I’m entering The Open Qualifier BUT need this lesson..

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all right guys some of you may know I have entered open qualifying oh yeah I've done it and it's actually taking place in three weeks time um I'm excited about it I'm also very nervous now the goal is to try and go to open qualify and break 75 that's my goal to try and get into the open is only a dream it really is because to get into the open for me I'd have to have three of my greatest rounds of golf ever back to back to have a chance of getting in the open so I'm going to go to Regional qualifying which again is in three weeks time and try and shoot the best score I possibly can and make a cool video for you guys I've done this for two main reasons number one to get back in the ring a little bit to to test myself to have a scorecard in my hand to I don't know feel that feel that buzz and that excitement and number two to make me practice a bit more like to work on my game work on my weaknesses how can I keep improving because my golf game over the last couple years haven't been what I would like it to be now this is the first time I've been to open qualifying if you're an OG G fan of the channel you remember seven or eight years ago I tried to qualify for the open and that was a real journey of playing a lot of competitions uh that's not going to happen this year it's really for me just to motivate myself work hard and hopefully represent and shoot a good score in open qualifying now we're going to do four videos and each video is going to have a different topic the fourth one will actually be me playing open qualified and seeing what I shoot but we're going to start things off with episode number one now I think it's important that we address my biggest weakness first you might notice where I am I'm here at wurn on the short game area and I've enlisted the services of my main man Dan grieve one of the best short game coaches in the world I've worked with Dan before he's definitely helped improve my short game but we kind of need those final touches now we need to be getting up and down every single time not just every now and again cuz I'm going to try and break 75 at open qualifying we need the short game to be absolute fire without further Ado let's improve my biggest weakness and let's go make it strength all right Dan I need your help pal it it's improved you know since I last saw you has it's improved a lot I've been getting up and down slightly more than what I had been doing my confidence levels let's say when I when I very very first came to see you I reckon I was at God one out of 10 confidence level think the second time I came and saw you which we didn't actually make a video on you got me up to about five or six and I'm probably sat at around a six or seven now mhm which is a big Improvement huge from where you were and you had so many questions last time and so many s of you know misunderstanding about how you approach short game that what I'm seeing hearing from you now You' got a bit more clarity definitely which is absolutely key I think where where I'm getting with at the moment I feel like I'm definitely hitting a much better variety of shots I'm not scared about getting a wedge out when I need to and be able to play good shots I think I'm probably in that mindset at the moment where I'm thinking too much about technique and not thinking too much about results a lot of times I've actually I've hit a good shot M and I'm like looking up and going there nowhere near the hole close yeah sure and I'm really really really struggling on Awkward lies okay all right sounds good so I think I think what we'll do today is we'll have a look at your Technique we'll have a look at that but it sounds like you're very typical of a lot of players who maybe didn't quite get it you know struggled and you've improved but you're still very much in that technical mindset you're very much wrapped up in what you've got to do now as you start getting better which you have you've got to allow yourself to move on which is actually start to to see the shot visualize it and play the shot and don't get W up in your technical bit which sounds like that's where you are so today we' got to try and release your mind a little bit so you can start playing a bit more flare so we'll have a look let me let me sort of sign you off as it were in terms of your Technique and setup so you can like you know what you're doing well okay and then we'll get into hopefully a bit more shot making we're going to play some really basic ones just this front pin then we'll place them to the back pin but very much working on that chip and run release one style basic bread and butter chip okay anything you're you are thinking a bit but what would be your key thoughts that you're still going through your mind when you're setting up or playing this shot I probably don't think a lot about set up but I I like to keep my hand soft mhm and I really really am focusing on always turning through yeah that was a you were underneath what in your last time yeah even even just a couple of times when I've sent you videos in between Senor it was just just making sure I turn to the point where I feel like my CH everything's almost at the Target sure when I hit bad shots I just feel like I get here yeah so I'm really trying to make sure I turn so soft hands and turn they're my two main things I wouldn't say I'm I'm religiously going one two and three releases I'm it's kind of happening but I don't know why see slightly it's coming out a bit more naturally now as well which is which is let's have a look I don't think I'm I'm even picking a shot like if I'm this to me isn't I'm not even thinking release one I'm just thinking right turn through soft hands and generally I mean that was an okay strike so a six out of 10 strike but I mean you know you fit it to hit it to two and a half feet yeah that I mean I won't be overly disappointed with that if I'm honest with you that's one I'm not the biggest fan of jumps on you just feels like like it just comes out hot and left yeah would you say that was the biggest complaint you've got that type of shot there that one and I still often get the kind of one that almost flares open a bit right okay you're setting