The 35 Smartest Golf Secrets to Scoring Better RIGHT Now

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I really want to get this one out first to clear up any confusion golf pyic is not anti- driver learn to hit the driver we don't play driver on the golf course when we spraying and praying all over the place losing a lot of golf balls creating mental anguish we need to learn it away from the cor though cuz eventually you're going to need this bad boy to level up how do we do that we go get lessons we learn it we get confidential we come to the course we introduce it once you get confidential hit it further hit it straighter bam regardless what you have the tea when we approach the green we want hit the center of the green why cuz the center of the green never moves what we mean is take into account your shot shape right to left left to right to hit the middle of the green aiming at the middle of the green without taking into account your shot shape is a bit stupid so on this one we got the ball above our feet meaning it's going to go right to left so I have to send this out right and expect it to turn over cuz the ball's above my feet whatever shot shape's going to come for you on your shot aim for that so that the finishing position is center of the green okay we're on the right Edge over there as amateures we going to miss a lot of green so we're going to manage the golf course with our short game a lot of the time but we sty ourselves and handicap ourselves by hitting 60° and 56° when we have so much green to work with and the most reliable and easy shot to hit without chunking it or the spin rate variability is to hit a 7 8 or 9 iron along the ground using all the green and that's one of the best ways to manage your short game because you go high you're going to cry and as Gary Player says you go low you get the hose so we're going to get the hose on this one we're going to take a 7 ey let it skidadle right up to the hole now that's going to be a far more reliable shot I bet you if you take 10 of those versus 1056 or 60° you're going to find it much easier to scoopity duped along the ground we need a starting line on every single golf shot from pts all the way through to t- shots I know that this four iron lately hasn't been that reliable so the the shut shape normally is straight with a little drawer but now it's going a bit straightish or a fader so I need a starting line that's going to take into account my shot shape there's a dead tree toward the left side that is my target I'm going to start on that line and have the ball come back in with a feder if it goes straight it's still a great shot you're going to find something along the Line to Line our club face up to over here you line the club face up to that line our stance up to that line and then look at the big Target in the distance and try hit it there's a little fader I was talking about and it's going to find its way back to the middle of the Fairway instead of just aiming down the middle willy-nilly expecting a phantom straight shot we have to take into account our shot shape of course your start line depends on your shot shape and that you know your shot shape because being able to manage a golf course you have to know yourself one of the things I knew about myself was I would just get so tense and so attached to the outcome that I would lose my mind so what I learned was a thing Tiger Wood spoke about where he gives himself 10 yards before the ball and 10 yards after the ball to be in the shot and then once he's pass that 10 yards away from the shot he's out of the shot he's gone it's out of his mind he's moving on to the next shot already so within 10 yards of the ball I'm already assessing what's going on I see it's roughly going to be about 140 we got the 150 yard Mark over here it's wind off the left looking a little bit with us we've got the pin in the center of the green and we know we want to be short right or on the green never over here so we have to pick the correct Club then regardless of the outcome we walk our 10 paces and we're over it whether it's a great shot or it's a shitty shot and we're on to the next shot I'm already thinking about that one probably right to left little bit uphill beautiful and I'm already finding my line in my head envisioning the putt I've already moved on from this shot you may be asking yourself who am I to give you these tips well I finished fourth in my club championships three times and we've picked our line we were nose right to left we just already kind of had an instinct and we're not going to overread stop over reading the green pick out the slope pick out your line know that your pace is combined with your line and your brain and go for it go on your instinct the more you read a putt the more you miss it because you're finding ways to SA sabotage your stinky self so I found my line I line up the pter and I look at the Target don't spend too much time looking at the ball give it a wakoo and look at that absolutely stinky winky great shot I can buy myself flowers another putting tip we putt to make the putt I didn't put there to leave myself a tap in I didn't putt there to be scared of leaving a 3ot short or 3T P the hole I try to make it and then when I have this putt I try to make this putt you're resetting every single shot it's the same thing as in the Fairway 10 yards toward the ball 10 yards past the ball hit the putt get over it new process make this putt bam Google Earth is your friend so what I did on this hole last night is figure out where is the widest part and the widest playable part on this hole is 60 yards wide and the distance to that area is 196 to 215 yard so I'm going to hit my 200 yard Club from the te knowing that whatever comes out I'm going to have 60 yards of width to play with little fader pick the start line bam 200 yards away really wide up there a rangefinder is your best friend when you're managing a golf course I use the red tiger available in the link in the description less than 120 bucks normally 110 on Amazon everything I could ask for the way we use it we shoot to the tree tree over here to see how far we have to hit it to the edge of the water that's tree I know is on the edge of the water that's 125 yd away if I can't carry that tree I have to go to the right so I'll shoot the big slope beyond the tree on the right hand side to see what club I would have to hit so to hit that slope and bounce left I'd need to hit about 185 Y and with 292 y to the pin if I hit this properly and it goes 170 yards I'm going to leave myself 120 which is a beautiful pitching wedge or 48° we're just going to try set up our free throw distances because a free throw distance is high confidentiality High trustworthiness right onto that slope now it's going to hit that slope and bounce to the left boom boom boom I want you in