How to Play Next Level Golf Like You've Never Seen Before

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it's the start of the golf season and I want you to play the best golf of your life I'm going to talk you through nine holes of play as a one handicap of how I approach every single shot so that you can understand how you can Implement that in your own game in this new season to become the player you were meant to be most confidential Comfort Club on the tea get the ball in play always remember ball in play ball in play new season here I go so not my best but because it's a confidential Club even a bad shot is still in play now we need to set up a shot into this green from 305 what do I want into the green I want to first shoot that tree over there to see how far we've got that's 151 so I have to get in line with that tree or past it and in line with that tree is very narrow up there so I need to be very confidential that I can actually hit it in that place so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit 150 yard shot and go well right of that tree leaving myself another 150 yard shot into the green so this is a bit of an intro to to setting up your shot into the green thinking back from the hole what do I want to head into the green just like that so I got 147 to the pin I know for sure I'm going to clear that water that's the most important you shoot to the bank you find out it's 130 and you make sure whatever Club you hit is going to clear 130 even with a crappy strike opening hole still cold we just underestimate our distance a little bit and with a ball above my feet and my tendency to draw the ball or pull it I'm going to aim this just a bit right of the hole Beautiful Lie just ball above the feet grip down just a little bit so that I don't hit it fat and watch this see has a tendency to go left of the slope and there I am on the left Edge what you might find gang bang is in the new season is you may play really well as soon as you come back to the game after being out for a few months in the northern hemisphere especially and you're going to play some of the best gol for your life cuz you have no expectations you're very relaxed you're very happy to be back how do you sustain that keep that Vibe be happy to hit the golf course and drop your expectations every round this is the first haul of the day if I do get up and down here and make my PA I've done very well if I make the boogi it's on my handicap no problem first thing I do when I'm doing a chip is check how much space I have to roll out I have quite a lot to roll out here a sand wedge is way too much loft here because I have so much roll out I don't want to get to too much spin so I'm going to try toe down chipping this like a putt off the toe of the club Works 60% of the time every time as we get better throughout the season practicing our chipping we're going to get the touch much better hit it closer than 4 ft get it within 3 ft absolutely beautiful this is our second hole and the most insane distance of 430 y to the hole what it can feel like when you first come back or your first four holes of the day you're now going to pump one out there still feeling cold cuz you want to get there in remember any long par 4 generally a low handicap index which means as anything above a four handicap three handicap bogey is good so I'm going to hit a seven wood ski if I take a driver out now I'm just not going to feel confidential because I'm not warm yet I'm not feeling great and this hole has a lot of woods left and right let's just get a ball in play that's going to leave a hell of a long shot in but it's in play and we know it's a low stroke index one of the things you may find as you maybe start losing your way after the beginning of the season is you want to start analyzing your swing how can you get a bit better you start losing that Vibe you had at the beginning of the season but I urge you not to try do your own swing thoughts and create your own swing I highly recommend an app like swing tweaks it's the easiest way to get a PGA professional to take a look at your swing and give you things to work on I haven't played much in the last 5 months boyfriends I was feeling a bit sore after golf so I sent my swing to swing tweaks pro bill helped me to see I'm still humping the ball again he explains it clearly here and he gave me a couple drills to fix it and watch how your hips come off that purple line coming into the ball what we want to see is that left hip turn to kind of get back onto that wall as quickly as possible so what's the the cause of that is the left hip moving too much laterally in the down swing okay so you can see here we got kind of a push off push forward and there you see how that left hip is kind of showing up on this side of the line quite heavily swing treaks has been growing because more and more of you have gotten tweaks before the new season kicks off in the northern hemisphere swing tweaks are doing a preseason sale you can get your whole golf season organized with one 10 pack of tweaks get your lessons before the season starts and then keep in touch with your pro over the season as you progress you can get 10 lessons for only $80 us download Swing tweaks and use my code players for your 10pack EXT stravaganza with these shorter ones if you're not confident in the beginning you actually want to practice using the line on the ball there's a little white line on this black ball I'm going to line it up to the thing that I've committed to I've committed to this line over here now I line that ball up to that line that takes away the line from my mind now all I have to worry about is just starting it on the line with the correct speed you can line your poter up to that line and just give it a whack and Bam it goes in the cup while we're still as called as Rick Shield's