up absolutely world class over the ball okay good like your setup Basics are perfect in terms of the Swing itself again last time we battled against you getting very much kind of flat with the wrist and behind on on the plane so the swing plane was this way you would then counter that with this sort of move your swing plane now is perfect great it's much better the shaft's much more of an extension of the arm you've also got a little bit of rotation in the right hip now so your shoulders are turning a little bit flatter which is helping so so that's good as well and the length of swing's improved good so we we know we're setting up well we know we got the back swing correct but really I want you to focus just a little bit techn more technically on where this butter the grip is traveling from the top of the swing and you want to be feeling like it's traveling more up okay like it's working more back up towards you but can you see what allows me to do that is how I move around the shot this way so keep working on that rotation and really focus as well on the top of your arm I think this will be the the best way around it for you the top of the arm has to retain more pressure and I want you to do lots of practice swings like this okay where you're really holding the top of your arm in so your thumbs on your chest your fingers are holding the top of the arm in and you go left arm only and you just get that nice feeling cuz see see how the but of gits working this way yeah so your bad one will be more this way you get a bit of daylight here but travels down too long and then you're either going to just stub it a little bit or you're going to want to hold it off this way so I'm more like this yeah so that's it so really apply pressure here now you got to apply the pressure at the right point in the swing so if you take it away so your bad one would be a little bit of A Yank on it a bit of a pull down this way yeah this arm starts to separate then you hold it off this way I can feel that okay so basically your Club isn't landing and sliding for long enough so if you take it back there this time as you come down here apply a little bit of pressure this way feel that yeah and then you'll feel at the bottom of the the club the club head starts to work more this way and the handle Works more upwards as you rotate the body rather than letting that will work down for too long you hit a couple first and I'm just going to give you that dis pressure points you'll feel it I'm going to exaggerate it slightly so we'll hit a few balls but I'll really take care of that left arm for you okay you just swing it as normal okay and again now I know what I'm doing now how did that feel I know you over hit it a bit but that was on the feels like my 56 is has added again good it feels like you've added more Loft to my 56 did you feel the sole on the ground for longer um I possibly wasn't focusing on that yeah don't worry about the pin we're just going to hit some shots to get the technique here we go that was lovely you hit that 3 in is heavy but look I was going to say it feels like if ID have hit the ground there previously I have fatted it yeah cuz that handle was going down too much whereas now your handle swinging up as you're releasing open your chest up and then you can trust it and I promise you Rick when you stand over a Chip Shot knowing you don't need to be perfect much much better way to to play game just a bit just a bit I I do still feel like I have to gain perfect contact yeah and if thinking about the whole thing for you now you know is just going to compete and go to open qualifying and all the matches you play um going forward you've you've really got to get yourself in a in a position over the ball where you don't need to be perfect and that's how you're going to relax that's how you're going to score okay and get deal with that pressure that's so but great working up top of the arm staying it nice and close body opens up Club slides more see I love that I love that one little thing just hold you finish on the next few as well and we'll just check where that club face is exiting because when you're warming up there and the first few shots you he I just notice that when you're coming through a lot of time your face would do this yeah like it would actually twist this way and that was when it was going this way dly across the groove what we should find now you're actually releasing this club properly is the face is almost almost drawing a bit Yeah okay as opposed to kind of holding it's matched up back with the back of the left hand again is it really yeah that's class love that that is safe as houses good right how' that feel like I I would have expected to have chunked it yeah well let's have a look on here so so see where this lands there we go so I would say the club now it's on the turf now yeah which is what 2 in yeah it's still on the turf it's still on the turf it's still on the turf that that's on the turf that's sort of 789 in there right that's wild yeah and that's the that's the sort of security we that would make such a big difference to me I still feel like as much as my short gain's improved and we've got to that six or 7% confidence level I I do still feel like I've got to catch it perfect yeah exactly and it and it's and it's testing you've also got to redefine what a good shot look I mean some people say hit two three inches behind the ball and they're sort of saying no it's not perfect but you almost want to celebrate those ones cuz that means your technique's in a good place obviously you don't need all the time you still want to be a little bit nearer the ball than that but still sometimes that handle just wants to pull a bit there just go to the top again so this will beit a bad one it goes down it travels downward you want to be feeling like it's going that way okay feeling real different things yeah okay that's the feeling so do this hold it just in your right hand at the bottom right at the bottom and then couple of things against the top of the grip that's it take a back swing and basically that gap between the butter grip and your arm on your bad one would retain or probably even get a bit bigger yeah you yeah that's that's that's a fabulous drill for you we want to short on it yeah that's