24 Easy Survival Skills Everyone Should Learn Now!

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hello YouTube it's Chris here and in today's episode we're gonna be discussing a 24 amazing hacks you can use with these everyday household items [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me you heard right in today's episode we're gonna be going over these everyday items and discussing 24 amazing hacks you can use with each and every one of them now I know what you're thinking right here you see these items you're like Chris these are sold out everywhere and that's not true a lot of this boils down to timing is everything when it comes to your personal shopping experiences now we are very well aware of there are certain hotspots in the USA that have very huge large issues because of their case count going on right now in the US is very very high in those particular areas like such as New York Midwest Illinois and also California so the very first item I want to talk about is probably the most overlooked first aid item that I have personally seen right now because everybody's making a run on isopropyl alcohol on certain concepts for their DIY hand sanitizer and we are going to show you how to do that in this episode but there are so many more uses for all this crap on the table so the very first use is a very obvious one this is antiseptic for wounds duh we all know that whether you're gonna be spray or just pour it on the wound exactly you're pretty much good to go another awesome hack for this particular item is actually removing clothing stains you can actually take two parts of hydrogen peroxide and also dish soap and you can kind of scrub it onto your clothing and let it sit there for a good 30 and 45 minutes before you put it in the laundry and the active ingredients inside the hydrogen peroxide will help loosen up all of those particles and stains and items and help get your clothes a little bit cleaner another one that gets overlooked quite a bit is product washing so yes we are going to our central stores which are grocery stores and with all of the potential issues with kovat 1-9 a lot of people are concerned about the safety of the products they're buying in their food one thing you can do to alleviate that is to actually wash your food you can take things like your vegetables and your fruits and put it inside of a bowl and solution of hydrogen peroxide and kind of let it just sit there for 20 to 30 minutes kind of get it stirred around and activated and when you're all done there's no more harsh chemicals no more diseases I've all your vegetables and stuff are safe and clean to eat in process in your kitchen without too much worry another pretty common use for this is actually whitening your laundry when it's time to do your t-shirts and your socks and all that good stuff same way you would use this for bleach you can utilize it in your laundry and you will not only be disinfecting your laundry but you will have brighter cleaner clothes in the process additionally because we're in a recession there's two things you can use for oral hygiene care it says it right on the label and I'm surprised at how many people didn't even know you could use it you can use it as a mouthwash or gargle I use it for mine and it was also a inactive teeth whitener works really really well very very very gentle and additionally you can use this because we are in a recession and if you're worried about keeping your toothbrush cleaning because even those total minor expenses can get a little expensive you can use it as a toothbrush cleaner you can take obviously put in a cup stick it upside down let it sit in the solution for a good hour too and you will have a nice clean disinfected toothbrush that you can keep using for many more months without having to spend extra money now for this particular hack I like to use this spray form of hydrogen peroxide but you can use this as a counter top disinfectant a lot of people are having issues running into things like Lysol and wipes and all that stuff and bleach and all those other things well this is still on the shelf widely available highly overlooked but you can use this as a disinfectant for your countertops and keep everything nice and clean and safe as well the next item on the list is isopropyl alcohol now before you jump down in the comments look you put it anywhere yes there are five hot spots that I know of in the US right now that it is very difficult to find items like this and I'm very well aware of that and I do sympathize for you place like New York California and the Midwest things like that I get it however it's not just boils down to a tie it boils down to timing when you're looking for this you just don't blindly go at five o'clock in the morning and wait in line like a crazy person you need a office also talk to your particular store and figure out when their shipments are gonna be start timing your trips and visits what's those now you can take isopropyl alcohol and mix it with something like the vegetable glycerin which is my preferred method cuz that's what they use in retailers but also you can mix it with something like aloe vera to make hand sanitizer now I don't like using aloe vera for hand sanitizer because the binding ingredients for vegetable glycerin binds to the alcohol much much better but it is very very easy use my preferred is either using the ethyl alcohol or utilizing 99% isopropyl alcohol but 91% will work and you mix it in solution I typically fill it up about 80% of the way full with alcohol then I fill the rest of it up with the vegetable glycerin I give it a mighty good shake frisket around a lot and then you