putter we want to use the club that's going to get us into play and the way we do that is by looking at the widest part of the hole the widest part of this hole is roughly seven wood distance so I'm going to continue with my trusty 7even wood you want to have that go-to club that if your t- ball with the driver is not working you have a club you can drop to let the dodos argue over driver versus 3-wood off the tea it's driver or seven wood there's no three-wood it's fivewood seven wood forget three-wood now you may say ooh shots fired there by Matt but don't take everything so seriously take it about as seriously as we take Peter Finch in actually qualifying for the open we've hit this ball so far from the hazard because we don't want to go in the hazard in the beginning of your season as the season progresses just keep hitting away from the hazard and you can get closer to the hazard as you get more confidentiality we've left ourselves 134 yards up the slope with a slope like this with the ball on an up slope I like to just tilt my shoulders parallel to the slope so I'm Hing up the slope which means it's going to have more elevation and it's going to want up pull to the left more on an up slope it will want to pull to the left more and go a bit higher and the higher it goes the more it's going to pull left cuz it's got more chance in the air I'm going to aim it dead at the pin and you can miss this hole on the left side and short we're going to take a pitching wedge from 135 here and just punch it and then it's going to reduce some of that shape coming off of the slope so it's not going to pull as much or go as high just get those shoulders tilted a little bit back that's a tricky lie once you understand the difficulty of the shot you can accept the result that's not quite what you want because you're trying to get it close to the hole but in some situations you just can't and then you accept that the tricky thing with the line is that if you don't commit to that line and you feel like it's not in the right place when you're over the ball reset because if your confident is in the right place now it's in the right place when it does doesn't make sense to you when you look over the ball one of the tricks is line your poter up to it let's say it feels like it's aiming wrong move your head move your eye so that it it actually looks right cuz you know it's right that looks right where my head is now I'm just going to hit it from there and we nearly made it I'm going to hit the driver here but I have as much confidence in hitting this driver as I do in see gr harvette on the PGA t well looks like ground on the T we got 233 left which means we're going to go for it because that's at the top of my seven wood range but we want to be careful here that we don't get into real trouble there's a bunker on the left and a bunker on the right with Woods on the right everything good here is on the left so let's see how far it is to carry that bunker on the left it's 200 yards to carry that bunker so a seven wood if I draw it too much is definitely going to carry it so what we'll do here is we'll aim it at the pin because there's a nice Corridor there if it does turn over left it's going to carry that bunk on the left leaving us a very nice pit shot now if I was 250 yards out just 15 yards back from here it would make a big difference to my shot I'd be hitting this one to like the 100 yard Mark with 150 yard shot and getting a wedge on the green but I'm just at the top of my range without having to swing out of my shoes to get the ball to the green even 245 I wouldn't be going for this hole and of course you can hit this ball as long as you possibly can get it up there just make sure you're not getting yourself into trouble with the obstacles in front of you we got a very tricky shot here because we have very firm Turf onto a down slope from above the ground above the pin onto the down slope which goes into a down slope to the down slope on the green so how do we stop this ball if we catch all of it and landed on the green we rolling off the front because there's no spin from this lie 56° could work but the bounce wants to bounce off the turf so I'm going to take the 52° and do another toe down just because of the life it we lash Li it's a easy 56° On The Fringe what a life this time we're going to land at four or five yard short of the green on the left let it bounce right and die down the slope to the hole so let's do a toe down chip with a wider stance oh I've missed my line completely but you know what we're on the green we're assessing this putt we've left it on a down slope which was our first mistake ideally we should have been a bit more aggressive and actually got it well past the pin it gives us a flat uphill putt now we're on a downhill left to rer so it's going to die toward the hole which means that we want to put it out left but let that last bit of the putt just be the ball using the Gravity from nature to get the ball down there so I'm envisioning a hole just short of the hole maybe 3 ft short I'm going to hit to that distance as if it were a flat cut now it should die and take some more break and we're okay with that two par gtfr absolutely brilliant we have 205 yards on this very long Par 3 the thing we want to do is eliminate the bunker because if it comes in from a height the ball can often make a plugged lie or a fried egg and over a 30 yard bunker shot to the pin it's almost impossible to get the ball out so objective number one is to avoid this bunker objective number two headed on the green somewhere Texas is on the left that's a great place to be now when I have a longer chip like this where we have a short carry and then long roll out I like to just use lower Loft and whenever we're playing a shot in golf we're trying to simplify our station simplify your station