12 Forgotten Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile! 90 Days of Preps!

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we do not have any hand sanitizer no wipes of any kind that includes baby wipes as well no eggs no bleach no lice saw no milk no paper towels of any brand no toilet paper of any brand and no water of any brand hello YouTube it's Chris here and in today's episode we're gonna be discussing twelve items you may have overlooked in your in-home preparations [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me yep you're heard right in today's episode we're gonna be talking about 12 items that you may have forgotten to add to your list for an extended bug in Scenario so with the current events that are unfolding right now in our country my wife and I have been traveling around town doing our normal grocery shopping because as you guys know follow our triana regularly we are Preppers so having most of our preps ready to go has been something that we've already taken care of months in advance but watching the purchasing habits of a lot of people in my hometown in seeing a lot of things that are picking up they're getting a couple things right but they're not really focusing on things that I feel are important for an extended bug in a situation so this is where a lot of these lists and concepts are coming from now if you are a veteran prepper this list is just like preaching to the choir this video is not necessarily for you but if you have any loved ones or family members you want a very quick and simple guide this is the video for them so this list stems from a lot of overlooked items and preps and a lot of holes that come people commonly have in their particular in-home preps some of these were holes in my particular list so this is where this list is gonna be coming down now the easiest way is to just break it down section by section the first topic I want to talk about is actually water now it doesn't sound like anybody in anywhere in the country has forgotten about water with all of the grocery stores and Walmart's being completely cleared out of water jokes and cases however something that I noticed in my investigations is when I was going into the the hardware sections of places like Walmart Lowe's Home Depot no one had touched these water filters at all now so while the power is on people seem to forget that they have this beautiful thing called a sink and they have tap water so which I thought was kind of funny so but just by buying a few jugs of this you can fill up your tap water have some water filtration a set ready to go now is it a silly idea to have a few gallons set aside for your family in case the power goes out and you can no longer can fill this because you have no running water in a storm or a bad situation absolutely not very smart idea but it seemed that people were panicked shopping and buying a whole bunch of gallons and cases and not thinking if something as simple as like pure water a Brita water filters berkey water filters or zero water what do you do if you got to go travel around in your vehicle and go maintain and go find and collect some water and filter it out later date or boil it having things like water bricks or some jerry cans are also a really good prepping item to add to your list but for most people for a normal bug in something like a zero water filter and some extra filters to have along with you for an extended day will do you just fine the next item on our list is cooking now on most situations your stove your waffle maker your microwave and toaster are gonna do you just fine but what happens if the power goes out what happens if the grid it does shut down for any length of time but do you have an ability to cook food and keep your family fed in that time so having some simple inventions like a grill a charcoal grill is perfect they're really really cheap the reason why this one is in a box is because I live in an apartment complex our apartment complex the policy is we can have a grill but if we're in a long term extended grid out situation I run out of power screw the policies I gotta cook my food some other things to consider if you're gonna be maybe you decided just bug out and go camping for a week or two some like ice turn up on a computing stove with some butane fuel or even the propane burners would work really well or maybe if you're just an individual when you want to go lightweight and mobile and fast and go out in the woods something like a Jetboil stove with some fuel work just fine the next item you might have forgot our physical cash for finances let's because of all the school closures and business setting down restaurants sporting events seasonal things if things are just shutting down all over the place so we're at home do we have an ability that if we're gonna go to the pharmacy or the doctor or grocery shopping or paying up regular bills why things are the greatest still up do we have the finances if we're not working if one of our jobs were personally affected do you be able to pay for those bills for two weeks a month three months and so on the next topic of discussion is power now for most situations the power will probably be owned for most of the time but like I said if the power goes down if you have any specific needs whether it's just being able to keep your cell phone charged all the way up to medical devices you have to keep charged do you have the generators or the power supply necessary to keep those things running in a grid down scenario things as small as just a small battery brick to keep your cell phone charged for open communication all the way to bigger units like a 2400 what our generator from Lu Yeti to keep small appliances and things like that running in the short-term can be critical whether it's a medical need or just for your family whatever your priorities are you need to have a checklist of the your particular priorities of what you want to keep powered up if the grid actually goes down and if you're hoping and wanting for some deeper dives into different type of January's we do have some videos up in the right-hand corner of the screen to give you some more deeper dives on this particular topic the next topic is laundry like I said if the power's on you have a laundry mat to go to or you have washer and dryer in your home this is kind of a non-starter but what happens like I said the power goes out or like in my apartment complex we don't have washer and dryer units in our apartments and the laundry mats around our town is starting to close along with things like restaurants shopping malls schools and whatnot so this is actually a prep that is affecting me right now so this is a problem I had to solve pretty quick faster than hurry so we wanted to make sure that we had plenty of liquid detergent we use extra kind of our preps because it's cheap but it works it gets the job done but then for laundry we wanted a separate kind of Sterilite bin you can use a five-gallon bucket if you have a clean tub in your house you can just use the tub inside your bathroom that works really really well as well however for a mobile washer this is the mr. mobile washer so that looks like a plunger has a nice ergonomic t-handle but it has this kind of like airflow pushed through the design we're gonna overlay some footage from some other channels but it's basically a hand washing unit that gives you a very very efficient cleaning cycle and then you can just use something like some cordage and some clothespins hangers stuff out on the balcony up next we want to talk about bathing and just overall hygiene in general a lot of the facilities that I'm used to like if my power were to run out previously I would just use my gym membership and then go to the gym and take a shower that was my workaround but guess what right now my gyms closed there's nowhere we can we can't go into our gym and do that as a backup so we needed to come up with a prep