have a nice good piece of a DIY hand sanitizer that also will smooth out your skin because since we're having to wash our hands 473 thousand times per day we can get dry and cracked skin which could also lead to further problems those mild irritants you can actually utilize rubbing alcohol to clean stainless steel a lot of us have stainless steel sinks because they're really good as far as their corrosion resistance and being able to clean that stuff and it disinfect it works really really well since we're putting a lot of our dirty dishes and hands and stuff like that in there another thing you can utilize this for is electronics cleaner now you need to make sure you're putting it on the flat non-porous areas of it and if you get it inside electronics it can still be very bad you do because there are portions of water in there and it contains electronics but if you use it on the flat non-porous areas you should be good to go another really fun one we got from another youtuber is a DIY ice pack if you don't have things like frozen peas or any of those ice packs already in your freezer you can do with two parts water and one part isopropyl alcohol into a large freezer bag put it in your freezer and the ice will physically melt but the alcohol will not add those temperatures and it will create a nice malleable system that you can use now I understand your reasoning for not wanting to use that since this is considered a precious commodity worth its weight in gold at this current time but it is a hack you can use another really a good hack that I really really love is you can use this as an odor remover for your foot wear sandals boots work boots shoes it doesn't really matter you take a solution of this in a spray bottle and you spray it into your shoes then you stick it on your balcony or outside let it get to direct sunlight you know of the course of a day or two the Sun will physically the heat will dry out your shoes and evaporate the alcohol but between the UV rays and the isopropyl alcohol it will disinfect and deodorize your footwear and keep make them sneak a lot less and also for first aid as a disinfectant it works really well use in hospitals all the time but not only that as far as cleaning stainless steel but it's also an amazing degreaser a lot of chefs and cooks use this in their kitchens a lot and if you didn't or do you know that it's an amazing degreaser the next item we want to talk about is 100% vegetable glycerin or 99.5 percent either way now this can be found at Walmart in grocery stores usually in the first aitt aisle and we have been able to cite this not only at multiple locations on different days it is still an overlooked item so currently for the religious cult of DIY hand sanitizer people are going to the aloe vera instead of the glycerin now there are some awesome uses for glycerin that I think are unique to it specifically so this is the next day still plenty of glycerin at this location now one thing a lot of women use for it is actually softening your skin like I said because we are washing our hands 873 thousand times a day now because of kovat 1-9 being able to soften your skin up when your hands already clean the easiest thing to do is you kind of rub this on your hands let it sit there for about 20-30 minutes then wash your hands off and your skin will be a little bit softer preventing things like cracking and excessive dryness now another thing you can utilize glycerin for is helping heal mouth ulcers now this doesn't have any particular healing properties but it can protect and create a barrier inside your mouth sores from other external bacterias but it can also keep that area moist to help promote healing if you are a sufferer of psoriasis or eczema and you can't get some of your medications and you need to use something in a pinch you can use glycerin and just like you would for the salt dry skin it can help alleviate some of the issues you might be dealing with with psoriasis or eczema and another good use for this is being a binding agent for the DIY hand sanitizers the reason I like glycerin more is because it buys you that time but it bonds a lot better with the alcohol because the ethanol in the glycerin shows similar atomic properties now another no use for glycerin believe it or not you can actually utilize this with another product and actually create it as a fire starter now another goes well you can do though with your sanitizer but there's another product you can use you can actually combine it with an item called potassium permanganate and you can combine these two you pour this on the ground you pour a little bit of glycerin and boom really explosive fun fire you could probably do in your backyard I show your kids some fun science experiment or if you're going to be cooking or creating a campfire or need it in an emergency you can stick this on a first-aid kit and you good to go for fire-starting and first aid at the same time next on the list is aloe vera now both of these were found at HEB and Walmart my local grocery store and the worst chain on the planet it is a large creature that we have in the nation but fruit of the earth is a very common one this stuff is very very cheap we found this for like 2 or 3 bucks and this aloe vera gel that has non died is also like a dollar it's super super cheap to get a whole those stuffs now what I like to use this stuff for is I know there's a lot of women who use it for their skin their hair and some other Beauty applications however there are two applications I love this for the most as for guys speaking though as a guy who once had a beard I do not anymore very very sad because shaving cream and shaving