How to Pitch the Golf Ball over a Bunker

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okay players some questions how do you hit a golf ball over a bunker it's a scary scary shot while it's not actually that scary see they're pinned down there we're going over this bunker but if you focus on the pin it's a scary shot if you look where the rest of the green is it's not a scary shot you can eliminate a lot of the bunker and it allows you to have a more aggressive target to aim at than the pin the pin you're generally going to either get tense and scared and leave it in the bunker here or you're going to get tense and skinned and come up and teeth it across the green if you take that pin out of play you lose the fear and the difficulty of the shot play it to get it on the green first and foremost and from there - I'll make the putt that better to make three shots up and down here rather than putting it in the bunker and taking four five shots to get up and down that's a quick stroke saver right there now straight into it from these fluffy lies I don't like the 58 it doesn't have much soul and bounce my 58 so I prefer taking a 54 but meet now look depending what handicap level you are you're going to be aiming for different things okay most people who are scared of this are not going to be single figure handicaps that generally going to be mid handicappers 10 is 12 15 18 25 look at all that green on the left and look at all the green on the right and then how much greener is behind the pin these are very important things to think of because instead of focusing on the pin you have a much bigger target to aim at so if I were 20-something handicap crapping myself over the shot I'd be going at the pin and expecting it to be 20 feet past if I have enough green behind it I'd be going right and expecting a 20 foot putt from the right oh I'd be going left of it to see if I can make a 20-foot putt from the left but it's better to have a 20 foot putt than a 20 foot bunker shot yeah it might not be PGA Tour worthy but then again we're not on the PGA Tour see with this rough in Asia it's like a Bermuda or sometimes a bluegrass I think if the club gets stuck in here so if I take the 58 it gets wrapped up by the blades of grass the same thing happens with this but this has more force coming through with this more you know increased bounce or or so that it has and it's a bit heavier than that one I like that one from the bunkers and title eyes but fluffy lies are like the 5456 or if you have a heavy soil 58 you could use it priority number one on the green so let's go at the pin and if we're lucky we'll stop short or stop next to the pin but let's be aggressive enough to land it at the hole and have a 20-foot putt left from behind the hole standard chip shot no special technique okay I'm a boss so that's five feet but that's the idea be aggressive enough to be happy with a 20-footer don't look for the five footer the five footer will come when you least expect it eighteen feet but down in the rough get it on the green if your fear is leaving it in the bunker because you're looking at the pin only and stopping it right next to the hole I can add one shot to your score immediately if you can eliminate the pin from your mind and find a safer place where you can take some of the bunker out of play you know as in like if you go further left there's not even any bunker to carry or the bunker starts curving in and there's less carry to get over then you can start reducing your score have a quick look or Teske in the background they're having a little putt absolute legend she's actually draining the litter just looking at the hole that play as you can see here's a good result okay some good ones some okay ones I mean you're probably looking at 12 to 15 feet over there 12 to 15 feet on the green is makeable 12 to 15 feet from the bunker not really Michael if you scared of it and then here the longer ones but we're still on the green we went slightly left and here you're looking at probably about 30 feet and other one is probably about 20 feet 18 19 feet something like a remember get it on the green aggressive assertive no rinky-dink pinky Ponk get it on the green if it's a 20-foot putt it's a 20-foot putt if it's a 5-foot putt you got a good you got lucky or you hit a good shot that's fine but get it on the green look where there's more green is the green behind the pin is the green short of the pin is the green left of the pin is their green right of the pin where's the least carry over the bunker you can eliminate some of your carry by going over an edge of the bunker where you don't need to hit such a long shot take the pin out of your mind and land it on the green subway change your life no players I know what you're saying that your course and your situation is unique but it's not so here's another one over the bunker let's say from the fairway and from the second cut over the bunker to a tight pin now your golf course definitely does not have greens that are miniscule in size as in 5 yard radius of the cup no ways so from the edge to that Cup is 4 yards but guaranteed any green in the world whether it's pantiliners shape kidney be in shape whatever shape you can either go right or you can either go left where you can either go long on one of these shots over a bunker to a tight pin guaranteed it's