it and by the way that's not an active sort of scoop we're not really trying to make that happen if you're if you're light enough in your grip and you are and your length of the Swing adequate which it is and you conc and just moveing the chest this way but you'll see how the bu of grip travels this way yeah I like that okay can't be watching it okay we going to keep moving open up through the balls you make that move felt very different there though yeah let me move you you do the the move of the but the grip I'll move your chest better there you go that's pure yeah I can really feel that mhm just going to move you a little bit more on to it this time I'm doing two things here I'm adding pressure here and I'm moving your right hip a little bit more over the over the shot that's pure you feel that as well does that feel a little bit more rotation than normal yeah it felt like my body was moving faster but I could I could move Mo the arms a bit slower okay interesting yeah good just go to the top I don't want to dwell on the bad one but you can feel the difference this will be bad for you yeah okay and this will be good that's good okay yeah that is as good as it gets Rick that is world class okay let's hit a couple to the back pin same same shot just uh going to carry a little further now so what are we now 20 yards or so so it's carry this up well over halfway same thing so see if you can lengthen the swing and hit it further without driving that handle down too much you can that's absolutely pure that stops so quick it's mean you hit that as good as it gets but it's like what 8T short yeah and this is what we're saying so this is where We've Got to Now move into a little bit about actually how do we get the thing close because you struck that as good as it gets well I think I would have landed that where I would have expected to land it yeah yeah okay driving it in lower right sure I don't think the landing spot was far off where I was trying to land it yeah fantastic absolutely beautiful there you go that checked and just ran out a bit more and that's a great Point as well and if you look at the absolute top top players in the world when they hit shots like this and if you were to stand behind them and they were playing the same shot over and over again their ball would go through the exact same pocket of space in the air every single time like to really Master it you've got to got to get control over your launch height and then because you were driving it and you had that sort of face twist this way you could get that low left one you could get that high right one so what do you think that's going to do to your instinct in term of how you see the shot I've not hit the low no you not hit the L but you if if you're not hitting that launch window there's no way your instinct can start to feel where you're going to land it and how much it's going to R because you're not seeing the ball doing the same thing every time see that was a bit that was a little of the old one there where you just pulled back down and then dro the right I feel like I'm trying to do is get this to to yeah touch there mhm yeah that's the feeling but make sure you're really moving with it okay really open up that right pocket is actually turning onto the ball and your good one like that is as good as it gets love that absolutely love that I mean that must have felt pretty good that stopped so quick it's ridiculous it's like we're Jing like almost like using brand new wedges that's the type of shot you expect to see sure and these are these are old and it got that much spin good now if you look at that club face now you see how it's slightly turned over I mean that's a great shot again now don't move so this is where you are now and I love that almost a little bit of a draw feel I don't if that makes sense to you as a feel right now before it was more like that because you were trying to save what you were taking off you see that's good listen I love that that's um there's your basic low low shot I'm delighted with that so it's a little bit kind of over you to get some practice in there but there's not too much for you to think about there I don't think technically and that shouldn't take long for that to sort of become you know very very natural to you we're starting to go towards Target yeah let's get into the runoff and then play some softer ones now okay okay right we're in a runoff area now and we're going up and back down down like pins what 5 yards on so this is where we need a little bit more control we're not looking for lob shot here we just looking for a little bit more spin more like sort of medium flight how's this shot I really don't like these for some reason yeah I I don't like it when I've got to I feel like I've got to get height yeah uhhuh and and again whether it's because I'm driving it and then trying to add height last minute I just I just never like an uphill shot like it makes sense from your from your previous technique doesn't it if I was elevated if I'm than the green I love that shotly you can just play your normal shot check it down there right so I've given yourself an okay lie there let me just watch you play a couple because the big thing here Rick which I think I think you and and many golfers maybe s struggle with is actually understanding what the LIE allows you to do like the LIE read down here is just absolutely key yeah so that lie there is fine let's um no excuse on that Li so let's see you play a couple to that p played out pretty well yeah think I could land obviously it's a great result think I can land that a bit more on the green if I catch it well so that face is just shutting down a little bit going back and we get a little bit more cupping of that of that left wrist it it shouldn't going back yeah a little bit that's why it's coming out a bit flat also I would get you a bit wider in the stance for this shot so we go go there ball up that left heel open a face just a fraction so if you take a back swing now see you get a little bit that way yeah yeah so you just want to be feeling again it shouldn't feel too much it's not like you drastically out but you want to be feeling a little bit more elbow fold here and trying to get it more this way that alone is going to get the LOF and bounce on