What Nobody Tells You About Pitching Onto The Green

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so you've hit your approach shot just short of the green leaving you that awkward 30 to 80 yards now it's an awkward shot isn't it a lot of my students struggle to strike it they struggle with distance control often makes them quite anxious in this video I'm going to show you exactly how you can make solid contact with pitching every single time and I'm going to show you how you can control your distance I'm going to give you a little system to do that and it's really really simple now before I do look if you're new to the channel it's been your first lesson of mine please consider subscribing or each videos like this and every single week to try and help you improve your game plus as always you never have to remember a thing whatever I teach you here I'll put into a free download or practice guide in the description box below so I've got 60 yards to go here which I'm just going to pick out my 56 Dee uh wedge and the first thing I want to recognize is this you know a lot of times when people are pitching the you know what they do is they try to kind of do a miniature version of of the full swing and if you do that full swing is completely different swing mechanics it's all about power pitching is all about control and finesse so let me show you what I mean so a full swing mechanics we're winding ourselves up here the lower body leads followed by the Torso followed by the arms the last thing to come in is going to be the club because that explodes that's what gives you that kind of laun and power you don't want anything like that in your pitching in pitching notice this my stands everything is a bit smaller narrower when I swing here actually the first thing to move on the way down is my head the club head not my body and everything as I'm coming through is just Cala as I'm coming through here the club my hands my sternum everything is calm going through the shot so that's the first thing to recognize before we start talking about strike and distance control is that the action of pitching is one of calmness not hitting it super super hard and out control if you do that look we start go on oh almost in the hole so calmness is the first thing once you've got that essence of what pitching is right then what we'll do now is we'll start to look at the strike so how do you get a great strike every single time well before we get into that what do you notice the flag has changed I think they saw my first shot and thought that flag position is too easy and they stuck it in this corner a little bit it's still 60 yards so we're okay so strike you need to know three things okay I'm give this to a student of mine John this week you know John was really inconsistent with his strike basically you've got to control three things you have to control where the club lands how it lands in terms of How deep the club goes are you actually Landing the club on the ground and the third and final thing is is where does that ball contact with the face now a lot of times there's so much information out there telling you how to do this in real detail but with Johnny doesn't have a lot of time to practice and I gave him some things he can take straight to the golf course and that's kind of what I want to do for you so you've got this kind of calm kind of motion it's not a it's not miniature full swing mechanics it's a very calm mechanics okay very calm swing so I got JN simply to look where the ball was here and I got him to make some swings I stage one was can he land the club in line with that golf ball like I'm doing now now what do you think happened John was sometimes Landing it there sometimes Landing it here and sometimes Landing head he was very very inconsistent and I said to him right John you just have to build that skill that awareness before you start hitting loads of golf balls because you know if one minute is B bouncing here and next minute here of course you're going to be inconsistent so build the awareness and the skill just just to Simply practice Landing the club on the correct spot every single time once you've done that now what I want you to do is just have an even amount of ground interaction I don't want it one minute going deep and the next minute not hitting the ground so just do a few practice swings before each shot Just Landing it on the spot and getting a nice consistent ground contact is nothing more complicated than that what's super clever about this is and it'll be the same for you your body's really smart it will make the subtle adjustment automatically without you having to tell it so when John started to strike the ground behind the golf ball I didn't tell him this he started to move his weight more forward in order to strike the ground where he need to strike it okay without any instruction from me this is the beauty of this exercise so once we' got him doing that the final bit was this so if you want to get really good at pitching you've got to get good at striking the ball in the right place with the right power the go for okay so we want to strike that ball just just below the equator with roughly around about the fourth or fifth Groove in this club so all I got with drawn to do and I want you to do the same is simply this just look at that point of the club and look at it and go right I am going to try to make that point connect with that part of the golf ball simple as that now think about it right if I'm up here and I hit with this part that's going to give me a Top Shot or a thin shot okay but if all I'm going to do is the aim here is to kind of get this section striking the golf ball what do you already notice with with the clump here I've got a little bit of lean of the shaft which is going to help that club look strike that golf ball so just looking at the face and thinking right I am going to look at that face now and imagine striking that ball at a certain spot now I'm not going to worry about distance control yet I'm going to look at the face look at the ball and see if I can make connection with just below the equator of that golf ball again I'm not too worried about distance control at this stage all right that's going to help you develop a really beautiful strike now of course the chances are you're not going to do this straight away you're not going to get perfect strike immediately but what you've got now is a simple task not a a a checklist of loads of things to do just a simple task of looking at the face and thinking what part of that ball I want to uh to strike if I want to get the ball going higher I'm going to strike lower down on the equator if I strike lower down in the equator that Ball's going to pop up a little bit higher so now I'm going to go a little bit lower I might even look at the I'm already moving my ball forward why because that's going to help me look strike lower down in the equator if I want to play the ball um hit a lower shot I'm want to hit higher up maybe on the equator now look what I do naturally look at this my club goes this way and this way higher on the equator lower on the equator I'm not having to remember this it's just naturally happening all right so get the strike down low Point depth control contact with face I promise it'll be hugely hugely valuable now let's focus on distance control so the final stage is distance control you've already halfway there you've got your strike okay now I've got 56 here I've got 60 yards to go what I'm doing is I'm choosing a club that doesn't require full swing mechanics doesn't require me to snatch at it or hit it hard remember I want calm I want calm motions okay so there's the first thing I'm swinging long enough so I don't have to snatch it the other thing I'm doing I mentioned earlier I'm imagining as the club is coming down here okay the club my hands my body are all working at the same Pace what feels like the same Pace together through the impact area I'm not creating one motion where the club's lagging behind and then I have to suddenly snatch it this is the sensation this is how you control distance okay so one I'm swinging long enough so I don't have to snatch if I've got a short swing I might snatch it I'm swinging long enough so I've got the pace if that length doesn't get me to the flag I would go from 56 to maybe a 52 degree wedge or even a pitching wedge but I always choose a club that allows me to have the Rhythm okay so I get myself set here and I'm just swinging at a pace which allows me to hit 60 yards I don't do clock systems and all that kind of stuff it's much more of a feel thing that I've developed and I want you to do the same so nice and simple here look back through and there we go nice and simple and repeatable okay so pitching just keep it simple land it on a spot control the depth trust that your body will gradually start to work this out all right very very important and then get that contact just focus on contact face on ball nothing more than that okay and then make sure you have this lovely calm motion hope you enjoy this video if you did give it a thumbs up and if you want to see a chipping video to go along with this Simplicity okay at its best hopefully click this video right here and of course look there's a free download practice guide in the description box below but until next week have a wonderful golfing week
Channel: Danny Maude
Views: 219,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, Danny Maude, Danny Maude golf, golf swing, simple golf, golf swing basics, chip and run, chip shot, chipping technique, chipping tips, chipping vs pitching, golf advice, golf chipping technique, golf short game, how to chip a golf ball, short game, short game basics, bounce golf wedges explained, short game golf drills, short game golf tips, golf chip shot, how to chip, how to hit a chip shot, how to chip a ball, how to chip the ball, chipping, backspin
Id: C1GgYb6KqyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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