Building my Workshop (FULL BUILD, 1 HR) | Woodworking | DIY | How to | Shop Build

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[Music] so here's the beginning of the super shed workshop we got all of the post holes dug today we have a total of 20 of them there is 5 per beam and there are gonna be four beams holding up the workshop the posts will be four by four and the beams are gonna be two two by sixes gang nailed together so it took us four hours today off and on you know we didn't try and kill ourselves doing it but looks pretty good hopefully tomorrow if the weather is good we'll go ahead and start concreting our pouring concrete in the bottom and setting some of the posts down on the lower end all right well here's the update of day one of this super shed project so day two a super shed project today will be put in concrete and setting posts all the posts are in on the first row which is the highest row and I'm starting the post on the top row the reason I jumped ahead so far is because these are all cut-offs from another project so I'm reusing them and I'm happy to find out that they were long enough and they're gonna work great so while I'm out here I also want to show you the technique I'm using for lining them up by myself I do the two corner or the two ends loosely in dry concrete I put them in place and plumb them and then I run a string from each of them and twist them so that the faces are parallel with their string and then I go in and do the middles well I I then go ahead and cure these put the water in all that and then I go ahead and do the middles and so that's what I've done here and I've got one more to do down at the end so here we go all of the posts have been set plumbed and are in place it's a total of 20 of them and you'll notice a mixture of long ones and short ones all of the short ones I had left over from a retaining wall project so I used as many those as I could and then I bought new 4x4 8 foot long posts for the rest of them that diagonal line that you may or may not be able to see you guys from this back post to the front corner post that is the level line and that's going to be the level of the beams that will be put on top of the posts so there we go end of day 2 on working on super shed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so today is day 3 I came home from work and got some stuff accomplished on the super shed project with Chuck lines and found the level spot across all the post and we cut them off I put the Simpson tie post to beam mending brackets or mending plates on them and I couldn't help myself but throw the two by sixes on here to get a sense of how it's going to look and how it's coming together I like it I'm happy alright so that's it for today we'll see what we can get done tomorrow after work well we got the lumber dropped off today and there's a little bit of a fiasco I was at work so I wasn't here for the delivery my wife was here and she at least got on video what happened for us to end up with a pile of mess like this I'll um cut to that cliff here let you see that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so yeah um as you can see a little bit of an oops on the delivery guys part to say at least it doesn't look like anything's damaged really badly I'm most concerned about the OSB flooring because it's tongue and groove this bottom piece especially looks like it got beat up pretty badly otherwise you know lumber lumber it's pretty strong one thing that's really bad is he managed to smush it right into the neighbors brand-new cattle fence like this fences put up maybe a week and a half ago so we got to try and get this stuff unloaded and moved before he gets over here to see you know a big old pile of wood on his brand-new fence he'd be ticked I would be too oh there we go separated pretty well stabilized and covered back up for a little bit of rain that we're getting that we were supposed to get tomorrow is the big day I'm excited it should be good and I start tomorrow off by going to Lowe's about 7:00 a.m. hope to get there to pick up the rest of the wood siding and other bits and pieces that I need to finish project see you we I took a while it's an hour and a half later and I'm heading home they were very very busy I've never been to Lowe's at you know 7:30 7:15 in the morning we day that's also known as a weekday I only ever went on the weekends stuff like that but they were busy with all their commercial accounts by their you know got me loaded up pretty good heading home and home check in with you later [Music] [Music] all right we got all the 16 foot long floor joists down here has a lot of fun next thing we're going to do is work on marking out the floor framing spacing marks whatever for the floor joists [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we got the four drawers cut for half of the floor I broke the floor design into two twelve by twelve floor sections just worked out easier for the dimension lumber that you buy anyway we got the two by twelve cut to length one thing to note you need to even when you buy a two by twelve 12-foot long board apron long board they're not exactly the correct length you got to make sure you measure and trim them they give you a couple inches over usually so double-check those don't just take it for granted but anyway let me cut these down to twelve foot lengths and then we went and marked all of our stud spacings or excuse me floor joist spacings and now we're going to line them up and nail them together [Music] [Applause] [Music] half of the floor framed up it's still not attached to the beams and we haven't squared it yet but that's what it looks like after framing each of these got four three and a half inch galvanized nails driven into the end of and since this floor is going to overhang the beam and not be suspended by what would be a ledger board I don't have to use joist hangers [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we go all the floor joists are