What YouTube Golf Doesn't Teach You About Breaking 80

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so what does it really take to break 80 breaking through any scoring barrier starts with harnessing the right mindset before I begin my round I've accepted that I'll hit bad shots today what matters is how I react and whether I'm able to stay committed over the next shot and finally it also requires me to be honest with myself about my game and choose an appropriate tbox for my skill level my mind's at ease over this first swing of the day thanks and I'm happy to hit one down the middle here on one Speaking of being honest about my game Club selection isn't a matter of ego it's a matter of giving oursel the highest chance of hitting Greens in regulation 144 playing 150 it's my first iron swing of the day so I'll take some extra club and aim at the middle of the green that wasn't hit very well as predicted I don't catch all of this one all right putton but with the right Club in a conservative Target my Miss still finds the putting surface and this is the area of the game where I'm most confident from T to Green it's easy for my head to get clouded with insecurities about my swing or even my general athleticism but the green this is my domain most important by the time I'm standing over the ball I'm 100% committed to a plan I've programmed in the speed of these greens and want to ensure that I get this one to the ho and I'm committed to a line my mind is clear and now I'll just focus on the tempo of my stroke and Mission accomplished here thanks I'll have just a kick in for par it's easy enough to keep the heart rate down when you're executing well but what happens when we don't ooh that's left for one thing we won't try to hit a hero shot to recover and is right behind that tree with a tree on my line I'll just pick a Target that's pin high and hope to leave myself a decent look of getting up and down oh 58 here but again execution won't always be there doing that again but frustration and anger serve no utility on the golf course instead I'll reset and hunker down over this one I'm not thinking about how the ball got here I'm committed and this time the results a whole lot better and despite two objectively bad shots on this hole thanks I'm happy to escape with just a bogey okay we got 154 playing 148 going to go smooth 7 it's worth asking yourself whether you're more comfortable with a full swing or a partial swing that may change day-to-day or even in round depending on your confidence level it's still early in this round and I opt to back off a seven iron here it's an easy swing at my Target and it's found a piece of green I think that's good oh it just came down the rig to the front didn't it camera doesn't capture it but this is massively uphill my t-shot ultimately came back to the front tier of this screen and on a putt like this and all lag putts for that matter speed control is more important than line I mentioned I spent some time on the practice screen before teeing off and I'm able to put a firm stroke on this one and get it close and we're back on track with the par thank you all right par five and everything slopes left I find myself particularly At Ease on par fives if you just put a drive in play you'll be left with the short par 4 should be okay and ask yourself on a short par 4 is it necessary to hit your longest Club if a short Club is more consistent and still allows you to reach the green and two op for that silly decisions on second shots of par fivs are the number one area where I see High handicappers turn would be bogeys and pars into doubles and worse in my case my long sticks have been cooperating lately so I will opt for a three-wood here my confidence pays off and I'll have just a pitch into the green y we'll take that years of practice at pitch and Putt lead me to getting a lot of these to makeable range thanks downhill but it's important to acknowledge instances on the green when you can be aggressive and when you can't this is a downhill slider so my only thought here is to get it to the ho what die speed I'm happy with this one and I'll settle for par all right 144 we're touch into and there's a back stop we're back to egist decisions on this par three with the back stop behind the pin here once again I'll take more Club the long Miss is fine yeah that's okay and I'll even get a look at my playing partner's putt here the takeaway is the same one we learned on the last hole plan to get putts from above the hole to the Target at die speed once again I've done it well come on and it's it's just another part of course we also need to take a functional swing to the course and for that don't listen to me take a word from the sponsor of today's video so every year we're all trying to level up our games and I noticed that a lot of us used to rely on YouTube advice to improve our swings doesn't work for the idiosyncrasies of your swing that's why I started working with swing tweaks super cool app you film your swing down the line the way I do throughout the video here you submit that video in the app and within a few hours a PGA prob will get back to you not with General advice but with specific feedback for your swing they'll give you video analysis notes drills to work on and compared to having to see a pro in person it's more affordable and it's more convenient it's about the price of a glove so I plead rather