and I think you've got the feeling of the of the release it's pretty same sort of feeling we just worked some where it works more this way now okay so it's more here in direct contact with this SL we are trying to hit behind it but you want to be finishing more this way the face is going to be turning over now so it is looking back at you here now right yeah but the big thing just try and get this here you get that there you'll be in business okay that's why I was still in the golf club for 15 years so I should be pretty good at that that's it now that for me is a much better shot you've carried it onto the green with much more control all we've really done there is widen the sance put the ball forward and cut the wrist a touch more it was outrageously higher yeah it doubled in high didn't it see that was good it was B swing was better it was a little bit driven still it you can still release out better but again it's okay look look at the results we're getting I think what I've got to feel the confidence with that I need to get those ones where where it feels like the club's like this forever yeah for me to really stop that driven I mean like that you hit that 3 in heavy yeah it sounds D if I get a few more of those I can start going totally I mean when you're prac show you so you know when you're practicing you want to be doing that and I'll try and like dust this so I'm going to hit this like way back that was 2 in before the ball yeah look how soft that came off yeah so it's almost like intentionally I mean you need the right lie this is where the LI reads really you know absolutely key but the more you try and hit back on it I think the more you're going to release it which is what you want but you've got to get away from that one cuz that is a however well you try and release it your your golfing instinct is higher than most so if you go this way you're always going to go this way yeah okay but if you can go here you can go this way and really make sure you're hitting that back on it yeah like they naturally I open the face so much anyway yeah good much better starts width now balls forward little cup of the wrist land it before the ball bit driven little driven yeah mhm it's really trying to hit that behind the well yeah I like that I like that look how safe that is like how soft it came off so that was what 3 in back yeah yeah that's crazy so I'm just going to do this I'm just going to put my grip here just to try and promote a slightly narrow Arc so the one you get a bit driven you drive into it you hit it so you're not going to hit me don't let it be in your mind at all we're just going to just provide a little bit of a feel there you go see how it pops up more so really getting away from this long Arc okay so nice and narrow in that Arc through the ball can you loosen your grip a little bit tickle your thumbs right fact you could almost take your thumbs off the grip and hit one because for you I think a lot of your drive you actually identify which part of the grip does it it's really the pads in transition yeah it squeeze and drive so if you take the thumbs off the grip you get much better awareness of where the weight the club it is just try practice wi no no no thumbs you feel the club yeah okay yeah so let's put let's let's put your thumbs on but don't put them on have them just literally resting yeah like they're not on the grip okay now just hit one now little bit of Cup in feel the weight the club up yeah nice control good my thumbs wanted to desperately grab on right take them off totally this time then totally off the gra it feels feels weird right it's a great drill for you because you want to be feeling like you're holding the gripping the fingers at the back it just shows how much my thumbs must be yeah interfering with with my shot so take them off feel the weight of the club head keep moving with the release see how look how soft that came off that was lovely very cool right put them on now but don't put them on if that makes sense it's gently resting on little bit of cupping in the left wrist nice and relax land it slide it short that's the problem you got a little bit short you're going to turn on want to drive come down okay feel that transfer so you're feeling the pace transfer down the shaft lovely shot good shot so you got to transfer the energy almost feel like it transfers down the handle toward the club head that was a good description that that's the best one you done look at that see ball spin jump up in the air and go in that did land soft yeah so it's just getting that transfer yeah so we don't want don't want the energy this way the energy goes this way I think where I struggle sometimes I was thinking about that one a bit when when I almost go so relaxed it it feels like loose yeah I know what you mean but that's why we need to make sure that the chest keeps the speed the chest keeps the firmness in the movement I me that's is good does it get that Mak sense yeah so I know what you mean if you're so loose and you just put it on the board and you don't do anything yeah it's just going to pop up real weak but you have to move with it I've been giving you what I what I describe as green light flies there they're lies that actually you can play this shot you can let the club land and slide we have an amber light lie would be something like like that for me anything that's not perfect from here I absolutely hate it yeah okay well let's get into that now so first off just put the club behind that one and a club behind that one see if you can feel differ between green and Amber that's just got a bit of fluffiness to it's got a bit of gift to isn't it that's not going anywhere yeah okay that's not a bad lie no but it's just it's firmer it feels like I can't slide it where that one I feel like the can slide the club but I quite like being in semi-rough yeah because you know you can get underneath yeah yeah exactly so but this is this is so important you don't I don't want you to play you know competitions going forward and you know when you you got your matches that you think your eyes tell you to play a shot because of the the visuals you got in front of you as in the Mounds but the LI is not really allowing you to do it does that make sense ites cuz if you try and play it