12 Secrets You Still Don't Know | Starfield Hidden Tips And Tricks Guide | Starfield Guide

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did you know there's a load of ship parts that you've never even seen before how about the fact that there's a hidden boost function that is never explained to you and lets you travel nearly twice as fast in this video we are going to cover these and so much more in my top 12 secrets that the game never tells you the first tip is all about how to level up faster so you can unlock more of the many incredible perks and skills available to you and what's great about this tip is it's not some kind of glitch or exploit it's just a really efficient way of gaining experience points now obviously the biggest chunks of XP are gonna come from the main quests however they're very long and they are extremely limited so this tip is very simple you just want to go to a high density fauna Planet ideally at a high level you will encounter swarms of fauna and simply just traveling around killing them all is going to net you so much experience the example I'm using here is Bell one in the Bell System and as you can see it is absolutely riddled with octo maggots which both die very fast and net me so much experience for every single kill so much so that by the end of this short clip I have gained an entire level and this isn't even the most efficient planet to do this method on because as you can see from the star system map the fauna here is only moderate so if you are able to find a very high density fauna Planet ideally one that says abundant and also on a planet that is at least level 50 plus you will be raking in ungodly amounts of experience points so damn quickly and this leads me perfectly into tip number two before we even step foot off this planet the second tip is how to easily get plentiful amounts of Epic and legendary gear so you want to start off by landing on a planet and ensuring you are on very hard difficulty next up open your scanner and look for a structure now that we've cleared the way we are at the helium 3 extraction site that we marked on the map earlier so again let's just make sure the difficulty is set to very hard before we enter and if you are under leveled as soon as you have entered the loot is now already locked in so feel free to switch back to normal or even and easy if you need to and the next thing to do is literally just go around clearing the area once all of the enemies are dead now for the fun part you get to go around grabbing all of this Loot and you will find that even the common items tend to be of a much higher level than they should be just because of the fact that these enemies have a very hard difficulty level of equipment value now I don't know if it's been confirmed if the quantity of items has also been increased but as you can see here when I'm opening the Contraband cache we find three Mech components and six sentient AI adapters which is going to net us tens of thousands of creds next up and most importantly we'll head on over here to the industrial crate and as you can see we have got 5 000 credits a load of gold and most importantly a legendary spacesuit this is literally just chilling out on the floor for us to grab this is the power of setting your game to very hard difficulty now of course the actual damage resistance of this suit isn't as good as mine but that's just because this is a very end game character if you were to come here before doing every other quest in the game when you find this item this would be absolutely insane and I mean even with the low stats the additional perks it gives you are still fantastic and this is just one of hundreds of randomly generated legendary items that you could grab in one of many different structures and caves and buildings just like this so long story short find a planet with life set your difficulty to very hard beeline it to a structure clear the area and loot to your heart's content now for tip number three let's have a look at some of the Hidden mechanics involved with stealth before we continue with the next tip I'd like to thank the sponsor for today's video War Thunder War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made this is partially due to the fact that you can play with over 2 000 tanks helicopters and ships in Dynamic PVP battles with each vehicle being extremely detailed down to their individual components for a highly immersive combat experience if you didn't know the collection of vehicles in this game span over a hundred years of development from the 1920s all the way up to present day with hundreds of different camouflages one of the primary reasons I like War Thunder so much is because there is so many vehicles and so much customization there is always a new way to play and something new to try out and a really big factor in why I like War Thunder so much you can play for free now on all platforms and I invite you to play along with me for free now using my link below which grants you a huge bonus pack including Vehicles boosters and more firstly we will start off fully geared up attempt something to steal this Bridger weapon and as you can see it's not going very well I am being detected 100 of the time so let's go into my inventory and unequip all of my armor and my weapon I am now completely weightless and as you can see as soon as she turns her back and I am out of line of sight immediately I am 100 hidden that gives me just enough time to steal the gun and now that you've seen it in action let me show you exactly how effective this is I will walk behind the shopkeeper and then Crouch and no matter how much I am moving around that bar is barely moving I am well and truly hidden however if I was to re-equip all my equipment again as you can see just the slightest movement makes me almost instantaneously detected so when you are doing any pure stealth missions specifically the ryujin faction quest line make sure that you strip off because it helps so much more than I can stress and for the longest time I was racking my brain trying to figure out why I was constantly being detected even if I was miles away from enemies being very very cautious as you can see here the answer is equip load now that you know that you will enjoy stealth sections so much more than you previously did so let's now move on to tip 4 how to boost faster firstly let me Sprint alongside my narwhal using the standard boost pack as you can see three boosts get me roughly half the length of the Narwhal before I then have to wait for my Boost back to recharge so now let's go back where I just was and the next thing I'm going to do is head into the