100 Cheap Survival Items to Stockpile: Dollar Tree Prepping

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[Music] hi folks canadian prepper here so today on the channel we're going to be doing some budget preparedness shopping point of this video today is to show you that you don't need to break the bank you don't need to spend tons of money in order to essentially build up a supply of preparedness related products so we're going to take this hundred dollar greenback that you see here always keep some american greenbacks on you no matter which country you're in it's the global reserve currency yes we all know it's just paper and you know if push came to shove i guess if it had no value anymore you could use it just like you would a toilet paper tablet okay but for the time being it's good to have this stuff because if the [ __ ] ever royally hits the fan this is gonna be universally recognized currency at least for a little while until people catch on that it's essentially worthless and there's no calories in it and you can't eat it so let's convert this to canadian dollars so that 100 in us dollars is worth around 130 canadian so we're going to take that 130 canadian and see what we can get from the dollar store all right guys so here we are at the canadian version of a dollar store let's go see what we can find in the dollarama let's get to it all right first up we have cheese cloth which can be used to purify water for food preservation can be used for fire for medical purposes you can make a tea bag with it you can even make a pandemic mask with it so definitely get some cheese cloth if it's under a buck next up we have some glass jars now these are probably cheaper glass jars which likely will break after a bit of environmental pressure over time but they're still under a buck which is pretty cheap for a glass jar up next is a metal strainer you can use this to take out some of the larger particulates if you're making a water filtration system of course you can use it for cooking for dehydrating for even catching small fish that you can use for bait and it works as a great strainer if you're making pine resin glue go check out my tutorial on that up next was a staple of the pioneers as they went across the frontier hundreds of years ago and it's a cast iron frying pan this thing will last darn near forever if you treat it well and it's a big chunk of metal that can double as a weapon up next we got some mid-duty contractor bags you can make a poncho out of this you can make a sleeping mat if you fill it up with leaves you can make a pillow out of it you can haul water with it or just use it to dispose of contaminated materials in the case of another viral outbreak here we found some old-fashioned wood and metal clothespins i would suggest the wooden metal because if the grid goes down you're gonna be drying your clothes outside you're gonna have to hang them up on something up next we have steel wool you can use this for everything from cleaning your knives and your metal tools cleaning your cast iron pot or even using it as a last ditch fire starter if you happen to have a few batteries laying around i came across this handy inspection mirror which is kind of like one of those spy periscope type things i can think of some tactical applications for this but i can also think of medical applications and it would also be good for signaling for help now if you wanted a mirror for medical purposes you may want to go with one of these magnifying mirrors that makes everything much bigger especially if you have vision problems this reflective sun shade that you see here is coated in mylar you put this on top of your contractor bag that's full of leaves and that's going to keep you off the ground and prevent you from losing heat on the ground this is gonna be your makeshift bushcraft mattress and it's gonna be super lightweight hopefully it lasts you for at least a couple good night sleeps now what you see here is a one step pregnancy test now i wouldn't put a lot of faith in these things because we've had them fail on us before but you might want this for the apocalypse in case you slip up in the family planning department if you know what i mean here we have some vinegar it lasts damn near forever and has a thousand in one prepping uses google it okay so here we have an insulation film now if you live in a very cold climate and you're trying to conserve heat uh you're gonna want to definitely insulate your home in any possible way you can and this is probably one of the cheapest ways you can at least contain some of the heat we also have some shower curtain liners here which can be used to build super shelters among other things we have some space saving storage bags those can be used for packing away your items in a bug out bag some shrink pack travel bags that serve the same purpose you can also use these plastic drop sheets in order to make super shelters i'll post a link to that in the description now here we have some dedicated rain ponchos if you wanted to go a step above your garbage bags i would probably opt for a clear one if you can find it just because the clear is gonna have a variety of other uses you could potentially use that to make a solar steel and for water collection next we have the good old-fashioned compressed towels aka toilet paper tablets if you don't know what those are then you must be new to this channel next we have some insulating insoles these are going to be absolutely essential if you live in a cold climate and you have a tendency to get cold feet pair these with a half decent pair of socks and it's going to keep your feet a lot warmer than standard insoles up next we have some rubbing alcohol it has lots of medical applications you can use it to sterilize things you can use it to double as hand sanitizer you can even use it to light fires now here we have a small bottle of bleach that they're trying to sell us for three bucks but we're not falling for that we're gonna