not unique so what I like to do from here is I like to use my 58 degree because I'm in the fairway and just try to get it as close as I can but we're gonna go with another option of just trying to go right but on this green we have a backstop behind there we have space up on the lift with a ball roll down lift space up on the right where we can eliminate the bunker completely so he has a few different shots [Music] okay some to the left some to the right some over the hall we don't need to put it to three feet if you're in this position you probably did something wrong just escape with getting up and down in three shots maybe two but never for now if you're really crapping yourself because you're in the first cut here or second cut and you don't want to go at the pin go at the pin at landed past the hole will go right and actually take some of the bunker out of play it could be left it could be right but sometimes you can take the entire bunker out of play completely and stop worrying about it and you're not even worried about the pin you're just worried about getting it on the green okay now let's go right okay I got interrupted there by two subscribers lovely chaps let's go right let's take the bank it completely out of play 54 degree from the deep lie let's make sure we get out take the aggressive swing man it takes all the stress out of the shot believe me now he said the most makeable putt probably not but it's better than living in the bunker it's better than that after effect of leaving it in the bunker because then you hate yourself you get a Friday lie you can't get over it you play prep the rest around get the thing on the green man baby don't worry about putting it close you can start putting it close as your handicap falls and you can start focusing on the front but come out and practice it but if you're not gonna practice it avoid the problem totally okay players here's another example on the course so this is quite a realistic scenario you can pull it lift and be between the hole and you have a bunker like this onto a downslope now to me I can see a backstop on the left there's a there's a mount there but to the right the the green falls away so you don't want to go that way if you're not confident you want to go up on the left here because you have a backstop so instead of going at the pin and hitting the downslope and running off the back of the green there why aren't we hitting further up lift take the stress out of play and almost take the bunker out of play all right so let's go have a look from the other angle but like most people will want to just go straight at the pin what's going to happen then is you more than likely going to worry about the bunker and hitting it over the back of the green let's remove the stress and do this watch see now instead of going at the pin I'm going up left here I just have to be confident and aggressive enough to get it onto the front of the green here it should funnel down to the right and stop please stop by that backstop we can't always expect to put it to three feet if we're not confident in the shot we're about a hit so we get that shot we're about hit into the most confident area we can in our confidence zone try and maximise that don't hit shots that you have 5% confidence in hit a shot that you have like 80 percent or 70 percent confidence yeah I think most people could hit a chip well enough to land it on the green on the left and hold the green back there take the pin out of your mind now let's see how it goes I've got a 54 I'd probably like to use with 58 yeah but this one has nice balance to go through the rocks on your landing area don't see the bunker forget that just look at all look at your will and the area up there where you want to land it and hit in my suppressor that should land a foot or two beyond that spot so that you really see so sometimes like there I'm lucky the slope is working for me here but the main point is if I go straight at the pin without taking into consideration these things I'll more than likely bounce right off the slope and it'll kick it further back off the green so take out the map take out the carry over the bunker if you can and then get that pin out of your mind if the pin was cut even further closer to me I'd still take that shot because I'd leave them on the green for a putt I don't want to leave you in a bunker I don't want to hit it over I just needed somewhere on the green for a punch see so that's a shot it's going up there to the to the other side it's on the green now we're padding you now we just take our putter and we go and make a putt if we can to putt we save the bogey don't leave it in this bunker down here because you get a guaranteed most people will be taking two or three shots out of anything so get it anyway but in the bunker get it somewhere on the green
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 40,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chipping over bunkers, how to chip over a bunker, how to chip over bunkers, how to hit over bunkers, how to hit over a bunker, waddaplaya, golf sidekick, how to avoid the bunker, how to chip, how to pitch from the rough over a bunker, how to chip from the rough over a bunker, how to bunker
Id: BaJMbL8gRsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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