Dan talks short game with Ryder Cup star Ludvig Åberg | The importance of being able to adapt!

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I'm super excited to bring you this video of myself and ludig oar it was filmed out in Maui in Hawaii at the back end of the century tournament it's fantastic through Adidas golf to get access to L dig and uh we really talked about the ability to kind of adapt so when you don't get that perfect flat light we talked about playing off and up slope how do you adapt how do you think about the shot differently to when you're playing off that standard flat surface also the Downs slow which I know is a a shot that a lot of you struggle with okay so we did up slope we did down slope and then we went out into the uh the rough that's had Bermuda style rough out there when it sort of sat down a bit and also sat up and how do you manage it how do you change your Ang of attack and how do you manage those different Lies when you don't get those perfectly moan Fairway lives so good video this to try and learn about how to adapt hopefully you enjoy it hopefully you take something from it let's get stuck into it hi I'm D griev Del like to be here in Hawaii with L oeg and we're going to talk short game today but in particular we're going to talk about those slightly awkward lies we're not going to talk about those flat ones we're going to work some slopes and also some shots out the roof and out the bered grass there so um we're going to start with the UPS slope yeah and um is there anything in particular you go through any any setup adaptions that uh to help you manage the LIE yeah I like to I like to go with the slope I feel like golf is hard enough so you don't try to fight it too much so I don't necessarily try to change too much um it all depends on what shot I see obviously if I see a little higher shot I would just lean with the slope um or if I choose if I choose a lower shot I might even go to a different Club yeah um but yes this being a little up slope um what would you do with ball position would you put that a little further forward on a slope I might I might um but I also might just keep it the same just because it's easy so I have my BFF ision in general quite far on my left foot yeah um just cuz it's easier to release the club that way um so that's probably what I would try to do you can see how shallow that is which is really good into an up slope because you've got an up slope and you come in steep exactly dig for me the big thing when I'm into the slope and it's just a normal lie off the grass in the fway I try not to do too much of this because I mentioned to you before that's kind of my tendency I try to I drag the handle I get a little bit he was saying growing up in Europe a lot of your tendency was to drag the handle this way and as you come into the states you're really trying to get the club releasing more yes which manages the lie so much better with the different types of grass we have learning learning to play the little bit firmer golf courses in America you kind of need to do that you need to put height and spin on it so I figure that quite quickly from moving over here I struggled with it at first definitely but I feel like it's gotten better and better yeah good just see one more yeah so it almost looks to me like you're almost trying to like like a mini draw there like you're slightly shook with this with your stance set which I think just matches up really well to this up slope is that something you're consciously doing um so basically I like to feel we can talk about it later with the with the down slope but when it is an up slope it is easier to be a little bit more on the inside yeah versus the down slope is a little bit easier to go on the outside which shallows the attack exactly so it's all about trying to figure out and read the different lies um but yes it is definitely something I like to in my practice work on the on the draw shot as I know in my play your tendency my tendency is to cut across it swing the opposite I always need to because I'm always going to have an easier time doing this yeah yeah good okay well that's the up slope so let's let's move on to maybe the slightly harder one which is the down slope yep and so you're going to go more into like a cut feeli yes exactly once again um um a little bit depending on what shot I see but to this one where I need to get a little bit height on it first and foremost I like to go with the slope again cuz if I don't I'm just going to bottom out back here and that's not very good and ball position might go back a little You' moved it back a little bit you moved it back probably two inches there yeah and you've also just got your chest now more over the ball which is going to help you manage the low point exactly so I still open up the face and a little bit of a cut feel yeah and you definitely release that less as well yes so on the on the up slope it was more this way and on the down slope it was a shorter yes release okay which then stops the back uh the back part of the bounce exposing too much yeah yeah good good I think I think Amon golf is can learn so much from this I think so many don't sort of have the golf in IQ if you like to actually think about what variables they need to change yeah because if I were to hit this shot same way I did that I mean I can try but it's not going to go very well I can do the same setup I tried to draw a little bit inside left foot and it's just going to yeah then amors probably think their techniques way out when really it's the mind they haven't thought the shot selection and adapting to the different light really that's good right should we head into the the Bermuda grass now yes so we're here in the Bermuda now we've got the lie here where it's just starting to Nestle down a little bit okay so if you again if you don't change anything there there's a good chance you can H that a little bit heavy so I'm guessing you're going to make some some some changes here as well okay tell make sure what you're going to do so basically I'm feeling it quite firm underneath yeah which tells me that I need to swing it left cuz if I don't swing it left I'm not going to it's going to kick up and it's just going to expose the side of the club so I need to swing left to make it pop up yeah um so I might even go a little bit wider STS just to