than buying a sleeve of Premium balls the next time you play golf submit a swing on swing tweaks and for about the same price you will get feedback that you can take straight to the course best of all use my discount code and you'll get 20% off the swing tweaks price and sometimes you can't even script it as well as reality because this is my best Drive of the day that should be good thank you swing tweaks so I just learned watching Diane that the screen will kick things to the right I hit this one exactly where I wanted to but the golf Gods give it a bad break wow look at that release and if I haven't emphasized it enough already this is the part of the game that's most important for us handicap golfers we have a lot of putts from this range and realistically we'll only make a handful of them what's important is that we lag them close enough to tup far more often than not it's a decent an effort here and I'm able to clean up the comebacker for par but like I already mentioned we need to stay within ourselves when par is no longer Within Reach thanks and here on seven after a good drive I do this shake whoops okay but I won't lose my cool on the golf course evaluate what we're going to do here it's right on to planning the next shot okay 66 yards but this tree is right in my face if I aim at the pin maybe one in 20 will find the green we're going to just play it out last and the rest will find a green side bunker so I'll take a conservative line away from the hole and it works out thanks yeah I'll take that out come and after another good like putt I'm perfectly at peace with the tap in for Bogey and moving on to the next hole happy with the bogey after that nonsense o that's leaking right this one's not deep but it's in play 271 sitting a 190 club and from this lie the goal is simple trying to keep it on Short Grass yeah got away with that it's on to another short pitch and sadly it's a total mishit that's not how you do it and this one also gets away from me a bit sit sit sit sit okay take just a second and make sure I make this and it would be easy at this juncture to abandon my routine after hitting a couple of bad shots but I'll do the opposite I'll hunker down over this putt without regard for whether it's for birdie or for devil and fortunately this time I get it to go 420 into on the first hole I talked about swinging easy but I failed to do that here it's a long par 4 and my attempt at getting more out of it leads to a pull hook oh no and next for the only time in this round I think there's a bunker there that was not good I abandoned my own rules of course management okay so 200 here we're either going pitching W or three-wood the LIE is so good we're going to go three-wood and we are going to miss to the right I told myself to just miss right with a three-wood but there's no chance of hitting the green with this plan and the consequence of a Miss is hitting the water oh oh no okay we'll do that again that was dumb golf play stupid games Win stupid prizes 148 so we've gone bad shot stupid shot on this hole thus far and now another bad one oh what a bad strike it's a good demonstration of the real consequences of making just one stupid decision on a hole oh Adam I won't escape with a bogey here or even a double after failing to get up and down we card a disaster triple so despite paring six of nine holes on the front I'm forced to settle for a 5 over 41 like I mentioned what's most important is staying in the right mindset after disappointments like the ninth hole here so let's see how I made out on the back all right we going to put that disaster on nine behind us as quickly as possible got a relatively short far five here thankfully we've drawn a par five where as mentioned even if we don't hit it perfectly didn't hit that great but it's okay keeping it in play leaves just a short par 4 it's about 230 a little uphill but little wind behind us so going to hit a three-wood heart and I'll reiterate that I'm only opting for three-wood here because lately I've been hitting lines with it this one might have been steered onto my line that was hit well but nonetheless it almost reaches hope so and my reward is an eagle putt from The Fringe but even though putter is typically my strength even I'm prone to the odd misq with it hit it I misjudged the speed coming through The Fringe and on the long comebacker evidently I still haven't dialed in the right speed wow it's another poor putt but one good one can wipe out the mistakes on this hole and fortunately I do just that so 130 but into a club for sure so I'm going to hit a 140 Club but I need to tell myself is don't back off needs the 140 it's a rare thing that I take multiple penalty Strokes in a round but after a poor plan on the ninth hole cost me one penalty this one is just a poor strike the catch is a poor break too that wasn't hit well go go wow I could lament it and allow the negative thoughts to take over or I can just get back to work over this chip and lean into the short game that I've cultivated at pitch and Putt it's good enough that I'll have a look at escaping with just a bogey and for the tinth time this is the area of the game where us handicap players can claw back Strokes without having to transform ourselves into tour Pros looks like dog leg right here yeah I'm looking at the far bunker I think H not what I was trying to do but it'll work it's a bit of a Miss off the