gel is very expensive and we are in a recession now I want to you'd get the cheapest shaving cream possible I like to use aloe vera gel because every single time I choose to use aloe vera gel to shave with and not only can I see where I'm shaving but I also have a lot less irritation on my skin I pretty much have zero when I use the aloe vera gel works very very well and then the other obvious one outside of some beauty things that a lot of women can tell talk about in the comment section is also sunburn relief we live here in South Texas we get a lot of sunlight and it has been my best friend for many years the final item we're gonna be talking about is liqueur in general more specifically Everclear because it does tick off all of the check marks but liqueur and in general can be utilized pretty interchangeably with some of the hikes so a really awesome hack you can use with Everclear or any really really high proof alcohol is a kind of makeshift cure for swimmers ear it's kind of a waterlogged ear it's a little annoying however if you can pour some alcohol into your ear it does sound counterintuitive but the alcohol itself for the high concentration of it will actually help evaporate the water and clear up the ear it may take a few applications but in a bright sunny day it'll work just fine now if you run out of the most underrated most awesome product on this table which is hydrogen peroxide in my opinion you can use really really really high concentration alcohol for a mouthwash if you need to I would use it as an absolute last resort however it will work because it has a lot of disinfectant properties because for this particular one is almost 95% pure ethanol or ethyl alcohol now in realistically I would only use vodka or grain alcohol for this but you can use it as a disinfectant or a sterilizer if you need to if you are running out of first-aid supplies or you run low and you have a stash of this in a basement or and somewhere in your house and someone gets a wound and you just can't go to the hospital because what the issues we're going on right now maybe you're not having that straight away now if you are a prepper having things like hydrogen peroxide and a good trauma kit and first-aid kit are gonna be viable but it is still a good hack if you need it now this is where some of this cheap stuff comes in handy these little Airport bottles the small little 350 milliliter bottles 750 milliliters I haven't becomes a great barter item do not underestimate people what are willing to trade for things like toilet paper and paper towels shoot maybe even something like hand sanitizer for a little swig of a drink to kind of take the pressure off if they need it really badly I much prefer these smaller Airport bottles given the fact that I can grab two or three of them pretty easily and store them and they're very transportable to trade it for things like goods and services so if we ever got to the point where a grocery stores got shut down and I need some eggs or some toilet paper or any other things like that or so maybe some homegrown vegetables from someone's garden being able to trade things like this or tobacco will work out really well now this will work better with Everclear however it will technically work with like 90 proof or higher alcohol you can use this as an emergency fire starter or fuel for something like an alcohol stove now personally if you can find it go to Home Depot and just get some fuel if the administered alcohol this stuff's really cheap you can get like a gallon of this for like nine dollars at Home Depot right now it is not safe to drink do not drink it however if you need to you can use Everclear with this is a hundred ninety proof it's basically almost pure alcohol by volume really awesome to start a fire with and I know a lot of people like where you can use in a hand sanitizer and yes you can utilize that because of the gel it'll act kind of similar to like a Vaseline a cotton ball and will give you a nice and fire started to use in a pinch so if you have any of this stuff on you and you're actually quarantining a place you need to cook some food or keep warm definitely have a viable handy option with the alcohol now I don't actually advise this and because this could be a very precious commodity and it would be a absolute last ditch effort trust me please I'd not recommending this I'm just saying it's a possible option because all you Rambo's out there who watch too many action flicks they've probably seen this a thousand times you can utilize the ever clear asbestos far more flammable as a Molotov cocktail for emergency self-defense I don't think you should go out and go do those things I'm not recommending it or condoning it in any way shape or form but I guess if it with there's no rule of law the grid completely goes down it all goes to hell I mean I guess you got to do what you got to do well that just about does it for they twenty-four life hacks you can use with these everyday household items hopefully we've made it just a little bit easier to think about ways to actually track this stuff down in your local area and also giving you at least one awesome tip with the 24 hacks that we came up with so if you enjoy this episode definitely feel free to share this out and subscribe for more awesome episodes just like this but with that said see you in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 117,469
Rating: 4.8553305 out of 5
Keywords: Life hacks, Survival Hacks, 24 Life hacks, 24 Survival hacks, 24 Survival hacks Everyone Should Know
Id: epJ1qSl5jpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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