10 Rules I Follow to Maintain a 2 Handicap and You Should Too

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on our [Music] not really that is I didn't hit it that solid but because I didn't go hard at it I didn't pull it I didn't slice it it's on the green a little bit tired but if I keep in this process of setting rules for myself it really prevents the bad numbers in a lot of the videos I start to flail off around hole 12 to 18 or 13 to 18. if you had to look at my handicap for the first 12 holes I'm probably a plus handicap but for some reason my attitude my tent my attention span everything was dropping around hole 12 and at times I was even thinking God do why isn't golf 12 holes long it's way better if it's just 12 holes and that attitude led to a lot of Drop shots between 12 and 18. as part of a process to stop picking the wrong Club toward the end of the round when I'm overestimating the distance I'm hitting the ball is that I have to just think to myself okay you're not allowed to hit any shots at a hundred percent off the whole 12. if I set a rule like that that's puts a process into place where I'm not allowed to do deck which stops those silly shots when it comes to putting like this first get the line once I have the line it's set in my mind often I use the line on the ball so we have a line on the ball on the line I'm going to hit the ball all I have to think about in my station is what's the distance I'm going to hit how hard am I going to hit this cut out a variable I've got my line lined up that takes out some of the uncertainty now my process always is to look at the whole and feel the pace get back to the ball the line lines up to a ball line and I just use that same pace part of the process is having a rule and sometimes later in around I find that I try go for power fives in two on occasions I really shouldn't but at the end of the round the low lofted clubs really start for me to start going sideways on a par 5 like this we've got to accept it's going to be a three shutter so I can set a rule 12 to 18 no par fives in two okay round you can add another rule avoid hazards at all costs just keep the ball in play another part of my process to work back from the green I've got 250 yards I'm going to hit myself a six iron it could go about 170 yards it's going to leave me a nice comfortable 80 yard pitch with my sandwich which is what I like foreign now generally my process around the greens is to put as much as possible it's not a bad play here but we have elephant grass if you have fine grass I'm happy to hit it through that grass but with elephant grass it could it's like velcro it could just get stuck so I'm gonna hit a I'm going to hit a 56 degree Lander on the downslope and let it get there now for me especially when I'm tired I can go back to being very handsy very lazy so I have to remember titties to the Target so if I remember titties to the Target I'm going to continue to rotate through the ball and not chunk it which is what I get very scared of when I'm tired so if I stay titties to the Target that's my process titties to the Target I hit a good shot but if I don't do titties to the Target I Duff it [Music] one of the best jobs I've ever hit in my life this is what I love about golf is that I'm I'm working out processes for when I go back to Scotland or just in the future because I learned a lot in Scotland I've played a few days of 36 holes and I drove between towns at night I was driving 45 minutes to play golf finishing at 9pm quite tired so I'm learning here even there even to hit a driver could be a good solution for the end of the round for when the irons and the my usual reliable clubs are going off the boil I had a great driver there nearly hold nearly hit on the green we're in a bunker the process with putting we can read this part as much as we want usually your first read is pretty good from there on you're trying to read to miss you're trying to find a way to miss let's just go with what we thought a hole and a half left just trust that get the pace right let's make the bird pace is a bit too strong that's the only thing pace is a bit too strong that's the only thing oh well now one of the rules I like to put on myself is approaches on par fives for two I will often say if I can't reach there with a seven wood or a 6i those are my two maximum clubs I'll just break it up into two shots so an easy way on par five so even take that decision out of your mind is to hit a shorter club that forces you to hit two more shots so you hit the Green in three shots I'm gonna hit a driver up here and I'm gonna hit a four iron and see what's the difference but all right okay let's do Lexi potentially the worst strike of my life two inches fat so I had a very bad one and sometimes it's going to happen you're gonna hit bad but it's in play this is still stretched we've got 350 yards left yes it's long but reframe it in your mind it's now a short Par Four it's now 350 odd Par Four so what do we do we hit a four iron up as we would On a par four and then we hit 150 yard shot in very simple don't get down don't get blue Frankenstein was ugly too thank you we've hit the driver we've given ourselves 250 into the green that's a very tempting distance and of course my ego is starting to come out because at the end of the day we're not thinking clear we've got 250 oh yeah look at this a beautiful low fade with the three iron carry that bunker roll it up to the green and this is where we fall apart we start to make irrational decisions instead of thinking real clear now if I think real clear here I just hit