12x16 Storage building part #1

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welcome Isaac your handyman Leatherman I have a project here that I started several months ago if you look behind me see a foundation for storage building and you know what they say the contractors never have a finished house but I can extend car handyman got scattered projects all over the place well it's been raining a lot weather finally cleared up beautiful day today so on saying hey why not but if you look at all those wood on the deck it's all bleached out whether no abuse they don't put things away I just let them get rained on but we're gonna think of it to care that today I've got a whole truckload of wood here you gotta check this out you see that that hard body is loaded down with some good two-by-fours we are gonna try to throw some walls up a little mount little once Walmart mat no wife no more stable felt like it was more than ten bucks anyways subject the hand storage doing I want to show you guys where I left it at and it held up pretty good I hope to show you what I use to okay so as you can see I built it on cue by sixes screw it all down put some skids three skids underneath it this is 12 by 16 I was gonna do 20 when I decided to back off the 16 that was get too big so but one thing I did when I was done which I'm glad I did there's a little bit of swelling right there you can see that board swelled up a little bit but you know this is just a floor so storage building is not the big deal so I use a oil base water paper and I'll have to show you what that looks like here in a second but it held up pretty good I mean this has been a couple months now and it held it pretty good so I don't have a set of plans I just know what I want and we're gonna slap it together and see how it happens so let's see how it goes there's a stain I was telling you about ready seal uv-blocking water-resistant no back brushing no laps no runs no streaks this stuff is so easy you could brush it roll it spray it through an airless you use a pump up sprayer which I've used many times this stuff is so cool and it goes and I had that foundation I did that like six months ago and I just used just enough to get a good coverage on it and I probably should have went back and put more but for six months of out in the pouring rain Oklahoma has had nothing but pouring rain since January it really shows this stuff is amazing so I get it at Home Depot also my local lumberyard has it there's about thirty two dollars a gallon you can buy it in five gallon barrels super easy to use it's so if you have any kind of exterior projects as you can tell as a picture of a deck get up look a gazebo and a privacy fence I've done privacy fences with it and decks and it works amazing so you have to check it out so this is exactly what I use so you guys know what I did on that floor that foundation and it turned out pretty good I'm using these call camo 16 it's what my lumberyard carries they're green which is not the most ideal for working out in the green grass because you drop these things and sayonara it's hard to find them also I like to buy that like tan ones Home Depot sells tan ones so I use those for the summertime and I use these for the wintertime when the grass turns yellow these are easy to find too when you're doing work outdoors a little helpful reminders like that but look you may ask why am i using screws and not nails I like to pull things back apart just because something don't look right I could pull out my framing nail gun but then I gotta sit there and pry and pull these nails are just so much easier and I don't have to run a compressor I've got a good screw gun so I got brand new batteries on my Makita so it's doing really good now to think about these screws not a lot of people know that if you spin it you see that little tiny ridge right there on the tip of it there's a little tiny ridge as I spin it you may see it it's right about there so what that is it's a groove it's a channel the so when you're screwing into the wood wood has a place to move out of the way less chance of splitting they also make these things with little dinky heads for doing trimming so I use these things all the time very rarely will it split a piece of wood sometimes the woods already cracked or I get too close to edge it might do it so it eliminates a lot of pre-drilling course I'm a little lazy to pre-drill I like to slap things together so I've already got a one wall built let's walk over there and and check it out and see what you think as you could tell it's already screwed together so it was real simple all I did was put two of these 12 foot boards next to each other measure them at 16 and as you can see here hit my measurement there and there and so on all the way down so then I just separated them slapped all these boards together these boards I think we're called a there they're not quite eight feet they called the 92 and 5/8 I think so then you put this one on and the one baseplate in rich plate altogether comes eight foot and that's where you get your eight foot walls so I decided to go with that just so that way the walls wouldn't be too tall and because my I'm trying to figure out my siding options I didn't want the wall too tall for the siding the siding usually comes in 8-foot unless I changed my idea how I want to do the siding but anyways that's one wall we're gonna slap another wall together and see how it turns out at my other twelve two boards they're together twelve foot each and I put a tape measure on them and you can see they're sixteen I got a marked 32 you see the little marking for the 32 you see the marketing for the four-foot then the 64 then the 80 then the eight-foot 112 inches 128 then it goes to 12 foot as you can tell this boards a little longer they might slid down it did we'll have to slide it back just come down here yep see that boards not the same we're gonna have to trim it so that's something you got always check just because they're twelve footers doesn't mean they're