options and set an ALT key for jump I have set this to left alt but it can be any button that you want and now as we Sprint and boost along the side of the Narwhal I am absolutely flying and I'm nearly able to make it to the end of the Narwhal in just four quick jumps for some reason if you set an ALT boost button you absolutely fly you go so much faster during my testing there is just one other thing I wanted to show you if we go back into the settings I wanted to be able to do this with spacebar because it would be so much easier so I switched it around so that space was the ALT key however weirdly this doesn't work it's still registered space as your normal slow boost so if you do try and be clever about it and do this just know for some reason it will stop working so you'll need to switch it back round space will always be your regular boost and something like left alt can be your alternative super fast boost fourth tip number five let's take a look at the star map if we Zoom right out you can obviously see all of the different solar systems here and if your very end game game and you're just in Exploration mode you want to go and visit everything and you want to make sure you leave no stone unturned and initially it seems like it's the named systems that are the ones that you have visited however the longer you play the game the more you realize this isn't the case there is an indicator albeit very subtle you will see all the systems that you have been to have a glow around them and the ones that you haven't don't so if we take a look at Barnard's star and Altair for instance I haven't been to either of these systems yet and you can use this method to identify really juicy high level areas that you haven't yet been to because as discussed earlier on in the video These are going to contain the most experience the biggest and baddest enemies and most importantly the best loot using this method you can now explore the entire galaxy and know that you have covered everything for tip number six another very simple one and an alternative method to remove the stolen tag from your possessions as you already know from my previous tips video you can sell and buy back at any trade Authority however if you don't have access to a trade Authority any modifiable item will automatically have its stolen tag removed as soon as you modify it so remember that Bridger we stole earlier let's use the weapon bench directly behind the shopkeeper add a modification to it and now we can sell it back to her for a big profit this method is fantastic if you are worried about getting caught by law enforcement because if you do they won't just remove your Contraband they will also remove all your stolen goods and you can very easily put a weapon bench and an armor bench on your spaceship so you can do this literally anywhere in the universe in the comfort of your own Starship this next tip is more of an immersion Choice than an atmospheric Choice rather than something that is going to die directly impact your gameplay but did you know that just like in reality all planets will have a dark and Light Side depending on the position of the sun so if you do much prefer venturing in the daytime where it's lovely and bright rather than having to go back to your spaceship and find a bench and wait for the really slow waiting system until it's daytime again and then get back up and then get out of your spaceship hello literally you can just open up your map and touch down on the other side of the planet and voila it is now daytime as I say it's not something that's going to dramatically alter your gameplay but it's a really cool feature that I'm glad they added and it can be so overlooked and as we're admiring some of the gorgeous environments just before we move into tip number eight I would like to ask if you're enjoying my videos and you haven't already please consider subscribing to the channel it's quick it's easy and it's free and it helps me out so much more than I can stress and thank you so much tip number eight is all about registering your new ships and saving money there are many ways in which you can acquire new ships some of them are slightly less than legal and if you have acquired a ship through any underhanded means then you will need to register it and registering a ship costs I believe it's around 80 or 90 of the value of the ship itself so it ain't bloody cheap as you can see here with the ecliptic bayonet it costs nearly the entire value of the ship just to register this however did you know if you quit out of the ship Services technician menu and just open up your own menu go to the ships at the bottom left find the ship you want to register you can do it yourself right here and it is far cheaper it actually only costs around 60 of the value and obviously this is far easier and more convenient because you can literally do this wherever and whenever you want to I'm assuming it's because the ship Services technicians take a cut and it's their fee on top for performing this service for you but when it's exactly as easy and exactly the same to do it yourself and you're saving money why would you ever not choose this option this game mechanic baffles me greatly and if anyone can explain what is going on here then please do because this makes no who sense to me why is the easier option the cheaper one but anyway don't look a gift horse in the mouth this is a cheap quick and easy way to register your ships so don't forget about it tip number nine is another very easily overlooked tip that will not only save you a lot of time but it will also make you a ton of money as you probably already know all ammunition in this game is weightless and some of it can sell for a haircut a lot of money when you have a few thousand of certain ammo types that can sell for upwards of 100K depending on the Rarity of the ammo and to this end tip number nine is to always pick up every single gun you find lying around even if your inventory is full and you just plan on dropping it again because every single bullet left in that Guns Magazine will automatically be added to your inventory and then when you throw the gun back down you will throw it down ammo and you will keep all of the ammo yourself some weapons can have upwards of 150 round mags so if you're doing this not only are you keeping your ammo reserves nice and full but also you have just made yourself a lovely little money earner it is completely weightless this is one of the most efficient ways in the game to make money and it is so slept on and overlooked the amount of times I would finish clearing out a whole base having found very few ammo pickups and