over there we can see the white one that's 150 yard we stand on the te and we give it a little bing bing there well it's saying 150 160 yards so that means if I hit something like a nine or eight iron to that that means I'm going to have 150 yard shot into the green okay so that's quite easy but how about the 100 yards so we add 50 yards to that a 200 yard shot gets me 100 yard to the pin now you know what club to head off the tea genius crazy why would you not just hit the driver well that's the genius you don't always hit driver you don't have to Auto reach for the driver if you are a golfing genius look at that another way to state that as a golfing genius is that you're planning back from the hall what shot do you want into the Hall that is pure golf genius thanks to Jack Nicholson and Tiger Woods we are not born Geniuses we develop the genius as we play and part of that genius is approach play where do you miss a shot where do you not want to go knowing those two things is easy genius mode we see the pin on the left side left hand of the green we see 75% of this green is surrounded by Hazard we don't want to go in that Hazard we see the 25% is Fairway just short left so we think to ourselves okay no water let's go to Texas Texas is the big safe conservative space just short left of this scen find every holes safe place to miss and no go Zone but then we don't think about the noo Zone that's the genius you get it out of your mind but focusing on what you want to do 146 to the pin and shorter we don't want to go 150 because if we go 150 we have a chance of going in the water so what do we think 146 maximum with a great strike short on the front of the green let's say 135 what's going to go 135 down Breeze for me that's a 48° wedge Geniuses always talk this much oh my gosh mat shut up and play the ball oh man alive look at that [Music] woo if you have trouble aiming it could be because you're not a golf genius yet but you could be a golf genius soon if you figure out that when you aim at something especially like this on a drive where you're scared of doing wrong things how do we get the wrong things out of our mind the first thing we do is we find something in the distance on the line we want to hit the ball something impossibly far away so it feels like a video game it's not really going to happen that you're going to reach there and what I like to aim at is that big ass Tree on the right I like to aim it at the very top branch of it something specific and then if I focus on that when I come up to the ball and line up the last thing I look at is the top of that tree because it eliminates the Minefield in front of me so I don't look at the thing things I don't want to do that's a golf genius move number one when aligning number two is to find something in front of your ball between your Target in the distance and your ball something 3 feet 2T in front of the ball and line the club face up to that line your body and your mind up to the thing in the distance and hopefully we hit a great shot so I've got a leaf just in front of my ball over here I'm going to line the face up to that hopefully do that nicely and then line my body and mind up to that tree in the distance last thing I look at is that top of the tree oh man that may be the greatest Drive of all time it's interesting to see what happens when I H a drive with these socks and insoles on from Victory because I haven't been hitting the driver much and that felt big but that's a 490 yard hole and we have 100 and 50 yards left I think I just hit that 340 I was going to go pitching wedge but now since I hit that 48 so long this is where the golf genius comes in is that you start to pay attention to what you're doing on the golf course and don't just go with what you think is supposed to happen adapt while you're in the zone oh man that is so close I don't know what's happened maybe 5 months off was a good thing genius and that's the genius adapting on the day to the shot normally that's a pitching wedge wearing the victory insoles and and socks it's a 48° as we learned from the prior hole take the learning with you make five months no golf go a secret golf genius knows that a par five is made to be hit in three or four shots for expert golfer it's made to be hit in three shots going for it in two shots or the expectation of going for it in two shots is reserved for elite golfers and idiots this is a 266 yard shot overwater we have no chance all we have to do is set this shut up to a place where we can H it into the green preferably our free throw distance cuz golf Geniuses know their free throw distances and hit the ball to there you may be a secret golf genius if you do not watch YouTube swing mechanic advice it does not apply to you it's made for a broad audience and never applies to anyone specifically but a true golfing genius knows if you want to improve your swing you have to have personalized lessons now you may be a secret golf dumbass if you neglect short game if if you neglect your wedges your chipping your putting your pitching when you practice short game you're practicing the bottom half of the swing and you get better strike it filters up into the rest of your back so you get better striking on the pitches and the chips which then filters up into your other clubs where you can learn Club face control and you need the short game regardless of what handicap you are and in particular if you're trying to break 100 or break 90 you need the short game when you miss the greens by 40 50 yards to be able to get the ball on the green and that's all you need get the ball on the Green Plus on top of that your chipping is so good it takes pressure off your iron game so you're not stressed on trying to get the ball so close to the pin because you can't chip it's a nuanced domino effect game and chipping and putting is where it all starts there we go the ball is now on the green that's all we needed but I'm going to show you something even better wow I just can't make them today but beautiful read huh you know what I'm saying she money money money money secret golf Geniuses know putting is all about the pace we'll get the line roughly we'll take our first instinct we're going Leto but all we want to do is stop this ball within 2 ft of that cup just put it away like a bous because if we miss the line and we get the pace right we got a short put in here goes M boom boom for the bird ski to win The Masters Two Shots ahead of Steven balleros see we put that way out wide but look at the pace control absolutely money short puts commit to your line keep that P low and just stab it in like a boss now that's what a secret golf genius looks like that's me as you can see if you want to see more tips on how to become even better like a Biz ride over here thank you for tuning in good luck to you be Arch
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 54,388
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Id: lIGYQZ0tk-o
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Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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