nailed up and now we are going to square up the floor using a full sheet of OSB flooring as our big square as we square it will toenail a little bit here and there as far as the joist to the beams will kind of move on and make sure that this floor is not kind of curving or sneaking along after the squaring then we will tone out all of it all the joists to the beams to secure it down and then we'll come in with a row of blocking in the middle to stiffen up the joist left to right laterally all right we just used three sheets of OSB flooring to square up our floor on the backside if you got it flush all the way down and on that end so what we're going to do now is carefully slide it over and then toenail the floor joist into this beam to lock this orientation in and then we'll work on squaring up the front [Music] I got the floor joist blocking finished and now we are going to put the OSB floor on [Music] [Music] [Music] hey well half the flooring is down don't know what happened really with this second row I think it was some sort of a mathematical anomaly or maybe when the OSB got thrown off the back of that truck maybe it squished it about an inch who knows keep them going and it looks like we got one weirdo piece it's like solid green that coal color for the whole sheet so that's going to go over here on this side of the shop which will be the storage side it's gonna be a separate 8 by 16 room with its own entrance and then my workshops going to be over there and that'll be a 16 by 16 so all right see if we can hang in here long enough to get this floor done and we will call it a day [Music] yeah day one I say day one what day is it I think stay for her done first today [Music] good morning good morning it is day five of the super shed project and down here next to the road because our metal roofing has arrived much moving that [Music] there he goes here we go roofing just got dropped off and I'm starting this morning by moving the 2 by 6 20 foot long roofing beams over so that I can bring the snapper up with the trailer to move the hundred and forty two by fours down to the workshop so that's step one and after that we will start framing the back wall yeah we hope this it's how you move lumber down to the new workshop hope it works and let Josh film it oh yeah that work I worked like a charm getting a plan to better myself see our problem was putting it on top of the trailer we should've just stuck it in between the mower and the trailer we didn't sell [Music] all right it's rock on time time to cut some studs a couple of studs cutting studs dangerous place down here back wall framing let's go all right we've got all the studs cut now we're going to start framing the back wall I tell you what taking the time to design this in CAD program and print out my blueprints is really making it easy a little bit of a Braden break I think we've got a floor leak do I don't know what's going on must be a leaky pipe all right rain has stopped and our good friend mr. Sun has come back out to party with us we really appreciate that thanks a lot mr. Sun next step is to frame up and do the side wall here so let's get to it [Music] hey guys so today the weather was not that great it was very very hot got up to about 84 degrees and there was absolutely no clouds in the sky until a thunderstorm rolled in and sent us inside for about an hour because of the rain prior to that though I had my iPad on a tripod doing a time-lapse and we hadn't checked on it and probably two maybe three hours and when we looked at it it turned off for some reason so I don't know what's up with that the battery was fully charged the storage space was fine I don't know if it was just an application crash or what but so that was kind of a bummer we lost our video on putting up these walls today and with it being just so hot and then the weather being pretty crappy otherwise I didn't really shoot a lot of you know step one step two step three kind of videos so I wanted to come out here this evening and at least show you the progress we got done for today which is day five on this project all right let me walk around here to the side in the back and I'll show you guys what it looks like back there I'm not going to video this cuz with the rain we had this is pretty slippery and I don't want to bite it on camera although that would be pretty funny all right hang on a second all right so here we are in the messy spot it's not gonna stay like this don't worry because this is where I'm gonna park my tractors and lawn mowers in equipment so anyway here is the left side of the shed we joke that it looks like a billboard sign from here pretty cool so anyway as far as the beam spacing on the bottom of the shed we it was dictated by the front corner on that other end of the building I want it to be a good clearance on the ground as far as snow or rain water runoff and etc I don't want anything to kind of back up and get close to the beams even though they're treated I just want to this I want this thing to last for a very long time so that dictated the height and it just carried over to level here I would say this is probably about 4 feet tall at this corner and this is actually pretty cool because I have a place to store all the push mowers and things I don't use that often possibly seasonal items things for you know mow index in the wintertime or snow plows in the summertime things along those lines I've got a place to store them where they're dry but they don't take up any more space in our yard and that's awesome so alright so here you can see this wall and again this is the primered siding my other workshop I built the same with the same siding and I didn't paint it in the 3 to 4 years that it stood there while we lived there so this primered the primer on the siding is pretty good I'll eventually get to painting this because this is a you know our permanent home so anyway you can see this side wow it's really tall over here and you can see a little bit more up