the same so the last one I did over there those were identical so when I marked both of them it that way when I separate them like I did over there you could continue the marks on both sides so let's get the chop saw and trim this thing hard to hit record when you're wearing gloves which is smart to do you'll get less splinters I love these gloves home depot called gorilla grip see it wears off so easy they're like 5 bucks a pair your hands don't sweat good grip nice and snug a little bit of rubber on the bottom and a little netting on the top I love these pairs so I've experimented with a lot of different gloves these things are very comfortable so as you can see behind me I've already laid out the second wall I'm going to screw one side because it's and give slide it forward a little bit to screw this other side right here as you can see it's about to be too hard to screw this in so let's do the other side in and go from there actually you know what change your plans I'm gonna slide out of the wall a little bit out of the way give myself more room see that's it's kind of stink sometimes I just like think I know everything anyways let's just see what it looks like there we go now that's the way to do that [Applause] talking about splitting you just split I just move the screw down a little bit [Applause] you okay got the bottom side of that done and you could probably get away with one screw in the bottom because once you stand it up everything gets screwed down and the sheeting and everything I still like to put two in the bottom just a little more sturdier so and some people go even you can even go 24 inches but it makes it I just think it makes a little more durable just to do the 16 studs aren't extremely expensive I spare two hundred and eighty eight dollars I think it is for this load of what I got today and the screws so it's not extremely bad and I've got three or four hundred in in the the bottom what have you call that thing yeah my mind is just crazy but anyways let's move on to the next one yeah both in walls built if you see here on the end I got a little tiny block there and a block there so when I raise it it won't slide off the deck then here on the side I've got this 12 foot board screwed in so when I raise it up I could screw it to the side of the building so let's uh let's raise a wall my glove back on it's hard to operate electronic devices especially phones when you got gloves on these ones do pretty good but every once in a while they just don't do very good so here it goes I love working by myself it's just just a real a moment so let's raise wall Oh was it hard [Applause] see it wasn't too bad those blocks worked out perfectly I slid it right into our hit lifted a ride up so and I had the screws laid out and my screw gun boom boom boom pretty simple deal so now I got to go and throw some more get the other side ready and then we can go ahead and turn that one up I got the other wall completely prepped let's stand it up forget the gloves all right they're both up it may not be straight will plumb it after a while we're starting with the end wall now so this building is 16 foot so I threw to 12 footers down and I offset them for strength once a baseplate once the top plate and then I measure down and marked it every 16 inches work down there's another one here you see how I mark both boards that way when you separate them one for top one for bottom everything's the same and I just kind of threw the two by fours in here so that way I'm gonna start putting this thing together one thing I never showed you guys in the last video before I stood these up I put these little end boards you tell I just put it in sideways just for strength and when the other wall stands up they're gonna slide right next to each other then it gives me a screw point I think just come right in here and screw it so I got it on all four corners you can see one right here too so we're going to put this wall together and get it all screwed we have this wall completely built you can tell that it's over 12 foot so I had to add this board in if you tell by the mark I got right there just done stud was supposed to be centered right there but I moved it over just to splice this so sometimes you can make small adjustments like that it shouldn't be a major deal you come down here it met between two so I put a board in there to splice them together to hold them and then once we put it up we'll screw it down solid so it's all ready to stand up just raise it of the wall all right everybody drum roll please put my gloves on we're gonna stay in the third wall let's see if this pudgy chunky guy could raise it up here we go cheering my cheering section is a little bitter I'm thinking I'm doing this right but I'm all getting it I built it so good it stands at us though don't you have to put a finger screw it [Music] you oh yeah boom watch it oh fault alright hopefully it doesn't fall if it does we'll have a recording now I've got a several nails screws in it not nails screws that make sure it's gonna stay there we're gonna add the fourth wall and then we'll tie it all together level it out and reinforce everything so oh I think it's a break time time for a drink hey everybody day two the other day I came over here he saw me put up two three walls I was here three four hours it was a Sunday afternoon so I wasn't tired I wasn't at home taking my lazy old man nap like I normally do on Sundays but anyways so I got quite a bit done in just a couple hours now as you can see behind me I'm framing in the wall the fourth wall it's got a door in two little windows the door I'm making about forty five inches wide the wife has a riding lawnmower that's a 42 inch deck it's gonna be a tight fit but I think we could do it plus my idea is to cap the door with a sheet of plywood which is 48 inches with a little bit of overhang I want to put a rubber strip around it so when you close it it kind of seals it to where less moisture comes in plus I'm gonna try to put a little bit of an overhang on