Top 10 Prepper Mistakes

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gosh when it comes to being prepared making mistakes is something you don't want to do because it could be catastrophic really being well-prepared means you're having a concise plan you've got things laid out and Preppers make mistakes I mean they're human and you know you want to do the right thing you want to put things in order but sometimes you're wasting your money and your time by not doing things right so we're gonna take a look at the top ten mistakes that Preppers make now there are a lot of other mistakes and you can list those down in the comments but to me this is my top ten list now number one is evaluating your risk and one of the big things that a lot of people do is they plan for one scenario if you watch Doomsday Preppers and the program was kind of set up for this they asked their number-one concern and so with that they made all their preps around that listen prepare for life prepare to live and look at the risk that you have in your area one of the biggest things is just power outages we have them every year sometimes multiple times and if you're ready for a power outage you're really going toward being prepared for other things but whether you have tornadoes hurricanes you know different kind of environmental problems even civil unrest economic meltdown a nuclear incident or pandemics which we've just been going through it but being ready to handle those different issues but remember again you're preparing for life now because of the internet we have so many different choices on different things and a lot of them are just gadgets and novelties one of the big things that you need to focus on is skill skill is much more important than the tools that you have now having the right tools is important definitely and it's something you need to consider but having all kind of new little gadgets and widgets and electronic devices you know can be a big waste of time and a waste on your resources that you can put toward other things that are more important I'll never forget with our own prepper group we had a training exercise for rebug doubt and everybody met at a certain location and we went through and evaluated the gear a lot of the items that were put aside were things that hadn't even been opened it was just trinkets and really low-quality stuff and guys you need to have good quality gear instead of spending a hundred dollars on a bunch of different gadgets buy yourself a really solid knife and then take it out and learn how to use it now one big prepper mistake is just planning the bug out that's your plan you've got your stuff together you've got your bug out bag you have your go bag you may even have a container ready you're ready to run and guys honestly you're just a glorified refugee bugging out is a last ditch effort that means there are no other options so first and foremost you should plan to bunker in your house is a safe haven you have all the necessary tools in gear and your supplies right there if you're on the bug out you're gonna do with a lot less and you're really making yourself vulnerable to whatever is happening around you so first plan is to bunker in and make sure that you have your food your water your medical supplies your self-defense options everything right there with you your tools you know tools for making things being able to get through a grid down situation but you should also have an evacuation plan and bugging out is definitely one of those options that you need to consider now most of us a lot of times are not physically able to carry all the things that you need or you have someone in your family maybe a small child maybe an elderly person that can't necessarily make the trip on foot and so really you need to have that plan set aside though ready to go of course vehicles are a great tool but if the highways and the roads get clogged up you're gonna have a hard time getting through and so you may end up on foot and so you need to plan all this stuff out but one of the biggest things about evacuation or bugging out is to have a location that you're heading to make plans talk to your friends and family that are like-minded and have a place to go if your area is compromised I mean you could have a house fire that burns your place to the ground you need to be able to get out you could have some Restless going on where it's just not safe I mean there are a number of different things that can happen and you definitely need to have that evacuation plan in place making sure that you have accessible roads alternate ways to get to places guys if you're depending on your GPS you may not have it and so really having a good map just a paper map and learning how to read it we've kind of lost that skill and that's one of the skills that you need to know how to map read how to be able to get through navigating navigating over rough terrain you've got to know those skills space is limited for most of us and a lot of times we have a certain location that we keep all of our food we keep our firearms we keep you know our medical supplies we keep them in one location guys you need to have multiple locations don't keep all your eggs in one basket it's very important to have those things set aside and spread out one thing that I did a few years ago is have a cache and this was for emergency supplies and me and another buddy of mine this in the prepper group we rented a really small storage unit that we can both get to and we have food medical supplies different things in there that we can get to if our place is compromised or if things are stolen and you know your house can be invaded you know you may be out and people just come and take your stuff now Communications is a big thing and a lot of times we rely on our cell phones we have a handheld computer that is just incredible and there's a lot of things we can gain from it but in a grid down situation you could lose the ability to get in touch with your friends through your phone and so number one and this is really the most important is to get to know your neighbors have be on friendly terms with your neighbors get to know them if they need help help them out and develop a relationship with your neighbors and that is one thing that man has always done has depended on each other because lone wolf mentality will get you killed and being able to work together with your preps being able to help each other in a time of crisis is invaluable now also having to a radios having a ham radio or and also having some kind of weather radio with shortwave