as the fren staion so we're going to simplify our staion and one of the best ways to do that for chipping if you're really not feeling great about it to simplify it is the toe down chip I keep showing you this where we just take a low lofted Club I could probably even do it with seven iron here to be honest we're going to just use it like a putt hit it off the toe bring that handle up use your putting stroke and just find a spot to land this on or let it roll out to the hole and just let that ball roll out look at that that's not even I haven't even hit the line but the pace is perfect because it's low Loft and with a crappy chip it's still going to leave you a good result better than duffing a wedge short or teething one across the green probably about 6 ft but again we use the line on the ball to simplify our station we're simplifying our station by removing the line from our brain just focus on hitting the pace cuz the line is completely eradicated we set up with the line on the ball we line up our putter to that okay that looks pretty good my eyes is in the correct place and we just bam it on the line just like that and it's just that simple that's why they call me the stimp daddy because I put those putts away I used to be a terrible putter people think I'm an amazing putter now and I am but I was terrible before which I mean proves to you that you can do it too Bob Rotella and my video with Eric about how I became the best put on YouTube check it out you will also be nearly as good as me now let me unload on you a secret that is going to transform your game which we talked about it a bit earlier planning back from the hole this is the number one secret from people like Jack Nicholson all the way through to eldri Woods they're going to tell you the same thing regardless of what the muus on the internet will tell you I use the rangefinder and I use the GPS unit 400 yard to the hole what do I want into the green realistic if I can get a 150 yard shot in I'm going to be very happy so let's shoot the distance to the 150 yard the 150 yard marker is 244 yards away we are down Breeze and downhill so I'm going to hit a 220 yard club that may roll out to 244 or with the Chang in elevation and the wind will get to 244 leaving me 150 yard Club into the green I've hit that really poor but it's on a good line up the right side and I'm probably going to leave myself a little bit more maybe like 160 yard 157 so I'm 7even yards off what I had planned to do this planning to get yourself into a nice position is going to be the key to lowering your scores this year but but you know what's even more important is to know the distance so I knew my 4 iron with a good strike will prob me probably put me at 145 with a poor strike I'm at like 157 160 which is not a problem let this be the first season you've been truly honest with yourself about your distances just like that you know sometimes after sometimes after a while you can take yourself a bit too seriously as a YouTuber or as I like to call it an influencer but really what I am is an outl okay so I'm trying to outl you into getting rid of the nonsense in your brain that other people are putting in there for profit what I want to do is get you playing Great Golf and then when you play Great Golf we the great clothing of water Player golf we've got clothes we've got accessories we've got this Putter and this putter is one of the reasons I put so damn well cuz I created it for myself and here we're going to putt it from the side of the green here because I think this is the highest percentage play but you have to practice this cuz it's very difficult to get right the first time and I've done a lot of practice like this when this becomes automatic it's like missing greens is the same as hitting greens look at that touch you know and it's like it's like okay you know that's up and down it feels automatic if I miss a green I don't stress anymore because I know that the put is going to save me highly recommend what player bird dog you know what I've been noticing lately is on a hole like this I'm going to hit my driver and try hit it too hard cuz I want to get in position it's a 460 yd hole it's freaking long it's probably a bogey hole for 95% of us so I'm just going to get the ball up there get it into a position with a stressfree club it's better to just get in play with a stress free Club than hit a stressful shot trying to smack it too hard and hitting it in the trees or topping it better just get in play play for the bog key you surprise yourself with more PS that way just hit it at that tree it's a beautiful line nice and smooth seven wood okay A little right but we're in play and we're going to be real happy here with even a bogy going to be a long shot in but if we can pitch and Putt we might make a par okay gang bangers we've hit it to 230 yard to the pin here and the reason I would go for this shot is because my seven wood has a clear tendency to go left where it's safe if I had a tendenc to slice I probably wouldn't hit this even though it does open up on the right cuz I'm scared of going in the woods the other option is to hit a four iron which I know can roll out due to the firm Turf on the down slope toward the green so you have to really know your upper range and don't go trying to get another 5 or 10 yards on your upper range Club hit it comfy and be okay with leaving it 10 or 15 yard short for the pitch the problem comes when you try smash it to get that extra 5 or 10 yards to reach the target when you don't really have to you give yourself a great great chance to get up and down by just hitting your normal shot it's a secret you should unlock in your brain because it makes this game so easy low stress committed like I always do yep that may be the for of my life my P ones we're going to continue with this planning back