the roof to keep water from coming in the top side so that's that's my plan and everything so I've got it all laid out somewhat laid out it hasn't been screwed together yet I'm just kind of getting a visual I made I cut all the boards that I think are the right position so let's go over there and I'll show you what I've got and you kind of see how I did is not extremely hard you know this is an 8 foot wall so I put the two boards together the top plate and the bottom plate together like I did the other walls mark 2 member 16 inches then I separated them then I laid out all my boards then I came back and fitted just figured out the center point this is a sinner and I decided that I wanted to do how big the door wanted to be because I wanted to get it done first so I knew that I wanted the door to be about seven feet tall which gives me a foot from the top plate and I want both windows to be exactly the same height as the door on top they could fall where they fall but I want all that to look symmetrical so I cut these like I call them header legs just go up it hit seven point where you can see right there that's the header these are my header legs I cut six of them two four six six head of the legs that seven foot but I laid them in here and then I two two by fours together it's three inches so I got two two by fours and I screwed them together to make the header it may not be a true legit header like D&C and at home but this is a storage building so it's not like it has to be perfect it's supporting a little bit of strength so I'll put some little tiny they call little boards above their contra what those are called but anyways I just screw these two two by fours together and I cut them an inch and a half longer on both sides so I just measured forty-five plus three inches which is two two by fours together which makes 48 inches so I've got to I've got a 8 foot board and cut it in half which I had to cut a little bit more off it because it was a little bit more than eight screwed them together then I got those over there a little bit longer because that's 23 and a half so that came to like 26 and a half so I cut to 26 then it has and two over there and screwed them together so I slid those in and then the bottom board I just cut it 23 and a half because it sets inside it don't go over like the header board does so as you can see it's somewhat symmetrical I've got to start screwing it together and make sure my windows are perfectly lined on both sides and so once I get all screwed together we'll come back and we'll look at it make sure all this good because then I need to add another board in the middle of that one and another board in the middle of this one but at the same time try to find a way to keep by 16 inch mark for doing plywood so I got to measure that off because people think about that if you're not doing a apply wood before the for the siding some people just use deciding they stay in a vertical which is probably what we're going to do then the 16s are very important because if you count down 16 it ends on 4 foot so we're gonna measure that out and I'm gonna have to try to put these other studs on keep them try to keep them on the 16 mark to make it a little bit easier to side this so anyways it's coming along let's uh I'll let you guys this move on to let me get all the screws set up and you guys watch me screw this thing up alright I found a nut screw the finish screw and what had to be screwed because I want to get this stood up and put a few screws in it before I run to town and get some more screws to finish securing this thing so here it goes its face wall that's pretty good I wish I would have put the screw here close to me you got fast I am [Laughter] all right so what I'm gonna do move this wall over kind of pinch it that will help hold it all right that won't fall unless we get some strong winds or a tornado anyway four walls basically done I'm gonna go get some more screws put the headers in and finish securing everything off then I can finish screwing it together then we gotta kind of make sure there's so much straight so we can figure out what kind of siding we're gonna go so let's go get the screws okay so we got screws when I got back I went ahead and just dropped the wall again and I thought it was easier to add a couple the headers in I still gotta put a couple small blocks on top and then I added any other studs that the original 16 inches where they were supposed to go I kept that going because it kind of threw it off doing my windows and my door so I just basically tried to keep even if it put studs real close together I keep by 16 and that's why I added that little one right there so when I go to do my siding siding is four by eight sheets you stay in a vertical and it will line up right on it seem to make it easier to screw off so there we go to part days front wall took me as long as the three walls did but we have a 16 by 12 for wall standing I've gotta finish screwing it all off making sure it's secure and get the siding get it put on there that will help me keep it strong and straight then we'll go to the roof so this tune in to see that next well we got it all done you're looking really good I'm a little sweaty I'm a little rough but thank you for sticking with me I'm having a lot of fun showing you guys this project and plus it keeps me motivated to get things done too so subscribe give me a sup tell your friends as he keeps me going to so until we meet again on the next video where we're going to be putting the siding on and hopefully the roof look forward to showing you guys that but I thank you for tuning in to your handyman Leatherman and until then have fun in stay out of trouble
Channel: The Handyman Leatherman
Views: 132,514
Rating: 4.7989602 out of 5
Keywords: 12x16, storage building, storage, diy, step by step, framing, stain, weatherproofing, screws, starbit, foundation, part #1, shed
Id: 1yDeoZKmSQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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