underneath and then if there's any background noise the farmers over there rolling his hay it's got the big round bales of hay they're rolling it and wrapping it on their machine and here we go to this side just like the other so I guess that's about it magnet really think of anything else I don't want to Yammer on about tonight so I'll let you guys go I just didn't want to not cover even if it was in a talk and walk video I didn't want to not cover what we got done today what's up what's up hey guys day six I'm a super sad project out here this morning real early starting to frame up the front wall and hopefully get some good video today and kick butt doing it so I've got the time-lapse set up already hopefully that's gonna tick off this today and check in with you guys in a little bit see you [Music] all right well I had to come up with my own solution on how to get this bottom board twisted in place I put a ratchet strap around the top plate that's already nailed and then I came down here wrapped it around the bottom and then I ratcheted it as tight as I could get it and then I use the claw hammer I said on this wall use the claw hammer here and I pulled this way to get it as close as I could then I threw the nails in so there we go next thing to put in are I believe they're called Jack studs they go up and they hold up the header beam that I got to put into I'll go ahead and throw some siding on after I cut my talked little studs whatever those are put the siding on it there flirt some siding on and lift it up [Music] all right so front wall is done and doorway to the workshop has been cut out we just finished cutting all the pieces for the second half of the front wall and we're getting ready to put it together [Music] alright here's the last big wall section framed up now since we already have siding here that overlaps and that wall is already sided we're gonna do this one differently we're putting the frame in place and then we'll put the last three sheets of signing up once it's up it's just gonna work out easier that way for us all right so the final wall has been put up with siding and I want to show you a little technique that I do as far as cutting the doorways into the siding I've got a drill and what I do is I go around the perimeters drilling holes every four to five inches and effectively this gives me a you know connect-the-dots outside with the circular saw so once the walls have been framed we're going back and putting what's called double headers up and what you do with that is it's two by fours that overlap the walls to kind of lock them in together and it also adds a bit of strength to the top to hold the roof so that's what josh has been doing not here in the sweltering Sun god it's so hot beautiful day in America that's yep but we're almost getting to the best part of the day and that's where this big old beast of a tree gives us shade you can see it peeking in on the floor right there so anyway yeah that's what we're doing locking in the walls with doubleheaders oh he's out this wall and then he's done so dude real good meanwhile I'm over here cut in the doorway I showed you that method with the drill bit and circular saw and I decided just to use my my pulse all to do it I tell you what I got this from Harbor Freight for maybe three to five dollars about two years ago and this thing has lasted awesome it's done great I've had her win' brand Marvel saws and what's the other like beaver tooth or saw sued I don't know I might see something bad anyway this little thing here go to harbor Freight and get you one because this is worked really good Josh uses it to cuddle Josh's use it to cut all the two by fours and hey it's good what do you think Josh a couple of the process in the deer that sounds like a future video Josh alright guys see you later here we go all the walls are done framed in siding put on doorways cut out once again this is a storage door that's the workshop door next thing to do is to build a smaller like a half wall on top of this one then that creates the roof pitch so we're getting ready to frame it up alright we got one of the 12-foot half wall sections framed and the siding put on it we're getting ready to lift it up in place hope it goes well [Music] [Music] well we decided to do something a little bit different for the second half of the upper half wall framed it put it up in place and then we're gonna run several angle bracing boards from the floor up to the top up there and then we'll put the siding on winds kind of picking up a little bit and that first wall bit down there was a little bit nerve-wracking so playing it safe all right so we're calling it a day I didn't get all the wall siding put on like I wanted to but we worked hard for 11 hours straight and got it done what we could I've got plenty of bracing on the wall and it's all secured for the night in case we have any winds and yeah there we go it's it's really really tall in here the peak up there is just a hair under 12 feet from the floor all right catch you guys tomorrow morning today is day seven of the super shed project this is my last full day of being off before I go back to work it took a long weekend for Memorial Day holiday so I'm hoping I'm very optimistic that I can get possibly get the roof framed out and maybe get the metal roofing on today it's a very ambitious it's project has a lot larger than I anticipated and building a workshop is a little more in-depth than I remember given the last workshop I built was only half this size so all right what you're looking at here are some of the rafters I took the yesterday off I took the day off because it was Sunday but I ended up not staying out of the workshop completely I got a handful of these cut three of them are put in place and then I I got tired of cutting I'm going up the ladder down the ladder up - no let her down the ladder and decided just to start cutting out the rest of the rafters and now put them up all at once so I'm gonna finish I