The Secret To Leading With Your Hips in the Golf Swing

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all right guys in today's video we're talking about the secret to Leading with your hips in the down swing got JT here with me today we're going to show you a couple of feels and drills that you can have in your swing to be able to lead with your hips which we know is one of the key pieces it's going to give you that consistent solid contact day in and day out it's what the best players do it's what you want to be able to do as well JT I know we're talking leading with the hips um a lot of players will come in into us and ask like hey I'm kind of stuck during my down swing I don't feel like I'm able to get through the ball well how do I get my hips going like those pros and we'll flip-flop spots here and I know one thing we talk about a lot and really the secret if we let the cat out of the back here is the sequence exactly and really specifically being able to get your arms and Club moving in One Direction while the hips or pelvis are moving in another Direction and so we have a a drill kind of a go-to drill that we use for this version of the float load let's kind of walk them through how to do the drill what the basic concepts are of the sequencing and we'll kind of work through the details perfect sounds great so uh as Eric said a big deal for us in terms of uh leading with the hip hips is the sequencing um and so a lot of people struggle with trying to get their hips open and even if they do get them really open if their arms are moving the same direction doesn't matter how fast your hips are opening there not going to be any difference between the club and the ball you're going to look the same so we need to kind of Pat our head and rub our bellies which is moving the arms one way as our hips go the other way and so that's really the key for for this drill yeah um the way that we do this uh is a mini version of the float load is one where we take the club about parallel to the ground with our hips um turning just a little mostly using our arms to this point now the trick of this is to make sure from this parallel to the ground position to where my lead arm is parallel to the ground this is when I want to start moving my hips towards the target so this time frame of Club parallel to lead arm parallel is when we're going to start that process of actually changing direction with our hips and it's interesting I think if you're looking at this the concept is we want to lead with the hips by definition if the hips are leading that means the rest is trailing so it's sort of like imagine you know you're starting at a line you're going to race if we want to have the hips winning the race and the rest of the body the arms Club losing the race it just makes sense to give the hip sort of an advantage let them start the race a little sooner yeah right to get a bigger Head Start as a slow guy right we'll take all the advantage we can get and so you're saying hey if we sort of let's demonstrate the drill and that so that's a good added piece too so the timing of this is when you're about halfway back so you're saying hey you're actually going to be feeling let's go halfway back you're saying you're going to be feeling the pelvis or hips opening as the arms are actually going that way yes exactly so that's the that's the opposite that we want to feel we want to feel the um you know the hips going around towards the target the hands going up kind of Towards the Sky okay JT what why don't we demo one let's say no ball first so let's actually make like a a down swing through the ball perfect and when you would start someone with this for them to feel it you like them to actually pause there for a second yeah uh pause pausing here is is okay but the biggest thing really is I like this the most is no ball just because it's going to feel so weird so no ball or foam ball just to get the feeling down um and the first place you would pause is when the club is parallel to the ground so this would be a good pause point now as I move my hands forward again that's when we're going to feel the body change direction and when you say forward they're going like up and back yes up and back maybe on like a 45° angle would be a good way to think about it if anything really guys for this drill when we're not hitting the ball just make them move just move them the opposite way that your hips are going yeah okay people struggle with that so much to actually just move it and change direction so we're looking to feel like again little pause here when the club is parallel to the ground then I'm going to start to raise my arms and change direction okay so now that's again those are the main Keys main feels for this little drill I kind of bunt one out here now that's okay AC see yeah go ahead so here it is guys here arms go up body transitions yeah beautiful good strike and if we show like a good player like any any really good ball Striker any of the top players in the world are just good ball Striker you would see the separation happening you see it on camera really in transition MH but it's happening it's starting earlier on yes the point being like there's no way your hips could win or lead if they're going at the the same rate and time as the upper body if they're going at the same time how could they lead yeah exactly they can't they can't so for for them to be able to lead they have to get a little bit of a head start start earlier and I really think this way to train it to start to feel it is really good now one of the things JT yeah you can hop in there one of the things JT after the drill because the drill is a good way to start yes right you want to be able to do that in the beginning it really makes it easy to get the feel when you do the pausing expectation there is you're not going to hit it perfect right off the bat it's just to gather a feel but then like any drill how do we take that kind of have one feel that we could take out on the golf course if we were to transition this into a full swing maybe