from the hole we know this is a dog leg right we know from experience that we don't want to get too close to that big ass tree down there a lot of people are just pulling their driver par four par five because you know it's long hole just hit the driver if the driver is the club that gets you in the position you want you should hit it I want to have less than 150 yards into this hole because the green is a semi Island we've got 75% of it surrounded by a hazard favoring the left side cuz it's not so hazardous there but if I'm from more than 150 it's a difficult Club to head into the green to be able able to hit a nice shot that stops on the green so I want to get to like 140 130 to secure a great second shot that means I can shoot to the 15 with my range finder there's a steak in the middle of the Fairway and then I just add 10 to that so it's 215 to that white steak down there I'm going to add 10 to that to make it 225 downhill slightly with the breeze not much but downhill gives you another 5 to 10 yards so I'm going to hit the 4 iron which hopefully gets me to a wedge range and it can seem like I'm just hitting four iron the time because it's automatic but in this situation it's what gets me to that position if I were playing the back te's the seven wood would get me to that position so I'd have to adapt the club L green okay we've gone well left there little pull not according to plan but you know what we have to adapt as we go no matter how good our plan is the advantage of pulling it left and keeping it at this range means that if we hit something longer and pull it left we're behind that big ass tree so I have a clear open shot here removing most of the hazard on the right hand side coming from this angle I feel really confidential unfortunately we have by pulling it left left us off that 167 yard shot but a 167 yard shot from this angle versus one from the Fairway actually is better here so I'm happy with this the ball sitting kind of not up on this on this Turf so the iron is probably going to just catch a bit of grass before the ball so I might come in a little steeper which means I might hit it a bit harder delofting the club which means an a iron here which my normal Club may fly over the green cuz there'll be lower spin on it especially with some grass between the ball and the club face so I'm going to hit the pitching wedge just because of that flyer lie because a a 9 with a flyer I don't want to be over the back and then having to take a drop I'd rather be short here with a easy chip up the slope from the front left see every Golf Course is easy or difficult depending on how you play it yep so we finished just short left easy chip up there I'm glad I didn't go with a nine I'm On The Fringe I'm in a putable in regulation I don't like green in regulation much I like putable in regulation that's what I like to think of especially here we're just on The Fringe we've got nothing to really worry about it's the same speed as the green cuz the ball is going to be jumping along the way anyway so we go a little bit leftish here we just get the pace right and that's the pace you know once you get the pace right you can miss the line completely and you're going to hit a good shot now one of the most dangerous things you can do is Nostalgia golf because I've hit a couple of big bombs down here in the last week and now I get up here thinking wow you know I've been hitting bombs here hit the driver again big sweeping draw get it down there but sometimes you have to go with your gut and my gut is telling me today the driver is not going to do that and there's no point in risking it it's a it's a decent power five with a small chance of getting on in two very very small you need a perfect perfect shot I'm not going to play to the perfect shot I'm going to play to the perfectly manageable shot which is my go-to 4 IR straight up there set myself up a nice second shot leaving the distance I want into the green play for par and the birdies flow it's an amazing concept wow that may be the best for of my entire life that could even get on in two now I'm going to do the Nostalgia shot which is the driver I have enough distance to really get in trouble on the left there and my bad shot is a pull drawer well there goes another bomb sometimes you go with it and sometimes you don't you're going to regret hitting the driver sometimes when you hit it and you're going to regret not hitting it we've left this to 245 to the hole lots of space on the right so we're going to hit it to the gap on the right with the seven wood I have enough distance I just have to trust it I don't need to try smash this you must never try smash a shot to a par five and two because you will end up destroying your chance of a birdie or even a par par is good birdie is a bonus I've hit a nice one there could be a bit short left but chiping a we get the birds key yep it's bit short money but don't Smash It and top it in the waterall this is the driver which has gone absolutely Monumental distance we only have 165 left so this would have been a good play you know you got to weigh up your odds and how good you're doing on the day golf is in the present you can't live in what could have been or fomo you can't live in regret I could have hit that driver but I didn't I'm just short of the holder with a four iron and a seven wood let's see if I can chip this in for the ex key no on the green if you had offered me a birdie putt for from 6 ft on the te would I have taken it of course I would have good if you want to see more like this check out this video over here it's going to help you big time
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 106,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zshDn3tPpls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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