Building a Shed on a Budget! (part 2 building the floor)

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what's up guys hope you're doing well today we're working on part two of how to build a shed on a budget okay guys so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take some spray paint and Mark out our four corners since my shed is going to be eight by twelve we're going to obviously make mark out an eight by twelve rectangle and then try to square it up a bit and then we'll go ahead and put our Center blocks and level and stuff like that so let's get to it [Music] all right so real quickly I wanted to mention the fact that uh you do have a softer dirt in your yard you're probably going to want to leave about two inches underneath it Center block for gravel or three inches something like that to basically hold it in place but since I'm basically digging into what is completely rock based I mean this is 80% rock so I'm not gonna worry about that but if you have a really soft dirt wherever you're building your shed I would recommend probably putting some gravel underneath but for me it's not really necessary since I'm digging in a straight Rock anyways so moving on from the concrete blocks the next step would be to go ahead and start marking out your boards these eight foot boards have to be cut down three inches because that way when we put them in in between our 12 foot boards the overall length is going to be 8 foot so that way when we put our plywood on we don't have an inch and a half on either side that isn't covered so I'm going to do that and I'm also going to show you guys how to mark the layout on the 12 foot boards so to mark your board out starting from one end we're going to take our tape and since this is going to be our first one right here we're gonna go 16 inches and put a mark right there and then you're gonna need a framing square as well and you're gonna want to go ahead and square that up and since the end of the 2 by 8 is gonna be sitting right here the end of this 2 by 8 is gonna be right here so it's gonna be on this side of the line so I'll go ahead and put an X on that line to let us know that that's where the two bite sticks is going to be going so don't be tempted to go like this and try to measure out 16 inches from each line go ahead and hook your end so that way you get a more precise measurement and then we're just going to be adding 30 there are 16 so the next mark would be at 32 and then go ahead and square that and do your X like I showed you and then do the same thing on the other 2 by 6 starting at the same end and working down [Music] so real quick I want to show you all something on these eight-foot boards I said we were going to take three inches off of them so that way we get a total of eight feet on our crane but you can see these are actually eight and a quarter instead of eight foot which is not uncommon at all so instead of taking off three inches I'll be taking off three and a quarter so that way we'll get exactly eight feet or you can just go to eight feet and then count back three inches to 93 and then I'll put a mark there and I'm actually just going to cut this one and then I'll just use it as a template to mark all the other ones to make sure they're as consistent as possible all right guys the last thing we're gonna bark before we start cutting is we're gonna mark the crown on each one of these eight foot boards as well as the 12 foot board and basically what that means is you're gonna want to look down on the board and if there's a boat either up or down to your mark it now luckily these eight foot boards are fairly short so they're not gonna have much of a crown but we're just going to go through each one of these and you put that crown facing up so that way as the board starts to sag it strains out rather than drooping down more [Music] alright guys so we're gonna go ahead and start nailing in the 8 foot boards to do this I would definitely recommend getting a nice here if your got a hand dryer the nails like I am ideally you would have a nail gun for this with some 16 gauge nails and you can go through really quickly and nail it off but I'm going to be using some old hand drives because these were completely free and that is kind of the idea of this whole build is to do it for as little money as possible but in order to do that I'll be using a big hammer this is a 22 ounce decking hammer so it's going to be really really a lot better than a a smaller 12 ounce hammer or something like that and then I'll just be using three-inch simple hand drives so let's get to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see we went ahead and put on all the supports and so at this point you're really almost completely done you cook with the plywood on and be finished with the base but I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna go ahead and put on some hangers as well as to box for all of these the two by fours and the hangers are just leftovers from either construction site to a past project so I don't have hangers to do all of them I have I've actually four short so I'm going to leave off hangers in the last two look even mind this is free so that's why we're doing it and because we're working with budget materials at any time that we can beep it up and want to be able to so that way we're not compromising price or compromising quality for low price [Music] [Music] now that we have our ply went on I went ahead and put down our cinder blocks on our 12-foot sides and now we're going to be going ahead and screwing these down now ideally you would have an 18 gauge nailer or something to go through and nail them very quickly but I happen to have these one and 5/8 inch decking screws are gonna be using those because they are free and we're gonna be singing them about an eighth of an inch into our plywood so we should have about an inch into the actual frame when it's all said and done so we're gonna be doing that we're gonna spay something about every 12 18 inches for the supports and for obviously the outside so let's go ahead and get to it [Music] [Music] hi guys and there you have it we now so sexually finished the bottom of the shed so we have our base and our cinder blocks in place so we looking forward to part three in the next few weeks to come if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you subscribe to that if you guys have any comments questions or concerns let me know in the comment section below thanks I'll see you on the next [Music]
Channel: Ian Ingram
Views: 1,785,887
Rating: 4.6529026 out of 5
Keywords: building a shed on, building a shed, building a shed on a budget, build, to build, how to build a shed, building the floor, building a, building, building a quality shed under, part 1 building the floor, a shed on, Shed, Shedd, how to, how to build, shed, a shed on a budget, building a quality, quality shed, for under, under, Under $1000, the floor, house inprovements, improvements, shed base foundation
Id: WgEjjTppOp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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