without any pausing like how do I make a full swing with it yeah you would just maybe feel it later on yes so a good reference point that I use really for for all my players is that no matter how big the swing is you're going to start this change of Direction around the 75% point so if I am taking a half swing for example right you know people are like okay I can do it you know these little swings if I'm going to take a half swing this will be my 100% Mark yes be a full swing 75 would be somewhere around here so this where I would start so if I'm going to take a 3/4 swing okay there's my 100% mark my 75% is going to be a little bit later if I'm going to take a full swing you know my 100 or my 75% Mark is going to be maybe around my ear that's really good it's interesting so no matter the swing length you're always getting the hips going at the 75% Mark of that length yes of that length Okay so that's kind of how we progress from this that's great so that's how you take this little drill you know this small drill kind of a miniature version of the float load where we only take it to maybe lead arm parallel to the ground and you take it all the way up to the top is again that 75% point that reference is when you always want to be changing direction you want your hips to be leading the way love that JT why don't we hit let's do like a full swing one you don't have to go full speed but full swing so you're saying with a full swing then you would start feeling the hips opening and going down out about left arm parallel yeah out about left arm parallel maybe a little bit after okay yeah yeah let's see one of those so now just kind of demonstrate this in a full swing here and it's interesting to watch when you do that because like that's that's basically just your normal s that's like what you do normally nor let me hop in there and mess around that for a second so I think when you guys are doing this right right and you're first starting let me get a better te it's going to feel different right the change of Direction you're coming from a place if you're struggling with leading with your hips to keep things simple that kind of everything's moving it as one for some players that can be an okay feel but in reality you definitely can't be moving as one you got to be moving in different directions like JT showed me in the past Eric what happens when you throw a ball right your arms are going back your body's going forward tennis baseball any athletic motion you you have your arms and club going one way body going the other yeah and so I think this JT like you said to start with having the club kind of keep it below your hips and I know you said it's really important when you do this I'm not just putting my arms there with no turn yeah so I do have I'm turning some for sure and I feel the arms go up and back as the body goes forward yes okay so I'm here here so this kind of be like your practice swing get the hands and arms up behind the shoulder I feel like I'm sort of then like pressing into the Le foot going forward let me try one from there JT so here normal we're going to get back to about here parallel to the ground up and back as I go down and forward yeah awesome little bit of an overdraw but in terms of contact and moving my body motions that gives me a feel like oh wow relative normal I I got to get those hips going I got to get them moving yes and are you okay JT when someone does this sort of okay once for me what I feel like as they're going up and back to leave with the h hips I I feel a I really feel a pressure in the lead foot as I'm creating some of that rotation yes it should feel very intuitive as you mentioned to to other sports if you guys play any other sports or played other sports in your life super super intuitive it tells your brain when to go you know so a lot of times people don't know when to change direction they're not sure this is this gives our brain the time to actually turn rotate through the ball so 75% so if I was going to make a full swing without a pause I'm kind of feeling like okay once I get to here mhm now as my hands go up and back I'm actually starting to go that way yeah okay got it let's try one from there leading with the hips by giving them a head start yeah yeah and I think for I think for a lot of you guys it's going to feel sooner sooner relative to to normal yes sooner and and again I should give you guys a reference point to uh when to start hitting and what I mean by that is um you know most people hit the ball like right away right so they get they get nervous or anxious on the course whatever may be give yourself some time to chill out chill out for you know the first there you go perfect yeah that's better the first 75% of the swing just hang chill out and then change direction that's when we put all the force in the club that's when we start to be more reaction area get the hips more open and impact I like that guys you know leading with your hips in the down swing's big okay there's there's just no good ball sugers who don't do it right it's not a should we do it or not thing it's a how do you get there and think about that racing analogy G and you have to kind of keep those other things back a little bit to give you a head start really like that drill really like that feel 75% love that as well any questions as always guys leave a comment down below appreciate you guys watching
Channel: Performance Golf
Views: 147,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: downswing power, golf power move, golf tips, start the downswing correctly, trail arm in the golf swing, Golf downswing make easy, How to start your downswing, How to start your downswing in golf, Make a perfect downswing, The perfect golf downswing, golf power, backswing drills, downswing transition, golf downswing transition drills, golf down swing, easy golf swing, downswing golf drills, downswing sequence drill, backswing golf tips, effortless golf swing
Id: 8iI4NuAXuZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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