somehow finishing with way more ammo than I started with and not knowing for the longest time it's because I was taking the ammo from all of the guns I was collecting this is such an amazing little secret to know and hopefully it has blown your mind as much as it blew mine four tip number 10 let's head to the damos shipyard at around level 20 and take a look at one of our ships any ship will do we're now going to go into the ship and bring up some of the parts on offer for us to buy as you can see there's roughly 15 or 16 Shields here that we can buy and not an insignificant amount of weapons maybe a hundred or so however did you know that ship parts are actually tied behind your player's level so if I was now to come back here at level 48 and look at the exact same menu I've now got over twice as many Shield generators accessible to me and if we have a look at the weapons tab it is absurdly long we have got hundreds of weapons to choose from so if you have ever been following a ship guide and I know I am guilty of this as well because I had no idea this was a thing and someone has told you to buy a particular weapon or a particular graph drive and you were at the exact same place with all the same perk points and you still couldn't find it or buy it it's because quite a few ship parts are tied to your player's level and you will still be unlocking new and better ship parts upwards of level 80 plus so even if you think you've got the best ship in the world your ship designs at level four your pilotings at level four and you bought all of the absolute best things you could make sure you check it out 10 levels later because you'll probably find basic ass weapons and parts that don't even require all of these super fancy perks are still going to outplash what you purchased a few hours ago so you can keep coming back and you can keep upgrading your ship time and time again and it is going to get more and more and more powerful late game when your character is level 60 70 or even 80 even putting any perk points into Starship design or any other similar perks you will find that some of the parts on offer are going to be absolutely insanely ridiculous the penultimate tip for this video is going to seem very counter-intuitive at first and this is to actually not level up your lock picking skill to Max as we're going around killing all these Pirates to get to what I want to show you let me explain a little bit further what I mean obviously if you do unlock Master Lock picking you will be able to access more areas and you will unlock more ways to complete certain missions particularly stealth missions or just alternative ways through certain areas and to that end lock picking is pretty cool but it's never actually required so the only other reason for you to pick lock picking would be to open all of these juicy locked weapon cases and science cases Etc and get your hands on some loot that would have been otherwise inaccessible to you the only problem with this is almost all of the really good loot isn't even lock behind lock picks it's just gonna be in cases that are readily available for you to loot and on the corpses of your enemies as you've already seen just by killing these Pirates I've grabbed a rare item I've grabbed an epic item there is plenty of really good loot to be had whereas in stark contrast as I come to the advanced lock safe here I will use a Digi pick to open it and literally all I get is a tiny bit of ammo and 700 credits and before we move on let me give you an even better example this was just slightly further on in the exact same base I have just looted an epic rifle and right around the corner is a legendary helmet as we keep going an abundance of really tasty loot just ready to be grabbed including this rare space suit a few more weapons loads of ammo and now we get to an expert level door and we think oh I've just picked up a legendary armor set there's got to be some really good stuff behind here right so we unlock the door we head in literally all there is is a common piece of trash spacesuit and a load of literal garbage so again I cannot stress enough the only reason to unlock the higher levels of lock picking is if you plan on using them for alternative ways to complete missions if you want it for the loot you will be sorely disappointed and now let's finally move on to my 12th and final secret tip for Starfield and just quickly before we wrap up the video again I'd like to remind you that you can play War Thunder for free right now using my link below and that will grant you a huge bonus pack including Vehicles boosters and more this tip came about from me encountering a very unfortunate series of events I had Contraband on me and I also accidentally acquired a bounty from the United Colonies now if I still had access to the Crimson Fleet I could have gone to them to get my bounty cleared or if I wasn't as greedy I could have just offloaded my Contraband but I really want this money so at first I thought oh I know I can just teleport to someone else and clear my bounty there but of course that wasn't gonna work because I had Contraband on me so at this point I was literally aimlessly floating around space with Contraband and bounties for everyone and I had nowhere to go until I came up with this idea all you need is a few resources and then this is very simple and easy to pull off head to literally any uninhabited planet and build yourself an outpost now you will be able to go to the miscellaneous tab build yourself a self-service Bounty clearance clear all your bounties travel to the den to sell your Contraband and job done I hope we have what you need foreign way to do this is to take the luxury Mansion Park when starting the game and you can just head there and build the Bounty clearance machine there but now either way you know exactly how to handle this situation if you do get caught in this sticky predicament that I got myself in and that is it my friends for my top 12 secret tips that Starfield doesn't tell you if you enjoyed the video please do like and subscribe and as always all that's left for me to say is thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Doms Roundtable
Views: 243,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guides, Guide, Tutorials, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Full Guide, Full Walkthrough, hints and tips, hint, hints, tip, tips, compilation, funny, fun, amazing, best, starfield, bethesda, starfield game, starfield guide, starfield ships, starfield secrets, secrets
Id: gUoCQY5kziQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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