my room we want to know our free throw distances and our free throw distances are the distances with the clubs that we hit that we feel high trust and high confidence in those two things alone trust and confidence help you hit amazing golf shots if you don't trust it if you don't feel comfortable you don't feel confident you're not going to commit and that's the biggest thing we need so I've hit this one to 125 Y which is normally my 48° free throw distance and that is absolutely perfect again the ball's above my feet so it's going to turn right to left we have to take that into account so we're going to put this way on the right side of the green and hopefully it draws to the middle get that pace baby that's a great little Pace right there course management is a big topic it can be easy to neglect the short puts thinking about all these other things but the short puts are really key we want to just keep it low stab it boom stabo part three management I feel a lot of sympatico for higher handicaps or people who cannot carry bunkers here the whole point of managing a course is that the golf architect has put things into your field of vision that going to distract you from your golf your goal is to get the ball in the cup in as few as possible trying to beat that golf architect's little ass and the golf architect and the golf designer at this course is none other than the great Jack Nicholson winner of 18 Majors what he's done here is he's put the desert on the right hand side I want to avoid that you want to avoid that you always look for the space you look for Texas where's the big ass area that you're going to be safe and conservative on the left we could probably fit about 40 Barbecues in there and that's where we're going to go left side favoring that removing the bunker from our minds just like that let had a little fade on it because I was aiming at left we've done very well we are greens side that is great for a lot of people and for most people a putable Around The Fringe is absolutely beautiful it's almost the same as being on a green putting is included in course management because you have to check out the slopes very important if you don't take it into account you're going to leave yourself a very difficult putt remaining a 6-footer up the hill and then probably three put so we want to take into account the slope uphill is really important so we don't leave it short like a little piss Wily so we're going to go little bit on the left not much and just give it a whack well probably should have gone from the right but we've left ourselves about a foot and a half nearly 2 ft there and that's perfect what I picked up in Scottland playing in 2 3 4 Club wind and today we've got a 2 and 1/2 Club wind is that you have to hit the shot that you know how to hit we can't go fin angle special shots unless we really practice them and know how to hit them when you try hit that like low one with a big draw and you're using too low Loft you just smother it and you actually kill your score whereas if you just think to yourself if I hit my normal shot yeah I would lose 30 yards on it because the wind's so strong that at least it will go somewhere in play instead of trying to fangle something I've never done which then causes me to lose a ball take a drop have to rete so I'm not going to try keep the especially low that one I bet won't even make 180 the wind is so strong that's crazy that's gone 163 yards so that probably lost about 40 yard into the strong wind now we have a shot that's 187 yd up the hill and it's playing 195 because of the slope plus we have wind into US probably three clubs so it's actually playing about 220 that's right at the top of my back so one of the things I like to do is think of best case scenario best case scenario I hit a seven wood perfectly problem is there's a bit too much spin on it the wind hits it best case I'm going to land front edge best case what percentage chance is that maybe 1 in 15 1 in 15 the other 14 times probably going to hit it short into that water there because the wind is just going to push it back so I have to play the high percentage Play We want to Stack the odds in our favor to make the lowest score and at times like this prevent the high score I don't have a club I can hit you know playing 220 yards into this Breeze up the hill without losing my confidence so what I'm going to do is Lay It Up short pitch it on and try and make the par from there unexpected but sometimes you have to adapt so I never thought i' would do this on a 350 360 yard hole is actually lay up short of the water but you know I'm nothing if I'm not adaptable and you can be too we've left ourselves a beautiful 103 yards and when we have wind and when we have conditions that are not the normal for us we have to adapt we can't just play to a number because I'm into the breeze I'm going to lose a lot of distance so I'm actually going to hit a pitching wedge from 103 y because I've got three clubs maybe even four with a gust of wind in the air there that is very unusual here in Kaa in Thailand then I've hit a little fader L look at this that is that's pretty close I've hit that to 10 ft which is amazing and something to do with course management is managing our expectations which is part of managing ourselves and one of the most eye-opening things I ever learned was the PGA twist that's for a proximity to the hole after certain distance shots you can see it all in their website the average distance from the hole that the PGA tour pro finishes after hitting a certain distance the other one was putting so when you look at a PGA tour pro 3 ft 99% four 5T 80% 8 ft 50 % and 10 ft you're looking probably at about 40 to 30% of their putts are made that helps alleviate the pressure you put yourself under when you're putting I love making 10f Footers I expect to make all of them I try make all of them but if I'm making three four out of 10 of these I'm at PJ to a pro level that is pretty cool one of the most beguiling things I know as a golf is when you try to play a safe shot and you it up why did you it up because you were stuck between being fomo YOLO trying to smash a ball up there and playing safe if you're going to play safe commit and be decisive if you're going to attack be decisive and commit to it I'm going to hit a 6 on down here on a 440 yard hole and I don't care I'm not thinking oh oh don't screw this up because it's a it's a it's a safe shot when you really should be hitting the driver cuz your friends are laughing at you nope I'm a six iron hitter screw everybody watch this shot look at that decisiveness personified we've hit a 250 yd 69 and that is difficult to believe but we are down Breeze now we turned we've got three Club wind behind us onto a firm surface downhill we've got 167 yards but I don't want their wind to affect the ball that