te here on 12 but in play okay 170 and a bit into not the best lie here but five hybrid should be able to get on it and this round is about to get a whole lot tougher because the wind's picking up I thought this five hybrid would be absolutely perfect but it takes a hop long be good and worse still it finds a terrible lot oh sit wow even into wind brutal break with this one going into a bunker where I'm on a downhill lie and now I'm just taking my medicine I simply don't have the bunker game to get this one close to the hole so this shot is far more about limiting big numbers than trying to get cute and get it close to the hole I'll take that yeah this was a pretty bad lie I'll consider it a victory to have a putter in hand for the next one it's a good effort and here on stroke Hole 2 I have no complaints with thei a solid strike off the T here and I was hoping to get away with a slight Miss to the left I hope it didn't find that bunker but it does find this Fairway bunker okay so I've got 127 slip right in my face but I think I can do it I'm going to take one extra club and aim right stick is here I'm looking at the Tall Tree so it's back to level setting expectations I'm hoping to get it pin high right but more than that I'm just hoping to clear this bunker lip mission accomplished and on to another pitch little chunky but from this range hitting one inside 10 ft would be great by my standards but a makeable par putut from 10 to 15 ft is fine too I don't quite get this one to go so the bogey train continues and and on to the next one okay so 191 182 with the slope but we're into it at least a club so I'm going to hit a 190 Club take a nice full swing the wind's still picking up it was actually blowing left here and a draw swing only exaggerates this Miss oh wow that went way left I think I was crowding the yeah there was a lot going on there whoa and now it's bouncing okay a lot of work and once again it would be easy to become dejected here after going just two over through seven I've gone six over through the last six and this chip will leave me a 20-footer get going take that downhill moving to my right camera left but I'm still in my routine and I hit a decent one here but sadly the bogey train continues so many of those today just in time for another par five seems like a good opportunity to get off the bogey train the strike is mediocre but like always I'll relish the fact that I now effectively have a short par 4 in front of me this one Downs forward on The Fairway it probably went further than my drive yeah I'm happy with that strike and onto a pitch and butthole it's better than the blender we made on the last par five and on to a good look at birdie I've been patient during this bogey train and we'll get off it with the hardfought birdie here there we go this is top green is the size of a postage stamp I got 123 it's into wind it's a little nine iron well we're really into wind yeah I'm going to hit an eight iron some of my playing Partners may hit pitching wedge or even gap wedge here but the scorecard doesn't care about how we get the ball to the hole should be good what's important is that I'm committed to a plan here it turns out to be a good one so let's see if we can stack together backto back birdies so in theory this is moving this way but I don't think it is by much just left Edge I'm committed to this line and I hit it but it misses just a hair low stay up and we'll settle for par okay so short hole only 300 but there's clearly a creek out there somewhere so I'm just going to hit like a 170 180 shot with a five hybrid I've talked a lot about short par fors today and with treble abound on this one I'll opt for a shorter Club to ensure I get it in play back flag at 11 10 just going to hit a little pitching and I thought this was all over the flag stick but it misses in the worst place to miss to a back pit sit oh wow that went we must be downwind I backed off a pitching wedge there okay this is no fun and again despite typically being tidy from this range I'll still have my share of misss I'm buting what's important now is to hit this lag putt without fear and instead with total abandon I've been solid from this range throughout the day and this one's no different I'll clean up the bogey Putt and on to 18 hoping that water is not reachable I don't think it is at sea level it's rare that I get a ball out there 300 y but it's another one downwind and indeed this one does top the 300 mark leaving me just a wedge in I hope that water is not reachable was online with it 75 it's a bit of a nervy one over the water here but I know my distances with this club and I'll take a confident rip at it wow it works out and now this all right this is what we asked for a straight putt on 18 to break 80 Bingo there we go with the course rating here this 79 will go into the books as a seven differential which I'm more than happy with on a course I haven't played before but more importantly my evaluation of this round is that I only made one critical mistake of course management and that aside there were no double squares on the card I hope you found this approach useful in your quest to break through your scoring barriers this season
Channel: Not A Scratch Golfer
Views: 37,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ThkboCluDZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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