How to Pour a Concrete Shed Slab! DIY!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's going on you guys this is Timothy O'Dell with O'Dell complete concrete and today what I'm going to be doing is a nice easy beginner concrete slab very easy and simple to do with the right procedures and steps and especially with the right tools but I'm gonna just show you guys step by step process of what I went through to put this little shed slab together so starting off with the formwork as you can see I'm nailing the back of that 2x4 into the other one and what you would want to make sure you get these corners nice and square when you're starting out is a carpenter's square or you can go old-school and do the three four five method if you don't have a carpenter's square of course pretty much what you want to do for the three four five method is on the corner that I'm in right now you measure out one way three feet put a nail in as you can see as I'm doing and then you measure the other way four feet put a nail in or mark it whatever you prefer I prefer putting nails in because I can use the nails to put my tape measure on and if you get five feet you know your square and you're ready to start putting sticks bantha 2x4 and nailing them in so once that was all done I just broke out the level making sure that I can that I'm getting a level slab because in the directions when I was reading it to put together to put together the shed it was saying that the shed so the slab had to be um level not sloped and initially I was thinking putting some slope in on it but it didn't need any slope so good thing we double-checked and we made shed are the forms level now what we're doing is just taking out a little bit of dirt the store was actually really hard had a lot of good base underneath it I can tell cuz it was just it was just hard to dig up as I as I can recall and then another good thing to remember guys is to like if you get just straight a 2x4 that's eight feet and 2x4 that's ten feet and you're thinking you're gonna get an 8 by 10 it's not gonna work like that because you got to account for the the width of the two by fours and what we're doing right now is measuring corner of the corner on the shed slab making sure that we got a nice even square formwork for the concrete to go in we pressure we pretty much measured from every way possible just to make sure we got what we needed this shed slab is gonna be 8 by 10 by the way so as you can see I'm just watering the dirt compacting the dirt a little more for us expanding the soil and here we are starting to pour it out we got mixed up in the front we're using a blue Hawk 4500 psi definitely my favorite by far very great for beginners to use you can get it from Lowe's easiest to finish I think if you try to using like quick read that stuff is like I'm just not good honestly because it just doesn't have much cement in it and or sand and just hard to get a good finish on so as you can see as we're pouring the concrete out we're screwed in the concrete back trying to get it as level as possible so we don't have any waves or bumps in it and we're also floating it as we're going because you know mixing it by hand takes a little while we're also getting the edgers are edging the concrete in the the psi this concrete was about 4,500 so you know this shed slabs gonna be super strong and we actually didn't use any rebar for this as you guys can tell sure a lot of people are gonna be saying stuff about that like oh you didn't use rebar what why well the reason why we didn't use rebar is because technically this shed slab is so small that if it was to shift or move it's gonna move as one whole piece rather than try to pull away from each other I mean you totally could put the rebar in I just think it would be overkill personally and the homeowner was on a budget and I was working my working with her as best as I could kind of prices with her and we came to an agreement like hey you know I can take the rebar out for this much less and we settled with that so as you can see we got the whole shed poured out and I don't know if you guys saw that real quick I was using I was putting the level on top of the 2x4 across this slab to make sure that I got a nice and even level slab [Music] and as you can see we're now we're just edging all the corners filling in places where I might be low and we're going over all the line marks caused by the edger with the floater better to get it now than later it will be harder later and then we're double-checking everything making sure everything's level surprisingly well not really surprisingly both we got everything level like with just screeding it nice and neat like easy the first time sometimes it always doesn't always work out like that though and you'll have to move the concrete either with like a bowl float or troweling it pushing it in one way or the other luckily we just we did a good job on the screening and it came out nicely and level so now we're just using our aus I believe they're like a 24-inch trows round trowel and square trials getting the finishing touches on it I think this whole shed dried within four to five hours total and as you can see we already have one side the closer side to us broomed I think we did like a couple three passes on this shed overall before we got a full and final broom finish on it the top right corner though seemed to dry the slowest I think we have waited like an extra hour or two almost just to get that top right corner dry it was ridiculous but also when you're brooming guys you want a broom when it's more on the dry side so you don't get that really rigid rigid exposed aggregate it just makes the surface a lot rougher and just not as pretty and a nice smooth finish so there it is guys that's the finished product that we got the end came out beautiful home when it was happy and I hope this helps you guys with your next project of pouring a shed slab if there are any questions go ahead and comment don't forget to subscribe hit that notification bell for our latest and greatest videos and thank you guys for the support and don't forget to like the video because it really helps promote the video for other people to view and learn from thank you guys
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 3,209,168
Rating: 4.7840481 out of 5
Keywords: Concrete shed slab, how to pour a slab, how to pour a concrete shed slab, how to pour concrete, how to finish concrete, how to form a 8x 10 shed slab, how to form concrete, 345 method, 345 construction method, how to screed concrete, how to rod concrete, how to bullfloat concrete, concrete slab, concrete shed slab, beginner shed slab
Id: H56eiJJ_FCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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