go get some awesome bleach totally awesome bleach for one dollar over at the mighty dollar tree now if you want to spend a little bit more money get one of these bags of calcium hypochlorite should be at least 65 percent in order to be effective this has a much longer shelf life than bleach and one tablespoon of it will make you a gallon of bleach all right so here we have some lip chop for chopped skin now i'd strongly advise you if you find it at a dollar store just get yourself some petroleum jelly instead vaseline will have the same effect but you can use it for a lot more things now here we got some zip ties just in case you need to string somebody up but no in all seriousness you can use this for lashing to make shelters and they will double as handcuffs if you're into that kinky stuff now here we have a dummy security camera it's four bucks but it might be a worthwhile investment check out my library of home security videos to see why this is so effective okay so as you can see here i have a permanent generic marker and i also got a big piece of white bristol board because you never know when you're gonna have to make a sign you can write things on this sign to discourage people from going into certain places just like the dummy camera you use subterfuge to fool would-be criminals so here we have a dual sharpening system you can use this with twigs and sticks in order to make fine tinder to light fires in the wilderness next we have some hair elastics from the ladies department these are better than normal elastics and are nearly as strong as those ranger band type elastics you can use this for a variety of things up next we have some good old jute twine that of course you can use as cordage but if you take some of the candles that you see here and you're definitely going to want to get candles that's going to be absolutely essential and you melt down some wax and you dip one of those rolls of jute twine in it that's going to be an absolutely excellent long-term fire starter and you can even use the jutetime itself as a wick to make candles up next are nails always carry nails in your bug out bag there's a thousand and one uses for a nail in a survival situation here we have some wire that you can use to make snares a trip wire or perimeter alarm system here we have a nice little cheap pry bar for a dollar 25 can't beat that here we have some reflective safety tape obviously you can use this for a lot of things in an emergency situation and accompanying that for another dollar 25 we're gonna pick up this really cheap hi-vis vest if you ever needed to help people out in a disaster you're going to look a lot more official wearing this here we have some mesh laundry bags not only for laundry but you can also carry food with it and in addition to that you could use it to make a fishing net up next we have the almighty baking soda this is a great all-around hygiene tool you can use it like you would toothpaste as soap as deodorant you can use it to clean things to prevent odors you can even use it for medical purposes like as an antacid or even treating minor burns now here you see an old-fashioned oven myth but i would recommend that if you can get the silicon oven mitt the bigger one than what you see here they come in really handy when you're cooking around a campfire and you don't want to burn your hands cheap one dollar can opener is gonna make your life a whole lot easier we're gonna pass on this hand sanitizer because they're trying to charge us three bucks a bottle and we just ain't having that and also they're trying to charge us four bucks for one freaking mask can you believe that we're gonna pass on that too let's forget about oh here we go dollar tree one dollar there you go bada boom bada bing okay so the urban prepper had this idea back in the day that if you want to hide your prepping supplies in your vehicle that you should store them in a kid's backpack because no criminal is gonna be looking in a kid's backpack excellent thinking here we have a handy old bucket cost us three bucks but these are actually pretty sturdy so i'm gonna make the investment and pull the trigger on this for three dollars and fifty cents up next we have the almighty salt and if you're far from the oceans in a mad max world then indeed this may well be the new currency here they're gonna try to sell us some luncheon meat for a dollar fifty i think we're just gonna pass on this and we're gonna stick with the tuna instead they sell a variety of canned foods at the dollar store i'd recommend you go check out my recent video the true shelf life of food if you wanna get a better sense of how long this stuff is actually gonna last don't forget about your soap because you gotta stay clean in the apocalypse we're gonna pass up on the multivitamins and some of the medications that they have here because i find at least at this dollarama store they were really expensive and overpriced as is a lot of stuff there i would stick with the dollar tree if i was you personally when you get into the gauzes and the medical tapes and the q-tips and things like that you might find some better deals here and there but you definitely should shop around for this stuff because this can get pretty pricey i came across this hot water bottle bag i don't know if it's bpa free or not again if it's the apocalypse you're not gonna be too worried about bpa it seems like it would be a fairly durable and flexible water container but i think i'm gonna pass on it for now up next we got some cotton balls you soak those in vaseline you got yourself instant fire in any condition of course you got to get some matches and while you're at it because they're so cheap you may as well grab some of these longer matches those will be easier to light a fire in some instances they're gonna have a longer burn time and if you can you might as well just buy one of these long barbecue lighters i prefer the barbecue lighters over the smaller lighters the flames far