much when the wind is too strong we can't judge if we let's say hit a pitching wedge is it going to fly 167 or is it going to stay short is there going to be a gust and it's going to go long so I'm going to take my normal 167 Club maybe an A on and just hit like a little Punchy one keep it a bit lower so that wind doesn't push it too much of course if I didn't hit it as long I'd try to take advantage of the wind ride it all the way to the hole so we're going to take the ater and hit a little Punchy one try to keep it a bit lower and hit a crap one just to the right of the green yeah it's okay up there we can probably putt that putting from off the green can be quite quite a daunting task if you've never done it before I know it took me a while to get used to it but it can be a very valuable skill to have so that you when your chipping is off or you're feeling a little bit like yippy you've got something that's going to help you and eventually when you get good at this it's your go-to club that you don't even chip anymore and I learned to do this in Scotland and I've been doing it in Thailand even over the tropical grass which is like velcro you just got to hit it a few times I can't tell you how to do it it's just something you have to psychologically get over because a lot of the time you leave it way short cuz you're scared or you hit it way past cuz you think you're not going to make it to the hle but as you hit 10 20 30 of them you'll start to learn how to gauge the distance and that's pretty much all you know you're probably going to miss your line a lot of the time but if you can get this to 2 fet you're a pretty big dog okay I missed the line well I misread it I hit the line but I've left myself a 2 and a half foot of there for the Pary where I learned the most course management in my life was to take two clubs out in the late evening at a course as a member at and the pro would let us play 10 11 and 12 and we'd come back to the clubhouse on the 12th green and we would play those three holes with just a two wood and a six iron nothing else and my best score for those three holes as a kid was too underpar because we had to improvise a par five is generally a three shot hole most people are not going for it in two regardless of handicap majority of people are just not especially a hole like this cut up by water I'm going to play with a 69 here the entire hole every single shot just because it's more fun to do that especially when you're learning course management to show yourself hey I can do this with anything I don't have to always smash driver and play all 14 clubs very very good lessons playing with minimal clubs we're trying to stack the odds in our favor to give us a better chance of making a good score we're trying to remove the stuff that's going to give us a bad score so here a 6 iron which I promised you I'm going to hit has enough trajectory to clear this tree and that's the thing you have to do you have to focus on your trajectory punch shots t- shots you want to know your iron shots your pit shots and your chip shots the trajectory they take so you can Envision it clearer when you want to hit the shot it's very important because if you don't know your trajectory you can't anticipate what you're going to do like here if I go for something like a nine iron I'm going to hit this tree in front of me but if I go for a seven I can keep it underneath there and get over the next one I know my trajectory if you know your trajectory you can make better Club choice and shot choices so we're going to hit a six iron here and we're going to fade it away from the water toward the middle of the Fairway with a little slicing glancing shot there we go and when you're playing an approach shot you want to see where's the danger and then you want to avoid that and then find the Texas and play to the Texas we've got a bunker short we got a bunker to the right pin High those are the two danger zones and then obviously to the left where there's water you don't want to hook it so the safest play is long or the safest play is short right where there's a big ass Fairway you can chip up the front of the green you otherwise you can try to land on the green if you're feeling like you got a fader and you're too scared to stick it out to the left because it might go straight into the water play it at the pin and Let It Fade Into the safe Zone the Texas and Chip it up the green if you do this and you play your favorite clubs around the golf course you're going to find yourself sometimes in mistaken positions so this is not where I want it to be but it's what I've got and all I have is a six IR so I have to improvise and when you can pull off shots while improvising with a club that you don't normally do it with you think to yourself damn I've actually got some game I could do this with the club I really want to so if I wanted to do a pitch and run here I think a nice 52° or 48° onto the front is going to roll out quite nasty but I have a six iron so how can I improvise it to do that I'm going to have to land it short of the green because it's much much lower Loft probably like 10° lower Loft so that worked out really nicely when you stand on a green and look back at the hole you can see where your bailout areas are you can see how big the green is to know how much space you actually have from the te or from the pro shot it looks like that green is like 10 or 15 yard long this green here is close to 35 40 yard long which means I have a lot of space to land a golf ball or run one up you can see your bailout areas where there you cannot bail out maybe there's a bunker how close is it set to the green now you know don't go long because the bunk is going to come into play you can see where you can bail out and have very flat chips where where's your flattest chip going to be to certain pins where's your slopien this is what you can figure out and start understanding how to approach your course much better but sometimes if you got the distance you got to give it a whack got to get on in two par five let's go sh with 205 y left we're going for this bad boy over here and using course management we want to stick to the right side we got left bunker it's just terrible down there you're never getting up and down so we're going to go for that big ass Tree on the right there knowing that if we draw a little bit we're perfect if we don't we're on the right edge of the green just short chiping aart birdy time let's go even when we're attacking we're still using some kind of management so we don't screw it up oh
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 30,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 86pj2qCF5PU
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Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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