don't have it looks like maybe five more to do I'm gonna finish those and then I'll go ahead and put them up and then I'll go back and do the blocking in between the rafters okay so I have all the rafters cut and kind of spaced out a little bit so that I don't have to move them as much I'm getting ready to hop up on the ladders and I'm putting them on two foot centers and they're being towed out for right now and I'll follow up with some hurricane straps [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so while I'm up here I just finished nailing this rafter I'm gonna go ahead and measure and mark my next one and if I can reach it my next two and then I put marks on the face here so that when I'm down on the floor I'm able to see where the rafter goes to kind of get it in place a little bit easier all right so I'll mark this in where I'm at now and then it's over there to the tall ladder to do the tall side all right that's the halfway point of the roof rafters twelve feet this way so far 12 more feet to go hey guys so I'm almost done on the roof down here I have three more joists to do and then I'm going to go back and do two rows of blocking in between each joist and that's to keep the roof from twisting and racking this way you want to ride on the top of a 20 foot beam to the top of the roof [Music] [Music] Hey how'd you get up here your Heights alright guys I'm back from a lunch break finished the roof rafters before I left now going through and measuring the distances between them and cutting and I'll be nailing up the blocking for them I already have the first two sections measured and cut I'm getting ready to hop up on the ladder and get them nailed in one-third of the way through the roof blocking it's a little bit slow going but thankfully I've only got to do twelve twelve sections so 24 blocks right now I'm hiding in the only little bit of shade available in the workshop right now about Oh footing happen alright we're up here and we are putting on the purlins I believe is what they're called there are one Buffalo words that go perpendicular to the rafters that's metal roofing will then lay a pond there's Josh hard at it and sunshine and and we're almost done with both ends and then we'll fill in the middle all right well the purlins are done on the whole roof next step is to put the metal roofing on we think we're going to try and pull it from thatwe have two people out there handed over the top I'll be on the ladder pull it and as soon as I got it enough we'll get another person here to help shimmy it on down well that's as far as we got unfortunately didn't get the roof done today got one panel secured and then the other one button down good enough for tonight I need to find a better way of getting up there in order to attach it better warden well I'm up earlier than usual and I'm wearing real clothes so that means it's time to go back to work today long weekend is over and unfortunately I didn't get the super shed done my days off I'll stop right here and drop them down the driveway I'll stop here and show you how far I did yet that's it we got two of the roof panels put on there's seven more to go and then I have to close up the ends and then build the doors so unfortunately I did not get it done in my predefined self set goal but I'll try my best to get it done this week working on it after work so that's where it has to be left for today at least cuz time to drive into the big city to work well good evening just got home from work walking down to super sad workshop and I've got some help coming over this evening to try and put up a couple more roof panels hopefully we're gonna dodge any kind of thunderstorms that are look like they're rolling in in the distance hopefully they'll just keep on going that way and not come over here but if it happens it happens don't think you can control the weather just yet so we pan around and show you how much we got with the roofing that shows from this angle the second panel I had a very hard time reaching up and over to secure it so what I think I want to try and do today is set the ladder up in a straight orientation and get up higher and then just kind of maybe put one hand down on a purlin and then reach all the way over and get the the other screw and then over there's some dark clouds that may or may not decide to come this way hopefully they will not so there's another look at the roof and we only need only needs seven pounds to finish it but I'll be happy if we get two more done so let's get started imma go ahead and start setting some tools out get the ladder prepped and as soon as the guys get here we're gonna start lifting up a piece check in with you a little bit see you we're good I'm good caught on the splinter to back it up a little bit there you go there's another splinter up there you're caught on again keep it centered Josh all right I got this side if we want to definitely to get where you need Josh you need your push board I got the panel let's not move it hang on John ready John as soon as you clear that roof I'm pulling take a breather okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well roof is over halfway done come out here after work tonight and have my two brothers come and help as well which was absolutely required with this roof but we got five out of the nine panels up and secured we finally got a little system worked out to make it easier to get up it's not easy by any means but it's easier than what we were doing the first day so there we go looks good so maybe if I can bribe them or trick them into coming out here again tomorrow after work and the weather's nice we might be able to get this thing finished morning guys I'm out here in the super shed today and today's goal is to go ahead and frame and build the doors for both the storage side and the workshop side I have a total of three doors and all to frame up and build one for this side two for the other so let's go ahead and get to it and see if we can get this