away from your hand it allows you to get that flame deep in the heart of your tinder bundle no more textile factories after it hits the fan so you're definitely going to want to work on your seamstress skills you may as well get yourself a magnifying glass just so you have another means of starting fire and for medical applications as well you might as well throw a tarp in there for shelter for good measure i would advise getting some work gloves these are a little expensive as far as the dollar store goes for four bucks but they're one of the more durable ones there they got the fake leather whatever it is normally i would go with the rubber because it's more comfortable and ergonomic but if we're talking long term what's going to last longer those types of leather gloves are going to last longer and they're going to be a bit warmer you might as well pick up this bungee cord carabiner doodad because well it just looks kind of cool wd-40 thousand uses for that duct tape thousand uses for that super glue just in case you need to ramble a wound or fix a variety of other things here we have this uh utility light and i actually have a couple of these and they actually work pretty good so long as you have batteries if you can get rechargeable batteries hopefully you have a solar power system to recharge it but if you're on a dollar store budget then this will suffice for now now if water is going to be in short supply and you're really only prepping for a short term emergency situation then you may want to consider some disposable plates and utensils it's just going to make your life a whole lot easier if you don't have to clean the dishes all the time up next we have some glow sticks for the end of civilization party but in all seriousness these will work great for signaling and even some minor illumination i was very surprised by this this is a cooking fuel methanol gel chafing fuel and for a buck i grabbed a few of these because this is just a great deal in my opinion now as many of you who've endured quarantine know you're going to need some entertainment and the best form of tried and true entertainment is a deck of playing cards and some dice countless uses for safety pins some body cleansing wipes because you may not have the luxury of a shower and i've had to use these to give myself a shower before when i was going through hard times and let me tell you they work some heat packs to keep your hands warm when you're chopping wood outside you're going to want to keep some razors around not only for first aid but if you ever do have to slap the gas mask on you want to make sure you have a tight seal and you want to be able to shave that beard if you're rambo you could just shave with your knife or an axe probably not worth the risk of injury and infection if there's no doctors around up next we have some bandanas if you want to be a post-apocalyptic bandit or if you just want to mask up to limit the spread or even use as a pre-filter to pre-filter water wash your dishes keep yourself clean all that great stuff here we have a sponge because why not now these chamois towels are very lightweight and very absorbent and are going to do the work of a beach towel which is going to be too heavy to lug around now i don't know exactly what these are made of it's probably going to give you some kind of an itch but that's going to be the last of your problems if we're in the end of days here we got a cheap utility knife that will likely break the first day you use it but hopefully you get a few cuts don't buy this piece of crap this is a total waste of your money so here we have some heavy duty clamps you could probably use these for a variety of things even electrical got some split shot for your fishing got some carbs for you 2 000 calories for a buck you can't really go wrong with that we got some granulated white sugar in packets i'm gonna get these because i use them around the office instant coffee will last damn near forever so get some here we have a paddle to go with your kinky handcuffs but in all seriousness if you put this in your bug out bag it can come in really handy especially if you're trying to fillet a fish the knife selection at the dollar store is extremely limited and my guess is that these are going to break under even moderate stress but it doesn't hurt to buy a few variants if it's only going to set you back a few bucks i got these betty crocker scissors which may also have some utility as medical shears because there is a serrated edge they didn't have the round cooking pans here i was hoping i could get a decent pot that i could use on a fire uh this is the closest thing i'm gonna be able to get at least at this dollar store but if you can find a pot to complement your cast iron frying pan don't forget your aluminum foil because we all need our tinfoil hats and faraday cages and coffee filters are an excellent water filter i've even seen people make masks out of them and last get some rubber gloves for your makeshift contractor bag hazmat suit i hope i was able to give you guys some dollar store shopping ideas in this video please let me know your ideas in the comment section below and please if you will like this video comment and subscribe if you're so inclined thanks for watching guys take care and stay safe out there canadian prepare the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at canadianpreparedness.com your one stop shop for premium high quality brand name products that have been tried and tested by myself and other youtube gear reviewers my subscribers save 10 off by using the coupon code survival prepper all one word in all caps
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 356,352
Rating: 4.9363227 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, survival gear, shopping for, shopping supplies, stockpiling, survival supplies, prepping gear
Id: WkTlOiXftd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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