from here you try and play your normal technique that can happen where it just basically lands and kicks it was never suitable to play that shot and then you hit that shot and you think well you know C what's wrong with my technique when actually it was a misread on a lie so in terms of when you get these lies do you have any strategies to it when you get a lie like that what you might try and do the only the only two I mean if we stick in with a wedge I mean I I'd instantly want to change clubs yeah straight away I'd want to put it I'd want to use a three wood I'd want to use a seven iron um I have in the past used it where I stand really close and almost use the toe yeah I've more recently been kind of trying to chop across a lie like that um but I I've got no you got to get a little bit steep if if I was in this situation with a lie like that I'd get a little fairway wood or a hybrid on that m and just pop it because it's such an easy shot it pops up do you do that at all yeah I have started to few more three-wood shots around the green and have you found that it very good just need to work just need to practice PS off the face a bit hot sometimes yeah and I've not practiced it I've I've L used it three or four times in videos where I've just hit it yeah and that's a serious option I would work on that putting it's an option um that's that's fine uh and then other you you could like a sort of little seven or eight iron into the bank yeah which I like if you have got to get it in the air from light like this this is where you do need to steepen the attack a little bit more so I just get a little bit more on your left youd still hinge but it's more like a you can actually put a little bit of drive into this one okay and make sure you're stunning into it so let's say this is a bunker right in front of you yeah if it's was a bunker and you're going for a bit more height I'd go I would get the 60 out okay cuz the 60s generally have a little bit more tow relief than than this club here but you'd go out and across and you are looking to hit behind the ball still but because you're letting that toe sit lower it can still pop under it and and and get up in the air a little bit so you know it's not that tough a shot once you sort of worked on it but you see that still pops up really nice and soft still um but I'm using this part of the club good so you come a bit closer you come closer and you work it out and across but you're still hitting behind the ball okay this for me is the easiest way to do it if you're looking for the easiest shot this is it okay that's an amber light is it yeah am yep it's a bit close so let me get you absolutely perfect so be like there okay that's it and you feel like your feet want to be at this pin on the left that's it both feet that way one in that's it perfect handle a little higher you got to get the handle up higher coming a little bit closer okay that's good now you're going to swing there to there and you're going to feel like you have very little wrist that might be a little bit but you're feeling little wrist and I want you hit behind and really feel like the toe is working across don't kill it it's nice and smooth very very good that is the answer that's how you play it I wouldn't mess around because with your Tendencies of like driving although that is an option I might do that for you this this would be the way you do it that even works from red light light so red light would be like it's in a divot yeah like that okay the only thing you might change you just go a little bit more out to in in the previous swing bit more out to in okay shame you re-rooted that a little bit you should have went out and moved it back in going yeah don't treat any differently first good shots okay I know it's the it's the mental barrier here isn't it you got to trust it okay so toe down you going this way there you go I'm that's from a divot yeah that's good is it yeah put it in the worst L put it down put it back in the same there we go that is that's in a hole now that's horrendous yeah good shot very good very good that getting deeper and that popped out fine that's pretty awesome that from there let's try the 60 from there as well does that feel like it sits a little neater it just seems like there's so much loft on it yeah come out to win T easy to get underneath look how high it went I that's from a divot as well again in there so that's more like the two all right that's still pretty bad isn't it yeah I mean that's actually sitting down you see so sitting down after so you got to work across still using the toe out to win fantastic you see cutting in the air yeah that's brilliant so if you if you can get confidence and you can practice enough there should be no Li you're frightened of I mean you're playing that from a hole I know to a tight pin I know yeah I just feel like I need to really make go really like a c it just CES across but if targets 12:00 there I'm literally making that divot go to like 10 yeah that's right but then you face at the dress is offsetting that where poting you see it comes out somewhere in the middle right I've created a lie you like the least grass growing into you to a short-sided flag you say you normally either hit it here or over the green I I I just I feel like I'm either going to stub it and literally fat it or just thin it straight through the back of the green okay when I look at that line I'm like yeah I don't know what I'm doing yeah cuz and you see all the grass are growing this way you've also got this awkward tough where again it's growing that way behind it which has got a bit of depth to it as well it's quite sticky I hate just anything awkward lies I just hate see the thing is with your old tendency if you're coming in with any drive this way that is going to just grab it yeah and you can play it that way but you're just going to have to play for like no follow through and you've got to be absolutely perfect you can kind of hit down and sort of hold it but see again I mean got an okay result but you can see it's very hard to work through it if it is into you I'd be trying to use as much bounce and release of the club as possible okay and then that will keep it going so you really feel like it's going that way and if it goes that way it's going