make sure that I'm comfortable down here lower my hands a little bit M and then just make sure that I swing left yeah and that's really important you so would you really recommend everyone has a practice swing more to kind of feel the ground condition yes definitely I mean it's very important cuz if this was a little bit softer I probably would have gone a little bit more on the inside just cuz it's going to go through a bit easier so this one is a very different lie yeah if I swing left on this one I'm just going to go underneath a little bit more I'm just going to go underneath it yeah and it's just going to come out nowhere so here I might even move it back a little bit in my stance and you squ up your stance a lot there squar it up and feel more on the inside so that I'm taking it more on the upside and that really guards against it riding up the grooves yeah when you go right underneath it and it go a couple of feet in front of you are you feeling any face rotation in this so when you're coming from the inside are you feeling like the face is slightly turning over or are you still sort of wanting to hold that Loft on um I think with this with that lie when it's just sitting sort of the up little when it's sitting a little bit up I try to feel it definitely yeah because if I just swing on the inside and hold yeah it's you know it's it's not if you go to top of the back swing there I think it's is a really important point for people to understand so it's coming more from the inside here but we're actually feeling the face working this way yeah yeah exactly and that kind of once again goes hand in hand with my tendency that I like to feel a bit of a shorter yeah swing but creating as much Club speed as possible and that's the energy transfer isn't it from the from the grip there to the club head yes cuz that is the opposite of me dragging the handle becoming slow yeah which I think as well is really important for people to understand because there's a lot of handle draggers out there which then have they then have to react and that's why we see these long follow throughs yeah yeah yeah so I'd say this one is kind of like in between it's not as up and it's not as down so I would just try to neutralize it a little bit still feel like I'm releasing the club really good it's good you see how much detail it is in terms of actually looking at the lie and adapting it's just so important I think short game is 50% IQ think 50% technique it is because if you misread the lie you've got no chance yeah what about if you get the one that really sits up on top would you ever consider using less loft there or um on pin because of what this shot looks like I don't think I would but definitely if I need if the pen wasn't over 15t probably yes I would definitely um so this would be the one where I almost feel like I hook it okay if I have a lot more green to work with get a lot working down yes exactly so you know because I'm going to make good contact with the club and the ball I almost feel like I'm hooking it this way so tow up a little bit Yeah and then and much square a club face at address so yes much square Club face I'm almost moving it back to my back foot almost yeah and then tow up and then from here it's just going to yeah cuz the the dangerous one there is that riding up ring right up the grooves yeah cuz if I were to pick a shot where a swing left on this one it's just going to go under the grass you're going to hit the ball right up here I'm going to hit the ball here no energy nothing going forward so I need to make sure that I'm more on the inside still releasing the face that's pure it's fantastic but more on the inside yeah it's still going to go up high You' got to trust a LT don't you you got to trust it but you got to guard against it going that's absolutely fantastic so I hope you got something out of that you know we've talked about up slopes down slopes playing out the rough it's all about having the experience to look at the lie and make the alterations you need to still make that consistently solid contact so brilliant and best the rest of year thank you than so hopefully enjoyed that hopefully uh you learned a few things I thought it was fascinating to to hear L uh speak about how he adapts and it just really shows his level of of what I call golfing IQ uh we went straight into that and and he was just totally on it in terms of um how he adapts and I thought when you have the up slope it was quite interesting how he talked about trying to hit more of the draw feel which essentially what that's doing out is it's shallowing the attack which is helping him manage that slope CU I know when you're in the slope a lot of you will put the club straight into it because you're not adapting so he was feeling like he was sort of set to the slope and releasing the club this way almost trying to draw it and then he went the opposite when he was on the down slope because he knew he needed get steeper so he went a little bit more the other way a little bit more out almost more of a fade feel which kept him then helped him keep the Leading Edge down through the ball instead of up which was more of the uh the draw release and then out the rough as well I mean I was giving him some tough lies they look might look okay on camera but they were really sitting down and the sort of shots that you could easily just hit a foot in front of you and again he was talking about when it's sitting down he wants to work more this way a little bit more down and holding it and then when it's sitting up again how we want to try and draw it so trying to add the draw and and fade feels into your short game to help manage different situations perhaps something you can take on board and practice um and it was also interesting when the camera stopped we continued we did so much more as well and talks about different shots he's he just absolutely loves the game of golf and I'm sure he's going to make his way all the way to the very top so hopefully enjoyed that hopefully you're going to be able to take it into your own game and uh really improve those your scores
Channel: Dan Grieve
Views: 121,592
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Id: Net9kx1xTz0
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Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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