done before it gets too hot today [Music] well when I built the shop I took for granted that this door was a 36 inch door I never measured it but it looks like it's a 32 inch so I've got two options one to not use the door and just build a typical shed style door on the front of this or to frame the doorway opening at some other studs and close it in tighter for this to fit I think I'm gonna do that because I don't know when else I would use this door and I would really like to have a door that seals very well for this room since its storage so Plus hey if I dig it out of the dumpster I need to use it and this is the best use for it so I'm going to retrofit the doorway to fit the door now all right there we go so I put another jack stud in and a couple of bits of blocking and tied it in and the siding that I cut out for the doorway originally I'll just cut a strip and put on the outside and the seam should match up alright and I'll probably put a trim piece on the outside and it'll be okay I much prefer having this deal door and using what I have so the next thing to do is to check the height of the doorway and make sure that the door fits within tolerances and then go ahead and get some hinges and start hanging this thing alright guys so I finally got this door done it's not the prettiest thing in the world but considering the door originally came out of a dumpster from a new home construction and considering I didn't measure the doorway and had to splice back in the siding you know that could what could look worse all right so real quick here's the outside view obviously I put some drip edge on the bottom of the door plate to try and keep the water from seeping right down into the siding and then I put an aluminum threshold on top of it I filled in the left side here with some three-quarter inch one by four pine so my battery on my GoPro died yesterday and I just kept on working and finally got it charged up and just remembered to bring it out here this morning because I finished that door and I've also already finished these doors so sorry I didn't get you a step by step or anything at that process these doors here it's typical shed door construction if you look it up on YouTube where you've got OSB on one side then you've got your siding on the other side and it's sandwiched sandwiches two by fours this makes for a the extremely sturdy door very heavy as well this is half inch OSB by the way and I mean it's very very very sturdy and no flexing no sagging yet and a very good design simple to build so yeah look it up on YouTube they're everywhere you just google or am search for storage shed door and you'll figure out how to make these so I've got the these doors done this is my primary door that I'll come in and out of that's why I've got this little latch inside so I can hold the door closed in here I'll put some latch on the outside and then this door I've got a barrel bolt I think that's what they're called anyway a bolt up top to keep it closed what else oh yeah so here's some really cheap and easy door stops to keep from the doors coming inside you just do that there and that keeps them there so that's it all right so the doors are done the next step is to go ahead and start doing the wall that will separate storage from workshop so I'm go ahead and get started on that and I will absolutely try my best to get footage of that along the process for you guys [Music] all right I got an 8-foot section of the wall up it is well secured to the floor and the front stud of the front wall I got a scrap piece of siding to give us some stability until I get the rest of it put up now is the time that I need to go ahead and move all of the tools and things that I need from the storage side storage side of the building over to the workshop side of the building because I'm about to cut myself off as far as easy access within the building [Music] hooray hooray that is the last of the major framing in the super shin okay now I'm in the corner of the shed just look at the wall the storage room door the workshop doors and the future loft space there we go so this is the end of the major framing the only thing left to do is put those siding boards that you see down there put them up on the corners or excuse me put them up on the ends of the building and I'm still really torn whether to close them off I'll show you this other side over here or get some clear panels and turn that into Windows it'll be kind of like Frank Howard's workshop except on a much much simpler smaller scale anyway alright guys so that's all I got to show you right now got the two doors framed up for the workshop entrance and then I've got the other door done and then the wall the wall that divides the two all right guys so I'm heading inside now because I'm really hot sweaty and I hear a big jug of ice water screaming at me from the fridge so I gotta go see what's going on and help it out see you later here's the lick from the outside of the new doors they look really small in comparison to other storage shed doors or my workshops in the past - the doors on the end but those buildings are all so small in comparison to super shed I definitely going to do a front porch on the front so it's easier to get in and out and eventually I'm gonna do a covered front porch so I'll put a roof along the front to cover that front porch to keep the wind off the front of the doors and out of the shop so there we go catch you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Samcraft
Views: 1,110,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam craft, building a workshop, building a shed, shed to workshop, samcraft, workshop build, workshop building, how to build a shed workshop, how to build a workshop, budget workshop construction, how to build a workshop shed, budget workshop build, woodworking shop tour, woodworking shop, how to build a shed
Id: i3snY54RmOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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