to slide through it you also got to remember I mean some of these lies are quite challeng anything anything sort of six feet here would be pretty good with that amount of grass growing into it but you can see I'm going to use much more of like a release two here and it has no problem getting through the turf so it's basically the more it's growing into you the more you want to release the club that popped up so nicely popped up fine yeah I I don't see these popping up nicely yeah there we go create that same l so there we go everything's into you that way so you're not trying to chop across it too much well that's a shot I I'll show you that as well let's try and play a sort of a fairly square one first so take it back that's it and and it's really going that way okay that was the idea do you feel it released yeah I just sold down didn't you did yeah I mean I do like that tow down one we'll try that as well I mean that gives you a less interaction with the grass so that this if you have a little bit more speed with that release I think it'll pop out let Club release let it flow there that's just that's the feel then like how hard can you hit it you know you got you've got to feel that was that released that was released too there yeah that was that looking like releas two yeah so do I do I not even for this need to feel like my releases are one one bit out oh you were try and do a three to get two you mean yeah cuz if I struggle to get a one yeah you got to ex you can't exaggerate this enough let's see you're really exaggerating it so I actually feel like I can do three better than I can do okay well like easier because there's a bigger gap between it yeah see that I mean that was lovely that was just great let's see where that release point was that was you trying to do a three and you did a two right yeah perfect two and that's really what you want through there anything less than that is going to tend to when it's throwing that much into is's going to tend to grab it good good I think like a that's pure I think like a lot of the shots you've hit today we'll get into this now really it's like like what are you doing before the shot I'm I'm not even looking it yeah I'm just like I'm looking at line going oh my God anywhere on the green sometimes but I think if you can just educate your eyes right about how how to focus and how to kind of really see the shot it's going to be huge for you now your Technique is getting to a good place it's like where where you looking to from that lie there out the rough your landing spot I reckon it's is going to be here yeah so have a have a and focus focus on it right if you really stare at something long enough it still sits in your mind you know when you see the Tor Pros have the practice swings it's like they're actually playing a shot in real time like the eyes follow the ball and they've seen it go in there and and they look at like that don't after they've done the practice swing then they're over the ball landing spot hole last look is the landing spot and they look at it and then when they come back it's like it's still sat there it is and I think you you're not focused enough to really hold that image in your mind yeah I am yeah put in I can do that yeah long game I can do that short game I really struggle with it let's do it a see land see running out I want to see the brake on the green as well like where's it where's it where's it running in from played it well landed it I mean how far from you landing spot two two feet left left yeah so it's such a big skill like the sense of you know looking where you want to land it the sense of the sound as well in your practice swing these are all what we call external focuses like and we we'll play some some different lies as well in a minute but it's like I think you've been so wrapped up internally right and you're getting to a good spot you're learning a bit more about these different lies now which is important but I think from now on you've got to really focus on where you're Landing it can you see the ball go through the air can you see it Landing can you see it really breaking into the hole in like immense detail yeah and have a long look about your when to land that's your last image hold it in your mind and play that picture you've created good and there a great saying sport aim small this small like that's you miss yeah I wasn't a Million Miles Away there again now from that sort of lie I mean that's particularly bad I would play that a little bit more like the toe shot you've just done okay because that's going to size through it literally the same shot face right the target feet left work across let the toe slide across the ball ah yeah did we go sorry one thing I was thinking of that did we go wider stance with this one you go a little you go sort of hip width on this one what you're doing there is you're respecting that lie too much we've we've given the LIE the respect it deserves from how we're setting up in the shot Choice from there just just keep it smooth and trust that you don't need to get into that cuz you spent years maybe just hitting it in front of you at the R so what you your mind is like just trying to bludgeon that thing out we've got the right we got the right setup we've got the right shot Choice the right Club in your hand just feel like it's going to be much smoother much more Tick Tock and let's just let it slide out okay bruise behind it much better don't need to hit it hard if you've got the right shot yeah that was good so this is when it's like a bit buried grass is going into your yeah that's it toe sliding across great shot pops out really easy that's the best one that there you go real control well that was the F that was the closest I've hit to my so actually I think I've got good eye like I know where to land the ball I know what I'm trying to do I'm struggling to land it where I want to land it really that's the big thing but it starts with a plan right course it does you've got to start with a plan and you're working your Technique there now what about if it's sitting cuz you sometimes get this one do you ever get this one that sits right up on top and my my favorite you love those you're looking your lips at these ones cuz I I really feel like all I do is push it yeah just