now if you run out of warming water that's not an issue while I have running water take a normal shower do that we're good to go when those facilities and those services shut down and we want to make sure that we have a back-up plan so we have a case of bathing wipes it's just simple baby wipes to kind of wipe off the funky bits can be big deal on staving off things like infections and odors and bacteria and things like that that can just compound a situation like this and make the current crisis we're in even worse the next topic we want to talk about our family pets they are something that tragically in natural disasters evacuation situations and what I fear in this particular situation with the self-isolation and possible quarantine around our country pets will be in very overlooked item or family member to be considered during prepping so if you have pets and you're a responsible owner do you have enough food for them do you have water allocation set aside for them do you have enough treats and things for them because with your attentions fears and possible anxiety they could be filling those same things and having those frustrations and issues as well especially if you and them are forced to be indoors longer than what they're normally used to the next item we're gonna be talking about are gas and gas cans now it seems like a silly thing to think about but for a lot of people like I said who live in apartments with 56 million Americans who live in apartments who are in adequately prepped for disaster scenarios a lot of homeowners who have garages and sheds and a lot of places to store these kind of things they own lawnmowers these are things you have already thought of but making sure you have enough fuel to get yourself from point A to point B if if for instance you need to evacuate your location of bugging in is no longer option do you have enough fuel to get where you're going if there there's some endemic gas shortages now I'm not saying there is going to be a gas shortage but what happens if are in a situation this current crisis where we are hunkered down for two three four weeks and we were in place and while we're just hunkering down our homes people are siphoning gas from around the neighborhoods in the middle of the night and you decide to go drive away and go visit family somewhere where you feel it's gonna be safer on a ranch or somewhere out of town to be you know closer with your loved ones where you guys are there's more of a security net there and you go to turn on your car and to Turkey you have no fuel do you have enough to get around or get far enough to be able to do your travels before we move on to the next section please understand that this list does not cover everything these are just gaps and holes that we notice are empty in a lot of people's prepping lists and items and things that people cover and some of these items were empty lists that we had to fill along the way over the course of the past year in months the next one we're gonna be talking about it kind of roles in the hygiene is using the bathroom like I said if the powers on use your toilet hopefully I'm not triggering too many people with all that toilet paper right there cuz that Amin that pretty much guarantees me at least three wives and some European countries I'm pretty sure but what happens if the power runs out and water is no longer flowing we can't just flush our toilet I for one do not want to be using the bathroom and clogging the toilet and making a stinking and festering bacteria and just making a very very unsanitary environment to live in so we've chosen kind of like the prepper toilet now there are some life hack ones where people use things like pool noodles and a bunch of weird crap but for me I was like why don't you just go to the camping section and just buy a camping toilet seat that goes on a five-gallon bucket it works just fine we like to use these little four to five gallon scented bags so that kind of helps keep the odor down but a one thing we do is we actually put a very thin layer just like we do with most people's cats lightweight Tidy Cats kitty litter we pour a little bit in there and as people are doing their business they pour a little bit over they use your toilet paper voila we're good to go a five-gallon bucket well pretty much one single bag we usually last us anywhere between 7 to 10 days a surprising hole and a lot of people's preps are games cards and morale boosting items things that kind of past the time ease the tension and kind of keep things kind of chill in a moments where people are extra filfil and there's a little higher levels and anxiety there's a little bit more uncertainty in the world being able to kind of forget about that for a very short amount of time can be very beneficial especially if you have a family or kids now having things like board games card games all that stuff can be very very important another often overlooked topic is lighting when if your power goes out do you have an ability to turn some form of lights on whether it's through something as simple as candles do you have enough candles for a certain amount of time whether it's a week two weeks or longer or if you want to go the more technological route you can have things like battery-operated switch lights that can be working with a remote LED light strips with large power banks so you can kind of keep things going it really depends on your flavor and what you chose to do and if some people go well these are first world problems that people ball of law but when people have fan you live in a city living in a home and an apartment having a shock to the system where you can't go to the grocery store you can't go to work your kids aren't going to school you lose power you know a cascading effect of things can go wrong and impact your life it can be a very big shock to the system if you're not ready for it so having some small sense of normalcy just like is with being able to have warm hot food through cooking and having some board games can be very very very huge and the overall sense of hope and morale give weathering yourself through that particular situation now surprisingly given the fact that in most health sections in places like CVS Walgreens in the shelves of Walmart in their pharmacy sections the shelves were cleared out there were still a surprisingly large amount of people through our research of walking around our city of people just baffled that they're teasing medications they couldn't get because people still get the common cold people still get headaches people still get stomach cramps people still have high blood pressure people still need to mitigate those systems and the panic shopping hasn't done anybody any favors so making sure that you have enough of prescription medications or OTC meds for things that you have specific needs for or a kind of a blanket coverage how we've got going on can make a huge difference when systems and services are overwhelmed store shelves are emptied and not being able to kind of go out in a situation like this can be very important well that just about does it for this particular episode of twelve items that you may have forgotten to add to your prepping list now hopefully there is at least one item or one consideration that you were able to get some helpful them for a LOF of and even if you are a veteran prepper and you kind of know all these things and I was just preaching to the choir maybe you have some friends or family whether this video could be helpful for them so sharing this out to your friends and family with that said hopefully whatever I stay safe and it see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 502,434
Rating: 4.9099665 out of 5
Keywords: survivalgear, prepping, 12 Forgotten Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile / Hoard
Id: 8iQwiCAdrrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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