to be able to get information and so there's a lot of aspects to communication and you need to make sure that communication system is in order but again guys number one get to know your neighbors now guys this is a big one your only internet you're looking through stuff and you're not training you're not practicing you're not testing your equipment get your equipment out and test it if you have firearms you definitely need to get training if you can get professional training that's even better but you need to get out and do some shooting make sure that your entire family that can handle a firearm has that training as well but if you need to learn fire skills learning how to start a fire going out and taking the methods that you have that you're depending on because I'm gonna tell you a Bic lighter will go out when you need it the most and a lot of times is inclement weather know how to start a fire in wet weather know how to prepare your food you could have long-term food storage stocked up but you haven't tried it and so it's important to get it out test it and make sure that it's edible medical supplies that is a big one and there are a lot of first aid classes all around trauma classes you can go to basic first-aid you know those are offered in a lot of places and now is the time to get that knowledge because you will be your first responder and so you may be the one that saves that life of a family member or friend and when it comes to food storage that's a big one and one thing that we've done we have some long-term food that will last for thirty years and we've stocked up a year supply but just like with the Kovac 19 scare I mean people were buying up food like crazy and we didn't want to get into our long-term food because it is a lot of work we really wanted to eat things that we were already eating now the grocery stores were open and we were able to go even though there were a lot of shortages and we're able to get to food but having a lot of canned food the foods that you eat those foods will last indefinitely if you keep them in moderate temperatures 75 and below we did a video all about that but it's really important to make sure that you have your in those locations where they will preserve the nutrition and the value of the food as long as possible but you also want foods that you like you don't want to get a lot of food you open it up and it's something that you just can't eat we've got to keep our energy up so it's really important to make sure you have food that you like keep it well rotated and make sure that you do again divide it up because you don't want for that food to get gone and then you'd be left with nothing okay number nine is to make sure that you don't procrastinate it's one of the big things you know we have ideas of what we want to do we have plans we there are certain holes that we have in our preps and a lot of this has to come with evaluating and organizing but when you look at everything you have then you decide do I have a heat source in case of a power outage do I have the necessary supplies whether it's blankets and different things sleeping bags you know the different things you need to keep your body warm do you have a generator and if you do do you know how to use it do you have a way to filter water water is one of those things that's not sexy but it's one of those things that you can't live without three days without water and you're done for so make sure you have a way to filter water you may have a big Creek a pond a lake and they are filled with different microorganisms that can really make you sick and so having a way to filter that water is one of the critical things make sure you have your medical bags ready make sure that you have the ammunition you need we just saw a run on ammunition we've seen it over and over guns and ammunition get gone in a hurry in a crisis situation don't wait until the price doubles before you have to go by have that stuff put aside ahead of time and again don't procrastinate to train and to learn skill reading it on the internet is not obtaining skill it's just you know about it it's just knowledge but until it's put to use there's no skill involved and guys number 10 and what's probably one of the most important is to have balance in your life now balance means that you are working to be prepared what my motto has always been is do a little bit every week just do a little bit buy some extra canned food buy some medical supplies you can when you go shooting buy some extra ammo to put back doing those things extra magazines you know buying your medical gear buying your different things that you use on a regular basis and make sure that you rotate them out and that you just make it part of your lifestyle but it's not all your life and one of the things that a lot of Preppers do is they get addicted to prepping and if you're not careful you just that's all you're thinking about and you're actually planning for the end of the world guys plan again to live that is the most important thing make sure you take breaks make sure you go on vacation being prepared when you go and all this will be somewhat of a training as you go along whenever we go on any kind of trip I always make sure I have my go bags I have the necessary items that I need and I keep them with me but I don't make it to where that is everything about my life guys 99% of the time you're gonna be fine but just like we've experienced with the Kovach 19 pandemic we've had to adjust and thank goodness we still have all utilities and things we need but if we didn't where would we be and so guys be prepared think about these mistakes make sure that the ones that you fall into make sure you fix them because now is the time this can come at any time and it's always great to be prepared it's not only you it's also for your family and your friends and guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider it is the best resource on the web to be prepared they use some of the top names in the survival world that are contributors there we upload one video a week I'll have a link down in the description I think it's well worth checking out be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] nuclear power nuclear nuclear a nuclear [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 304,062
Rating: 4.9322147 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Mistakes, Top 10, Top 10 Prepper Mistakes, Food storage, Preps, Organizing, Prepared
Id: PHdzoffnA2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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