clip it off the top let's check it that was okay I mean you hit it a little bit high off the face yeah there so what I would do on these ones I'd actually try and like draw it off the off the top a bit more okay to make sure to guard against that so just a a little right come in and actually turn the face a bit to stop it going up the groov so much so aim right aim right pin at the a a the club face at the pin feet two yards right without rolling the club and just turn inside and just a gentle draw just a gentle draw with a toe little bit more back swing but there's no way that ride up the face okay it felt more middled so same again slightly inside and draw it more something to drive that I was going to say am I driving it I want to be yeah so sitting up on top I'd be in here and draw it see how the face is drawn like just keeps it shallow allows you to pick it off the top and what what what finish position am I looking for in terms of release it's going to be like a nearer to a release two position in terms of where the butt of the grip is but the face is it's a draw face okay I think I was much more like that then yeah you can just try and clip it off the top but I think for you I because we know your tenses I think you trying to do everything a bit more release to and draw it is is a sensible option but really drawing that's it really feel like you're hooking it with the club face and that have no chance going on the grooves there no that was much more middle yeah so these lines that sit up yeah I know what you mean they look really easy but they just need a little bit of respect cuz particularly if you want to hit a high one let's say you want to hit a high one to the to the pin now um that would very easily go right underneath it yeah he done that way she gone like a foot so let's try and hit a higher one now ball forward bit more wrist inine in the back swing but same idea you still looking for a little bit of draw just hit over the flag just a little bit height yeah that's nice that's a draw field to CU I think if you misunderstand that a bit and you're trying to release it and go under this way the ball just wants to go up here that makes sense so what short game is all about is looking at that line thinking about what angle of attack do I need to put on that that's the thing I feel like that's I'm confused I've played golf for so long like why do I not have enough of a tool kit around a short game yeah it's always surprised me that you've always done it sort of one way you know You' become onedimensional now you've got more shots you haven't got to remember any of this stuff it's like should become logical the more you practice it's like okay the ball sitting up I'll be shallow and draw okay it's sitting down I'll work across it well that's nice right RI we're in the bunker which apparently is your new favorite place I I've never I've quite like bunker shots in general anyway but yeah I've been really enjoying bunker shots recently um I just need to I feel like my consistency level when I when it's good it's like phenomenal but if you said hit all those shots now I'm going to hit probably 80% of them good yeah I'll thin one mhm I might thin two how do you think your lie reading is out of sand I probably don't even think about it okay so maybe that'll be one of the root causes of that is like you're not quite anticipating how the ball will come out yeah I probably not even think about it but I mean the big thing technically I remember we worked on um last time was very much about trying to get you like in here narrower to increase the height and get a bit more spin I love that yeah okay let's see what some really nice shots with that further away I've I've aim to stand okay so how did that feel to you too much s ran on a bit yeah too much sand not enough friction that setup looks good happy with that pelvis is forward left foot's great you look settled and down that's good okay that's better okay uh there's lots of good things in there I don't want to change much here you have started to stand too open though okay which is one of the reasons you're struggling with um how you work in the sand there it's why tend to go left there on you as well so let's if we did the old classic standing my footprints and then see how the aim feels to you distance from the ball should feel pretty good but yeah just get in there yeah it feels so closed feels closed closed and a bit close okay that's good there that looks great yeah there you go you don't hit it as hard then that divot now the div's like was bang on the pin now can't that it felt because I was so Square I couldn't rotate okay well you can rotate we'll give you the feel for that I know what you mean though so I much preferred that sand Splash now so I definitely go with that but okay we do need to as you say Get Around the Corner still so yeah set up to the ball that you feel a little square onto it back sp's good you got to some good depth wrist similar to soft L you get a little bit more that way okay as you come down release it yeah and right around here okay I want it in that holster there I really want to get around there okay and feel feel the risk up there yeah okay so nice and square feel like you qu like more inside this way but then really late Round the Corner narrow holes to finish drive out leg make sure that your feet are like planted put some weight through those feet that's the best one that still went around the corner and in the holster yeah nice that feel smoother yeah know what I'm not always very good at is actually what what do I want this ball to do going back to even all the other questions we have like do I want it to land short and roll on do I want it to land there and stop dead yeah I mean on a down slope here uh I would be looking to get two bounces of check to try and hold the slope and let it trickle out you could play an oldfashioned sort of Chunk and run here but I think you're better than that I want you to land this 12 ft short 12 15 ft short check check and then roll down the slope right now see the spin check check and there we go lip out good again you're starting to visualize it better you start to play the shot better shot see the spin see the pics going around really nice so this this is perfect combination