something over this bunk in front of me and another wedge on but this is what can happen sometimes you can be lucky and hit a good shot but a lot of the time now I've put myself in a 50 50 position on what decision to make I'm going to go with the three iron and let's see what the result is now that's a more high stress shot whereas I could hit a wedge over there and another wedge on what's going to be best for your mindset and reducing decision paralysis at the end of the round because you're not making the best decisions because you'll be tired three stress-free shots to the green beautiful now I'll be honest with you I try and avoid these shots that was a little thin I got really lucky there another I don't know a millimeter two millimeters that's across the green or chunked because I don't like partial weird shots and a lot of people don't like partial weird shots so while the the premise is to hit as close to the green as you can for a lot of people you have to remember your game are you bad at 50 yards 40 yards 60 yards if you don't practice that much which I don't do these partial shots where you have to control the distance can be quite tough whereas if you have a confident shot further back or closer you have to play to those distances the comfort and the confidence level is so much better when you stand over a ball and go hey I know this shot and a lot of us have five or six shots in our Arsenal inside 100 yards that we can rely on okay that's a good that's a good putt now the gambler's illusion or whatever they call it I don't care you can use any delusion or Illusion you like that helps you part of your system needs to be reframes that can be true or untrue if this is 50 50 one and two and I miss one it means I'm due the next one if I miss two I'm definitely do the next one if I'm a three four or five in a row number six or seven will guarantee drops is it better to think like that or is it better to think no that's a delusion so it doesn't really work out like that no do what makes you hold a putt that's part of my system is to use good delusions camera them if you could just turn the camera more toward me um [Music] and then the part of that delusion I made that one I've forgotten about it the next one I'm due oh wait I gotta make that part the end of this we get a long par three there may be a long par three you've got the wind into you're like how the hell am I going to play this hole just think about it in a moment it's 210 220 200 into the breeze two clubs three clubs you don't even have a club that goes that far okay it's just a powerful if I get up and down and get lucky I make a three that's what I had to do with a mindset shift and that's what you do at the end of the round when you start to fail a little bit mentally so we're going to hit something more toward the left side take that bunker out of play if it's a long pad on the green cool if I'll miss it a bit left short chip it up you'll notice okay I got really lucky there and I hit it at the hall by mistake with a big fade it wasn't intentional I was actually hoping for a little draw so let me show you the safe shot see okay just part of my system as well of playing short game shots now is not just to Auto puller Club is to come feel the turf around the ball see it's very soft quite grainy grass we've got to feel which one's gonna be this one seems to go through the turf better the 56 so we have to keep cognizant of that don't just go hit silly shots I picked this up in Scotland as well to test the surface first I feel like the 56 is the most solid [Music] it's a paw girl now we've got 406 yards on this final hole I'm gonna see two different things to prove to myself what I should do in the future and we've got a Bunkie in the way there so I have a very tight gap on the left to get the ball into otherwise I'm in the bunker and if I don't need a driver I can keep it short of that bunker leaving a very beautiful approach shot you also don't want to get yourself into overthinking okay sometimes you can believe that you're doing a process but you're overthinking talking yourself out of the shot you should be playing how are you feeling on that day now the driver to me is not the most comfortable but I'm gonna try it yep that's why you see so I talked myself into hitting driver and I hit a shot that's so out of character so I try talking myself into a into a driver there what I really wanted to do was hit this one iron shorter that bunker knowing I'm not going in it leaving a very easy approach not overthinking do what I like gives me a nice relaxed swing now the commitment and the confidence look at the difference it made first when I hit some shuri with the driver I'm hitting number two from there maybe dropping and the one I really wanted to do puts me in a great position don't talk yourself into bad shots so we've missed that bunker he's kept short of it which is beautiful being in that bunker hitting all the way through the sand over the sand to the pin from 80 90 yards is not great this is a much nicer shot we've got 154 up the hill a little bit now gauge your conditioning can you still hit your clubs the same distance as the beginning of the round if not you have to Club up I'm going eight iron here from 154. normally I'd hit a nine just because I think I might be fading with strength what a beautiful shot [Music] let's go [Music]
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 273,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NnDYHNzw9gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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