better technique but just better visual like frame the shot first in your mind nice yeah it's a ton smoother let's do some random lies now okay now it might look okay but if you're walking in this area you can tell that it's more compact yeah so if you feel you walk into bunker and it feels like quite firm is there anything that's going through your mind is there anything you're worried about or concerned obviously thingin in it is the worry yeah I will typically look to play a short swing and hit closer to the ball uhhuh I'm almost playing it not far from a Chip Shot okay are you thinking at all about length of follow through no I think a nice way of managing it for you if we're trying to keep things right really simple and really playable I would be thinking about having a shorter follow through okay because what you don't want on this sort of light is too much release that it will kick right okay so if you just feel like you're still going to get a bit of hinge in the back swing but feel like you're going to stall out the follow through and like pinch it a little bit more still taking sand but basically you're actually returning a bit of sharlean this time so it's going to come out a little bit lower there'll be some spin the spin will be later feel it bounce yeah yeah let me show you how much how aggressive you need to be when it's I barely any sand there so you actually went to the bottom of the B bunker there so rather than if I if I try and do my normal release out of that lie is going to bounce I'm going to thin over the green so I need to go more this way so I'm leaning forward more and you see it's gone that way so I've still got control and I've played that absolutely off the base of the bunker yeah yeah so it's just having that that feeling of going this way through the ball where you're not letting it kick and you got to really switch two things on when you walk in a bunker number one you got to switch your eyes on your eyes can tell you a lot about how the how the balls line but you got to switch your feet on of course you do cuz your feet tell you everything pretty good it slightly bounced I'd say you over release that fraction so that way there you go feel difference yeah yeah that's good that's key though I can't tell how important that is if you can just just manage those lies I mean how many thins have you hit over the last couple years where really it simply wrong release or the wrong swing for the lie you had and then the opposite is when there's loads of sand you want shallow us okay we don't want to get too deep digg into this Li cuz it'll just disappear so loads of sound it's coming over your shoe as you're walking in yeah right so you just you wouldn't want to stand open on dra one is it the draw one yeah exactly so so the logic's now coming out so you're going to come in from the inside really release it it's a real release through here really work the the uh the sole back and uh big long follow through more follow through tonight played it well but but we need more release than that really release it so if I was playing from live of sand my fer would look like this like really trying to get over the shoulder that's a great shot all about reading the LIE get in and then what about a lie you know sometimes you get the rakes where you get little rake marks yeah they're horrible yeah so you got say sitting like that yeah so it's in a ridge what's that going to do to the ball it's in the bottom of that Ridge it's going have very little sand in and you got a lot of sand a lot of sand now would possibly play it like the one we've just played here yeah I mean if you play this normally what's going to happen is you see cuz what what creates Spin and flight and bunker is the sand going under the ball which creates the heighten spin because you got this Ridge behind it as you come in that sand is going to work over the ball so it's going to come out and run if we were going to a pin that was another 25 30 ft on and I've got that lie I'm actually quite happy with that Li because you play a normal shot run out it'll run out 20 ft that Li if you've got that pin and you've got that lie yeah you've got to play it steeper as you said yeah get steeper and across it and and manage it that way otherwise it's just going to run on too much this a bit hard yeah but managed it fine so so if you were going to go and practice sa for like what an hour short game right from from where you are now I would like you to do 20 minute block practice so like what we've done to today like repeat um go through some of your key points but don't get too technical as I say you're nearly there yeah so there's nothing major for you to do and then from there just focus then on once you've done those 20 minutes really focus on some random practice like 40 minute like do 30 minutes do 30 minutes random practice and then finish with 10 minutes have a test yeah yeah you know rather prac just go one ball one ball pressure just lit that's what you got your with literally just have one ball it's so tempting to have another pocket throw it down just literally throw it and we'll do that now and play as it and but go through it as if you're in a in a tournament like have you pract walk it out have a look at it have your practice swings visualize it played a shot if if you pull it off great if you don't pull it off reflect on it do you think it was was it a mental error like was your landing spot out was it the wrong Club Choice was it the wrong shot choice or was it a technical error or was it both yeah and I think if you can start it's really important I think you understand this if you can start to think about was is it a mental error or is it a technical error and reflect on it that's how you really improve and you don't just work solely on proximity of course yeah yeah I like that Dan fantastic coach really is definitely worth worth checking out his book The Three releases um click the link in the top line of the description we'll see you next time
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 246,089
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Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: SVgax6Beghs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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